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Brendan Slattery

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Everything posted by Brendan Slattery

  1. Senility claims yet another victim. Jack, you really need a new hobby. How 'bout shuffleboard?
  2. Why yes, I did. Never said he didn't have the right to publish his crap. Murdered? He killed himself, dummy. He most certainly was. You too. And I dissent from your lunacy. Guess that makes me a patriot. Shouldn't you be working on a get-well card for Fidel? P.S. It's nice to see that you linked Goebbels and Zinn. Maybe you're not a lost cause after all.
  3. McAdams is not only a defender of the Warren Commission. He organizes attacks against anyone who questions the crimes committed by the US government over the last 40 years. See for example his blog: http://mu-warrior.blogspot.com/ That's right, John. He's a conservative and you're a left-wing, Guardian-reading radical. So what? There's no pretense or artifice here. "He organizes attacks against anyone who questions the crimes committed by the US government over the last 40 years." Heaven forbid! Does he think he has First Amendment rights or something?? Doesn't he realize he's living in Amerikkka?
  4. McAdams: Harvard PhD; distinguished professor of political science Lemkin: total zero; Fifth Columnist; America-hater; Castro admirer If this were a boxing match, it'd be stopped.
  5. No mystery at all, Jack. Tom Lowry wrote: How embarrassed where you when asked about photogrammetry by HSCA and you didn't even know what it was ? Incorrigible Jack White wrote : I was not at all embarrassed. Why should it embarrass me? It was a false issue. "Photogrammetry" merely means TAKING MEASUREMENTS ON PHOTOS. At that time it was only used by NASA and THE MILITARY in analyzing aerial photos. I do not study aerial photos. Photogrammetry was not a science and at that time not one person in a million could define it. I was no different. It was not taught in universities and there were no degrees in photogrammetry. It was merely a technique used in certain fields like the military. Coming from an advertising background, I worked with thousands of photographs, and measured them daily, but did not know that some people called what I practiced "photogrammetry"; I called it proportioning and analysis. Blakey used this as a technique to try to discredit me, but it backfired on him after Nita Totenberg criticized him on NPR, and he backed off. My friend Seth Kantor angrily confronted him and he apologized. Why do you consider it embarrassing to not know the definition of a word you have never heard? I find it educational to learn. Nowadays, with the advent of commonplace satellite photography PHOTOGRAMMETRY has become more prevalent than 35 years ago, and some schools even have courses in it for people becoming surveyors, cartographers, engineers. It is now the basis for most mapmaking and surveying of large areas .Thank you for your interest. I hope you find this information satisfactory. John McAdams concludes: Amazing! White was showing an analysis that assumed you could measure an object in a photo without taking into account whether it was held parallel to the film plane, or at an angle. You just can't do that and get reliable results.
  6. Bill, you're the only one who responds to Jack's daily spam, so why should I waste the time and energy doing it myself? Stop taking his bait.
