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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. Martin, I think you are confusing the manner in which Jim Fetzer presents his ideas with the ideas themselves. Any rational person has to admit there is very strong witness testimony to the limo stop, for example. The manner in which Jim Fetzer presents this information may grate, but he has sufficient witness testimony on his side that argument in and of itself cannot be ignored. There is also the observations at Parkland of an avulsive wound in the back of the head, but according to ITEK, the extant film shows no debris exiting the back of the head. In fact such material exiting the rear of Kennedy's head should have been one of the predominant features of the film, were it genuine. I do not agree with all of Dr. Fetzer's ideas, nor the manner in which he speaks to those with whom he disagrees. But separate the man from his claims, and give thought only to the claims. OK, not all the claims, but ones which have obvious corroboration -- the limo stop for one. Sometimes confusion and conflict within the community are not caused by the works of Jim Fetzer, but by the extraordinary way evidence was falsified in this case, enough to make the collective research community's heads spin in collective confusion. Having said that, I do wish Dr.Fetzer would tone it down, if only to gain a more sympathetic hearing on points where I believe he is on solid ground. Regards, Daniel I responded to this at DPF. Jim you are way outnumbered here. Re Itek. In 76 Dan Rather did one of his anti conspiracy specials for CBS. Itek was used. I obtained the transcript and did a critical paper for college. I discovered Itek was up to its neck in ties to very bad people. CIA, Rockerfellers, etc. In that show Dan Rather actually postulated that the backward motion of JFK was actually caused by.....drumroll..."Jackie". Dawn
  2. Sp Paul Hoch got involved with Dale Meyers? Somehow that does not surprise me. My suspicians of PH go back 30 years. Dawn
  3. Would appreciate that, Evan. Dean is a friend and I like him but peope with way out theories involving no planes, or who say the passangers went along with it....that is just crazy.
  4. Eastwood was on Jon Stewart last night and explained that the film deals with Hoover's love for both Tolson and Gandy. It even has a scene in which Hoover proposes to Gandy. Apparently, Black stuck to the facts as seen by those closest to Hoover, in that, while it SEEMED he and Tolson were lovers, their love was quite possibly never consummated in a sexual act. Apparently, the theme is repression, fear and loyalty. This is from the same guy who wrote Milk, which dealt with some of these same themes. Presumably, Hoover was so filled with fear of his inner queer that he couldn't help but love those who were intensely loyal to him and his secret. This weakness--which we are supposed to believe was a symptom of his time--then, led him to replace normal human relationships with the quasi-fascistic structure of his life. The FBI was a fortress built to protect a scared sister boy. This was a law enforcement officer, after all, at least as interested in the physical appearance of his agents as in their actual performance. There was an excellent film out in the early 70's that covers all this brilliantly. "The Secret Files Of J Edgar Hoover". Dawn Actually I think the title was "private" not "secret" files. I saw it once at the theatre and it made quite an impression. The stuff abut his mother especially.
