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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. I find the Nixon "slip-ups" an incredible source of what really happened. The June 23rd/72 reference to "the whole Bay of Pigs thing" being so very suductive, especially given that many of us instinctively knew he was referring to the assassination of JFK long before Haldeman ever "outed" Tricky on this matter. Think of it: How many people who were past the age of 7 don't remember exactly where they were on 11/22/63??? Or, like Tricky, have given 3 different versions? I'd say he had a lot to hide. NOw the Mad Brown story: that's a strange one. I was fortunate to meet the lively Ms. Brown in Dallas in 98, and found her to be both charming and sincere. But the infamous 11/21 party is another matter. I have wondered tho if LBJ's famous look- alike cousin did not stand in for him....allowing for LBJ to be in two places at once. Dawn
  2. The man in the photo posted by James does look like an aged candidate for Mexico City Oswald. Tim I am satisfied that the Mexican city LHO has been id'd in "The Men on the Sixth FLoor" (Glen Sample and Mark Collom) as a man named Ralph Geb, who was (by a strange coincidence) Mac Wallace's best friend in college. His 1938 pic is in this book and according to these authors, a friend of Geb's (Gene Noblitt) recognized this pic as his pal Geb. This book can be ordered directly from the authors- should anyone be interested- at 714-638-8724. (I am not pushing this book, but this is the only place I know to find a prospective Mexico City LHO id, other than the "Saul" id in Hugh McDonald's "Appointment in Dallas" ). Dawn
  3. Lynn: I don't know who you are. Your bio is not at all revealing. Have you bothered to read anything Garrison ever wrote such as " A Heritage of Stone", or better yet "On the Trial os the Assassins".? You clearly have not read the latter book or you would have realized that Stone's film is in many parts verbatim of this work. (Stone read this book and was just blown away and decided to turn this work into a film). Your own bias against and lack of knowledge about the man you are condemning here speaks volumes. Very easy to just parrot some "trash Garrison" article. Noone here thinks RFK killed JFK, nor did Garrison think this. Dawn
  4. Tim here is of course factually correct, but were I to be that D/A I'd make sure I took out plenty of health insurance, avoided dark out of the way places, and drove a bullet proof car. Tim: What I meant is that the powers that be UNDER W would make sure that this did not occur. Just like the powers that were under Reagan made sure that the Justice Dept never followed-up on HSCA's recommendations. The DA in Dallas has NO interest in this case. I wrote to him on the 40th anniversary and received nothing; not even a form letter response. Bill K: Please excuse my horrid typing above, what I meant to say is that I have long been an admirer of YOUR work "(vs "our"). I need to better proof my posts before hitting "add reply". I agree that any one who could actually convene a grand jury into this matter had better have armed guards at all times. This was not just the murder of a president, it was a coup and those bastards, still in power, (their political heirs, I mean), are not about to EVER allow a true investigation.
  5. Great posts everyone. These are indeed complicated concepts and the thinking expressed here demonstrates that simplistic definations are not the best way to address one's political philosophy or ideaolgy. That said however, I agree most here with Tim C. , but of course I too would clasify myself as an "extreme liberal". Tim G, surely you must SEE that the difference between Barry Goldwater and Geroge Bush is EXTREME? Back in 64 I found Goldwater scary, but...fast forward to now....this group is positively terrifying. And I know you -(Tim G)- believe W to be a Christian. I do not. His policies and vindictiveness are about as anti-Christian as it gets. Too late people are beginning to see this gang of thugs for what they really are. (But I also believe he stole both elections). Dawn
  6. Tim: For all our disagreements, and there have been many, I hope you will not leave the forum. I agree with John that we need different viewpoints if this is really to be a debate. I stand by my comment about Joan Mellen, (am anxiously awaiting her book) that she against 3 authors who have gotten it wrong would not be a balanced tv debate. I know that you are opposed to a woman's right to choose but I do believe that you wold not be associated with morally indefensible acts of violence against those with whom you disagree. ANd THANK YOU for the birthday greeting. What a nce surprise to wake up too early and see on my computer. Thanx to Steven too...my "buddy in agreement" here on the forum. Since this is also Stan Willbourne's birthday I wish to extend a most happy one to him as well. I tried to find him on members but my have the name not properly spelled. Dawn
  7. u [/color]Wow Tim: Amazing, you and I in agreement. Will wonders never cease? I think your idea is terrific. In fact why don't you write both the Discovery and History Channel and suggest it. Of course the one drawback is that Ms. Mellen would be outnumbered by the two authors who are so clearly WRONG. So we'd need a 4th, someone like Gaeton Fonzi would be terrific. Dawn ps As to your humor, your comment about Garrison was NOT humorous. You find humor in the strangest of places. A few days ago I noted that another member had tried to PM you and noted that you refuse to accept personal messages from forum members. I too tried sometime back to PM you, a few times actually, and found the same response. Why is this?
