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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. . It seems an odd bunch of plotters, indeed, who would go to the effort of killing the President, but then forego the spinoff benefit of deposing Castro and settle instead for just JFK's death. If you can effectively kill two birds with one stone, why let the second bird escape?[/color] [__________________________ Robert, As usual, I concur 100% with you thinking, logic and conclusions. Dawn
  2. _________________________ You're so damn predictable Tim. I put QUOTES around the names to show that I DO NOT believe that these were real names. It's no "co-incidence" and I am so sick of your...."pretend" posts. SInce you are always telling people what to read to back up your Castro did it nonsence, can I suggest that YOU read something, and do not post on this thread til you do. I am pretty sure it's even online. It's an article by Jim DiEugenio called "The Posthumous Assassination of John F. Kennedy". It is a response to to all the disinformation "trash- the Kennedy- brothers" books that have been written. It's well sourced, very well argued- (you should appreciate this, with your legal training)- and lays to rest many of the very views you push here on this forum. I'd like to hear your views on this article. I will also try to check on if there was ever any action taken re these "names" of would be assassins. Actually that should be simple, a google search should tell us ...I did one on Lynnett Fromme-( shot at Ford)- yesterday and there's a ton of stuff....When one "attempts" to assassinate a president I am assuming it would garner some press, unless of course this was just contrived to scare the wits out of any thoughts President Carter had of looking into the assassination. (WIth made up names to really send the message!!) Which is what I have been posting since this thread started. But, as ususal, you twist things to suit your view and "pretend" that you are not twisting.... Dawn
  3. Linda (or anyone) There was a very interesting article in the paper on 8/5 by Robert Welkos for the LA Times. Former LA Dist. Atty. Miner questins the official version of MM's death. And no where in this article is any Kennedy blamed for either her death or even her alleged "suicide". Apparently Miner was able to read interviews MM did with her Dr. just prior to her demise and she was very upbeat, not at all in a suicidal mode. Also not a word is even mentined of any relationship with any Kennedy in this rather lengthy article. Did you see this story? Comments? Dawn
  4. ___________________________________ I wonder who, if anyone, will speak for Sirhan Sirhan now. I wonder about a lot....why he has died so young...how long he had this cancer, and its genesis. I wonder if he was "Jack Ruby'd". Dawn Statement of Lawrence Teeter, Current Attorney for Sirhan Bishara Sirhan "Sirhan Sirhan was out of position and out of range and therefore could not have shot Kennedy." The following is the statement Sirhan Sirhan's current lawyer, Lawrence Teeter, released on the 30th anniversary of the murder of Robert Kennedy. Teeter is the first lawyer Sirhan has had to have ever proclaimed Sirhan's innocence. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy shortly after midnight on June 5, 1968, changed the course of world history. Senator Kennedy had promised to end the war in Vietnam if elected as President, as seemed likely to happen following his victory in the June 4 California Democratic Presidential primary election. At first glance, the RFK case seems open and shut. After all, Sirhan Sirhan was arrested with a gun in hand at the scene. There the simplicity ends, however. There is an abundance of evidence which refutes the official version of this crime. 1. Sirhan was out of position and out of range and therefore could not have shot Robert Kennedy. The Senator was shot from behind, but all witnesses place Sirhan in front of him in a face-to-face position. All witnesses placed Sirhan's gun at between 1.5 and 5 feet from Senator Kennedy, but the autopsy findings clearly establish that the Senator was shot from a weapon held somewhere between less than 1 inch and no more than three inches away. All witnesses describe Sirhan's gun as having been held horizontally in a normal standing position, but the autopsy report describes all bullet tracks in Senator Kennedy's body as angled sharply upward, as though fired from below. 2. An armed security guard with strong anti-Kennedy views admitted that he was standing directly in contact with the Senator to the rear, that he dropped down when the shooting began and that he then pulled his gun. One witness ignored by police claimed he saw the guard fir. The guard's weapon was never checked. Meanwhile, the one person who photographed the assassination, Jamie Scott Enyart, was tackled and arrested at gun point. His camera was seized by police, and his photographs have never been recovered. Los Angeles Police secretly burned 2, 410 assassination-related photographs in a county hospital incinerator long before Sirhan's trial. A Los Angeles jury later awarded Enyart a substantial verdict for the loss of his photographs. 