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Brendan Slattery

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Everything posted by Brendan Slattery

  1. David, Jack, Ashton - A pleasure to be in the company of those for whom first principles are not at issue. Paul Amazing how the whackjobs seem to find each other. Paul, you have zero evidence for any of the lamebrain things you posit. Kennedy was killed because he had the misfortune of driving past a crummy little Commie's place of employment. Please find a new hobby. Fast.
  2. We fouled up Korea? I learn something new every time I come here. Dumb and erroneous, but new.
  3. Hey Jack, Robin asked a simple question about the timing of the photograph. It was NOT an invitation for you to spew all your tired, lame, nauseatingly familiar, batxxxxcrazy theories about alleged photo manipulation. Now answer his question or stfu.
  4. HSCA: 4. PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS (437) Beyond the evidence produced by the use of the various photographic analyses, which did not detect any evidence of fakery in the backyard pictures, several practical considerations reinforce these conclusions. For example, the FBI established that the newspapers that appear in the photographs did not reach Oswald until March 27, or 28, 1963, and the committee determined that by April 5, 1963, Oswald had already autographed the back of one of the pictures (133A-DeM). (192) Aside from the obvious question of whether Oswald would place his signature on a fake picture, for the photograph to have been faked would have required access, within just a 10-day period, to Oswald's backyard, his camera, rifle (knowing that this would be the assassination weapon), and newspapers. (438) While such access without Oswalds knowledge would theoretically have been possible, it is regarded as unlikely. Moreover, a fundamental question is whether a sophisticated conspirator would expose himself to unnecessary risks of detection by making three fake photographs, when just one would suffice. Using stereoscopic analysis, any inconsistent evidence of fakery would be detected, as literally floating in the image space of the photograph. (439) Another important consideration mitigating against fakery is the obvious improvement in quality as the sequence of photographs progressed--133C, CE 133-B and CE 133-A. Quite clearly a learning process was taking place, as the photographer determined among other things how the subject would best be centered in the field of view. Finally, the presence of graphite marks on CE 133-A and CE 133-B strongly suggests that the prints were routinely developed by a drugstore or camera store photofinisher's laboratory. It is unlikely that sophisticated conspirator would have given the end product doctoring efforts to a drugstore for printing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of course, common sense has never been a Buff strong point. "But .. but .. Oswald's signature is fake too!" Suuure it is. Take your ball and go home, gents.
  5. You're equating that to intentional mass murder? Bill Greer lied thru his teeth to the WC, but that doesn't come close to proving he was part of a conspiracy. Non sequitur of the year award - with bouquet - goes to Mr. B, the Artie Fufkin of neo-con apologetics Paul, get off the computer. Your mom needs to use the phone.
  6. Which is a bigger waste of time--this, or Clint Hill Shoegate?
  7. I'm supposed to be shocked or surprised that incompetent people who made mistakes on or before 9/11 are in CYA mode? You're equating that to intentional mass murder? Bill Greer lied thru his teeth to the WC, but that doesn't come close to proving he was part of a conspiracy.
  8. "The 9/11 conspiracy movement exploits the public's anger and sadness. It traffics in ugly, unfounded accusations of extraordinary evil against fellow Americans." -- Sen. John McCain Not just 9/11, Senator.