  5. Eastwood was on Jon Stewart last night and explained that the film deals with Hoover's love for both Tolson and Gandy. It even has a scene in which Hoover proposes to Gandy. Apparently, Black stuck to the facts as seen by those closest to Hoover, in that, while it SEEMED he and Tolson were lovers, their love was quite possibly never consummated in a sexual act. Apparently, the theme is repression, fear and loyalty. This is from the same guy who wrote Milk, which dealt with some of these same themes. Presumably, Hoover was so filled with fear of his inner queer that he couldn't help but love those who were intensely loyal to him and his secret. This weakness--which we are supposed to believe was a symptom of his time--then, led him to replace normal human relationships with the quasi-fascistic structure of his life. The FBI was a fortress built to protect a scared sister boy. This was a law enforcement officer, after all, at least as interested in the physical appearance of his agents as in their actual performance. There was an excellent film out in the early 70's that covers all this brilliantly. "The Secret Files Of J Edgar Hoover". Dawn
  6. Good night nurse. Sounds like he HAS done some homework, of the total disinformation kind. An old friend just posted on my fb page how excited she is to get this "if only" book. Assumed I'd be getting it too. Not in your life. And as the 50th draws closer there will be more of the same, only worse. Lies for a new generation. Dawn
  7. When I tried to open this I got a message that the zip file is corrupted... Dawn
  8. Dean: I have read all the Amazon reviews but still do not really know what this book is about. The title is disturbing. Are you saying the planes had no passangers? That there were no planes? Usually reviews go into what the book is about. I do not at all believe the government verson of 9-11 and I know there are many who say no planes and I will not go there at all as I know people who saw the planes, the second one in NY at least. Thanks, Dawn
  9. "Chasing." That man lived 2 hours away from me at one time. I never got into the car and drove there. His fishing supply store became a tourist trap I'm told. There were 2 Oswalds. One, Harvey, was killed; the other disappeared. I'm looking for Lee Oswald. I understand Donald O. Norton is believed to be him, or he knows something. I am not actively chasing him or researching him, wise guy. Kathy C. Kathleen: I don't think he meant it literally. It was just a reference to your interest that has been expressed many times on this forum. Dawn
  10. The last I heard she was in a nursing home and her state of mind (dementia) in question. Dawn
  11. Thanks Tom, here's a better one, that is very clear. JFKcountercoup and two more - JFKcountercoup: Pew Trust In Government Poll Graphs There has been a lot of analysis and examination of these polls, but few of these acute observers dare mention the spike that began shortly after the assassination, or even mention the origins of the decline. How Americans View Government | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press analysis of Post 9/11 Spike: poli.haifa.ac.il/~terror/pages/maamarim/ar2.pdf I'd love to see him at a party after a few glasses of wine to try to ascertain what he really thinks. I can't believe he believes that crap he spouts. He is so dismissive and arrogant. But could he truly be that ignorant? I won't watch him now. Dawn
  12. Thanks Steve. I watched this yesterday via facebook. I wonder what Len has to say regarding these experts, and their views. Dawn
  13. thank you David, Kathy, Dixie had been quite ill for some time with Emphysema, she lived in the desert in CAL.and i know the winds that seemed to blow the dust and all around almost always, did not help her breathing problems, nor the pollution, she had gone into a nursing home and died peacefully in her sleep two nights after, she was 71 in march. but you would never have guessed by her interest and love of life,and she cared for people, and that made her special, thank you for your lovely message, now you and we all ,as she would say keep carrying on...but guess what, now SHE KNOWS....WE DON'T YET, BUT SHE DOES. SHE KNOW WHAT HAPPENED AND ALL ABOUT IT... RIP Dixie, she will be missed. Dawn
  14. This post makes no sense. Carl and Hillary were not "good friends". His work changed her politically thinking in the 60's and he may have met her once in passing when she was at Wellesley college. She visited him ONCE in Camdridge in 1994. Period. What the hell does "if you define truth as a coup d'edat" mean? Dawn http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/05/18/AR2008051802101.html I saw this article ages ago. Seeing someone give a speech does not a "good friend" make. Nor does one visit decades later. Of course Hillary knows the truth about the assassination of JFK, but not from Carl. When she visited him the subject did not come up. (Of course I asked him). But the Clinton's had an aid who was so JFK assassination aware that his name in the White House was "GK" (for Grassy Knoll). Sid Blumenthal was that aid.