3. The official autopsy report devastates the prosecution theory that Sirhan shot Robert Kennedy. However, prosecutors illegally withheld this critical document from defense counsel for four months until after the defense had unnecessarily conceded Sirhan's identity as the killer during opening statements to the jury. 4. Bullet holes in a door frame at the crime scene which are documented in FBI photographs show that more bullets were fired than could have come from "Sirhan's" gun. The police never disclosed these bullets, even though their removal by LAPD criminalists was observed by other police personnel. The door frame in question was then destroyed under color of a court order issued immediately after Sirhan's trial without notice to the defense. 5. Police switched bullets in order to fabricate evidence lending apparent support to their theory of the case. As has been noted by Sirhan case researcher Lynn Mangan, Los Angeles police manufactured a comparison photomicrograph using substitute victim bullets and then falsely presented this photograph as evidencing a match between the bullet removed from Senator Kennedy's neck and a test bullet fired from "Sirhan's" gun. The use of substitute bullets in this exhibit (Special Exhibit 10) is clear from the fact that identifying markings on the bases of the involved bullets differ from those recorded by physicians when the bullets were recovered. 6. Police behaved as though two guns were recovered at the crime scene, because they fired two revolvers and obtained test bullets from both weapons. The second gun had been in LAPD custody before the assassination. Despite police denials, official records confirm that this gun was destroyed by the LAPD long before Sirhan's trial. 7. Dr. Herbert Spiegel, a New York psychiatrist who teaches at Columbia University and who is widely regarded as among the country's leading experts on hypnosis, has concluded that Sirhan was probably acting out hypnotic commands when he fired a gun in Senator Kennedy's presence that fateful day. Sirhan himself was so disoriented following his arrest that he did not even know he had yet to be arraigned. During pre-trial psychiatric examinations in his cell, Sirhan proved to be the ideal hypnotic subject, climbing the bars without knowing that he was carrying out post-hypnotic commands. Expert trial testimony established that notebook passages containing repetitions of the phrase "RFK Must Die" were written in a hypnotic trance, and Sirhan spontaneously reproduced this phrase under hypnosis when asked in his cell for a description of the Senator. Sirhan's amnesia about the crime was unshaken by hypnosis and has consistently remained intact. These and other issues of constitutional dimension are currently before the California Supreme Court, which is considering a habeus corpus petition seeking an evidentiary hearing and a new trial for Sirhan. Meanwhile, this historic crime remains unsolved. Its true perpetrators have never been brought to justice. One victim was killed, and five others were wounded. The seventh victim of this dastardly plot, Sirhan Sirhan, has been confined to thirty years for a crime he did not commit. ~ Lawrence Teeter, Attorney for Sirhan Sirhan Return to the Robert Kennedy Assassination Collection (This statement is being reprinted from Lisa Pease's web site) Dawn
  5. ____________________________ Sadly sex sells. And our totally controlled press will use it when they are "told" to bring someone down. When Bush senior was asked by Stone Phillips about his- (Bush') alleged relationship with a female aid Bush was permited to refuse comment and that was the end of that story. Then comes Clinton and the right wing faction of the media was all over him. Backed by rich and powerful Richard Melon Scaife and the Scaife funded " American Spectator", Richard Brock writes of one of the special projects, called "The Arkansas project", "a multimillion dollar dirty tricks operation against the Clintons". The plan being to "drive Clinton from Office". (Blinded By the Right) Stories were NEVER fact checked, according to Brock, as the "facts" were not relevent. "Blinded By the Right" is a great lesson in history by Brock, a writer who allowed himself to be used to by the "vast rtight wing conspiracy" to smear Anita Hill, ("a little bit slutty and a little bit nutty", in "The True Anita Hill", then wrote the first Troppergate story, (which was later shown to be lies, this is detailed in Brock's confessional "Blinded", )- leading to the Paula Jones lawsuit and the rest is history: SEX: which is all Starr could ever get on Clinton. Yes Clinton lied under oath, but it was sex with Monica that brought him down. Did long time dirty trickser Lucianne Goldberg have a hand in putting these two together? (more later on Goldberg). Dawn
  6. _______________________________ Excellent posts. The Dallas to Watergate to today connections are just massive here. I wonder if McCord would be willing to talk today. When Carl (Oglesby) interviewed him for Yankee Cowboy McCord denied all, but time has a way of making one wish to cleans one's soul, prior to departing this life. Has he ever admitted to anyone that he was-imo- at the Watergate in a dual role? Hs anyone, aside from Carl, attempted to discuss this with him? I am NOT surprised that "Wood-stein" did not dig deeper into what Russell et all could tell. Dawn
