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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. Pat (or anyone) Has McCord ever given an interview on Watergate, aside the one he gave to Carl Oglesby? (Referenced in "The Yankee and CVowboy War"). It would be interesting to hear what he would have to say after so many years. Hunt was interviewed last year for, I believe Slate or Salon, can't remember which online mag, and had some very intresting "no comment" lines. John may have even posted it here, if so, perhaps he can re-post it so that we can see it again. I will NEVER believe anything other than McCord was a "double agent"; he can deny all he wants. He got caught at Watergate on purpose, the question is why and for whose benefit? Dawn
  2. I have just received word that researcher John Ritchson died on 8/18, of a "heart attack" at his home. Does anyone here remember what John was working on? I remember talking with him after his "car accident" and the details did NOT sound at all like an "accident". He was quite frightened by this. But not deterred from his work on this case. There is a obit, posted at Wim's site (JFK.solved. com), which leads me to believe that this is not just some ugly rumor, but true. I do not have JOhn's phone number in my phone book, to verify this, but I cannot imagine someone posting an obit that is fraudulent. Sadly, Dawn
  3. [quote=Tim Gratz,Aug 21 2005, 11:47 AM] Thanks, Richard. I wonder if he is going to attend any of the assassination conferences this year? I would be very surprised, I have not seen his name on the list of speakers in several years. I did not go to the one Wecht had in PA, so don't know if he spoke, (but I will find out). I half-way expected TIm to try to contradict me on what happened to Sprague....but now we have it in Tanenbaum's own words too. If we could not get the HSCA to give us the truth, I don't see how we could accomplish a new investigation. It took people, the early researchers, and the few members of Congress who truly wanted TRUTH NO MATTER WHERE IT LEAD to get HSCA. And it was an evolution: (Sen. Schweiker, keep in mind, had with Gary Hart, investigated CIA abuses, under Sen Church's Committee. Church and Schweiker were ONTO it. ) But powers ABOVE the Congress did not want truth, so we got, under Blakey, a rerun of the WC. Oh there was that great headline just about New Years' Day 78 (79 forget which year) that HSCA found "conspiracy", but when that is analyzed it was: LHO, with the MBT and a second LN who "missed" on the GK. The government is NOT EVER going to tell us the truth. This investigation has progressed as far as it has due to the efforts of individual citizens who ARE interested in finding truth and justice. Sadly the critical community has been infiltrated from the beginning with what Jim Garrison once called "CIA whores". Dawn
  4. [quote=John Simkin,Aug 19 2005, 07:48 AM] When it was first published Dick Russell's The Man Who Knew Too Much (Carroll & Graf, 1992) was hailed by Publisher's Weekly as "a masterpiece of historical reconstruction". [The book was reissued in a revised, updated edition in 2003, coinciding with the 40th anniversary of the assassination. I am pleased to announce that Dick has agreed to answer questions about his research into the assassination of JFK. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> John, that is great news. He and Carl Oglesby are pals, and I am pleased to say Carl is also seriously considering getting online (finally) so that he can participate here. Dawn He is presently trying to find an agent, or someone to help him get Yankee Cowboy reissued (he will do an updated version). Anyone here have any suggestions. Thanx.
  5. Anders, I totally agree with you. What is Sweden like today? In the US we hear all sorts of horror stories, of course, the US media is going to say very little good about a Socialist country. For example how is the medical system, the quality of care and the timeliness of needed surgery? How is the school system? In general what is the quality of life? Level of crime, etc. Thanks, Dawn
  6. _____________________________ Not sure why there are names after portions of the above post, but for clarification, I was responding to John's post, the name "Larry Hancock" should not be in this post...sorry Larry, not sure why this occurred, my computer must be in need of exorcism ) Does anyone have the Redmond film? Who is the witness to whom you refer Larry? If Caddy leaked Billie sol's information, this makes him all the more suspicious. He (Caddy) was to do the press conference in May 1998 announcing the fingerprint match for Bar MClellan. Walt Brown did it in Dallas, and Caddy was to do one in DC, but was a no show. Barr does not seem to know why. (According to a recent email exchange with him). Dawn
  7. =Tim Gratz,Aug 19 2005, 07:24 AM] Does anyone think Robert Tannenbaum would be a good investigator? He would be excellent. Had the press not gotten rid of Sprague he'd have been able to do his job. (With its hatchet jobs, leading to the fued with Gonzalez). You've read Fonzi, so you know this story, Tim. I see Tannenbaum on tv as a commentator, on Court tv once in awhile, he's still sharp as a tack. We need either DA William Hill (of Dallas) or a Special Prosecutor. W is never going to appoint a special prosecutor BUT the present one, Pat Fitzgerald has an excellent record of digging for the truth. Perhaps we should all write to him. Of course this greatly expands upon what he has been appointed to investigaate (the Plame scandal) BUT he's already moved past that to other issues, from what I have read, and he's keeping his investigation very CLOSED to the press. Something HSCA was not able to do. This said, however, after WC and HSCA, and ARRB I do not trust our government to give us the truth. Frank Church et al tried, as did Sprague's team, but soon's Blakey was installed the fix was in, IMHO. Dawn
