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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. [quote name='Tim Carroll' date='Nov 18 2005, 03:22 AM' post='45592'] Could Iraq be a destabilizing influence in the region without being a significant oil-producing nation? I take exception to Purvis' declaration that I "should remain in the 'para-legal' &/or 'legal' field and avoid any discussins [sic] which border on the effects of aggressor nations...." I notice that Purvis excluded my Masters Degree in International Relations, not that it is relevant to participation here. I don't question his right to post here, but I certainly don't agree that being a soldier qualifies one, metaphorically, as a surgeon in the operations of history and political science. Fortunately, the Founding Fathers understood these human attitudes and implemented a civilian-controlled military. Tim Problem is when seeking to debate a lone nutter, all you are ever going to encounter is an attack on your "credentials". These nuts ignore and distort the evidence, so a balanced debate is virtually impossible. The Purv will ignore your Masters degree and your serious study into this case, while Hemming will attempt to dismiss you as merely a "book reader", as if that somehow makes your studied opinions any less valuable. I give you credit for trying to debate in such a vacuum of logic. Dawn
  2. Appropriate topic, Dawn. Some of my thoughts: ************************************************************************* Some of the thinking behind such attempts can be understood by studying the KUBARK document. http://www.parascope.com/articles/0397/kubark06.htm Thanks, John. John, I concur with Terry and thank you for this link. Don't have time to read it all this morning as I dash out to court, but will finish it later. I think also all this running around and saying "Who did it?" is missing the point. Our government and history books have presented us with fiction. I think the best way to attack this is what is known as the KISS method ("keep it simple, stupid"). Several years ago I wrote up a little two page document that I called "What do you believe and why do you believe it?". It gives the overview and description in detail of the magic bullet theory. I shared this with several people who knew nothing about this case and they all were astounded. "No way" was the general response. While we'd all love to know WHO killed Kennedy, what the general public needs to learn is who did NOT do it. That the assassination fiction foisted on them is in fact a pack of lies about a patsy who worked for several branches of US intelligence. Getting the sheeple to accept that they have been lied to for 42 years is not as difficult as it would seem, since polls have always shown that most people do not accept the WC. I would like to see kids grow up and teach history correctly on this case. In high school, in universities. And see journalists refuse to cave in to Op Mockingbird standards; develop some damn journalistic integrity. Of course I would also like to see actual justice in my lifetime: Like some indictments!! Enjoy Dallas (and DC) everyone. Wish I could go.....please ask Joan to come back next year for the many of us who can't get there this year. Dawn
  3. Yes. In fact a book I was really pushing this time two years ago focusses on LBJ: Barr McClellan's " Blood Money and Power: How LBJ killed JFK". I waited many years for Barr- (a good friend of mine)- to finish this book, and was quite disappointed in his actual knowledge of the case itself. He resorts to something he called "faction" and made many case errors, but the book is fantastic on the LBJ background. I have also always thought Nixon "iced" Hoover, too. But that's another matter. If you are truly interested in the assassination and Watergate connections a very rare book called "The Yankee and Cowboy War", by Carl Oglesby (Conspiracies from Dallas to Watergate), is an excellent place to put these pieces toghether. It can be gotton online but is rather expensive. Tim Carroll can tell you tho it's more than well worth it. (As for me, I'm overly biased here). Dawn
  4. Tim: Since you had the luxury of reading this book in advance of it being offered to the public, before you start asking forum members to comment on the contents of same, may I suggest you give those of us who work long hours the time to read this book before you quiz us? So now it's Marcello eh? Not Castro:) And I totally disagree (what's new?); that is NOT what she is saying. It's just your take on it. As much as I disagree with you, at least you make coherent points, and offer some logic for same, even if it's right wing Bush- loving logic I don't consider you a xxxxx here. And you do read books, even when they don't back your Castro- did -it theory. Unlike one of the newest posters, the one note wonder who we're all now just ignoring.
