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Nick Bartetzko

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Posts posted by Nick Bartetzko

  1. Researchers of the assassination are sometimes "wacko's". Really, what sane person would spend hundreds of hours (and dollars) to pour over documents, track down and interview witnesses and pertinent parties to this blight on American history. It is amazing how much info has come to light over the last 40+ years through the efforts of private parties. Seems the only reason some of these folks (like Sibert, O'Neill etc) talked is because they were pestered by private parties or the AARB that came into existence because Stone's movie ticked off a lot of people. Too bad the government never had the integrity to look for the truth and advise the American public. Somehow, I think we could have handled the truth. I much appreciate Messrs Hemming and Plumlee,amomg others, who contribute their time here to pass along information, whether it is openly or cryptically done. Please try not to let the "wacko's" get under your skin. BTW, I like the stuff about the "faces in Dealey Plaza". It was because of the HSCA's interest in same that Mr Capehart became quite paranoid and "fessed up" to his lady friend and then the Fresno cops looked into the matter. Too bad he had a fatal heart attack when they were about to pay him a visit in Pahrump, which is famous for other clandestine activities as well. I can understand not wanting to finger anybody in the MI briefing, but I wonder if they wouldn't want to voluntarily share their stories if approached.

  2. Like most of you, I've read many books and spent many years studying this terrible lie of American history. I'll give my general thoughts and opinions from memory and not list specific references. It would take many, many hours to do so. I have no idea who organized it, but there are many connections that point to New Orleans. Bob Tannenbaum discussed this and his lead investigator who went to NO came to the same conclusion. Professor Kurtz commented on this also and mentioned the Bannister, LHO, Ferrie connection. Then we have Shaw as well. David Phillips was involved. The Veciana info on Bishop/Phillips is interesting as was his comment of seeing Bishop/Phillips with LHO in Dallas (I believe it was Dallas). There was some SS complicity. Control of the security, control of the vehicle afterwards, control of the evidence and copies of the autopsy photos as Fox had. Vince Palamera did great work on this. He got many to talk, but some refused. Dallas was a great venue for all this. A hotbed of anti-Kennedy sentiment. I heard the Milteer tape. How interesting regarding the claims of foreknowledge of the assassination by Milteer, Rose Cheramie, Eugene Dinkin. There is a definite Cuban connection and possibly the murder of JFK could be used as an excuse to invade Cuba. Whoever set it up picked a good patsy in Oswald and used his involvement with the FBI,CIA and his phony anti-Castro leanings to elicit the right kind of pressure on various agencies. I've been to the plaza a few times. In some ways so open a venue and in others full of prime locations for the deed. Did LHO know about the attempt and did he shoot? He may well have known, but undoubtedly did not shoot. The 6th floor window with crammed boxes and vertical pipe closeby seems hardly a good location other than to attract attention. It seems ridiculous that all those wounds (or any wounds) were caused by any shots from there. Looking at the film, it seems obvious that JFK is first hit in the throat before frame 200, then is pushed forward after being hit in the back at about Z225. Connally is pushed downward by the shot to his back. Sure seems that those different body motions speak for shots from different locations and angles. Connally's wrist may well have been injured around Z 290 and that again suggests a shot from high up due to the position of the wrist. My guess is a Daltex shooter on the lower floor and a Connally shooter from a much higher location. There is pursuasive evidence that the windshield had a hole in it based on Doug's good work, a few eyewitnesses and the interviews with the Ford employee. That suggests a missed shot as does eyewitness testimony regarding the early shot that hit the street behind the car. As for furrows in the grass, a shot striking the manhole cover etc...who knows. Probably the greatest mystery in my mind is the throat shot. It was small and Weisberg's interview of Dr Perry in 1966 +/- clearly establishes a wound of entry. Perry spoke of wiping blood from the trachea and mentioned the ring of bruising. Can't blame Perry too much for denying that years later. These guys have been contacted much over the years and are probably sick of being contacted. It would be interesting if someone, someday showed Perry the quotes to refresh his memory. His denial in his AARB testimony was so firm and absolute against that. There appears to have been a shooter behind the fence. Lots of magic bullets in Dealey that day. One surfaced, some disappeared. Some were hard jacketed and others appeared to be frangible. Then we have Files, Plumlee, Holt, Hemming. They have chosen to speak. Some of these gentlemen appear to be credible. Thanks for taking the time to talk. To me, the Files story isn't believable. If some of the other folks are lying, why would they do it now and why lie to the public and their families? Doesn't make sense to me. I am amazed at all the information that has come to light so many years later. Thanks to Oliver Stone for creating the controversy that allowed for the creation of the AARB and thanks to folks like you, amateurs and professionals alike, who have spent your time trying to gather information and shed more light on this. Too bad the government only cared enough to lie and obfuscate the truth for so many years.