  8. [quote=Mark Knight,Aug 18 2005, 06:16 PM] In the teachings of Jesus Christ, he said that it was not enough to send away the stranger from your door, to tell him to go get something to eat if he is hungry, to tell him to get some clothes on if he is naked, to tell him to go get a job if he is unemployed...without offering help from within your house. Yet that's what the so-called "religious right" in the US does every day. Unfortunately, the "religious left" [to coin a similar term] in the US apparently believes that the solution is to tax the people, and to use the proceeds to allow the government to help those who need food, clothing, jobs, or homes. To my way of thinking, the left is just as wrong as the right. Both seem to deny any personal responsibility for their fellowman. The right's position is to let him fend for himself, or "pull himself up by the bootstraps," according to a popular phrase awhile back. The left's position is that government's involvement absolves them of any personal involvement in seeking the betterment of society. Did not Jesus Christ himself walk among the lepers and those of both breoken body and spirit? Did he not lay hands upon them to perform feats of healing? Did he not cause miracles to occur, in which multitudes were fed with a few meager loaves and fishes? And yet both the "religious right" and their counterparts on the left want to keep these people who are in need at arm's length--or further--while still claiming to be walking in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. Only God can judge, so I shall not; in fact, I've found myself among the aforementioned groups, staying safe and snug in my home while others in the world suffer. It's not just the will to change, but the actual act of doing something, that matters. While good works alone won't earn a reward, a faith without good works is dead. "By their fruits ye shall know them," I believe is the line. Recall that Jesus put a curse upon a fig tree that failed to bear fruit, and the tree withered and died. How similar it will be for people who have been planted on this earth and fail to bear fruit for their fellowman! And what of those whose plans are to store up riches for themselves here on earth? Did Jesus not advise the rich man to sell what he had, and give the proceeds to the poor? Imagine someone of Bill Gates' financial stature doing just that...not merely "philanthropy," which consists of giving from his excess wealth...but donating ALL his stock in Microsoft, and its income, to the poor. Would that not have some impact? Infortunately, it is inertia which drives most of us to continue upon the path we chose long ago. To counteract inertia, it takes an outside force. To use the words of one who trod here 2,000 years ago, "He who has ears, let him hear." Peace. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Mark and John: GREAT POSTS GUYS!!!!! Dawn
  9. I thought itmight be interesting to start a thread on Douglas Caddy. He is one of those figures who is linked to both the JFK assassination and Watergate. (John Simkin) Caddy is someone I have wondered about for years now. For several reasons. I saw the Estes documents for the first time in 1998, and shortly thereafter learned that Doug Caddy had been one of the Watergate attorneys...hmm... (Dawn Meredith) In 1969 Caddy was transferred to corporate headquarters in Washington. According to Caddy: "The corporate plan was to open an office for Washington representation a year later. Meanwhile, I was ordered as an employee to work out of the public affairs firm of Robert Mullen and Co., which General Foods had retained for decades." Caddy met E. Howard Hunt after he joined the staff of Robert Mullen, being recommended by Richard Helms, then director of the CIA. (John Simkin) What does this tell us about the links between Watergate, Dallas (and the possible id of Deep Throat) (Dawn Meredith) Caddy, who was an active member of the Republican Party, doing volunteer legal work for Richard Nixon. (John Simkin) So why would Billie Sol ask Caddy to be his attorney??? (Dawn Meredith) Caddy's past is clearly locked into Nixon's dirty tricks campaigns. He claims he met Hunt for the first time while he was working at Robert Mullen. However, Hunt had himself been heavily involved in YAF with Charles Colson. We also know that YAF were involved in a bombing campaign against the anti-war movement in the late 1960s. Caddy also became involved with Dean and Liddy in 1972. However, he claims that this had nothing to do with any "dirty tricks" campaigns. (John Simkin) I cannot answer the question of why Billie Sol choose Caddy, but something really caught my eye in the Estes letters. Most of us here know that the dirty tricksters seem to enjoy doing things on significant dates. In the book "The Men On the Sixth Floor" (Glen Sample and Mark Collom) Sample writes; "Here for the first time is the COMPLETE Text of the Justice Dept letter from Stephen S Trott to Mr. Caddy, fallowed by the reply letter from Mr Caddy to Mr Trott". The Trott letter is dated 5/29/84- this is JFK's birthday.... But Caddy responds not until 8/9/84--the 10 year anniversary of the resignation of his good President-Tricky Dick. (Larry Hancock) When Frank Sturgis, Virgilio Gonzalez, Eugenio Martinez, Bernard L. Barker and James W. McCord were arrested at Watergate, the first person that Hunt and Liddy called for help was Caddy. The other Watergate burglars claimed that they had never heard of Caddy when he arrived to represent them. According to William Turner (Deadly Secrets), Caddy told Sturgis that "Olympus is watching over you." Sturgis assumed that it was "a shibboleth that the fail-safe mechanism was in operation". Later that day Caddy arranged to represent Sturgis, Gonzalez, Martinez, Barker, McCord, Hunt and Liddy Normally this would constitute a serious conflict of interest, to represent multiple co-defendants. Caddy knew this..... Not to mention the issue of just HOW he ever came to represent Billie Sol. (Dawn Meredith) On 10th July, 1972, Earl