  15. This post makes no sense. Carl and Hillary were not "good friends". His work changed her politically thinking in the 60's and he may have met her once in passing when she was at Wellesley college. She visited him ONCE in Camdridge in 1994. Period. What the hell does "if you define truth as a coup d'edat" mean? Dawn
  16. Carl passed out of this life peacefully early this morning. I got the call as I was leaving for court. One of the original members of the Assassination Information Bureau, Bob Katz has sent me and others a draft of an obit that will be placed inthe NY Times, Boston Globe and other media. Below is the proposed obit. Carl Oglesby, one of the most influential figures of the 1960's counter-culture died on Tuesday at home Montclair, N.J after a short illness. An acclaimed political theorist, orator, playwright, musician, and writer, Oglesby served as president of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) from 1965-1966 and played a leading role in the opposition to the Vietnam war. A self-defined "radical centrist" and defense industry technical writer living in suburban Michigan with his wife and children when the war began, he soon became one of its most eloquent foes. On November 27, 1965, Oglesby gave a speech before tens of thousands of anti-war demonstrators in Washington, which became one of the most important documents to come out of the anti-war movement. According to historian Kirkpatrick Sale: "It was a devastating performance: skilled, moderate, learned, and compassionate, but uncompromising, angry, radical, and above all persuasive. It drew the only standing ovation of the afternoon." Following the demise of SDS, Oglesby taught politics at Antioch, Dartmouth College and M.I.T, and wrote a column for the Boston Phoenix that merged geopolitical theory with his keen interest in the hidden dimensions of the Watergate scandal, the John F. Kennedy assassination, and the C.I.A. He was the author of several books, including Containment and Change, The Yankee and Cowboy War: Conspiracies from Dallas to Watergate, and most recently the memoir, Ravens in the Storm: A Personal History of the 1960's Antiwar Movement. He is survived by his children Aron DiBacco, Shay Ogelsby-Smith, and Caleb, and Carl's partner, Barbara Webster. Also, this excerpt from the end of his most famous DC speech: "Let me then speak directly to humanist liberals. If my facts are wrong, I will soon be corrected. But if they are right, then you may face a crisis of conscience. Corporatism or humanism: which? For it has come to that. Will you let your dreams be used? Will you be a grudging apologist for the corporate state? Or will you help try to change it - not in the name of this or that blueprint or ism, but in the name of simple human decency and democracy and the vision that wise and brave men saw in the time of our own Revolution? And if your commitment to human values is unconditional, then disabuse yourselves of the notion that statements will bring change, if only the right statements can be written, or that interviews with the mighty will bring change if only the mighty can be reached, or that marches will bring change if only we can make them massive enough, or that policy proposals will bring change if only we can make them responsible enough. We are dealing now with a colossus that does not want to be changed. It will not change itself. It will not cooperate with those who want to change it. Those allies of ours in the Government - are they really our allies? If they are, then they don't need advice, they need constituencies; they don't need study groups, they need a movement. And it they are not, then all the more reason for building that movement with the most relentless conviction. There are people in this country today who are trying to build that movement, who aim at nothing less than a humanist reformation. And the humanist liberals must understand that it is this movement with which their own best hopes are most in tune. We radicals know the same history that you liberals know, and we can understand your occasional cynicism, exasperation, and even distrust. But we ask you to put these aside and help us risk a leap. Help us find enough time for the enormous work that needs doing here. Help us build. Help us shape the future in the name of plain human hope."
  17. Thanks for finding this Tom. His companion, Barbara, is telling his kids to get there this week if they want to talk with him. I just listened (youtube) to one of his songs, Suburbs of Eden and it made me so sad. He's only seventy six. I know he was very happy to have Y/C being scanned online. Dawn
  18. I was deeply saddened to learn earlier today that one of my dearest friends, Carl Oglesby, is very close to death. He and his family only learned on Friday. We spoke just a few weeks ago and he was upbeat and thinking of writing a novel. Many years back John had begun to scan his masterpiece The Yankee and Cowboy War onto this forum. I can't seem to find it now... Carl's had an amazing life and is in good spirits in spite of this sad news. I will miss him greatly. Dawn