  5. [quote name='Tim Gratz' date='Nov 18 2005, 08:19 AM' post='45612'] Joan-Mellen Scaife??? Click here to follow the connections between Mellen and Scaife. Tim: I tried to click on your link, but it was not hypertext and nothing happened. Would not open. If it is not too much trouble could you summerize what it says. Thanx. (Or if it's to be found in JOans' book, I'm about 1/4 thru it. Been too busy with work to read. ) Dawn
  6. [quote name='Allan Eaglesham' date='Nov 17 2005, 07:51 PM' post='45572'] Walt Brown's Treachery in Dallas is in my top three with Best Evidence and The Man Who Knew Too Much. Pictures of the Pain and The Killing of a President are indispensable resources. Allan There are really too many really great books on this case to say which is the BEST. Walt is a friend so I am partial to his work. For a very long time my personal favorite was Carl Oglesby's "Yankee and Cowboy War". Loved Fonzi's Last Investigation. Loved Best Evidence, but thought it should have been shorter. Prouty's "JFK" is great, as is "Crossfire" (Mars)....this list is endless in terms of must haves, as far as I am concernbed. Mark Lane's "Plausible Denial", Newman's "JFK and Vietnam" and "Oswald and the CIA". Dick Russell's "Man Who Knew TOo Much"... All books by Prof Phil Melanson.... Dr Crehshaw's "JFK Conspiracy of Silence".... But right now the most important book is Joan Mellen's. I cannot recommend it highly enough.!!! Dawn
  7. [quote name='Lynne Foster' date='Nov 17 2005, 07:28 PM' post='45568'] That sounds like Lisa Pease and Jim Garrison. Nice Work. Now this fruitloop is trashing Lisa Pease too???? Lynne, we're all onto you here so take your tiny brain and vile mouth and and do some READING. I DARE YOU to actually find a bookstore and get Joan Mellen's book and read it. But you won't. You're afraid to because then you'd actually LEARN something. Interesting that you've now accused just about everyone here of being a CIA plant. But you don't think the CIA is guilty of anything.... Your logic just astounds me. I have no interest in being your "therapist", but it's clear you could greatly benefit from therapy. I doubt you even knew the name Lisa Pease before I posted it a bit ago. You're truly one sick woman. Dawn
  8. There have been several excellent pieces on the media's compicity in the cover-up of the assassination of JFK. Lisa Pease and Jim DiEugenio devote a whole section to this subject in their book "The Assassinations" (Section 4 "The Failure of ther Fourth Estate": 1. The Media and the Assassination (Lisa Pease), 2. Jim phelan: FInal Exposure (Jim DiEugenio); 3. Case Distorted: Posner, Connick and the New York Times (Bill Davy) and 4 The Posthumous Assassination of John F Kennedy (Jim DiEugenio). Carl Oglesby, in "The JFK Assassination" ably addresses this problem with several chapters in what I call his "little red book": Reflections on the assassinations Media, (Oglesby), Media Reflections (Oblesby and Jeff Goldberg) and The Media Whitewash (Oglesby). Jerry Pollicoff (who is still very much into this case) has an excellent article entitled "The second Dallas Casualty: The Media and the Assassination of the Truth" which appears in the (very hard to find) "Government By GunPlay (Harvey Yazijian and Sid Blumenthal). Dr. Marty Schotz "History Will NOt Absolve US" discusses the ties between The New York Times, CBS and the CIA Then we have this wonderful thread here on the forum devoted solely to Operation Mockingbird. (How the CIA co-opted the press in the US). Not to suggest that more is not needed re the lack of truth by our so called "free" press. If the 1st Amendment was truly alive and well this case would have been solved decades ago. The Advent of the 'Net is also reallyhelping to educate newcomers. (albeit with a lot of disinformation to confuse). Dawn
  9. Great posts Tim. I think Mr. "my- country- love- it or- leave- it" Purvis is in way over his head debating you. Rock on! Dawn
  10. [quote name='James Richards' date='Nov 15 2005, 11:40 PM' post='45420'] Colby, have you forgotten your sacred oath as a NIG, Nixon is God, you will pay Sir, by Harry you will pay. (Stephen Turner) Steve, Seeing that we are all admitting our membership in the Nixon is God fraternity, I must say I have always liked this anti-Khrushchev campaign button (top one) below. Then again, given those nasty rumors regarding Tom Cruise's sexuality and his bust up with Nicole Kidman, said button takes on a whole new historical significance. James James: This is my big laugh of the day. LOVE it. ("The Sorry Nic I like DIck" one). Too, too much. I really needed this. Thanx!!! Dawn (At the moment WAY overworked and fighting a bad flu....) [quote name='Lynne Foster' date='Nov 16 2005, 04:49 AM' post='45435'] I didn't