J. Silbert filed a "motion to Compel Testimony of Grand Jury Witness Michael Douglas Caddy". At issue were 38 key questions that Caddy refused to answer. According to Caddy, these "38 questions was to attempt through my lips as their defense attorney to implicate and incriminate Hunt and Liddy in the break-in." On 13th July, Caddy once again refused to answer these questions and therefore John J. Sirica sent him to prison. (John Simkin) Of course, being atty for all of them allowed him to assert the attorney/client privilege. BUt what was he really up to?? (Larry Hancock) It is also noticable that both Dean and Liddy in their memoirs make no reference to the fact that they did business with Caddy before the Watergate break-in. (John Simkin) Notable due to its absence...both men are alive, wonder what they would say about all of this if someone were to write the REAL story of Watergate... (Larry Hancock) Strangely he was never asked to testify before Sam Ervin and the Senate Watergate Committee One has to wonder why. ... (John Simkin) In 1984 Caddy became a lawyer for Billie Sol Estes. On 9th August, 1984, Caddy wrote to Stephen S. Trott at the U.S. Department of Justice. In the letter Caddy claimed that Estes, Lyndon B. Johnson, Mac Wallace and Cliff Carter had been involved in the murders of Henry Marshall, George Krutilek, Harold Orr, Ike Rogers, Coleman Wade, Josefa Johnson, John Kinser and John F. Kennedy. Caddy added: "Mr. Estes is willing to testify that LBJ ordered these killings, and that he transmitted his orders through Cliff Carter to Mac Wallace, who executed the murders." I wonder why Billie Sol Estes selected Douglas Caddy as his attorney? (John Simkin) Perhaps William Redmond (sp) can answer this question for us. (Dawn Meredith) Caddy wrote an article about Watergate in a recent edition of The Advocate (Ist August, 2005). Caddy obviously feels he was badly treated during the Watergate Scandal. He also believes that the Senate investigation attempted to cover up the links between Watergate and the White House. He is no doubt right about this. But I would go further than that. All those involved in investigating Watergate (including the Washington Post) successfully attempted to cover-up all those dirty tricks operations outside the Watergate incident. That probably involves Caddy and other leaders of the YAF. (John Simkin) This just raises a whole lot more questions than it can begin to answer. But they are being asked here. The site where connections from Dallas to Watergate and beyond is under attack, but, ...unstoppable. (Dawn Meredith)
  10. [quote=Adam Wilkinson,Aug 17 2005, 10:39 AM] John, I have a message appearing saying that I am not authorised to view this page and by back and forward buttons do not work with this site anymore, but are fine with others, all started happening about 1 week ago. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> _____________________ I am having the same problem. As well as the problem I noted on the ed thread devoted to "problems on the forum". (In trying to do a rather lengthy post this morning.) So the solution to utilize the "back " and fwd" buttons, and hitting them 5 times won't make the "not authorized to view this page" message go away. Sure hope this gets resolved. Dawn
  11. Ignore the message and click five times rapidly on the back and forward buttons. You can also navigate by using the headings at the top. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> _________________________ I experienced a new problem this morning. I responded to the " forensic" thread, my post was quite long, as it was dealing with a lot of information, and I checked sources before I typed anything , also to give the source, so it took over an hour. I then did the "preview post", which was no problem, then I pressed "add reply" and rec'd a response that "this page is expired". In the past if this has happened I have been able to just go to "back" and get back to the black type and hit "add reply" again, until it posts, or just walk away for a bit, then try again and it posts. If I get that "this page" message, the post has still gone thru. Not so today. This time it was just GONE. I left the computer alone for several hours and did my work on my husband's computer, til he got home, to see if he could retreive the post, but it was simply GONE Not posted and not retrievable. So something weird is going on with this site....seems too only some of us are having problems with the site???? Dawn
  12. And your cause of action would be????? Surely you jest!! A RICO suit??? So we're here engaging in some sort of organized crime are we? "Triple damages?"???? For what? Don't you remember that you must first prove you have been damaged in some way, which you could not, and that your "injury" was caused by John (or his agent)...I'd like to hear your theory of how you'd establish that one, Not to mention proximate cause. Or are we talking libel here? Hard to say, you're kinda maxing and matching legal terms. But you certainly have NO FACTUAL BASIS for any sort of a lawsuit. Dawn
  13. ______________________________ To whom did she sell her Rambler staton wagon, and if it was the car seen by Dep. Sheriff Roger Craig, immediately after the assassination. (I also asked you, TIm, when you read the RIchard Bartholomew manuscript on this issue, since you had referred to it in a post.) Too many other questions to list at the moment. The Paines could add a LOT, in my opinion. Dawn