  7. Which is the bigger tragedy: JFK's death, or the fact that it spawned thousands of Jack White posts?
  8. You know why? Because like a little fink, you went back in the still of the night and added a whole bunch of pointless crap to your post. You think I'm gonna waste my time on an Anti-American little monkey who thinks Castro occupies a higher moral plane than Bush? Puhleeze. Speaking of being stonewalled, why have you not declared your nationality? I believe I asked you to clarify that some time ago. Tick tock. Why the world hates America By Michael Medved Wednesday, August 23, 2006 The disease of America Hatred now has reached pandemic proportions in many corners of the globe, spreading far beyond the predictably hopeless fever swamps of Islamic militants, French intellectuals, or Latin American demagogues. In fact, many citizens within the USA itself energetically embrace the basic assumptions of America Hatred, perceiving their country as an unequivocally negative force on the world scene. John Tirman, director of MIT’s prestigious Center for International Studies, recently wrote a book called “100 Ways America is Screwing Up the World.” When questioned on my radio show, he refused to dismiss the notion that humanity might have been better off if Europeans had never settled North America in the first place – in other words, if the USA as we know it had never come into existence. The most direct way to counter such disgraceful fatuity is with reference to a key element in a classic American contribution to world cinema: Frank Capra’s “It’s a Wonderful Life.” George Bailey (Jimmy Stewart) learns to appreciate his own worth after getting a glimpse of the direction his community of Bedford Falls might have taken had he not been around to serve and save it. By the same token, America bashers might try a thought experiment in which they imagine a world in which the USA never existed and played no current role. Would Belgium and Canada have somehow pooled their mighty military machines and succeeded in rescuing humanity from Naziism – and Communism? If not for the United States, which nation might have inspired the world to pursue self-government and human rights? Remember, the famous French Revolution proved so feckless in this regard that the frog-eaters anointed an all-powerful Emperor (Napoleon) less than twenty years after they guillotined their king. In terms of commercial activity and living standards, the United States remains the indefatigable engine that drives the world economy, with productivity and ingenuity as indispensable to sustaining global prosperity as American agricultural bounty is essential to feeding all of humanity. The irrational nature of America Hatred comes into clearest focus with the realization that this destructive passion flourishes most spectacularly among those who have benefited most conspicuously from the existence of the U.S. You’ll find such festering resentment in Western Europe in general (France in particular), Islamic nations especially dependent on American aid, support and trade (Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, for example), among pampered, privileged stars in the entertainment industry, and on elite university campuses in the United States and around the world. If, then, the most outspoken advocates of America Hatred have seldom suffered personally at the hands of the nation they loathe, how can we understand their implacable hostility? Three factors help to explain this impassioned abhorrence which, like most consuming hatreds, does its most serious damage to the haters themselves --- I. ENVY When the society often described as “the world’s most hated nation” also turns out to be the country most fervently desired as a destination for immigrants from everywhere, then it’s blindingly obvious that envy plays the leading role in generating hostility to the United States. In the same way that the most successful kid in school will generate considerable resentment, or the most prominent and prosperous citizen of a town will provoke hostility from some of his less fortunate neighbors, the US draws anger and condemnation precisely because of its overwhelming power and influence. America hatred has clearly intensified in the last fifteen years, though it’s hard to make the case that our country has suddenly begun playing a more destructive role in the world since the conclusion of the Cold War. What changed since the collapse of the Soviet Union is the disappearance of any credible rival to the last remaining superpower, so that the US, as the unequivocally dominant power on the planet, draws more anger and suspicion than it did during the long struggle with global Communism. Moreover, the envy that spurs anti-Americanism often stems from a resentment of US power, rather than jealousy of the wealth and freedoms Americans so obviously enjoy. For instance, the citizens of the Netherlands boast living standards that compare favorably with those of many Americans, and have built a vibrant democracy with abundant civil liberties. Nevertheless, when voters go to the polls in Amsterdam or Utrecht they make decisions with no significant consequences beyond the boundaries of Holland; American elections, by contrast, help determine the future of all of civilization and resonate in the remotest corners of the planet. After the Bush re-election in 2004, several journalists in Europe suggested that residents of nations allied with America should get the chance to vote in US elections because of the impact of those campaigns on every nation’s future —a sure indication of the seething envy for the centrality and influence of the USA that contributes unmistakably to America Hatred. Among America-haters within the USA, their jealousy is directed at presently powerful major institutions (the military, the