  7. __________________________________ You could not contrive a better "message". If this is a true stroy then Carter was told several things: JFK was killed by a conspiracy LHO was a patsy there's nothing you can do about it and if you even TALK about doing something you will meet wit the same fate. (like Bobby ) And most importantly: The US WILL stand for it, AGAIN, they always do. Does Emery cite how he obtained this story? Remember too that when Ross Perot dared to talk about the "October Surprise" not only was his life threatened, but his daughter's wedding was either disrupted or threatened to be, can't remember which, but it totally scared him and we have not heard a political word from Perot since. When our wonderful government begins to threaten our kids it has a way of inducing silence. Ted Kennedy, case in point. Dawn
  8. The CIA-controlled press was just merciless toward Hart after the pic of Donna Rice and Hart was published. Years later I read somewhere that Hart believed that it was a frame up. There has never been a doubt in my mind that he could not be "permitted" to become become president because of what he knew about the assassination of JFK. The Hart-Schweiker Senate sub committee, (under the larger Church Commitee), spent two years investigating JFK's assassination. This lead directly to HSCA. A brilliant video, with much commentary from Richard Schweiker, called "The Killing of President Kennedy" was released. Not sure when, I copied mine from a friend's in the mid 80's. Clinton also had asked an aid to look into the assassination. Of course Sid Blumenthal, who co-ed. "Government By Gunplay" with Assassination Information Information Bureau's Harvey Yazijian, became a top aid to Bill and Hillary. During Monica-gate Sid, who was known in the WH as "GK"- (Grassy Knoll)- was called before the Starr-chamber. Perhaps this explains Sid's reluctance to discuss these matters -(JFK assassination)- today. In "Gunplay" Sid has three excellent pieces, the forward" , an article on Cointelpro- (How the FBI tried to destroy the Black Panthers")- and a piece on The Rockerfeller Commission. Sid also did some excellent investigative work on the Itek Corp, in Massachsuetts, detailing its CIA history. (Itek "studied" the Zapruder film) several times, including in 1975 for a Dan Rather/CBS "documentary" (cover-up) of the JFK assassination. Dawn
  9. I think I have found out where Sprague got his information from about Tim Gratz. I was reading a collection of articles about politics in the early 1970s that was published by Ramparts Magazine entitled ‘Big Brother and the Holding Company: The World Behind Watergate’ (1974). If you remember, Sprague says he got the information from William W. Turner, who at the time worked for Ramparts. There are several articles that provide interesting information about Donald Segretti (Donald Simmons). Donald Freed’s article ‘Gemstone’ explores Segretti’s recruitment policies. He explains how Segretti targeted members of the “ultra-conservative Young Americans for Freedom (YAF). He claims that E.Howard Hunt and Charles Colson had been founder members of this organization. I found information from a Washington Post article (June 21, 1972) that the lawyer that Hunt contacted after the Watergate break-in, Douglas Caddy, was the first executive director of the YAF. I suspect that the group that Sprague referred to when writing about Tim Gratz, Dennis Cassini and Donald Segretti was indeed the YAF. Donald Freed refers to the fact that Segretti attempted to recruit another member of the YAF, Ronald Johnson of San Diego State College, to join his dirty tricks campaign. However, Segretti’s ideas were not innocent as those that were apparently expressed to Tim. According to Johnson, Segretti suggested “getting-rid of” left-wing leaders in San Diego. Johnson claimed that Segretti was a “paramilitary operative” with extremist ideas. Johnson turned Segretti down. Freed also refers to the case of Roger Gordon, a member of another covert Republican Party group called the Secret Army Organization (SAO). On 13th July, 1973, Associated Press reported that Gordon had attempted to gain political asylum in Fiji. Gordon claimed he “had secret information concerning Watergate” and feared for his life. His information was that he had seen Tony Ulasewicz giving orders to Arthur Bremer on an Ohio ferry. It was of course Ulasewicz, chief field officer with Operation Sandwedge, who had met with Tim Gratz to talk about Segretti. The SAO was another organization linked to Segretti. In another article that first appeared in Ramparts, Richard Popkin writes about the SAO in San Diego. Richard Nixon planned to hold the Republican Convention in San Diego in 1972. According to Louis Tackwood, a member of SAO, the plan was to “turn San Diego into a bloodbath during the convention”. This included killing a senior Republican official and planting a bomb in the convention hall. The plan was to implicate the Democrats