  14. . Dawn is correct that there are people who call themselves Christians who are not. I think she should be a bit careful about judging other Christians with whose politics she disagrees, however. (I am convinced some of the televangelists are false prophets.)I I am simply stating my opinion, not "judging", I leave that to God. I agree about many of the tv guys, no names, but the rich one in white who "pushes" people over is a "fine example" of this. [COLOR=red I ]believe that the preaching of the Gospel and the salvation message is the most important thing a Christian can do. However, I do not believe in a dichotomy between evangelization and what used to be called "the social Gospel". people can be less than pleasant).[/color] So do you believe that Gospel SANS works, is ok? Your post is a bit confusing? . And the church never pressures the homeless it is helping to attend church services. This pastor is the best example of Christianity in action that I have met. Sounds like you are in a great church!! Dawn
  15. I have been a great admirer of the work of John Loftus for well over 20 years. thought I'd post this. I do not agree with his "evaluation" of W, sadly, believe W has continued and expanded upon "his Dad's cronies' " idealogy and "work". (IMHO) Dawn Former Federal Prosecutor John Loftus confirms the Bush-Nazi scandal Copyright October 31. 2003 Some of our most famous American families, including the Bushes, made their fortunes from the Holocaust. Before I tell this awful story, I have to admit that I am a Democrat, but I quite like this President. He is not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he has a good heart, and the good sense not to follow in his father's footsteps. "W" has some good people around him who keep a firewall in the White House against his father's oil cronies. In terms of Republican politics, "W" is a rebel. Morally, George W. Bush is the polar opposite of his grandfather and great grandfather (the "W" stands for Walker) who caused such havoc in the world with their Nazi investments. One cannot blame "W" for what his grandfather did, anymore than one can blame Jack Kennedy because his father bought Nazi stocks. What most people do not know is that Joseph Kennedy bought his Nazi stocks from Prescott Bush. Every great family has its scandal. The Bush family's scandal is that they funded Hitler and profited from the Holocaust. It is quite possible that "W" (and his boyhood friend William Stamps Farrish, now US Ambassador to Britain) have tilted towards Israel perhaps because they wished to atone for the sins of their fathers. (Farrish's father committed suicide over his father's connections to the Bush-Nazi scandal.) Whatever the reason for the rebellion of the grandchildren, this Bush is quite a different man than his forbears. I like him and wish him well. But liking this Bush does not excuse my duty as a historian to tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may. There was a great deal of skepticism ten years ago when I first wrote about the Bush-Nazi scandal in my book, "The Secret War Against the Jews." Its historical validity has now been confirmed by the ground breaking work of reporter John Buchanan. In October 2003, Buchanan unearthed the recently released Bush-Thyssen files in the US National Archives. These long buried US government files demonstrate that the Bush family stayed on the corporate boards of Nazi front groups even after they knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that they were helping the financial cause of the Third Reich. It was all about the money. Nazi Germany is where the Bush family fortune came from, and where the Harrimans, and the Rockefellers increased their fortunes to obscene proportions. Of course some of them were quite rich to begin with. The Harriman railroad monopoly helped create the Rockefeller oil monopoly in the 1800's. Their despicable price fixing schemes earned them the press label "the Robber Barons." My favorite Republican Teddy Roosevelt ruined their rapacious profits with his anti-monopoly and anti-trust legislation. The Robber Barons bribed Congress (it happens) into passing a loophole, the Web-Pomerene Act of 1918 which legalized cartels and monopolies outside the borders of the United States. This loophole law let the Robber Barons loose to prey on a helpless world already ravaged by the human and and financial cost of WWI. Averil Harriman (patriarch of the famous Democratic family) promptly broke another American law by secretly financing the Bolsheviks while American, British and White Russian troops were still fighting against the infant communist revolution. (The FBI "ARCOS" files on Harriman's connections with the Soviets are quite a read). Harriman bribed Lenin into letting him take over the Czar's cartels, which exported managanese, iron ore and other raw materials. Harriman shipped the Russian raw materials to his German partners, the Thyssens, who had been secretly bought out by the Rockefellers. The Rockefeller's lawyers, the Dulles Brothers, had deliberately and systematically bankrupted the German economy with the Versaille Treaty. German currency was almost worthless after WWI, and so the Dulles brother's favorite clients, the Rockefellers, were able to buy the stock of nearly every German company for a song. The great sucking sound that preceeded the Great Depression was the whistling of Wall Street money out of America into Germany, Russia (and as a side deal, Saudi Arabia). Two generations later, we are still paying for it. The Robber Barons did not call it an international crime. They called it synergy. Harriman's Soviet cartels would deliver the raw materials, Rockfeller's high-tech German companies (the Thyssens) would process the manganese into steel for Harriman's railroads. To save transportation costs, the Robber Barons looked for a middle ground in eastern Poland for a future factory site. It had to be in the coal fields of Silesia, on the banks of the Vistula river, where a canal could be dug to ship materials in cheaply from Russia. The Polish town was named Oswieczim, later known to the world by its German name: Auschwitz. It was not a killing factory then, although slave labor was always contemplated for the maximum profit factor. Auschwitz was designed to process Silesian coal into tar additives necessary for Russian aviation fuel. It was a high tech German chemical factory built to balance out Harriman's Russian-to-Germany export trade. The Rockefeller-Harriman