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Brendan Slattery

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Everything posted by Brendan Slattery

  1. Oh, so that explains why Baghdad was leveled with no regard for the civilian populace. Oh wait, it wasn't. Did you object to the targeted bombing of ministerial and communications facilities? How naive are you? If the enemy has power, he has a fighting chance. He has the ability to communicate and transmit propaganda. Every warring nation would target another nation's power source. Jeez. You seem positively overjoyed that the decapitaters denied Halliburton this "victory." Which explains why gas is so cheap now that we've "stolen" all of their oil. Speaking of outrages, do you have anything to say about the UN "Oil for Food" scandal? Right. And whose fault is that? Who's chopping off heads and kidnapping journalists and peace activists? Who's blowing up mosques left and right? Who's detonating carbombs in crowded marketplaces? Who's planting IEDs? Who's standing between 50 million Iraqis and representative democracy? Us, or the evil insurgents? Daily Kos? Democratic Underground? Huffington Post?
  2. Jeesh. Your little "patsy" packed more lies into three days than Bush has in six years.
  3. It was a typo. I meant to write "won the no-bid." Don't you think they were aware of the appearance of a conflict of interest? What did you want Cheney to do? He had already divested himself of all Halliburton stock. Depends on your definition of "sudden." Personally, I think the Admin is being too cute with this rationale. Several months elapsed between the Sec Council proceedings and Day 1 of the war. I'd say that was enough time to secure sev diff bids. Clark is a Dem activist/candidate and O'Neil had his ego/feelings hurt when he was rightly bounced for doing a crappy job. So what? Iraqi regime change was the official policy of the Clinton and Bush admins. Not preparing would have been grossly negligent. And I fail to see how you can compare to Islamofascism to Halliburton's (alleged) hand in the cookie jar. Apples and oranges. Yes, I'm sure the death-cult extremists who slammed airplanes into our buildings, or blew up resorts in Bali, or blew up innocent train passengers in London and Bombay had Halliburton uppermost in their minds. How great it must be to be a terrorist these days. The very Westerners you're trying to kill make excuse after excuse for your murderous behavior. It's the ultimate "get out of jail free" card. This is a war for civilization. WAKE UP. I see, so FDR and Churchill were just as bad as Hitler. Fighting real evil makes you evil. Gothca. I take it you don't have any West Coast Japanese ancestors. Or history books. I'm also pretty sure FDR ordered the execution of German saboteurs, sans trial.
  4. Uh huh. You're a smart guy, John. Tell the rest of us dummies what it's really all about. Hmmm. In a poll conducted in January for WorldPublicOpinion.org by the Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) at the University of Maryland, Iraqis were asked, among other things, "Thinking about any hardships you might have suffered since the US- Britain invasion, do you personally think that ousting Saddam Hussein was worth it or not?" 77% say it was worth it, while 22% say it was not. Overall, 64% of Iraqis say that Iraq is heading in the right direction, while just 36% say it is heading in the wrong direction. This represents a sharp upward movement from when the International Republican Institute asked this question in November 2005 and just 49% said that Iraq was headed in the right direction and 36% said the wrong direction. But of course! Um, these two men do not unilaterally award contracts. But please continue with your insane rant. You wanna know why? Because they're GOOD AT WHAT THEY DO. That's why they get hired. And they're willing to go places other companies aren't. They were a multi-billion dollar company well before this war. They didn't need the Iraq contract to get into the black. Uniform makers too. Their bloodlust must be stopped! You're wondering why they supported a candidate who was on their board of directors?? You can't be this dense. Contractors overcharging their clients? That's right up there with "dog bites man." Curiously, you want the Guantanamo savages to have every legal benefit of the doubt/consideration, yet you're all too eager to pronounce Halliburton guilty. invasion liberation There was competition. They won the bid. If they overcharged, they will be rightly punished. What company doesn't dream of market advantages? Microsoft sure does. Who was bribed, John? Sounds like you're sitting on some bombshell info. Please share. No, I'm much more concerned about left-wing, America-hating British academics who have access to young, impressionable minds. I'm concerned about the wholesale slaughter of innocent Indian commuters that killed 200 and wounded 700. I'm concerned about home-grown Muslim extremists in the UK and North America. I'm concerned about the cowardly and craven European reaction to Muslim cartoons. I'm concerned about the pathology of hate in Iran, North Korea, and Palestine. I'm concerned about The New York Times's incomprehensible and indefensible publication of two classified anti-terrorist programs and the Times's haughty, imperious defense. Why is the Left making it easier for terrorists to kill Americans? Ostensibly, they are "protecting our freedoms." The one glaring - and unconscionable - exception? The freedom to live.