corporations, the Republican Party, conservative religious groups) and the “great unwashed” who support them. Their alienation from long-standing traditions, current trends, and the majority of their fellow citizens make them feel like exiles in their own country – and to resent the nation which, for the most part, continues to ignore their increasingly hysterical criticisms. II. THE LEGACY OF COMMUNISM. For nearly fifty years the Communist Empire that covered half the globe invested untold resources in the most vile and relentless anti-American propaganda. More than a billion adults in today’s world grew up under fanatical dictatorships headed by the likes of Brezhnev, Mao, Castro, Kim Il Sung where school books, youth organizations, radio, movies, TV, newspapers, even official holidays spread the vicious and preposterous lies about life in the United States. Declassified files in the former Soviet Union show that the KGB and related organizations also spent literally hundreds of millions of dollars to spread the same lies in the West – hiring countless agents of “disinformation” to communicate the idea that America is a uniquely cruel, corrupt, exploitative, racist, militaristic, imperialist, and religiously fanatical society whose very existence menaces “People’s Republics” everywhere. Of course, Communist dictatorships remain in power from Beijing to Havana and they’ve been joined recently by leftist demagogues such as Hugo Chavez in Venezuela or Evo Morales in Bolivia who depend on whipping up anti-Yankee sentiment to maintain their tenuous hold on power. To an astonishing degree, the condemnations of the United States by even the most “advanced” and “sophisticated” pundits and professors in the West continue to echo the ancient particulars of Marxist anti-Americanism first put forward by Lenin himself, and later elaborated by his Stalinist successors. In a sense, the current discredited state of Marxist ideology (with massive economic failures and appalling mass murder in every nation under Communist rule) only redoubled the anti-American fervor on the left: former apologists for Stalinism, Maoism, Castroism and other horrors can now salve their consciences by insisting that the American economic and political system is even worse than the nightmarish regimes they once embraced. III. TOXIC POPULAR CULTURE. Made-in-America movies, TV shows, popular music, fast food and fashion trends remain this nation’s most successful exports to the rest of humanity. Instead of inspiring affection for the USA (as did the Hollywood products of the 1930’s and ‘40’s, for instance), the current entertainment offerings deliver a dark, dysfunctional view of life in North America. Few people in Burundi or Bangladesh will ever get the chance to visit L.A. or New York but they’ll all get visions of American life on TV or at the movies – visions that emphasize violence, sexual indulgence, economic injustice, pervasive corruption, selfishness and villainy of every sort. Most of the societies in the non-Western world (very much including China, India, much of Africa and Latin America, and nearly all of the Islamic world) maintain a commitment to highly traditional family values that would rank as outrageously restrictive, even “puritanical” in US terms. Of course, hundreds of millions in such societies view the risqué contents of American entertainment as decadent and damaging, a (perhaps conspiratorial) threat to the morals that traditionalists year to sustain and defend. When the most creative story-tellers within America itself fail time and again to portray the overwhelming goodness, decency, kindness and wide-open opportunity that remain essential elements of the American experience, then one can hardly blame the impoverished audiences in less fortunate corners of the earth for remaining ignorant of the true nature of the USA. The factors that produce the surging levels of America Hatred—Envy, Communist Legacy and Pop Cultural influence—all do more damage to the people who succumb to that loathing than they do to the interests of the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. Envy distracts from constructive effort, paralyzing both nations and individuals; nostalgia for the bad-old-days of Marxist tyranny encourages the worst tendencies in any society, and embracing the current products of US pop culture (gangsta rap, anyone?) grants influence to the worst, not the best, messages from American society. The one form of anti-Americanism that ought to worry the citizens and leaders of this country involves the elitist contempt here at home for the nation’s past and present—contempt tirelessly fomented by leading educators and media figures. Political historian Michael Barone recently identified such leaders as “our covert enemies” who have “been working, over many years, to undermine faith in our society and confidence in its goodness…. Our covert enemies don’t want the Islamo-fascists to win. But in some corner of their hearts they would like us to lose.” Understanding and confronting America Hatred wherever it occurs, around the world but most importantly here at home, will help to insure that these potentially dangerous enemies never get their secret wish.
  9. To embarrass so-called attorneys at every turn. Let me guess: you're one of those slip-n-fall lawyers. Lord knows we don't have enough of those. Well, you'd know all about hate, toots. Aren't you the same miscreant who railed about Bush Admin "Nazis" and the eeeeeevil Zionists? It's "gnat," sweetie. I would think you'd know that, since you both share the same brain capacity. You don't know jack about the case. You lemmings whine that the WC tried to pin it on LHO regardless of the facts, yet you're doing the same thing in reverse. Hmm. Funny how the dissenters are the only ones to get banned. A coincidence, I'm sure.