say I admired Kennedy. I admire rational people and both Goldwater and Kennedy were rational. I don't think that ideologues like yourself can understand that, so give it up high school child. Go back to school or drop out and get a job, you are wasting my time. MS Foster-Dulles: You are the unimformed one here. Not owen. You are the one wasting our time. People have even tried to be nice to you about this, but your overt hostility is not worth anyone's time. FOrum members I suggest we ALL just post around this little snot and pretend she is not here. Perhaps then she will start her own anti-Garrison forum. And to answer your question: Posner is a dink. I read parts of his book years ago and saw so many distortions and outright lies that I was not able to finish it. When I see him on tv I changed the station. Dawn
  11. Received this morning from Lisa Pease. Reprinted here with Lisa's permission. Dawn From Liz Smith's column in Variety today: http://www.variety.com/article/VR1117932908?categoryid=2062 <http://www.variety.com/article/VR1117932908?categoryid=2062&cs=1&s=h&p= 0> &cs=1&s=h&p=0 MYSTERIES surrounding JFK's death are explained in the hefty new book "Ultimate Sacrifice" which tells in excruciating detail how John and Robert Kennedy, along with the CIA, planned a coup in Cuba which then led to Jack's death. The authors of this Carroll & Graf tome are Lamar Waldron and Thom Hartmann. They have worked on this book, reading the most important of 4 million documents and it has taken them 17 years to write it. A never-revealed CIA-Kennedy plan to stage a coup against Fidel Castro and actually to invade Cuba had a name. The CIA code for this unrealized action, which they hoped to launch on Dec. 1, 1963, was AMWORLD. The authors of the book, however, refer to plan in their work as "C-Day" because the AMWORLD name was classified until last summer. ... According to Waldron/Hartmann, the Mafia had people inside Washington who knew of the C-plan. Angry at the attorney general Bobby Kennedy's serious battle against them, the Mafia set up three assassination attempts on President Kennedy: the first in Chicago, the second in Tampa and the third, fatally, in Dallas. The authors name the three Mafia bosses -- Carlos Marcello, Santo Trafficante and Johnny Rosselli as the men who organized the killing of the 35th president. ... There is new information on the roles played in all this drama by Judith Campbell Exner and by Marilyn Monroe. (Neither lady comes out looking too good.). And it explains why the Mafia effort to kill JFK in Tampa was withheld from the Warren Commission and other investigators for years. Most importantly it shows why Bobby Kennedy never followed up his brother's death by revealing the Mafia as JFK's killers (although he told many intimates what he believed) -- because the secrecy of the coup plan had to continue to be protected. ---- I'll be very interested to see the raw evidence for myself, as I strongly suspect it will show that the CIA had such a plan, but that Bobby and Jack were NOT the drivers of it. I'll also be curious to see how the Mafia convinced the CIA to lie about Oswald to other agencies of the government less than a month before the assassination. Whatever power they had over the CIA must have been pretty flimsy, as it failed to protect Rosselli and Sam Giancana, who is strangely absent from the above list. And Jim DiEugenio has done a great job popping the balloons re Judith "the government wants me to talk again" Exner and the equally flimsy links to Marilyn Monroe. I've distrusted Waldron for a long time, ever since he first surfaced this thesis, as the documents he cited did not make the case he claimed at THAT time. I'd be very surprised if he's suddenly found documents to finally support that thesis. But I'm saddened immensely by Thom Hartmann's participation. I can only imagine Hartmann is a better activist than researcher. It's clear there were some in the CIA pushing for an excuse to invade Cuba. In fact, Richard Helms visited JFK just three days before his assassination trying to convince him that an arms cache that had magically appeared in Venezuela came from Cuba, which would be a violation of Castro's promise not to export his revolution, and which would have provided the U.S. a "legit" reason to invade. I can only imagine that Kennedy's skepticism re Helms' story, questioning where the arms really came from, showed Kennedy to be more interested in the truth than invading Cuba. If he was all for it, he would have asked no questions, thanked Helms, and I think we all know JFK would probably be alive today. I think his reluctance to use that as an excuse to invade was one of the reasons why he was killed. If that's true, that leaves the Waldron/Hartmann thesis