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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. [quote=John Simkin,Aug 29 2005, 02:33 PM] ? Do Christian Fundamentalist agree with George Bush about global warming? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually John I am hearing about groups of "fundamentalists" who are in FAVOR of doing nothing about Global warming on the basis that it will hasten the coming of the rapture and other "end times" prophecy. As a Christian and someone who also believes in Biblical prophecy I find this "do nothing and- let- the- country- rot" kind of thinking TERRIFYING and downright EVIL. I think we are seeing the results of this thinking right now in New Orleans. DAwn
  2. Blair, We here who have studied this case know this is true, BUT: The media gives Posner a lot of attention. Most regular folk are not aware that the media in this country is controlled and that they have played an active role in covering up the assassination. Posner's book sold very well and got a lot of help in so doing. COntrast that to the scathing reviews given to Oliver Stone's "JFK" well before this film even came out. It first aired here in Austin 12/20/91, and by then I had at least 6 front page magazine articles just TRASHING it. A first for any movie in the United States. So I think what Stephen is doing on this thread is GREAT, and highly appreciated by myself, for the newcomers who don't know that Posner is a PAID xxxx, IMHO. Dawn
  3. Maybe they both said something to him. I seem to recall that in the Playboy interview Garrison gave, that I read in 74, but he did in I think 68 or so, he said it was Long. Dawn
  4. For the record, I have never accused William Harvey or Richard Helms of being involved in the assassination of JFK. Although I do believe that Helms played an important role in the cover-up. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Great debate guys. Pat I agree with all of your points. John: And perhaps this needs its own thread, but just who do you think killed JFk and why? I thought I knew the answer to this, but lately I am finding your posts confusing, due to what appears to be inconsistency, tho you may simply be playing devil's advocate, for sake of debate ?? Dawn
  5. Thanks for the heads up Greg. I have a kind of "intitution" on these things and very well remember when Hale Boggs plane went missing. At the time I did not even realize he'd been a WC member, let alone a disenchanted one, but I found this particular incident disturbing. (Altho a believer in conspiracy from day one, I did not begin to actually study the case until 1973, aside from reading news stories.) For lack of a better descriptive term I refer to this "intutition" as my "God voice": That little inner voice we all have that tells us something is wrong. HC is not very good on this subject, so I will be curious to see how much they deal with the truth of just who and what Hale Boggs was.
  6. [quote=Mark Knight,Aug 31 2005, 09:07 AM] I believe that Hart, as a onetime leader of the Democrat party, understands better than anyone the Democrats' leadership crisis. In that respect, he's as insightful as he ever was, and said a lot of things that the Democrats in positions of power today might think, but dare not say. Whether or not you agree with his points about the war in Iraq, I don't see how anyone could argue against his charge of a lack of courage in Democrat party leadership. They lack insight, they lack foresight, and they lack a vision as well. Mark: I agree that the Dems have gotten themselves into a mess. They supported this war, now are stuck with it. That's why I was with Dean from the start. He knew enough to know W was wrong about the war and called it like it was. Still does. I agree also with Gary's words, saw this a few days ago. I just don't understand why the Democrats are not simply caling W on all the lies told to go into Iraq. But it seems it's like what Terry Mauro recently said "one party, two branches". Sad but true. Dawn
  7. [quote=Pat Speer,Aug 31 2005, 11:32 AM] John, the Church Committee got into all this, and the CIA did not come across as innocent as you paint them. RFK was told that the CIA/Mafia attempts on Castro were in the past; supposedly Houston did not know that Helms and Harvey were in the process of starting them up again. Helms, however, was fully witting that RFK, and his brother, the President, did not know about the resurrected assassination plans , and never thought to tell them. Even worse, he and Harvey agreed not to tell their boss, DCI John McCone, about their new plans. Instead they opted to take Bobby's ordering them to get rid of Castro as his giving them permission to have the man murdered, no matter what it took. Their use of the mob in this endeavor without telling him--which was a direct violation of his commands as attorney general--is reflective of how much they really cared about what Bobby or his brother had to say. Frank Church had it right--there was a rogue elephant on the loose within the CIA. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Pat: I totally concur. (I just dealt with this in a long email with John). Except I don't think that it was just "rogue" CIA. I think this thinking was "policy" and when JFk did not go along, plans were made to include him in this "policy". Business as usual, imho. Dawn
  8. Tim, As you well know most of us here believe that Bremer was being "run" by someone who very much wanted to ensure that your man- RIchard M. Nixon- be re-elected. Wallace's shooting accomplished that. (Along with some very dirty tricks type advertising against Geroge McGovern. McGovern, decent CHRISTIAN man that he is, did not have a clue- or the desire- to fight back in kind.) CIA asset Jack Anderson also came in very handy with his revelations about Tom Eagleton--especially the totally false drunk driving charge. Dawn