  3. THE WC, Clark Panel and HSCA didn't ask the "correct" questions and now we have to ask the "correct" questions to get the "correct" answers. We are fed morsels as is seen fit. Kudos to GPH for feeding us some morsels, but the process really stinks. It is similar to what I read in Twyman's book. People ask "stupid" questions because we still can't make sense of this horrific event and the government sure didn't give a s**t about seeking and providing truthful answers. There is derision when shooters are alleged to be in the sewer or firing poisoned darts from umbrellas. But what is the alternative? JFK had a 3-5mm fronal neck wound and Perry verified that long ago to Weisberg. Perry wiped the blood away and said it had a "ring of bruising". Perry's memory had intentionally or otherwise failed him, but the statement is in Post Mortem and I believe Weisberg taped his interviews. So maybe if we ask 100 stupid questions about the origin of that neck wound then maybe we will have asked the "correct" one and be thrown another morsel by GPH. Mr. Hemming...why would you still want to play such a game all these years later? "Amateurs" have put in a lot of work to understand this event. My thanks to "amateurs" like Vince Palamera and many others for trying to contribute to our understanding of the event when others...who really might know what happened..... choose not to contribute most or all they may know.

  4. Thanks everyone. The explanations and tips were helpful. My computer knowledge can best be described as "knows enough to get by". I primarily use Mozilla, but went back to IE just for this forum and IE works fine. I also tried the small arrow to the right as Andy suggested and that makes it easier. Since this is the only forum where I have this problem, is it that difficult or expensive to fix for Mozilla? It sure was annoying and time-consuming and I'll just use IE for this site for now. I do like Mozilla more than IE, although I haven't figured out yet how to combine my bookmarks/folders from both browsers.

  5. I have had trouble for at least a week with navigating this site. I am unable to hit the back button and have it go back one page. Instead, I have to hit the "view new post" button to get back to the page so I can select other topics to view. I am a member of other forums and this is the only one that has ever had this problem. Any ideas or suggestions are very much appreciated. :lol:

  6. Is Bernardo de Torres still alive? If so, I wonder if he will be interviewed by Mellon with the information that Murgado has "outed" him. The link between de Torres and whoever had him handle Oswald would be a huge breakthrough. Lee Forman, do you have any photos of de Torres? Wasn't he suspected of by in Dealey Plaza on 11-22?

  7. Thanks for that post. The subject of Claude Capehart was written about in Probe magazine which Jim DiEugenio and Lisa Pease put out in the 90's. I was so fascinated by this account that I called the sheriff's office in/near Fresno and spoke with a retired officer (maybe Fore) who confirmed that Capehart's California driver's license did not have a photo on it, which was required by law. I asked if they had a photo and he told me they did, but had looked for it for quite some time without success. He promised to call me if he found it and I never heard from him again. The Probe article/s mention Capehart's concern about the HSCA releasing numerous Dealey Plaza photos and that he was visible in at least one. From my recollection, Capehart confirmed that Oswald didn't fire any shots and was on the 1st or 2nd floor where he was told to be. The photo you posted is quite interesting and I was wondering if I would ever get to see who Capehart was. The info about the guns, silencer, cyanide pistol is new to me. I believe it was DiEugenio who suggested to Minier to proceed with a FOIA request which finally yielded some results on Capehart.

  8. Currently live in southern Utah in the USA and am retired after a 25 year career in the insurance industry. I recall very well the day JFK was assassinated. I was 12 years old and was in class in a Catholic school. The principal, a nun, came on the PA and said she had a shocking announcement to make. I recall sitting with my brother and parents watching all the proceedings over the next few days on the TV, especially when Ruby shot Oswald. My dad said it succinctly..."they had to shut him up". I really started studying the assassination in high school and have done so ever since. The evidence is clear there was a conspiracy. Countless individuals have spent money and time contacting those who was never asked to tell their story or were allowed to tell it accurately for the first time. Oliver Stone is to be commended for doing the movie and stirring interest which resulted in the AARB. The assassination is an American disgrace. I doubt that we will know much more than we do today. But the pursuit of truth is worth the effort.

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