stranded. Does anyone know if Lamar Waldron is the son of Martin Waldron? If so, that would be very interesting. Martin Waldron was the NYT reporter who covered the MLK case and the Clay Shaw trial for the New York Times. I can't remember offhand if he wrote about the RFK case too, but that would seem likely, given the timing. I think RFK's guilt came from his "ruthless" behavior towards CIA officers with whom he was literally at war. When he found out that Bill Harvey had sent ten separate teams into Cuba during the Missile Crisis, presumably with the goal of killing Castro, RFK was outraged. He called Harvey in and asked him to explain. Harvey said the Pentagon made him do it, but the Pentagon denied having anything to do with that, and Bobby believed the Pentagon. He asked the CIA to fire Harvery. In DIRECT CONTRAVENTION to his order, which was made on behalf of his brother, the President, Harvey was retained by the CIA. They just sent him to Italy where Bobby wasn't likely to stumble across him. So please forgive me if I rant whenever I hear anyone tell me how the Kennedys and the CIA were working together to kill Castro. And have you ever noticed that nearly all sources of the accusation that the Kennedy's wanted Castro dead track back to Sam Halpern, Richard Helms' trusted aide? JFK and Bobby wanted Castro REPLACED, not killed, and they kept telling the CIA change couldn't come from without, that change had to come from within Cuba. They asked the CIA to find potential leaders and offered support for a native uprising, but they never wanted to invade, they never wanted an external war, and they never actually had any plan to kill Castro, as the CIA's OWN IG REPORT STATES. The last pages of the report ask and answer the question as directly as it has ever been stated. <BEGIN QUOTE> Can CIA state or imply that it was merely an instrument of policy? Not in this case. While it is true that Phase Two was carried out in an atmosphere of intense Kennedy administration pressure to do something about Castro, such is not true of the earlier phase. Phase One was initiated in August 1960 under the Eisenhower administration. Phase Two is associated in Harvey's mind with the Executive Action Capability, which reportedly was developed in response to White House urgings. Again, Phase One had been started and abandoned months before the Executive Action Capability appeared -132- on the scene. When Robert Kennedy was briefed on Phase One in May 1962, he strongly admonished Houston and Edwards to check with the Attorney General in advance of any future intended use of U.S. criminal elements. This was not done with respect to Phase Two, which was already well under way at the time Kennedy was briefed. <END QUOTE> Despite the guarded language, what this says is that RFK was briefed only on the Phase One plots, which had ended. The CIA did NOT tell RFK about the Phase Two plots, so Bobby had no chance to say STOP, which is why the CIA says they cannot "in this case" claim to have been an instrument of policy. Yes, there was pressure to "do something about Castro" but JFK and Bobby were clear to all around them that "doing something" DID NOT include KILLING Castro. I hope the bccs will join with me in protecting the truth and not adding to the lies and distortions in this case. It's hard enough to find the truth. When we see a glimpse of it, as we did in the IG report, we should not give it up just because some author interprets documents differently. Hey - if someone can PROVE to me, show me the signature or quote me someone really trusted by the Kennedys who claims first hand knowledge of the Kennedy's involvement in the Castro assassination plots, I'm all eyes and ears. But short of that, I will hold to the best evidence I've seen, which is that this was NOT their wish. Bobby, in particular, was incensed that people accused him of trying to kill Castro, and lamented to Dick Goodwin that he (Bobby) was the one trying to save Castro's life. Goodwin, whom both JFK and RFK trusted, reports that firsthand in his book "Remembering America." Lastly, if I and many other researchers are correct in our belief that the CIA was directly involved in killing Kennedy, then it follows that the CIA would push on anyone who would listen the disinfo that JFK wanted to kill Castro, as it detracts from their strongest motive for offing him. It seems to have had the desired effect, if Liz Smith's summary is correct. Waldron and Hartmann fell for that, and now excuse the CIA from involvement, blaming that old standby patsy, the Mob. I refuse to believe anything like this until I see cold, hard documented proof. And even then, I'd question the chain re that/those documents. False documents have already been "found" in the archives.
