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Brendan Slattery

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Everything posted by Brendan Slattery

  1. Wow. And certain people here wonder why members are reluctant to submit real names, photos, etc. Lefties like Terry love to bitch about invasions of privacy, imaginary US fascism, Nixonian dirty tricks, and the so-called "outing" of Valerie "Vanity Fair" Plame, then waste little time conducting some mean-spirited oppo research of their own. Nice. Terry, the only thing stopping me from Googling your name is your overwhelming irrelevance. But by all means, continue handing out the Clyde awards--whatever the hell they are.
  2. Delta Dawn wrote: I love starting off the day with a good laugh. Wow. You're more effed up than I gave you credit for. American accomplishments? FAKE! American complicity in the mass murder of its own citizens? TELL ME MORE! Vile. Yeah, the Fetzers and Liftons of this world will make me see the light. Crossfire, Best Evidence, Assignment: Dallas, etc. Never read Posner. Your posts rarely merit one.
  3. 27 pages and counting .. over a shoe. <insert primal Howard Dean-like scream here>
  4. Don't buy into the SBT? Well, that leaves you short one bullet. Where'd it go?
  5. Has anyone ever told you, that you bear an uncanny resemblance to Alfred E. Newman? Although the compressed photo makes it appear so, there is no gap between my teeth. How many beauty contests have you won?
  6. John Fitzgerald Kennedy Ted Sorensen, his Wisdom
  7. BTW, I can count the number of LN'ers here on one hand, but that's still too many for Jack Sprat.
  8. This from a guy who makes allusions to "paid provacateurs" without naming names. I must be the world's biggest sucker because I do it for FREE. Jack, instead of spamming this forum on a daily basis with misunderstood Zapruder footage (complete with color lines and arrows that lead to nowhere), why not take up a new hobby? Might I suggest origami? Stamps? Taxidermy?
  9. Very impressive list, Bob. You managed to squeeze in the Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum of Bethesda Naval Hospital, as well as a dissembling, book-peddling nut in the form of Doc Crenshaw. Bravo. BTW, you don't think I could supply a list of witnesses who place the wound exactly where the WC said it was? That leaves the autopsy pix as the final arbiter. Guess what? You lose. For the education of Jack: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/novadocs.htm
  10. Because he's a very good writer and a scrupulous researcher. His evisceration of TMWKK was delicious and long overdue. If you hadn't noticed, Dr. Aguilar eviscerated Holland's "scrupulous" research. Aguilar believes there was a big hole in the back of Kennedy's head. Nuff said.
  11. Because he's a very good writer and a scrupulous researcher. His evisceration of TMWKK was delicious and long overdue.
  12. She's lived a long life. No "mysterious death." Good for her.
  13. Gotta love the buffs. Not only was the magic bullet planted, but they left a third empty shell on the sixth floor for the hell of it.
  14. Same to you. Not sure about Myers. Doesn't he maintain a website where he sells his wares? I'm sure he'd reply to an email.
  15. Indeed. As are nearly all of the "theories" spouted by CT-hungry individuals. (At least to the entent that none of the CTs can be "connected" directly to the assassination. It's a willy-nilly, piece-meal operation the CTers engage in. But, it's a living I suppose.) And why any Z-Film-fakers would have any desire (at all) to change the look of Mary Moorman's shoes or a police officer's helmet band is ..... anyone's guess. Anybody have any idea how these things aid in the plotters' Patsy Plot? And why somebody would go to the very-detailed trouble of phonying-up the Zapruder Film but yet LEAVE IN the rear head snap (which is the one big point on the film that spells "plot" to most CTers) is, again, a large-scale mystery that nobody can answer evidently. These boobs were too concerned about Mary's shoes and socks to worry about such "trivial" matters like Kennedy's head movements...I guess. Amen. Like I said before, had a Bircher or Goldwater sympathizer killed Kennedy, this forum wouldn't even exist--head snap or no head snap. To lefties, a conservative-inspired assassination would have made sense. But when a puny little Marxist did the deed, history had to be eradicated.
  16. Boy, ain't that the truth. These guys really need to get their story straight. The JFK forum isn't about solving a murder. It's about making a political statement. Have you noticed that 99% of the mouth-breathers here are diehard leftists? Coincidence? If there's a conservative CT'er here, I've yet to bump into him or her. Trolls like Chuck are simply full of hate, and he's rationalized that hate by adopting a conspiracy theory that sees the people he hates as the sponsors of Kennedy's demise. All one has to do is ask “how could Lee Harvey Oswald have shot the President with that lousy rifle?” and the McChimpBushHitlerHalliburton crowd is hooked. Only a minuscule number of people know anything about a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, which was quite a serviceable weapon. Hatred for the US is their template. They just can't deal with the fact that a pathetic little leftist (i.e. one of their own) committed the crime of the century, so they twist the facts to achieve a certain desirable outcome. As for the innocent people trampled and defamed in the process? Well, they're just plum out of luck.