  8. [quote name='William Kelly' date='Oct 22 2005, 12:39 PM' post='42748'] John, I share your interest in Operation Mockingbird. The CIA's use of ostensibly independent journalists was part of the "Family Jewels," along with the assassination plots and MK/ULTRA. Another NANA editor who worked with Fleming is named Goldberg - the husband of Luci Goldberg, the New York "journalist" who convinced Linda Tripp to surepticiously tape record Monaca Lowinsky, which violated a state law and got Tripp into trouble. Besides NANA, Fleming also worked as an editor at the London Sunday Times with the Random House publisher of Posner's "Case Closed," not Loomis, but whose name escapes me at the moment. But he's credited by Posner in the acknoledgements as giving him the commission to write the book. In any case, Ernest Cuneo and Virginia Prewett and NANA were very much a part of the Mockingbird legacy and the CIA's Cuban ops. Bill Kelly Bill, Welcome to the Ed forum. I have long been an admirer of our work, and am especially interested in your efforts for the convening of a Grand Jury to hear this case. It will not ever happen under W or any of his political heirs. However, when I first heard about Pat FItzgerald being known as "Mr. Integrity" I wondered if he would/could be up to this monumental task. We shall see in the coming days if he is worthy of his nickname. Re Ms. Goldberg, members here know that she and her dirty tricks go back a long time. To spying on McGovern volunteers for Nixon's CREEP. According to Glen Sample and Mark Collom in "The Men on the Sixth Floor" she was also working in the (LBJ!!) campaign press office (p 160 a). Gee I wonder what on earth she was doing THERE??? Dawn
  9. John: Blakey is really going to answer questions here??? That's brave. ) Tim: I assume you realize Jim Garrison has been dead since 1992, so he's not likely to join us here. re Posner, I suspect the answer is the same as John suggested for Epstein: "Maybe he's not allowed". (Great answer John re Epstein). Dawn ps Perhaps if this section was put together with the assassination threads it would receive more response. I totally forgot this program was still in existance, and when I go to the Ed Forum, I do only go to this part of the forum. So thanks for the reminder that authors are still taking our questions.
  10. Mr. Gratz, since I began studying the JFK/Tippit/Oswald murders in 1986 I have heard many naive pontifications (and have probably pronounced a few myself) but the most naive I have ever heard is the one that goes "I do not understand how people can argue that OC (Organized crime) was a "false sponsor." I cannot today name them, but I can state categorically that the assassins of JFK were very smart people, very much smarter than intellectuals like Robert Blakey and Gary Cornwell, and much smrter than the bunch of young nobodies (as they then were) appointed to the staff of the Warren Commission. If you accept that, then it should go without saying that they were a million times smarter than a bunch of idiots like Marcello and Trafficante. (As my dear departed father often said, a professional criminal is an idiot by definition, since there is much more money to be made by lawful means). To the naive mind, Jack Ruby spells Trafficante, Marcello, etc. That is one of the reasons the assassins chose him to "close the case". He was even instructed to make a bunch of wild goose phone calls in the weeks before the assassination. To the mind that is prepared to do a little of the hard work known as thinking, OC was an ideal false sponsor, and Jack Ruby was the perfect man to draw attention to OC. G. Robert Blakey and Gary Cornwell were both experts on OC when appointed to the HSCA and this profoundly biased their thinking. But I believe I know one reason Blakey does not like to talk about the case today: Although Blakey approached the case as a mafia crime, the HSCA discovered that it was not someone in the mafia who smuggled Ruby into the basement of City Hall. In the final report of the HSCA Blakey and Cornwell recommended that the Justice Department should investigate just who it was who DID smuggle Ruby in. It must be a very sad thing for Robert Blakey, ostensibly a respected Proffessor from Cornell and now Notre Dame law schools, to acknowledge that the Justice Department completely ignored his recommendation. So all Blakey can say today is yes, we know who shot lee, and we know he had some powerful assistance in setting up the crime, but we can't honestly say that we know who the real murderers were, because the HSCA ran out of money and the Justice Department didn't give a damn. Think about it: The HSCA ran out of money after the richest country