front company that financed Auschwitz was called Brown Brothers Harriman. It is still around today. Our President's great granfather, Herbert Walker, founded the company, and appointed his impecunious son-in-law Prescott Bush to the boards of several holding companies, all of which became Nazi fronts. The Walkers and Bushes never really liked the Nazis, anymore than Harriman liked the communists. To the robber barons, they were just dogs on a leash. One day the dogs broke their chains, and Hitler and Stalin got loose. Fifty million people died as a result of a bad investment. The Robber Barons saw it coming. Their lawyers, the Dulles brothers, had a contingency plan. They had established three banks, one in Germany, one in Holland, and one in New York (the Union Banking Corporation, headed by the ever-useful son-in-law Prescott Bush). No matter who won World war II, the corporate stocks would be shifted around to whichever bank was in a neutral country when the war was over. After WW II, the Dulles brothers' shell game deceived a gullible and war-weary world. The "neutral" Dutch bank reclaimed their German assetts as "stolen" by the Nazis, and the whole merry fraud continued. Prescott Bush got his Union Bank back from the US Government in 1951, despite its seizure in 1942 as a Nazi front. Prescott Bush and father-in-law Walker were paid two shares worth about $1.5 million in 1951 dollars. It was a petty payoff for a job well done. Nearly 4,000 shares (98% of the Union Bank holdings) were held by Roland Harriman in trust for the Rockefellers. That's about three billion in 1951 dollars, more than 30 billion dollars in todays money. Most of it was reinvested in post-war Germany where they made even more obscene profits. After all, Germany was just as cash starved after World War II as they were after World War I. It was just another cycle in the Robber Baron's spreadsheet. Everyone made money off the Holocaust, except of course the Jews and the Allied soldiers. A few decades later things had quited down and all the Nazi money finally came home to Wall Street. By 1972, one of Rockfeller's assetts, the Chase Manhattan bank in New York, secretly owned 38% of the Thyssen company, according to internal Thyssen records in my custody. Not a bad payoff for the Robber Barons. The Auschwitz investment paid off handsomely. The Thyssen-Krupp corporation is now the wealthiest conglomerate in Europe. WWII is over. The Germans won. Also in the 1970's, Brown Brothers Harriman, perhaps coincidentally, convinced the ever pliant New York State Banking Commision to issue a regulation permitting them to shred all their records for the Nazi period. The Robber Barons, unlike the Swiss bankers, knew how to cover their tracks. There were, of course, exceptions. Von Kouewenhoven, director of the Dutch Bank, discovered the secret Thyssen-Nazi connection after the war, and foolishly went to New York to warn his old friend Prescott Bush. His body was found two weeks later. It was reported with a straight face that he died of a heart attack. A dear friend of mine, former American secret agent William E. Gowen, played a principal role in unravelling the entire Bush-Nazi scandal. Gowen confirmed that years after Von Kouenhowen's death, another Dutch investigator, a journalist named Eddie Roever, also suffered a convenient heart attack just as he was about to confront Baron Heinrich von Thyssen-BjornaMissa at his palatial London home, across from Margaret Thatchers. Margaret Thatcher may not have known (or maybe she did) that her neighbor Baron Heinrich's brother was the infamous Nazi, Fritz Thyssen, who served Brown Brothers Harriman at the heart of the Nazi war machine. The Dulles Brothers hired ghostwriters for Fritz's mea culpa book "I Financed Hitler." To this day, gullible American media believe that Fritz Thyssen turned against Hitler in disgust at the last moment before WWII. Now that is spin! The truth is that Prescott's Unon Bank loaned the money to the Dutch Bank that loaned Hitler the money to build his first Nazi headquarters, the Braun Haus in Munich. The Thyssen's factories built the Bismark, the rail lines to Auschwitz and Treblinka, and sent the rest of their steel to their cartel partners, Flick and Krupp. Together, these war criminals made the bullets and the bombs that killed our parents' generation. They got away with it. It is not suprising that their grandchildren are ashamed of how their families made their money. The only suprise is that the American media is still afraid to go to the US national archives and look at the files that John Buchanan found. But then, I am not surprised at all. Here is what I wrote nearly ten years ago in "The Secret War Against the Jews": THE BUSH-DULLES-NAZI CONNECTION "George Bush's problems were inherited from his namesake and maternal grandfather, George Herbert 'Bert' Walker, a native of St. Louis, who founded the banking and investment firm of G. H. Walker and Company in 1900. Later the company shifted from St. Louis to the prestigious address of 1 Wall Street. . . . "Walker was one of Hitler's most powerful financial supporters in the United States. The relationship went all the way back to 1924, when Fritz Thyssen, the German industrialist, was financing Hitler's infant Nazi party. As mentioned in earlier chapters, there were American contributors as well. "Some Americans were just bigots and made their connections to Germany through Allen Dulles's firm of Sullivan and Cromwell because they supported Fascism. The Dulles brothers, who were in it for profit more than ideology, arranged American investments in Nazi Germany in the 1930s to ensure that their clients did well out of the German economic recovery. . . . "Sullivan & Cromwell was not the only firm engaged in funding Germany. According to 'The Splendid Blond Beast,' Christopher Simpson's seminal history of the politics of genocide and profit, Brown Brothers, Harriman was another bank that specialized in investments in Germany. The key figure was Averill Harriman, a dominating figure in the American establishment. . . . "The firm originally was known as W. A. Harriman & Company. The link between Harriman & Company's American investors and Thyssen started in the 1920s, through the Union Banking Corporation, which began trading in 1924. In just one three-year period, the Harriman firm sold more than $50 million of German bonds to American investors. 