  17. It's more like Jack points out things that most everyone would think is wacky. The ones that don't see Jack as wacky are the same ones who canot see Hill's shoe or understand why JFK's hand and wrist could not possibly sink halfway down into a leather seat. Bill Miller It's amazing it's gotten that far, considering it tells us nothing about why Kennedy was shot or by whom. It's trivial to the nth degree.
  18. One-trick-pony Terry scrawled: No, I'd rather save them instead. BTW, what's your plan for Middle East peace and the war on terror? Can you do anything other than bitch? Yamulka wearers? We're at war with Israel? Actually, I want the "ragheads" to enjoy the same benefits of liberty, pluralism, and democracy as the Tel Aviv crowd. In case you haven't noticed, there's a dire shortage of such things in the Middle East. Not coincidentally, that's where the bulk of terrorists spring from. Then again, if you were a true champion of the downtrodden and oppressed and not some clueless Cindy Sheehan clone, you would've recognized that by now. Curiously, delivering people from dictatorship and tyranny somehow equates to "fascism" in your little playworld. Churchill and Roosevelt liberating France and a continent from the grip of Hitler? Fascists! Go lie down, Terry. You're clearly tired.
  19. My, Len. You certainly do have a high opinion of yourself. Believe it or not, my world does not revolve around you. If I feel that a thread has outlived its usefulness, or that my opponent is incorrigible and arguing in bad faith, I will drop it and move on. Or sometimes I just let the other guy have the last word. I had a feeling I was being set up by the "have you ever served?" query, but I answered it honestly and gave the inquisitor the benefit of the doubt. My bad. I entered a den of thieves and expected honorable treatment. Since you've already determined my "chickenhawk" status, answer me this: besides Afghanistan, what other wars have you supported, signed up for, and fought in? Was the fighting rough in Afghanistan? Did you kill many Taliban? Don't you realize that taking the fight to the enemy only makes them angrier? Dissent is a valuable right in wartime, esp with so many lives on the line, but the policies you pursue are objectively pro-terrorist. You're unable to recognize true evil or summon the willpower to do anything about it. For the past 50 years, every single Muslim-inspired terrorist attack - from the ruthless slaughter of innocent life to the perpetration of mass murders in New York, Washington, D.C., London, Madrid, Bali, Bombay, etc. - has had its share of Western apologists. The spinners and equivacators cling to the notion that there is something "legitimate" or "understandable" underlying these blood-soaked crimes, as if the perpetrators had a legitimate grievance or a "point." Thus, September 11 becomes a "failure of U.S. policy" or "blowback for US interference" instead of the ruthless success of Islamic fanatics. Fast forward to 2006, where it is Israel - not Hamas or Hezbollah - who must exercise "restraint." The unspoken message? Terrorists are incapable of behaving like civilized human beings, so it is incumbent upon the rest of us to "acquiesce." NOT GONNA HAPPEN. In the meantime, people like you can't decide if US troops are fanatical killers or duped children in need of rescuing or redeployment. For the record, the vast majority want to stay and finish the job. But don't let that stop you from whispering sweet nothings of defeatism in their ears. I mean, what soldier's morale wouldn't be boosted by left-wing assertions that he's "fighting for a lie"? Some free advice: in the future, if you don't wish to be derided as a wishy-washy lib at best and terrorist sympathizer at worst, then try not to believe the worst about the United States and the best about its enemies.
  20. Year 5 of a long war with global jihadists. But I think you already knew that. Little over 3,000 Americans, or what you call a "grim milestone." Number of Americans and Iraqis who would have died had we done nothing? Unknowable. I'm curious: are you nostalgic for the peaceful, "stable" days of Baathist torture, rape rooms, and mass graves? Nope, which only disproves the hysterical "blood for oil" mantra. That depends. The US hasn't been hit since 9-11. You remember Sept 11th, don't you? It happened during your mythical era of "stability." If only we could return to the peaceful, stable, pre-Bush days of the first WTC bombing, or the bombing of the Khobar Towers, or the bombing of the USS Cole, or the bombing of our embassies in Africa. Wouldn't life be grand. Show me where Bush promised to turn a troubled region into Disneyland in three scant years.
  21. No, you're a much bigger kook/sap if you think Oswald never fired a shot at the Prez. That's when you know you're in Buff Land.
  22. Plain speaking about terrorist-sponsoring tyrants? Expect his approval ratings to skyrocket.
  23. Great website. Finally, a real human being behind the name.
  24. A lawyer who 1) can't spell, or 2) figure out a simple computer function. How do you get hired??
  25. Andrew Sullivan, is that you? Your words might have more resonance if they weren't so at odds with reality. You think the Angry Left is shy of bigots? Shall I reproduce the hate and invective directed towards the likes of Condi Rice, Colin Powell, and Clarence Thomas? Or gay conservatives? Who's behind speech codes on campus, the right or the left? Whose invited speakers are routinely shouted down and harassed on campus, the right or the left? Whose bloggers (and their children!) are threatened with physical harm and DOS attacks, the right or the left? Whose supporters fired shots into election headquarters in Tennessee and slashed tires in Milwaukee on election day, Kerry's or Bush's? And on and on. Too much religion in this country? I'd say not enough.
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