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Evan Burton

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Posts posted by Evan Burton

  1. I have to turn down my speakers to cuise this site. I guess the Admin and Mods don't have speakers.

    Actually, I use Firefox with the Ad Block Plus plug-in so I don't see it.

    Anyway, I've gone into the board code and removed what I believe to be the advertising. To me, the advertising seems to be gone but I'll need other members to refresher their pages and tell me if it has or hasn't.

  2. A member suggested (perhaps in jest) that another member may not be who they claim to be. If the members concerned are willing, I have at workmate travelling to Adelaide (RAAF Edinburgh) to attend a meeting for me in a couple of weeks. Perhaps they could 'verify' the identity claim - although I get the impression any verification by me would be dismissed a 'disinformation'.

    If we could arrange the above, perhaps we could arrange independent 'verification' if the member concerned is willing? I should also say that there is NO doubt as to the identity of the affected member on the forums part, and if the member decided to decline to the request I would take it as their perfectly acceptable right with no inferences drawn from such.

  3. I asked that Kathy's request be considered, but I am forced to agree with John. There are claims - untrue and / or unfounded - made by Peter on another forum that basically preclude his return here.

    I am sure that all the mods and admins here appreciate the repercussions of such a decision. We are going to lose members who we would prefer continue to post here; that being said it is in the longer term good of the Forum for this to occur.

    I would ask members who are considering resigning to ask themselves: why they cannot be part of this Forum? If you cannot abide by the published rules, then it is sadly a case where you must move on. If you think the rules are wrong, then why not accede to them for the short term and discuss why they should be changed? If you disagree with a system, then does withdrawing from it help to initiate change?

    I'm reminded of something I heard, which may being incorrect / paraphrased: Decisions are made by those who show up.

    Just something to think about.

  4. Whatever you believe, do not believe the lies posted on DPF about this forum. There are many lies posted amongst the truth. People should listen to Dawn - a voice of reason amongst the cacophony that exists about Peter on the DPF. There are claims that a member here is a "puppet", and (again) that Magda has been 'suspended'.

    These are false claims.

  5. Can I remind all of some facts?

    David resigned. No-one "...got rid of..." him.


    I resign my membership on this forum....

    David Healy


    No-one is saying anyone must choose between forums; why not be a member of both? Magda is, except she is under moderation. Why? Because her avatar does not meet Forum requirements... which has been pointed out numerous times. As soon as she meets the requirements - which applies to others as well - her moderation will be removed.

    As for why Peter was removed, I suggest that people re-read John Simkin's post on the matter:


  6. Hmmm. I'm not really under a flightpath. That might be why. I wonder if someone in Washington, Heathrow, De Gaulle etc could take a snapshot and post it.

    Damn - I should have done that at Dallas-Fort Worth just recently. That place is BUSY! I also noticed that if you take a careful look out your window, you can see at least one other aircraft most of the time (in daylight, etc). Getting near an airport such as DFW it is even more likely. US airspace is quite busy.

  7. Good for you, Evan! As a former colleague used to say, "I take it back and asset the opposite!" In this case, you appear to have been on the right side, for which I commend you.

    Thank you Professor. We can agree even when we disagree. Please understand I (strongly) disagree with the majority of Peter's posts, and disagree with what I consider to be his inability to not take things too personally, but he added a balance to the Forum.

    I am sure John will give us a full explanation when he feels he is able; he has been under considerable personal stress of late and I do not expect he to have to explain his decisions until he is ready to. Like you, I am upset that Peter's posts have been removed... not because I agree with them (anything but!) yet believe just because I disagree with someone does not mean they should be silenced. I do agree with enforcing the Forum rules as decided by the owners, but if a post does not break the rules then I see no reason for it to be removed - no matter how passionately I disagree with it.

  8. The situation is ridiculous. Peter Lemkin is the only moderator since I have been involved on this forum who, in my opinion, was even handed and involved. This Evan Burton guy has been such a toady for the trolls that it has made me sick. I never heard of this Andy Walker before, but John should get a grip on this before it all spins out of control. Having biased moderators screws up the forum and defeats its purpose--where Walker would appear to be a prime example.

    Gee - have a few more goes at me Professor. You forget I actually voted for Peter to stay a moderator. That it was my suggestion he become a moderator. That in previous discussion about Peter's behaviour (the latest was not the first) I voted for him to stay then, too.

    People can't seem to accept that I don't need to like someone in order to think they have value.

  9. I find your outrage deliciously ironic since you promote a forum that won't even allow me to look at it!

    You are a hypocrite, Peter.

    IMO a deep look into who and what A.W. fronts for is needed and all those of good faith to Truth and Justice need to reconsider their participation on this Forum. J. Simkin is blameless to my knowledge, but somehow secretly [to us] silent to A.W. influence and silencing of any mention of conspiracy and the promotion of coincidence theory and those few [5-6] coincidence cognitive infiltrators on this forum...or dying forum.

    Who or what on earth do you think I 'front' for Peter?

    It is my belief from your actions against me and others that you 'front' for all those who would silence those who question, investigate and try to explain alternate scenarios for official versions of history, assassinations, covert operations, conspiracies, events, voodoo economics, rationales for: war, imperialism, hatred of the scapegoat 'other'; wars on terror, wars on drugs; jihad on what you would label 'nutty conspiracy theorists'. You have tried, and so far managed, to silence my voice. This is not a Forum of free speech much any more, IMO, but one of Walker-approved speech increasingly. Sadly. Your surly manner in this section sets a chilling tone - as it is mean to. Civility is lost on you to those who you disagree with. Why am I no longer a moderator other than your dislike of my political views?! Where was the set Forum protocol to decide on that. Why the permanent moderation [which so far you have allowed NOTHING through and sense ONLY YOU are 'vetting' my posts. What are you afraid of? - I think the truth and those who speak truth to power.

  10. Dutch officials have arrested a Swedish pilot who flew for commercial airlines for 13 years using a fake licence, police said on Wednesday.

    The 41-year-old pilot, who lives in Milan, clocked up at least 10,000 hours flying for airlines based in Britain, Italy and Belgium.

    Following a tip-off from the Swedish authorities, officials detained him at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport on Tuesday evening as he was preparing to take off for Ankara in a Boeing 737 with 101 passengers on board, Dutch police said in a statement.

    The pilot had previously held a licence to fly small planes, but it had expired and did not allow him to fly large airliners.

    He has been held in custody and a judge in Haarlem, near Amsterdam, will decide on Friday if he should be released on bail while awaiting trial for forging documents and flying without a licence.


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