in history had spent $2.8 Million (thats million, not billion). That is less money than the pentagon wastes in a week on overpriced screwdrivers. I also sympathise with Blakey today because Notre Dame had yesterdays game won at full time, but the officials for some mysterious reason (OC involvement?) added 7 seconds to the clock and "we wuz robbed." Great posting on Blakey. I think he went in totally predisposed to- (and probably talked to) -OC, but keep it small. xxxx they were totally stonewalled by the CIA, so they tell Justice to follow up on these leads. Justice under REAGAN?? I used to call the JD atty allegedly assigned to this area of the case every November to see what progress, if any , was being made in this area. His name was Cubbage, don't recall a first name and have no notes any longer. But the response was always the same: Nothing coming out... or words to that effect. In other words "cover-up". "Langley's got nothing to hide that's why we're not letting you see it." When I saw that Gary Cornwell was posted as being here in Austin, I looked him up but he has no listed phone number. Anyone know how to reach him? Dawn
  11. [quote name='Tim Gratz' date='Oct 16 2005, 05:39 AM' post='42120'] Robert is right in part and wrong in part. First let me cover where I would part company with him. He wrote: * * * * * * Here Robert is right, and Dawn, of course, wrong. Anyone with a sincere interest in solving the assassination will want to devour the literature rather than refusing to read a book if he or she disagrees with its ultimate premise. Anyone who refuses to read a book that does not conform to his or her bias is not, as Robert points out, sincerely interest in finding the truth. The fact that Russo, in my opinion, has wrongly concluded that a single gunman could have caused all of Kennedy's wounds does not make him wrong on the second invasion issue. In the first case, we are examining his opinion on facts. Gratz: I have read literally hundreds of books on this case. Because I am not interested in your little phony darling Russo, because I have LONG known he's disinfo is proof to you that I don't sincerely care who killed the president? PLEASE!!! I will admit I don't read all the books. I am selective. I do avoid the disinfo crowd, so well described by Robert above. I also don't have the kind of time you seem to have. I am a real lawyer with real clients and real trials...and also a musician...whenever I have asked you what YOU do for a living you've responded that you have an office at Langley. Oh your sense of humor is just unfailing. Your posts just so irk me....you're so intellectually dishonest. (And must have been dishonest in other ways to get disbarred, I would think). You do not sincerely care about the truth: you have an agenda, that of pushing yet one more totally transparent cover story, that of a foreign conspiracy. In a wonderful letter to me in 1986 Jim Garrison had a term for these authors: "prostitutes". (WIm has this letter posted on his site when you click on the name Jim Garrison) Dawn
  12. Tim, This just gets so damn old. I have been away from this forum a couple of weeks and so when I return I look at the JFK film thread. But here we go again, old Timmie when you're not pushing Castro did it, it's Niita, and the "Save the planet from nuclear war" LIE JBJ employed to sucker Earl Warren into authoring the most dishonest document in the history of this country. Is there not one single thread you don't inject this nonsense into? I could be like John and just not read your posts....that worked well for me.... And Tim : Most serious researchers disagree with you : Garrison DID NOT "get it wrong". Have you read Destiny Betrayed? Do you plan to get Joan Mellen's new book? (I have it on order at amazon). Will your anti Garrison views change after some education I wonder, or are you just so blind that nothing will budge you from your need to believe in a foreign conspiracy killing JFK. That's the problem with the rabid right: they are totally blind to the true workings of our government, imho. Dawn
  13. Two interesting articles. At least we know where Gus Russo and Dale Myers stand on the issue of the JFK assassination. What are your views on Russo? Or maybe you would like to give us an article written by Gerald Posner or John McAdams to explain your position. Ha ha. (Sad but likely true). Dawn
  14. This is a really good review of Christopher Lawford's ucoming book. Reading this just now, for the second time, I was struck by the notion that perhaps the internet journalists will do what their print and tv peers refused to do: report on these murders with accuracy. Good for David Talbot. Dawn (ps. Yes John much better color selection now )