  9. Keep editing 'til you hit zero words, Terry. It's for the best.
  10. This nonsense has been addressed before. Just enter "rybka" into the search engine and all will be explained.
  11. Uh oh. Here's comes the moral equivalency argument. Yeah, all those people on makeshift rafts braving shark-infested waters are big fans of El Papi. I guess that also explains why so many non-Cubans are eager to get in. But hey, who needs freedom, democracy, and civil liberties when you have free healthcare, right? Batista is FDR compared to this a-hole. Ha! You just knew that was coming! In Pete's demented mind, free healthcare is a fair tradeoff for 40 years of one-party fascist rule. FYI, Mussolini made the trains run on time. I guess that made him a great guy too. So that would explain why Castro's net worth exceeds $900 million. Looks like he's weathered the embargo quite well. His impoverished and downtrodden countrymen? Well, they weren't as fortunate. No, that's why you and your US-hating buddies adore him. The international left will overlook oppression and economic looting at home if you market yourself as David to the American Goliath. The thousands killed by Castro over the years, the tens of thousands more who have died desperately seeking freedom in the U.S., the political prisoners, the torture, the imprisonment of librarians--all can be forgiven so long as you pose as the alternative to the American "hegemon." Did you like Stalin? Pol Pot? Khomeini? Mao? Saddam? What exactly are Fidel's redeeming characteristics? What exactly has prevented him from holding free, multi-party elections or granting freedom of the press? He came to power promising democracy. He lied and subsequently brutalized and robbed his own country. Yet Pete wants to absolve all those sins and put it on Uncle Sam's tab. Regrettably, he ain't dead yet. So what's stopping him? There is little doubt that, given a genuinely free electoral choice, the Cuban people would opt for a true democracy. I certainly hope we do. We're in the democracy-exporting business. You don't have the right to a communist xxxxhole in our hemisphere. "Deserve better"? Why? I thought Cuba was a worker's paradise?? Hell no. You lefties wanted sanctions on South Africa in order to spur human rights. Cuba is no different. For those of you playing at home, Pete can't make one post without some sort of allusion to US "fascism." Cuba rounds up political prisoners, shuts down newspapers, and brutally suppresses dissent, yet somehow America is the police state. Go figure. No wonder you don't know xxxx about America or Cuba. Are you an ex-pat or a generic Euro weenie? Yeah, I really want to see slums and rusted out Chevies from the 1950s. Peter thinks police states can't have sun and palm trees. WSJ editorial: The standard apologetics for the sorry state of the Cuban economy begin from the premise that America, not socialism, is responsible for Cuba's travails. But Castro's personal financial success suggests that in fact substantial revenue is sluicing through the island. Even with the U.S. embargo in place, there's plenty of money to be made in Cuba. It's just that nearly all of it the income from exports of seafood, tobacco, sugar and nickel, not to mention Fidel's real-estate and pharmaceutical operations, goes to the ruling clique or to the military, bypassing the population. There are good reasons to question the embargo, but the notion that it is the source of all of Cuba's ills isn't one of them. Those same Mafia and Oligarchs are now predominant here in the USA now. "Here"? You don't even live here, you dummard. I do. And I know real fascism (and real morons) when I see it.
  12. Hey Measley Mouth Pencil D*ck, you sure look like Jim Plunkett - can we have your autograph? And you look like you're at death's door. I win.
  13. Aging virgin Robert wrote: Oh please. Jack is the crazy uncle hidden in the attic. Sadly, you’re on the very same trajectory. WC: Two photographs of Lee Harvey Oswald holding a rifle were found among Oswald's possessions in Mrs. Ruth Paine's garage at 2515 West Fifth Street, Irving, Tex. In one, Commission Exhibit No. 133-A, Oswald is holding the rifle generally in front of his body; in the other, Commission Exhibit No. 133-B, he is holding the rifle to his right. Also found at Mrs. Paine's garage were a negative of 133-B and several photographs of the rear of General Walker's house. An imperial reflex camera, which Marina Oswald testified she used to take 133-A and 133-B, was subsequently produced by Robert Oswald, Lee Harvey Oswald's brother. HSCA: Volume VI (352) Marina Oswald was later questioned by the FBI about photographs. She said that she had taken them in the backyard of the Oswald residence on Neeley Street in Dallas. Don’t you ever get tired of being wrong? From “The Assassin's Wife and the Quaker Woman Who Took Her In,” by Thomas Mallon: Someone knocked on the door. Ruth answered it and was confronted by a group of law-enforcement officers, including men from the Dallas County sheriff's department. She thought that they were there to serve papers in connection with her divorce, until one of them announced that Lee was in custody, charged with shooting a policeman. When the officers said they wanted to come in, she managed to ask if they had a warrant. They assured her they could get one right away. "That's O.K.," she told them. "We're all upset. Come on in." Ruth thought that "they'd come in and sit on my sofa and talk to me." Instead, "six guys spread out all over the house right away, like water." They asked whether Lee owned a gun, and Ruth said no. She translated the question to Marina, using the Russian word for "long gun" because that was the only one she knew. Yes, Marina responded, to Ruth's astonishment, Lee did have a gun. Marina then led the way to the garage. No mention had yet been made of the President; only of a murdered patrolman. But Ruth now