  12. I did a google search and discovered that Joan Mellen had some trouble finding a publisher for her book. Anybody know how she overcame that obstacle? Who finally published her book, and why would anybody want to read a book about Jim Garrison? Oh, the one note wonder has now taken over this thread with her same old same old: I will have you know Ms Mellen has authored 17 books. This book is published by Potomac books. You should read it; you just might learn something. I'd also recommend Jim DiEugenio's excellent "Destiny Betrayed" and Bill Davy's "Let Justice Be Done". Out of curiosity, just what books on the assassination of JFK have you actually READ??? And where's your pic? (Isn't that a rule John???) Lynne, I am not trying to get you "banned" from the forum, I am just wondering why you must take over every single thread with your aggression against Garrison? Why don't you re-do your bio and tell the forum members how you came to be interested in this case, and what you have written (if anything) or done (if anything) to advance the solving of this case. Incidently, I agree with you that Tricky Dick may well have been involved but there is no proof of this. And given your overt hostility to me on this forum I was not about to concur with you on anything. Dawn
  13. [quote name='John Simkin' date='Oct 23 2005, 07:33 AM' post='42841'] Back in 86 I wrote to Tony SUmmers in Ireland and received a brief response, wherein he mainly quoted from his book "Conspsiracy" and made clear he was not interested in corresponding with anyone on this case. Dawn[
  14. Pat: I too hope someone contacts Colson. I had a plan to for years and approach him as one Christian (me ) to an other (alleged) Christian (him). My plan was to write to him and remind him that AS A CHRISTIAN he has a duty to the public to come clean. To this end I sent him an email two years ago. I got a form mail response back inviting me to contribute to his prison ministry. So, if Lynne, or someone else should decided to contact him, he can be found online and I suppose if one is clever enough he might even write back. Because he sure has a lot to account for. Dawn
  15. Pat: I agree. I began this thread to point out that I thought it was a little more than coincidental that all this Garrison bashing coincided with the release of Joan Mellen's wonderful book. But John has allowed Ms Foster and Gerry Hemming to trun every thread into gibberish and insults. Dawn
  16. [quote name='Lynne Foster' date='Nov 14 2005, 06:00 AM' post='45199'] I guess you think I am Wilson because I haven't learned to discuss the Kennedy assassination without discussing the killers. It's great to know that you know why Nixon didn't run in 1964, I guess you are a Nixon insider. Next time I have a question about Nixon, I'll just as you. Is he responsible for the murder of John Lennon? John: Just how long are you going to allow this nitnit to literally ruin this forum? SHe has now managed to accuse everyone here of being everything from a Nixon supporter to trying to sabotage the investigation of the assassination. This used to be a serious forum but the last few days it's been a joke: a sad joke. And this is not just my opinion, several people from the forum were privately in touch last evening about this. Dawn [quote name='Tim Gratz' date='Nov 14 2005, 08:16 AM' post='45215'] You do belong to the group of 5% of Americans who can remember what "WIN" meant. Tim: Surely you jest? Who could FORGET "Whip Inflation Now"? Don't you remember how succesful all those pins were against inflation? Ford was so innovative; a genius Dawn
  17. Well, Ms Foster-Dulles, Until the likes of you and Lone Nutter Pervis took over the forum there was some very good research being done here. Now the likes of you and wacked out Hemming wanna be have driven off the good posters. Maybe if you three shut up for a bit people will get back to serious posting. But I know the intent of disinfo people. You three are the ones who have no desire to expose anyone who killed Kennedy. God, I thought Gratz was disinfo, at least he could write an intelligent post. Even if he thinks Castro did it, and no one agrees with him, he has something to SAY. You three just want to disrupt this forum. And for some odd reason John is allowing this?????? But a mere high school kid can take you all on with his hands behind his back and blindfolded. Go for it Owen, but I think Steven is also right: let them post their crap and others can just post around them. Problem is the JOHN: They take over every thread!!! Dawn