'Bert' Walker was Union Banking's president, and the firm was located in the offices of Averill Harriman's company at 39 Broadway in New York. "In 1926 Bert Walker did a favor for his new son-in-law, Prescott Bush. It was the sort of favor families do to help their children make a start in life, but Prescott came to regret it bitterly. Walker made Prescott vice president of W. A. Harriman. The problem was that Walker's specialty was companies that traded with Germany. As Thyssen and the other German industrialists consolidated Hitler's political power in the 1930s, an American financial connection was needed. According to our sources, Union Banking became an out-and-out Nazi money-laundering machine. . . . "In [1931], Harriman & Company merged with a British-American investment company to become Brown Brothers, Harriman. Prescott Bush became one of the senior partners of the new company, which relocated to 59 Broadway, while Union Banking remained at 39 Broadway. But in 1934 Walker arranged to put his son-in-law on the board of directors of Union Banking. "Walker also set up a deal to take over the North American operations of the Hamburg-Amerika Line, a cover for I.G. Farben's Nazi espionage unit in the United States. The shipping line smuggled in German agents, propaganda, and money for bribing American politicians to see things Hitler's way. The holding company was Walker's American Shipping & Commerce, which shared the offices at 39 Broadway with Union Banking. In an elaborate corporate paper trail, Harriman's stock in American Shipping & Commerce was controlled by yet another holding company, the Harriman Fifteen Corporation, run out of Walker's office. The directors of this company were Averill Harriman, Bert Walker, and Prescott Bush. . . . ". . . In a November 1935 article in Common Sense, retired marine general Smedley D. Butler blamed Brown Brothers, Harriman for having the U.S. marines act like 'racketeers' and 'gangsters' in order to exploit financially the peasants of Nicaragua. . . . ". . . A 1934 congressional investigation alleged that Walker's 'Hamburg-Amerika Line subsidized a wide range of pro-Nazi propaganda efforts both in Germany and the United States.' Walker did not know it, but one of his American employees, Dan Harkins, had blown the whistle on the spy apparatus to Congress. Harkins, one of our best sources, became Roosevelt's first double agent . . . [and] kept up the pretense of being an ardent Nazi sympathizer, while reporting to Naval Intelligence on the shipping company's deals with Nazi intelligence. "Instead of divesting the Nazi money," continue the authors, "Bush hired a lawyer to hide the assets. The lawyer he hired had considerable expertise in such underhanded schemes. It was Allen Dulles. According to Dulles's client list at Sullivan & Cromwell, his first relationship with Brown Brothers, Harriman was on June 18, 1936. In January 1937 Dulles listed his work for the firm as 'Disposal of Stan [standard Oil] Investing stock.' "As discussed in Chapter 3, Standard Oil of New Jersey had completed a major stock transaction with Dulles's Nazi client, I.G. Farben. By the end of January 1937 Dulles had merged all his cloaking activities into one client account: 'Brown Brothers Harriman-Schroeder Rock.' Schroeder, of course, was the Nazi bank on whose board Dulles sat. The 'Rock' were the Rockefellers of Standard Oil, who were already coming under scrutiny for their Nazi deals. By May 1939 Dulles handled another problem for Brown Brothers, Harriman, their 'Securities Custodian Accounts.' "If Dulles was trying to conceal how many Nazi holding companies Brown Brothers, Harriman was connected with, he did not do a very good job. Shortly after Pearl Harbor, word leaked from Washington that affiliates of Prescott Bush's company were under investigation for aiding the Nazis in time of war. . . . ". . . The government investigation against Prescott Bush continued. Just before the storm broke, his son, George, abandoned his plans to enter Yale and enlisted in the U.S. Navy. It was, say our sources among the former intelligence officers, a valiant attempt by an eighteen-year-old boy to save the family's honor. "Young George was in flight school in October 1942, when the U.S. government charged his father with running Nazi front groups in the United States. Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, all the shares of the Union Banking Corporation were seized, including those held by Prescott Bush as being in effect held for enemy nationals. Union Banking, of course, was an affiliate of Brown Brothers, Harriman, and Bush handled the Harrimans' investments as well. "Once the government had its hands on Bush's books, the whole story of the intricate web of Nazi front corporations began to unravel. A few days later two of Union Banking's subsidiaries -- the Holland American Trading Corporation and the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation -- also were seized. Then the government went after the Harriman Fifteen Holding Company, which Bush shared with his father-in-law, Bert Walker, the Hamburg-Amerika Line, and the Silesian-American Corporation. The U.S. government found that huge sections of Prescott Bush's empire had been operated on behalf of Nazi Germany and had greatly assisted the German war effort." (1) EDWIN PAULEY "Try as he did," continue the authors, "George Bush could not get away from Dulles's crooked corporate network, which his grandfather and father had joined in the 1920s. Wherever he turned, George found that the influence of the