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Evan Burton

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Everything posted by Evan Burton

  1. As someone who doesn't have a dog in this fight, I think it is important for all sides to get a chance to have their say. The people who are very sure of their position will be able to defend their posts. Seeing robust debate is excellent; watching people throw insults against one another is deplorable. I believe that people here should allow - indeed encourage - those with contrary views to participate here. Taking on an opponent and invalidating their assertions through logic and evidence is the most effective way to negate them. As long as people can remain civil, then debate regarding your favorite topic is the essence of a great forum.
  2. Hi Scott - welcome and I hope you find your time here rewarding.
  3. Hi Mark - welcome to the Forum.
  4. Please keep in mind the reason is unclear, and may have a completely natural cause: http://articles.latimes.com/2014/jan/05/local/la-me-sardine-crash-20140106
  5. G'day John, I am not happy with a lot of what the PRC is doing but it is great to see their space programmes are achiving their aims. As you say, I would not be surprised to see them become the leaders in space technology. In fact, a recent issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology headed the article "China: From laggard to leader".
  6. Interesting to see that some of the ol' rabid HBs are now loudly decrying the landing of the PRC's Chang'e 3 lunar lander and explorer, claiming it is "faked". Laughably, some are using the already debunked "classic claims" from the Apollo days. Of course, some asked if the Chang'e 3 could image the Apollo landing sites; when told that the nearest site was about 1000KM away, a HB posted "How convenient". Thus is the mind of a HB. Congratulations to the PRC on a great achievement.
  7. Out of curiosity... has anyone undergone a major shift in their opinions regarding the JFK assassination? From being a 'lone nutter' to belief in a conspiracy? From a belief in a conspiracy to a 'lone nutter'? Or perhaps a major shift in how you thought it was done (I don't know details so you'll have to decide what is a major shift)? If so, what convinced you? By past performance, I'm guessing this will be futile but.... this is your personal view. If someone says "I changed my opinion because of A" and you think A is completly bogus, please do NOT voice your view that A is bogus... just let people voice what shaped their opinions. Thank you.
  8. Hi Frank, Wow! You have an incredible story; welcome to the Forum!
  9. Hi Tom! Welcome to the Forum.
  10. Sorry Ron, but that is not what it says. How can I say this? Because Mike Woods, one of the study's authors, says so: (bolding mine) Read more here: http://conspiracypsychology.com/2013/07/13/setting-the-record-straight-on-wood-douglas-2013/
  11. Religion has caused more war and woe in this world than any other single cause; it should be a personal matter and never be a part of government.
  12. David, So the only recorded testimony is from the policemen themselves? No-one who claimed to be present ever disputed their version of events?
  13. I would take Detective Cletus P Banjo and Officer Wife Beater at their word of course. The Dallas police circa 1963 were a pretty stand up buncha guys. If they said it happened, it's true...LOL What about the patrons in the theatre; they saw it, didn't they?
  14. But LHO tried to shoot the police inside the theatre... that is not normal behaviour.
  15. Spying is part of a government's business; they do it, we do it, everyone does it. It is part of that old axiom: trust but verify.
  16. Steve, I hardly bother replying to Truther claims anymore; the 9-11 'Truther' movement has been shown to be so wrong that to try and refute the majority of claims is like beating a dying rat with club.... it is simply not required. Likewise, hundreds of thousands of people who used to be Truhers have shifted their opinion after the "Truth" movement has been shown to be anything but. Let them rant away.... it won't change the facts.
  17. Apart from Peter - or if it is requested - I don't know of this happening. Even if requested, we really would prefer not to do that. What instance were you refering to?
  18. Doug, I haven't got the time to listen to that interview right now but what is happening in the US with cities declaring themselves bankrupt? How many examples of this have there been? Surely employee pension rights, etc, have to be taken care of as part of any settlement?
  19. Well, that wasn't very hard to predict, was it? An independent UN report confirms that chemical weapons were used, beyond any doubt. Although not in the terms of reference, the evidence points towards the Syrian government being responsible. So now Russia says that the report is biased, fabricated, etc. Just as I said would happen. What I didn't see was John Kerry making that big blunder, on how to "stop the attack". Russia was very quick to take advantage of that, as would anyone. That should have defused the situation quite rapidly but now the Syrians are now dragging their feet. That's giving the US renewed justification for military action. Watch this space....
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