  10. You are the most pathetic member we have had on this forum. You appear to be incapable of intellectual argument. You're right. Maybe I'd garner more respect if I said the CIA controlled the news, shadowless Zapruder was not standing on the pedestal, and Gorbachev won the Cold War. I'd be wrong, but at least I'd be an "intellectual" by your standards.
  11. I would also call on the administrators to remove BS from this Forum. A nakedly fascist tactic from the same guy who always bitches about fascism. The irony is delicious. No, a true Nazi would have killed Webb and millions more like him. Your buddy Jack is a doddering, incompetent flake. Sieg heil! Oh please. You people are too cartoonish to hate. Another way the CIA and other agencies of the thugocracy control the news and views is to have persons like BS on this and other forums creating hate and chaos and trying to disrupt the dissemination of research and exploration of the truth. Agent provocateur is the term. Hatemonger another. Sadly, he is a perfect example of what forces we face now in America. [with the idea that exploration of the truth if it upsets or exposes those in illegal power now is 'anti-american' and a fair target for execution] If you laugh at him, remember they also laughed at the Nazis at first..... You don't live in America, Pete, so shut your Fifth Columnist trap.
  12. I would also call on the administrators to remove BS from this Forum. A nakedly fascist tactic from the same guy who always bitches about fascism. The irony is delicious. No, a true Nazi would have killed Webb and millions more like him. Your buddy Jack is a doddering, incompetent flake. Sieg heil! Oh please. You people are too cartoonish to hate.
  13. Repeated requests to remove this scumbag have fallen on deaf ears, even though he has never posted ANY research. Jack Jack: He's only here to annoy us. Research? I doubt he can spell the word. And yes BS I have more work than I need at the moment. I wonder what I would get if I bothered to google you. Not enuf time to waste on such a thing tho. Probably not even your real name or pic. You're really Lynn Foster in drag. You might consider suicide. When it comes to you I am reminded of the late, great Freddy Mercury in "Don' t Try Suicide" : " no body gives a damn". That about sums up how you are viewed here. Dawn I'm game for murder-suicide if you are. When can you get here?
  14. "Paging Dr. Miller. Paging Dr. Bill Miller." Jack, why is it that you, like Zapruder, don't cast shadows? Are you a vampire?
  15. One less anti-American scumbag walking the Earth. Pity.
  16. You have actual clients? Impossible. So that makes it true! She needs to get off the pipe and get her ass back to school. You too. Clinically depressed, disgraced writers kill themselves all the time. No big loss.
  17. Behold Comrade Lemkin, the only man who thinks Walmart is a bigger threat to the American way of life than Al Qaeda. Want to post like Peter? Just use this handy template: blah blah blah the rotten apple that is the American dream blah blah blah decadent and falling empire blah blah blah lie of American morality blah blah blah state of fear and general anxiety blah blah blah Neocon propaganda machine blah blah blah spiral into fascism blah blah blah whores for power and oil blah blah blah. Islamofascism? North Korea? Iran? Syria? Hezbollah? Hamas? European anti-Semitism? Fake war photos courtesy of Reuters? Fidel's sunny police state? Not even on his radar screen.
  18. Who cares if he was a self-described Christian? Unlike modern day Islamists, the god he worshipped had nothing to do with his actions. Sorry, but I don't recognize that term. There is no such thing as "Palestine." You can't even find it on a map. And my post should have read "Jordanian synpathizer," in reference to the Six Day War. Never said it was the sole motivation. But don't tell me Christians gave a fig about fighter sales to Israel. Conversely, Islamists sure did.