  9. Tim: I fail to see ANY humor in Gary Hart's being prevented from being president. You seem to find humor in the STRANGEST places. Dawn
  10. Chávez leads a bloc of radicalism in South America which is potentially hostile to the United States. Beacuse he has pointed out (alleged) efforts by this country's CIA to assassinate him? I believe that means that it is the US that is "hostile" to Chavez, from where I sit. Dawn
  11. Hi John, No I have not read that book, Been meaning to. Dr. Phil Melanson's "The Robert F. Kennedy Assassination- New Revelations of the Conspiracy and Cover-Up", is a pretty definitive book I believe. Does Marrow deal with the MC issue? (I hope). I have long thought this is the easiest case to "solve". But with Larry Teeter gone, I wonder who will step in to speak for Sirhan. He had the most amazing "trial" I have ever heard of: The DA and defense "STIPULATED" that Sirhan's gun had killed RFK!! I noted in another thread that John was taking issue with Tim Gratz insinuating that lawyers are honorable, and abide by attorney/client privilege. Not the ones in these cases. (Until Teeter and and James Earl Ray's atty. Dr. Pepper). Dawn
  12. [quote=Pamela McElwain-Brown,Aug 22 2005, 11:02 PM] Well stated, Gary. Great article. I think as more and more citizens become aware of just how much they have been lied to, be it that Iraq had ties to 9-11 or the now proven lies about WMD, together with W's refusal to see that the tide is indeed turning, more people of conscience WILL run and run on an anti-war platform. I have always been a little suspicious of how Dean went from front runner to loser all over ONE SCREAM???? Keep in mind that the (Op. Mockingbird) controlled media played and replayed this scream until many were echoing the sentiment that "this guy is so ANGRY". People were still pretty gullible back then. But, even the media cannot ignore Richard Clarke, Joseph Wilson and others who are speaking up against this president and his illegal, immoral war. Cindy Sheehan has given the anti war people some voice. And how did W respond to this grieving mom? After refusing to meet with her W had this to say: "I think it's important for me to be thoughtful and sensitive to those who have got something to say. But's it's also important for me to go on with my life, to keep a balanced life". This kind of "sensitivity" has got to outrage voters. Dawn
  13. But, moreover, to preserve the then-extant fiction that CIA and FBI had no prior knowledge of the purported assassin Oswald, it was imperative to date the letter's discovery by them some time after the assassination, rather than admit that they had it ten days or so prior to the assassination. I totally agree with this post. Keep in mind also the Hoover memo of, I believe, 1960 or so stating that "someone was using LHO's " name. LHO was clearly well known to the FBI and other intellignece agencies well before 11/22/63. Being sheep -dipped for his most notorious role: "the lone assassinain of JFK. " Dawn
  14. quote=Tim Gratz,Aug 23 2005, 06:56 AM] Mark, I too found the statements attributed to Robertson appalling. At least he called for the use of the Special Forces and did not suggest subcontracting the hit to the Mafia. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [/color] And using the Special Forces to assassinate a leader is somehow better than using the Mob? As usual Tim, your logic is less than logical. But then again you are on another thread saying that the CIA has "never" assassinated leaders. When you know full well that is not true. So FAR from it. Dawn
  15. [quote=Mark Knight,Aug 23 2005, 06:24 AM] Televangelist Calls for Chavez' Death Mark: You beat me to it, I was just about to post this outrageous article. Ya, good old 700 club "let's just kill him, cheaper than a $200 billiion war". I wonder what, if anything, our "compassionate conservative" president will have to say: I predict : nothing, as he's likely been seriously considering this, as Chavez has been saying. Gotta stop those Marxists, after all....(I guess Robertson is still an adherent to "the domino theory" Scary, disgusting, and 100% UNChristian. I wonder if any of his 700 club are outraged. This is, after all, the same man who not long ago was asking for prayer that God would "provide" some openings on the Supreme Court. Praying for someone's DEATH. Ter: Excellent articles!! Both very timely for this thread. I would add one last sentence to his essay re war: "War does not decide who is right, only who is left". Dawn
  16. Tim: Once again I see you have responded to the posters after me, but not to my request. I WAS SINCERE. You are clearly cabable of 1. writing, you do a lot of it here, 2.saying you want this case solved, by suggesting many ideas such as a independent investigation. 3. The initial poster suggested that a new investigation could be conducted by an "order by the president." I do not know if such a thing could be done, have not researched it, but it would seem to me that this suggestion could be made by someone who could: 1. get past the $8.00 an hour "reader", (you) so, I suggested you write such a letter. 2. I used Rove's' name as you said you two go way back... But, if you are just here to blame Castro with no proof, then., why be surprised when you are called on this? Perhaps, as some of us suspect, finding the truth about this assassination is NOT your real motive?? (This is a question; not an accusation). Dawn
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