  5. Very interesting John, Please keep us informed. Whether he committed suicide or was murdered, looks like he knew something that was dangerous....as did Lay. All too often the police look the other way and label them natural causes or suicide when they are not, however. I wouldn't want to bet on those three guys living long and healthy lives either. In JFK case so many died conveniently when they were starting to talk or about to be interviewed or interrogated. Watergate had its murders. Iran-Contra its. Many bank scandals had theirs - Calvi comes to mind as do so many other....Now Enron. It doesn't surprise me. Those who would go into other nations and kill innocent people on trumped-up charges, rape and plunder the world, kill duly-elected leaders of their own and other nations would order the assassination of someone who might look behind the curtain of the Wizards of Oz as easily as they order another drink. Sadly. Morality is not even in their world view nor field of vision. Only money and power and retaining both at all costs. Ever was thus. Peter lives in a world where Korean and Iranian despots don't exist and innocent people in Bombay aren't blown up on trains by Islamofascists. Those sorts of things just aren't on his radar. Nor are the head-chopping, mutilating, car-bombing, Mosque-attacking, kidnapping fiends in Iraq. Can't be bothered with them. The Iraqi people? Screw 'em. Better they die than W be handed a strategic or moral victory. The Left used to champion the downtrodden; now they're led by the Lemkins and George Galloways of the world. Solutions? They have none. Plenty of venom, though. Instead, they settle for obstructionism. Guantanamo? NO! NSA eavesdropping? NO! Datamining phone records? NO! Rendition? NO! Tracking financial transactions? NO! Military tribunals? NO! They're like that old Groucho Marx song, "Whatever it is, I'm against it." Hell of a way to win a war. This is one lamb who will not be led to slaughter.
  6. Here is another scaling I tried, but abandoned it because of possible parallax problems. These guys would have you think I just fell off the turnip truck. Another lie which they rely on: Blakey's ambush of me with the arcane word PHOTOGRAMMETRY which is used to smear me. Before that day, 99.9 percent of the populace had never heard of that word. I had worked all my life in photography and had never known of it...but I also DID IT EVERY DAY. It is a fancy way of saying MEASURING PHOTOGRAPHS. There IS NO SUCH SCIENCE. I recently googled this: UNIVERSITY COURSES DEGREES PHOTOGRAMMETRY and found that not a single university offered a course in photogrammetry, much less a degree. I found one mention, that it was used by the military to analyze AERIAL PHOTOS. So much for that baloney. Jack Nobody ever said it was a science. It's a technique used in several different scientific fields. And yes, you still don't know what you're talking about. Blakey: 1 White: 0
  7. Frankly, I'm here to pick up women. The crazier the better. Some other reasons: 1. To laugh at Jack's latest photographic "revelations" 2. To roll my eyes at the anti-US/Bush/Republican poison that bleeds into almost every thread 3. To shake my head in disgust when innocents like LBJ, Nixon, and Bush Sr. are implicated as possible conspirators 4. To monitor Simkin's flat out obsession with American flaws and wrongdoing, real and imagined (mostly the latter) 5. To recoil when a non-secretive, wonderfully useful outfit like YAF is likened to Nazi Youth 6. To study pathological behavior P.S. I have stood in DP and it is quite small. Small enough for one man to do the deed.
  8. Yes, because we all know John is the sole person keeping this gigantic "lie" alive. Dr. Leslie Stroebel, Mr. Andrew Davidhazy, Dr. Ronald Francis, Calvin McCamy, Frank Scott, David Eisendrath, and Bennett Sherman--among others. Yawn. Thanks for the trivia lesson. No, I'm not a racist. Are you a homosexual? i Yes, well I'm not prepared to weaken or imperil this country in order to keep us in "good standing" with nations who don't have our best interests at heart. I wear their hypocritical disdain as a badge of honor. I don't think you have a future writing for Letterman.
  9. JFK: "We're in nut country." Right you are, Mr. President. Jack, I can't answer your question because, like you, I'm not proficient in astrophysics, lunar lighting, or photography. The difference is that I admit it. If you'd like, I can steer you to several different sites which expose the folly and futility of your cause. In the meantime, I suggest you skulk back to your hilarious "DP landscaping" thread.
  10. Did you just arrive on Earth? Jack has a long history of claiming faked photographic evidence in the JFK assassination. He has claimed that the backyard photos of Oswald were faked, and more recently that the Zapruder film was faked. Then there's the Apollo nonsense. When he went before the HSCA to face people with genuine expertise in photo analysis, he was gloriously bitchslapped: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/jwhite.txt In short, he's a fraud. His only "expertise" consists of posting pointless, cut-and-paste images to moonbat, left-wing, anti-American message boards where he finds a receptive and gullible audience. Bad news: I just crashed his party.
  11. Er, excuse me. It so happens that you're the one who pushes the dopiest crackpot theory in history, ie. the ridiculous LN theory. You wear the crackpot crown. Don't go around accusing others of pushing crackpot theories---you're the crackpot guru. Yes, it's so ridiculous that no alternative theory passes muster for very long. "It was the Cubans! No, the Mob! No, the Soviets! No, the CIA! No, it was LBJ! No, it was Bush's daddy! No, it was the betrayed Bay of Pigs vets! No, it was a Dallas cop!" And so on. Also, when he isn't being humiliated by real experts, isn't Jack notorious for questioning the Apollo moon landings and insinuating that 9-11 was an inside job? But don't question his patriotism.