Dulles brothers was already there. Even when he fled to Texas to become a successful businessman on his own, he ran into the pirates of Wall Street. "One of Allen Dulles's secret spies inside the Democratic party later became George Bush's partner in the Mexican oil business. Edwin Pauley, a California oil man, was . . . one of Dulles's covert agents in the Roosevelt and Truman administrations . . . a 'big business' Democrat. . . ." Among the key posts held by Pauley were: treasurer of the Democratic National Committee, director of the Democratic convention in 1944 and, after Truman's election, Truman appointed him the "Petroleum Coordinator of Lend-Lease Supplies for the Soviet Union and Britain." Just after the end of World War II, "in April 1945 Truman appointed Pauley as the U.S. representative to the Allied Reparations Committee, with the rank of ambassador," as well as "industrial and commercial advisor to the Potsdam Conference, 'where his chief task was to renegotiate the reparations agreements formulated at Yalta.' As one historian noted, the 'oil industry has always watched reparations activities carefully.' There was a lot of money involved, and much of it belonged to the Dulles brothers' clients." At the same time, report Loftus and Aarons, "the Dulles brothers were still shifting Nazi assets out of Europe for their clients as well as for their own profit. They didn't want the Soviets to get their hands on these assets or even know that they existed. Pauley played a significant role in solving this problem for the Dulles brothers. The major part of Nazi Germany's industrial assets was located in the zones occupied by the West's forces. As Washington's man on the ground, Pauley managed to deceive the Soviets for long enough to allow Allen Dulles to spirit much of the remaining Nazi assets out to safety. . . . "Pauley, a key player in the plan to hide the Dulles brothers' Nazi assets, then moved into another post where he could help them further. After successfully keeping German assets in Fascist hands, Pauley was given the job of 'surveying Japan's assets and determining the amount of its war debt.' Again, it was another job that was crucial to the Dulles clique's secret financial and intelligence operations." (2) After Pauley retired from government work he went back to being an independent oil man. Loftus and Aarons state that: "In 1958 he founded Pauley Petroleum which: . . . teamed up with Howard Hughes to expand oil production in the Gulf of Mexico. "Pauley Petroleum discovered a highly productive offshore petroleum reserve and in 1959 became involved in a dispute with the Mexican Government, which considered the royalties from the wells to be too low. "According to our sources in the intelligence community, the oil dispute was really a shakedown of the CIA by Mexican politicians. Hughes and Pauley were working for the CIA from time to time, while advancing their own financial interests in the lucrative Mexican oil fields. Pauley, say several of our sources, was the man who invented an intelligence money-laundering system in Mexico, which was later refined in the 1970s as part of Nixon's Watergate scandal. At one point CIA agents used Pemex, the Mexican government's oil monopoly, as a business cover at the same time Pemex was being used as a money laundry for Pauley's campaign contributions. As we shall see, the Mexican-CIA connection played an important part in the development of George Bush's political and intelligence career. . . . "Pauley, say the 'old spies,' was the man who brought all the threads of the Mexican connection together. He was Bush's business associate, a front man for Dulles's CIA [Allen Dulles was CIA director then], and originator of the use of Mexican oil fronts to create a slush fund for Richard Nixon's various campaigns. . . . "Although it is not widely known, Pauley, in fact, had been a committed, if 'secret,' Nixon supporter since 1960. It should be recalled that Nixon tried to conceal his Mexican slush fund during the Watergate affair by pressuring the CIA into a 'national security' cover-up. The CIA, to its credit, declined to participate. Unfortunately, others were so enmeshed in Pauley's work for Nixon that they could never extricate themselves. According to a number of our intelligence sources, the deals Bush cut with Pauley in Mexico catapulted him into political life. In 1960 Bush became a protege of Richard Nixon, who was then running for president of the United States. . . . "The most intriguing of Bush's early connections was to Richard Nixon, who as vice president had supervised Allen Dulles's covert planning for the Bay of Pigs [invasion]. For years it has been rumored that Dulles's client, George Bush's father, was one of the Republican leaders who recruited Nixon to run for Congress and later convinced Eisenhower to take him on as vice president. There is no doubt that the two families were close. George Bush described Nixon as his 'mentor.' Nixon was a Bush supporter in his very first tilt at politics, during his unsuccessful run for the Senate in 1964, and turned out again when he entered the House two years later. "After Nixon's landslide victory in 1972, he ordered a general house cleaning on the basis of loyalty. 