  18. [quote name='Gerry Hemming' date='Nov 13 2005, 04:52 PM' post='45080'] -------------------------- Talk about gullible hero worshiping females !! Harrison was so "deep cover" that Bob Brown "outed" him as a phony, and in public long ago !! Just one more "single-engine-novice-pilot-dopers" who needed the "Tooshie" path to 15-nano-seconds. Get real, and try taking some of your accused to trial instead of plea-bargaining down their "warehoused" criminal charges -- will you ??!! GPH ______________________ Go to hell you old soggy sack of ca ca. If you had something to add to this case you'd have done it years ago. How dare you insult a dead friend of mine. And if it's any of your business I have a jury trial tomarrow. I have lots of jury trials. What do you do with your otherwise wasted life??? You're a phony wanna be. Your ass is gonna get busted yet. Dawn
  19. Pam: I completely agree with you. We have seen where government investigations have gotton us. I had such high hops for HSCA and under the direction of Sprague I think we really could have achieved something. But the CIA-controlled press was not going to allow that to happen. There still exists, from HSCA recommendations, that a further investigation be done under the Justice Department. If we could ever get a President in office who would appoint an Attorney General, like say Judge Joe Brown...just imagine what we could achieve. (No I am not that naive, just hate to lose ALL hope as long as there are still living witnesses and conspirators). Dawn But I just saw a story that Jeb may run...big surprise. Heaven help us all.
  20. [quote name='Tim Gratz' date='Nov 13 2005, 01:55 PM' post='45065'] Dawn, sorry to poke a little fun at the typographical error (note I do not comment on the one in your current post). I have posted before that I am a night auditor. Great position for someone interested in history because I often have three or four hours to read and write once the audit work is done. I am so jealous!! I wold love a job where I could just READ. Dawn
  21. [quote name='Tim Gratz' date='Nov 13 2005, 05:17 AM' post='45035'] Dawn: Gratz, you're the poster here who is the minority of one who believes Castor did it. Dawn, wrong again. Although the assassination is often allegorized to a classic Greek tragedy, I am confident that Castor is innocent. (Castor, a figure in Greek mythology, is the twin brother of Polydeuces (Pollux), one of the twin stars that form the constellation Gemini. He is the son of Zeus and a mortal, Leda of Sparta.) Opps, so I made a typo. LIke you never do TIm? LIke you I am trianed to be an attorney, not a secretary so my typing skills are quite lacking. So why won't you tell us, now that you are an ex-attorney, just what it is you do for a living? WHen I first joined the forum I thought you wre a news writer, but if that were the case you'd just tell us. No shame there. But for some reason when ever someone asks what you do you reply that you're CIA in Langley. Why so secretive Tim? Dawn
  22. As I ponder the fact that we are fast approaching the 42nd anniversary of the privatal event that shaped US politics from then til now, I cannot help but wonder if we are any closer to the truth. Certainly there has been a lot of progress and sharing of terrific information on this forum. We have had times of excitement, like the 70's and the Church Committee, paving the way for HSCA, which ultimately bombed, but then ARRC got a lot of new records released. People are getting old and some are talking. (Some are also lying for their 15 minute of infamey...) Bill Kelly's idea of a Grand Jury is so very inticing, but how do you make that happen?. YOu need some powerful people to accomplish this. And even then they get overruled by the evil powers that be. There are several conferences next weekend, but that's preaching to the choir. How can we actually affectualte CHANGE? Can we even? I know it's felt very futile for me. I have openly argued this case with professionals at the hightest order and they cling to the LN cover story. "Don't mess up my thinking, dude" . To realize a conspiracy means then DOING something. And people feel powerless. Even people IN power. So what are we all feeling as we approach another sad aniversary? Dawn
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