  19. I didn't need to read further than the first of the dot points posted by 'Brendan Slattery' to observe that this guy should be prioritising for retraining by his handlers. I presume, 'Brendan', you refer here to the patsy Sirhan Sirhan, who given religion is, in fact, Christianity. Incidentally, the hapless Sirhan remains incarcerated to this day - a life-long victim of the most cruel injustice. Uh huh. Because it is a well-known fact that Christians were incensed with RFK's plans to sell fighters to Israel. Yessireebob. Earth to stupid: A Jordanian killed RFK that night, not a Christian. Hatred for Jews (surprise!) was his motivation. But you already knew that.
  20. Holy xxxx. Are you kidding me? TMWKK has more credibilty than this garbage. Like PON hasn't been utterly and totally discredited by now? Have you been following the news lately, Mark? Have you tried to board an airplane with a cup of coffee? PON is akin to a 1938 documentary which posits that Hitler is meek as a lamb. Terrorist threat "not real" or "overblown"? Let's review: In 1968 Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by a Middle Eastern Islamist male between the ages of 17 and 40. In 1972, at the Munich Olympics, 11 Israeli athletes were killed by Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages 17 and 40. In 1979, the U.S. Embassy in Iran was taken over by Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40. In the 1980s, numerous Americans were kidnapped in Lebanon by Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40. In 1983, the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40. In 1985 the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked, and a 70-year-old disabled American passenger was murdered and thrown overboard by Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40. In 1985 TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens, and a U.S. Navy diver was murdered by Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40. In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40. In 1993, the World Trade Center was bombed by Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40. In 1995, a plot to blow up U.S.-bound international flights over the Pacific was attempted by Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40. In 1998, the U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40. In 2000, 17 sailors died in an attack on the USS Cole in Yemen by Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40. On September 11, 2001, four airliners were hijacked -- two flown into the World Trade Centers, one into the Pentagon and one into the ground in rural Pennsylvania. They were hijacked by Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40. In 2002, reporter Daniel Pearl and other Westerners were kidnapped and beheaded by Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40. That same year more than 330 hostages in Beslan and 130 hostages in Moscow were murdered in sieges by Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40. In 2002, a bombing in the resort town of Kuta, Bali kills 202 people and injures a further 209. It was the deadliest act of terrorism in Indonesian history. The perps were Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40. In 2004, more than 200 Spanish civilians were murdered on trains by bombs in Madrid, detonated by Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40. In 2005 more than 50 British citizens were killed by bombs on trains in London, detonated by Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40. In 2005, there were hundreds of casualties, men, women and children, killed by bombs in Jerusalem, Riyadh and Amman. These innocent civilians were murdered by Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40. In 2005, Paris and other European cities experienced an extended period of riots and destruction. The unrest was led by Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40. Since the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom, more than 35,000 Iraqi men, women and children and 2,500 Americans have been murdered by terrorists. Most of the combat and civilians casualties were the result of bombs detonated in civilian population centers by Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40. This year, hundreds -- thus far -- of Israeli civilians have been killed by rockets launched by Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40. A plot to blow up 10 U.S.-bound planes from the U.K. was attempted by Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40. That's right folks. It's all in our minds. Bush and Blair are the real threat. Nothing to see here. Just move along.
  21. Brendan. This post of yours was not warranted, it only served to try and de-rail Jacks thread. If you have nothing of value to add to the thread then don't bother posting. I am so sick of this CRAP. Jack derails his own threads with his amateur photo skills. How can I "de-value" something that held no value to begin with? My .gif was funny and you know it.
  22. It has always been my "hunch" that Comrade Lemkin is an intelligence agent, but then I remembered he's dumb as a post, so I retract said hunch.
  23. You give'em way too much power Peter. We want this dude Brandon -or- dudette Brandy to hang around for a while, we need a clear picture of, BRASS in the nose - LEAD me around by it, 2006-Lone Neuter thinking. He/She is at the head of the class... David, I want to assure you that the finest cryptologists at the CIA are working overtime to decipher what exactly it is you are trying to say. In fact, I send 99% of your posts directly to Langley, as they are all equally banal and confusing.
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