  12. Recap: a respected curator like Mack is banished, but Jack White gets to hang around and advance every uninformed, crackpot theory known to man. That seems fair.
  13. Suicide. But you'd never convince the late Reed Irvine of that, who also believed that Flt. 800 was brought down by a missile. The Right has its share of kooks too.
  14. You don't think dying is a worse sentence than prison? Yikes. I'm silly? This whole thread is silly. But that was their fate whether he lived or died. His death changes nothing. Yep, proudly spreading fascism since 1967.
  15. Please Google JACK WHITE PHOTOGRAMMETRY Wikipedia, eh? Now that's authoritative.
  16. What about addressing the points being made by Jack. If you disagree with him, explain why. Because he posts Z-film nonsense on a semi-daily basis, gets schooled by the other people in this forum, quickly loses interest, then moves on to another unsubstantiated charge of fabrication. In any event, Miller's observation about DP landmarks is sufficient, so I won't bother stealing it. There's also the laziness issue: it wouldn't be hard for Jack to access Dallas public works orders from that era. Instead, he relies on sinister innuendo. Why, in 1963, would Dallas be expected to keep DP frozen in time?
  17. Well, that didn't take long. Bush Derangement Syndrome claims some more willing victims. Was Ken Lay convicted of his crimes? Yes. Did he have a history of heart troubles? Yes. And how is dying "convenient"? He was headed to jail; the story was told and justice was served. He wasn't some witness who was rubbed out on the eve of important testimony. But for the haters, that isn't enough. You want Lay's sins to rub off on W. Too damn bad.
  18. Jack is now reduced to answering his own posts. The answer is simple: they did it to drive you crazy.
  19. This is right up there with Bill Lovelady in the doorway and "Lamb Chop" in the back seat.
  20. Yeah, that's why this place is littered with inspirational Ronald Reagan quotes. Oh wait. It isn't. Never implied you were. No, you do not love this country. Far from it. People like you would willingly abandon Iraq to the beheaders if it meant hurting Bush or weakening the US as a world power. Yeah right. Money is the sole motivation. That's why millions are pouring into Communist China to take advantage of their ascendant economy. Oh dear. Another tired, lame Nazi analogy. What would you people do without Nazis? It seems as if you're incapable of making a point without them. Why is it that Soviet Russia always escapes your consideration? Eeeeevil Amerikkka. You know you have a problem when you hate your country more than the dark forces dedicated to destroying it. A nation embarrassed about its past, apologetic about its very existence, is a nation unable to defend itself from its enemies. I think Orwell would back me up on this. Some nice gentlemen from Bellevue will be showing up at your door shortly. P.S. Shouting doesn't make you any more cogent.
  21. Closing quote from a Communist playwright. Nice touch. The fact that your hero was slain by a Marxist seems not to have made an impression. It just wouldn't be July 4th without another poison pill sent to the US on her birthday. So classy. So ... predictable. Funny how I've been living in a "police state" for 39 years but failed to take notice. I guess the millions who have been streaming across the Mexican border, or braving the shark-filled waters off of Cuba, or hiding in cargo containers from the Far East failed to get your memo about this "ULTRA right, neo-fascist, insanely-millenialist-Christian extremist, militarist, totalitarian" hellhole we warmly call America. Don't love this country? Fine. I'll love it enough for the both of us, warts and all. Have fun losing elections with that kind of mad verbiage.
  22. Wait to appoint another conservative justice? Why bother? Bush will simply take the Court's advice and get authorization for the tribunals from the Republican-held Congress. Very few Dems will object because it's an election year and the tribunals are popular with most US voters (and vastly more popular than US civil trials or releasing these cretins back into the wild, which will never happen). You may be rid of Bush in two years, but the evil of Islamofascism will remain. And judging by Blair's admonishment of the all-too-passive Muslim community in the UK, he "gets it" too. St. Andrew? I used to be a devoted reader of his blog. Then he defended Sen. Durbin's Nazi allegory vis-a-vis US troops, and that was the end of that. Nowadays he spends the bulk of his time comparing Christian conservatives to Islamists, accusing Bush of being some latter-day monarch, taking potshots at Pope Benedict, bewailing attempts to codify marriage as a covenant between a man and a woman, denying links between homosexuality and recent spikes in new HIV infections, and going batxxxxcrazy whenever the war on terror isn't waged to his satisfaction or sense of propriety. He piously acts as a self-appointed internet scold, dishing out insults to all corners of the blogosphere. He may be a fiscal conservative, but that's about it.
  23. If that's not Clint Hill's foot/shoe, then where do you suppose it was? Look at that photo again. There wasn't enough space for his leg between the Kennedys and the Connallys, nor was his leg positioned in an angle to reach that space. So that's either his foot or he's crushing Jack and Jackie with it.
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