in these acts of violence. This would paint the Democratic Party as an extremist organization. The plan came unstuck when a member of the SAO, William Yakopec, was charged with bombing the Guild Theatre. The chief witness against Yakopec was Barry Godfrey, a fellow member of SAO. It turns out that Godfrey had been a FBI undercover agent since 1967. In 1973, Jerry Busch gave an interview to the editor of the local newspaper about his time in the SAO. According to Busch, the SAO were getting their orders from Donald Segretti (he used the name Donald Simmons). It seems that Segretti’s activities were not as harmless as he made out. According to these witnesses Segretti was organizing paramilitary activities. If Ronald Johnson is to be believed, this included murder and acts of terrorism. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> __________________________________________________ And of course we know that the FBI's Counterintelligence program- (CointelPro) would infiltrate many groups, especially the growing anti-war movement. The plan was to have agents posing as SDS'ers only the agent's plan was not peace, but violence. The CIA, with its Operation CHAOS, had this identical operation in place. Dirty tricks, including murder, was business as usual. Dawn
  10. . We assume it is because of your corrupted media that the American people have elected George Bush as president. Virtually no one in Europe believes he was voted in on merit. ____________________ John: There has been an incredible amount of proof that the election was stolen. Have to go to work, but when I get time I will find some important docs and links and start my own thread, at the proper place: "political conspiracies". Dawn
  11. ____________________________- Tim: I was responding to Pat's post. Go back and read this damn thread before you start with your condescending replies. I know full well who Jennings worked for, and who Dan I'd Rather-not worked for. Since you're clearly "back", I will now utilize Shanet's great idea re your posts. And since you suddenly have the time again to post on every thread, to re-remind us that the Commies killed JFK and that you like Fox news,- (BIG SURPRISE)-- how about answering the question I posed to you: Why were you disbarred? Dawn
  12. _____________________________ The key here Stephen is "apparently" from the left. We know a lot about LHO, and his "leftist " ties are all bogus. He was mil intel and did what ever he was told to do. Members of this forum are well versed in this. Sirhan was a MC. The autopsy clearly showed that no bullet of Sirhan's killed RFK. Bremmer, again , good work has been done on this forum proving Nixon et al tried to link him to Teddy Kennedy, (the tapes, the Colson stuff...interesting man, Mr. Colson). Yes, "who benefited?", Tim can argue "Castro" til the cows come home. He's a minority of 1 here. And Tim, I would include the KGB as a group hardly dedicated to reform. BUT they did not off JFK. And I sincerely believe that you KNOW this. You're too intelligent and too well- studied in this case to truly believe the Government fall- back crap. (Castro/ or mafia). You just post it, on every thread, to confuse this case. This is my opinion and always has been. I beleive that my opinion- "thoughts" are protected speech in this country. I am not accusing you of any CRIME. (So, I trust you will not throw around the words "litigation", and "interrogatories", as you did with Shanet and John). Dawn
  13. . LBJ wanted to use the SR-71 "Blackbird" at mach-3 [blowing out windows from one end of Cuba to the other -- taking low level imagery pics -- still looking for the Soviet nukes that were left behind after the Missile Crisis. It's all there in Gov't docs. Respectfully, GPH _________________________________ It's my understanding that the SR-71 was not even operational until late 68, by that time LBJ was nearly out of office, announcing his decision not to seek re-election just days prior to the muder of MLK., March 68. (MLK asassinated 4/4/68) Further, it is my understanding that the "Blackbird" did not do ANY imagery until 1970- Vietnam, and never flew over Cuba. I doubt by 1968 LBJ was thinking of anything to do with Cuba, concentrating instead on the mess the US was making in Nam. Dawn
  14. Who are those officers? Has anyone talked to them? How do we know it's not Tippit's wallet? Excuse me if I sound ignorant, but I'm 95% convinced Oswald DID kill Tippi ________________________________ Pat: My good friend J Harrison always believed this too. He and Tippit were good friends. J. may have had his bias re Dallas police officers, but when ever I would ask him about one I thought was dirty he'd often confirm by saying "he was the finest officer money could rent", so I never got into it with him re my view on Tippit. But I always personally believed that Tippit was sent there to kill LHO and when he did not succeed in this he was killed. The witness testimony is all over the map, the physical evidence the same. Little (credible) research has been done on the shooting of Tippit that I am aware of (tho I could be terrible wrong here). Dawn
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