'Eliminate everyone,' he told John Ehrlichman about reappointments, 'except George Bush. Bush will do anything for our cause.' . . . According to Bush's account, the president told him that 'the place I really need you is over at the National Committee running things.' So, in 1972, Nixon appointed George Bush as head of the Republican National Committee. "It was Bush who fulfilled Nixon's promise to make the 'ethnic' emigres a permanent part of Republican politics. In 1972 Nixon's State Department spokesman confirmed to his Australian counterpart that the ethnic groups were very useful to get out the vote in several key states. Bush's tenure as head of the Republican National Committee exactly coincided with Laszlo Pasztor's 1972 drive to transform the Heritage Groups Council into the party's official ethnic arm. The groups Pasztor chose as Bush's campaign allies were the emigre Fascists whom Dulles had brought to the United States. . . . ". . . Nearly twenty years later, and after expose's in several respectable newspapers, Bush continued to recruit most of the same ethnic Fascists, including Pasztor, for his own 1988 ethnic outreach program when he first ran for president. "According to our sources in the intelligence community," state the authors, "it was Bush who told Nixon that the Watergate investigations might start uncovering the Fascist skeletons in the Republican party's closet. Bush himself acknowledges that he wrote Nixon a letter asking him to step down. The day after Bush did so, Nixon resigned. "Bush had hoped to become Gerald Ford's vice president upon Nixon's resignation, but he was appointed U.S. ambassador to the UN. Nelson Rockefeller became vice president and chief damage controller. He formed a special commission in an attempt to preempt the Senate's investigation of the intelligence community. The Rockefeller Commission into CIA abuses was filled with old OPC [Dulles's Office of Policy Coordination] hands like Ronald Reagan, who had been the front man back in the 1950s for the money-laundering organization, the Crusade for Freedom, which was part of Dulles's Fascist 'freedom fighters' program." (3) In 1988, Project Censored, a news media censorship research organization, awarded the honor of "Top Censored story" to the subject of George Bush. The article revealed "how the major mass media ignored, overlooked or undercovered at least ten critical stories reported in America's alternative press that raised serious questions about the Republican candidate, George Bush, dating from his reported role as a CIA 'asset' in 1963 to his Presidential campaign's connection with a network of anti-Semites with Nazi and fascist affiliations in 1988." (4) NOTES: GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH 1.The Secret War Against the Jews, pp. 357-361 2.Ibid., pp. 362-364 3.Ibid., pp. 365-371 4.The 1993 Project Censored Yearbook: The News That Didn't Make The News - And Why, Project Censored; Dr. Carl Jensen, Director., pp. 230. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- © Copyright 2003 John Loftus. All rights reserved. Designed and Maintained by: ComputerUSA Web Services, Inc.
  16. _______________________________ Asserting WHAT theory?? DM Dawn (still experimenting with the color thing, so bear with me...)
  17. There are several ways of trying to close down a Forum. One way is by mounting a "Denial of Service" attack. See the following for details: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=1126 Another is by trying to cut off your revenue stream. This has happened to me before..... It was clear that there had been a sophisticated plot to cut off my revenue stream. The same thing has now happened with Google AdSense and the International Education Forum. It is possible this is linked to another matter. See this thread: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=4488 If the person responsible for this action is reading this thread I would like to send him a message. Andy and myself are not motivated my money and will fund the Forum out of our own pockets if necessary. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ____________________________ I find the timeing of this interesting. Let's see if it subsides....or changes... Dawn
  18. George, I have noticed occasions of degradation. I am under periodic attack from probes (see earlier 'Cybergoons' Topic where John outlined some problems the site has experienced). A rather amateurish bunch of hackers from within the Republican Party are being a bit naughty. __________________________________----- What makes you think they are "amateurish"??? Dawn
  19. ____________________________________ I am having the exact same problem, the last few days actually, but this aftrnoon is the worst. Dawn
  20. ________________________________ Ha HA HA, precisely the point I was just trying to make. What a sense of humor you have Mr Gratz!! And when did the assassination of JFK become such an area of HUMOR for you?? Dawn
  21. __________________________________ I asked for your OPINIONS on this article. But you don't answer questions, you just twist serious threads and turn them into nonsense, like saying someone named Russel- or two l's -did "Give Peace a Chance." It's what you do Tim. And there is NO "humor" in what you "do" here. My only question is: are you paid for this? But I do NOT expect an answer, any more than you will ever answer the question that has been posed to you several times now, asking if you were disbarred due to dirty tricks for the Republican party. If you were not, why do you just AVOID this question???? You say you reported Segretti to Karl Rove......kinda like a fox guarding the chicken coop. So, these are not questions I expect you will answer Tim. Your purpose here is so transparent that a 10 year old could see through you. You have NO interest in solving this case, only to mislead, and spread falseness. IMHO. That you HAVE read so much on this case and still write such nonsence about Castro is proof, to me and most of the rest of this forum that you KNOW better, but have an ulterior motive. So I have nothing more to say to you on any matter. I would like to point out that this began as a serious thread on an alleged threat to the life of President Carter, after he made a comment about this country not being right until we go all the way back to the assassination of JFK. Gratz came along and turned it into nonsense. Very methodically, with trying to say the use of the alleged names of the assassins was a "coincidence", then silly comments about his job at a car dealership, then songs: So what if Leon Russell SANG "Give Peace a Chance??? I think this qualifies as "hijacking". Dawn
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