  19. Hi Scott: Now do not go jumping to conclusions, there are many who are following and have been your information, i think some will express their thoughts, when they feel they have read and been able to access enough of your information, to do so, just check the hits on your threads, as to the how many, are following along., it takes a long time now imo, for most to decide, many have through the years been bitten more than once by jumping to a forgone conclusion, that they bought, right off the bat, now they are wiser and more cautious,slower, it will come, if the truth is there, they will come to it, and as you have mentioned, it is within your book, so hopefully when it is available, the majority will have access, Meanwhile, thank you for your continuous effort that you have made for the membership in revealing some of your information,, btw try not to pay too much attention to the sour apples that at times,spoil the barrel, and or they who will continually try to keep on baiting you, though i must applaud your handling of such sours.....take care b.. Hi Bernice, Its nice to read something so comforting without the attack, I did not ask for this life, in fact I wish I never had to live through it, I would not wish it on anyone, not all was bad of coarse, and sometimes, I think that meeting some of these enigmatic figures only to truly know their importance later in life has really screwed with me, more now then when I was a kid. loosing someone you love is hard, harder when you find out why. My mother has kept it a secret that has been withheld from me for over thirty three years. My sister has her way of dealing with things through therapy as do I, I've become obsessed with wanting all records now released by the CIA and that the NARA publicly release all its documents. I'm asking for an Congressional Oversight Committee to lay all their cards on the table and let the public sift through any newly developed documents as the CIA has now indicated to me that they are all now released. I'm asking the Supreme Court to over rule Obama's Justice Department who as now blocked United States Judge Royce Lamberth from granting a request to have all classified documents, testimonies and any information pertaining to the "Watergate Scandal" be released. Because Obama's administration's believes that citing the privacy interests of individuals named in the testimony. But, If they are already dead then why should it matter? Anyways, Thanks again Bernice, and for your information I asked Al Navis when the book would be ready, this is what I posted on Facebook and his responce. ANNOUNCEMENT! I have been informed by Al Navis that the book will be completed in two weeks, I will then be seeking one person to proof read the material before going to the press, please let me know if your interested. Thank you! Al Navis Scott, the COPY editing will be done in about two weeks. You still have to add some stuff and flush out some descriptors of the avalanche of Cubans, so readers can follow the book without a scorecard. My dad was certainly acquainted with quite a few people, our house was like a 24 hour stop spot for everyone and anyone my dad wanted to bring home with him. Unfortunately, he started poking his nose into the Kennedy assassination during his living years, thus the reason. I'm now obsessed and on the quest with wanting to solve both murders. /srk Good for you Scott. I hope you get your answers, that we all do. As for the shooters, I could care less. Or even who paid to have it done. We can never knew with certainty these answers. What is important is why he was killed and why it matters just as much today as it did 11/22/63. I have known since that day it was a conspiracy and it has been a dominant force in my life. My quest for justice in all things is the reason I went to law school. Sturgis' confession is probably disinformation, but it will be interesting to hear/read, none-the less, as was Hunt's deathbed tape. And I agree that Hunt was hardly a "minor" figure in history. We will likely never know his true role in the assassination of JFK but he was directly involved in bringing down Nixon. Minor that is not. Dawn
  20. Hey Scott, nice song, who is it do you know? Dawn
  21. Who is Adrian Mack? Great review. He must be a blogger or something, no MSM journalist would do a review this good. FWIW I doubt Tom Hanks has read any truthful JFK assassination books. Or Stephen King. Dawn
  22. It's similar but the one I read was many months back. It was my first indication that Caroline was coming out with a book and her mom's tapes. I think she knows her brother was murdered and that her own life may have been threatened when she was thinking of running ofr office. Just my personal opinion. Becasue why else wuld she violate her mom's wishes, there has to be a reason.

  23. I don't think it is bullxxxx. It was also in the National Enquirer months ago, they may be a tabloid but are usually spot on (ask John Edwards for example). ABC likely edited that out of the tapes is my guess. The big story here is that Caroline is releasing them now, not 75 years after her death as her mother wished. One has to wonder why. I have my reasons. The book complete with cds can be preordered at Amazon. I ordered mine a few days ago. Dawn I think most of us in those first few days thought LBJ was involved. I sure did, at 14. Jackie refused to change her blood covered clothing. So that the "world can see what you did to my husband". One has to wonder to whom she was referring. And if she did not offer her private thoughts on the assassination why did the tapes have to be kept secret for so long? I think JFK Jr was murdered -(plenty of proof online, spend some time on google)- and that Caroline herself may have been threatened when she was about to run for office. Because this is entirely out of character for her. Dawn
  24. I don't think it is bullxxxx. It was also in the National Enquirer months ago, they may be a tabloid but are usually spot on (ask John Edwards for example). ABC likely edited that out of the tapes is my guess. The big story here is that Caroline is releasing them now, not 75 years after her death as her mother wished. One has to wonder why. I have my reasons. The book complete with cds can be preordered at Amazon. I ordered mine a few days ago. Dawn
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