  15. Great job Jack. It's very hard for me to believe the official version, that the towers just fell. Now we hear our fearless leader talking about a killer flu outbreak and utilizing the military. Local muckraker Alex Jones' site inforwars.com has been down for a few days now. Word has it he's been shut up. Alex was one of the first to question the official story of 9-11. And to warn us why it happened. Are the alleged "FEMA camps" next? I have an old conspiracy-aware friend who will not allow me to send him anything conspiracy related. To live in fear and silence is to be already dead. Dawn
  16. I will be completely surprised if the media does an about face and discotinues its practice of covering up this event, even after Ladybird's demise. Good points by Jefferson and John. I believe it was a coup, not some renegades, but like Jefferson I believe theories are not productive. We have seen too much competative back-biting over theories. As Jefferson points out we need to focus on what did not happen, on the points we can all agree on. Time spent wasted on the differeing views of the tramps' identity or whether or not the Z film was altered will get us nowhere. Dawn ps Don't like the new color choices. I tried to change the color for the quote from Pat to make it a readable color but it remained at my first choice. (Sorry) Does that look better? (John Simkin)
  17. Great line up, but what a shame that there are now three conferences on the same days. Anyone have the COPA schedule yet? I spoke with John Judge this morning and he is supposed to be emailing it to me, tho it does not look good to be able to get away, I have work conflicts.. Daw
  18. Excellent points Mark and Pat. Regardless of our individual pet theory, can't we all please agree that the main issue here is who befefited from the murder of JFK.? All these side argements are way secondary to the fact that our entire process was suverted on 11/22/63 and so many times since then. So long as we are arguing over whose theory is superior we are ignoring the fact that the silliest theory of them all: The WC's , is still our damn history. That is tragic. Dawn
  19. [quote=Robert Charles-Dunne,Sep 25 2005, 05:25 PM] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Robert: Please don't stay gone so long. This forum needs your imput to keep its members honest. (Even when they are not). Good to be reminded also that, inspite of his "6 Seconds In Dalls" Dr. Thompson has a rather inconsistant past. Dawn
  20. [quote=Tim Gratz,Sep 24 2005, 05:37 AM] Jack wrote: But I would not even call Posner a disinformation agent unless it is clear that he is deliberately misquoting things in his book. Precisely Tim. That you would state that even Posner is not PURPOSEFUL disinformation is one more reason your motives are thought to be less than sincere. I mean come on, Posner defines this term. If not him then WHO??? Since you started this thread who do you think spreads disinformation in this case? I do also agree that one's personal ideology can influence how this evidence will be viewed. You are a perfect example of this. Being a right wing Republican you will never see involvement of any of your heros, no matter how much evidence is unearthed, imho. Dawn
  21. [quote=John Simkin,Sep 21 2005, 11:09 AM] An email sent by Shawn Phillips to Gary Buell in January, 2003. The novel left behind may be a big clue, but what do we know of James Phillips? If he believes his son is involved to the point where they do not even speak is it possible this "confession" to being in Dallas is a "fib" on James' part? Phillips has never struck me as one who'd "bare his soul", even on his deathbed, to his dad. Dawn Great email tho!
  22. -------------------- Steve: The last time I met with "the illustrious" Tosh was at the hotel in Miami Beach, along with Gus Russo -- while doing the interviews for the ABC/Jennings/Sy Hersh "Darkside of Camelot" production. And what proof do you provide Mr. Hemming that Tosh Plumlee was ever with you in Miami??? Interesting that while Peter Jennings was alive you never posted this. As for your "named sources" Gus Russo and Sy Hersh? That they are both agents of disinformation has been long established in the research community. Easy to post "last time I was with" someone....when your sole motive appears to be to discredit Tosh. So if Tosh says this is not true (and he has) we are left to wonder who has more veracity. Dawn
  23. Too bad Al left, but I can relate to his frustration. The loss of Shanet's critical mind is also a blow to this forum, imo. Dawn Compelling thread, lots to ponder.
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