understood what this was really about. When I asked her, nearly forty years later, to reconstruct what happened in the garage, Ruth groaned, before saying that Marina "showed this blanket roll, which was on the floor. The officer picked it up, folded it over his arm. It was empty. He didn't even have to open it. You could see it was empty. That was when I had this feeling, My God, it could have been Lee — that he came out last night, that the gun had been there. . . . That was probably the worst moment." Yes, all of this transpired on the 22nd. She stated on the 22nd that he owned a rifle. On that same afternoon, they find the incriminating photos in a box when they sweep through the Paine’s garage. Marina stated that she took the photos. Oswald was confronted with one of the photos on the 23rd. Simple enough for ya? So is she a “poor woman” swept up in a whirlwind of events or a flat out xxxx? You seem to want it both ways. Yes, she was admittedly confused. She hadn’t seen or thought about the photos in months. She fails to meet your standards of perfection. BTW, all it takes is ONE photograph taken by her in the backyard for the game to be over. Are you saying that she took NONE of the photos? Let me gauge just how batxxxx crazy you really are. The same way some earwitnesses heard five shots in Dealey Plaza instead of three. Sometimes, you only commit to memory the things that are important to you. The photos were important to Lee, not her. I was at the San Diego zoo last January. Did I take three photos or seven? Beats me. I didn’t want to be there anyway. Had she said she couldn’t remember taking any photos, that would have been much more ominous/incriminating. But that was never the case. Um, you just laid the groundwork that this woman is either confused or a xxxx. So why can’t she be confused about the stairs? Suddenly she’s telling the truth? They said it was likely the 31st. No one ever nailed down the date definitively. Do you realize it can rain and be sunny on the same day? Remember November 22nd? Says who? It wasn’t her camera. Why would she have intimate knowledge of it? Did the cameras in any way resemble each other? Were they both the same color? His brother had it, not some dark sinister force. I see. Marina is a xxxx but the Hesters are pure as the driven snow. Have them sign an affidavit and get back to me. Otherwise, it’s hearsay whispered into a buff’s willing ear. An “accusation” is proof? Please don't tell me you practice law. I’m still trying to figure out how the dirt poor Oswalds could afford color film. Am I supposed to be impressed that the Hesters haven’t budged from their story? Neither did the lady who claimed to be Princess Anastasia. I thought Marina was a beloved martyr who now thinks her husband might have been framed? So she did the framing? On the 22nd, Marina desperately wanted to believe in her husband's innocence. Why would she say she took damning, incriminating photos if she didn't really take them? Yes, ‘cause lord knows LHO never lied. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/leeslies.htm Citation? I can’t wait to see who you unearth. Jack is a buffoonish fraud and so are you. What else you got? No one ever said they were found among his effects, but I won’t rule it out. HSCA (353): The left-wing newspapers Oswald is holding is dated March 11 and March 24 and were mailed on March 7 and March 21, respectively, both by second-class mail. According to postal authorities, both newspapers would have arrived in Dallas by March 28. “Never demonstrated? What the f*ck are you talking about? Again, what the f*ck are you talking about? He absolutely owned those two weapons. Warren and HSCA. You’re 0 for 2. Because you’re a pathetic loser who has no life outside of this forum? Still hung up on my job, eh? What, praytell, do you do for a living? Rubbish collector? Yep, all those experts at the WC and HSCA were fooled by 1963 cut-and-paste technology. But not you! You’re too clever for the conspirators! Sigh. This from a man who has time to post on a Friday night. I guess you struck out at the men’s bathroom and headed on home. CASE CLOSED, dumbass. Nice avatar, btw. Too ashamed to show your ugly mug?
  14. The cycle is blocking the lower portion of the woman in the dress ... that's why Jack used the frame he did. This is one time that it took less time to see Jack's mistake than it did for him to create such a hair brained observation. Bill Miller Impossible. Jack's never wrong.
  15. Poor Jack. Still "stuck on stupid." Marina Oswald took those backyard photos. She admitted as much on Nov 23 and does so today. His head. His body. His newspapers. His rifle. His revolver. Zero credible/scientific evidence of fakery. End of story.
  16. Younger than his buddy Jack, but just as crazy.
  17. Moron, the Towner film covers the entire turn and part of its procession up Elm. Greer was incompetent, but he didn't come close to clipping the curb. Nor did any eyewitness on that corner testify to that effect. David, can you f*cking READ? Assuming you can, go read Appendix E again. Do you not realize what that's implying? Profiting from a film after the fact (i.e. Time-Life) is not the same thing as ACTING AS A WILLING, PAID, CO-CONSPIRATOR IN THE MURDER OF THE PRESIDENT. F*cking RETARD. P.S. Regarding "homework," Time-Life came to him, not the other way around. Somewhere, a remedial history class awaits you.
  18. So now an honorable man like Zapruder--who loved Kennedy--is smeared as a paid co-conspirator. Just when I think this place can't sink any lower. Castro? Benevolent dictator! Zapruder? Traitorous Jew! P.S. The Towner film shows Greer making that turn quite smoothly. Was that faked too?
  19. Is BS helping you with these say nothing responses or are you just as good as he is in making them? Bill Miller Don't drag me into this you condescending twerp.
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