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Len Colby

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Posts posted by Len Colby

  1. One of the people Fetzer interviewed during Holocaust “research” were various deniers and frothing at the mouth anti-Semites including John Friend who believes Hitler was "the greatest leader in modern Western history, and offer unparalleled inspiration and guidance to us all" as well as 'scholar' Nick Kollerstrom. Through the posts of MUC at the JREF forum I became aware of the following exchange during his interview with the latter. Starting at 22:20 [paraphrasing / summaries in brackets] Kollerstrom: [ “the Final Solution” was a plan to move Jews eastward but this ] “kept getting blocked, other countries didn't want to take Jews” plans to “export the Jews were blocked by the British” [mentioned a plan to send them to Madagascar] “instead we get a tremendous endeavor to get useful industrial work out of the people in the German labor camps, that's where the British decrypts come in Jim Fetzer: "Is there, is there a whole history of of of Jewish populations having antagonized the nations in which they were residing? I mean I get that impression from multiple sources. You know" Kollerstrom: “Every single nation in Europe expelled Jews at one time or another...Britain, France Spain...” Fetzer: "And this was because the Jews were displaying, from the point of view of evolution, a group strategy, involving promoting themselves at the expense of others, that became extremely offensive to the host, host population?" Kollerstrom Yeah, yeah at the beginning of the 20th century Germany was getting along very well with the Jews [they were treated very well better than anywhere else] but its very much economic strangulation, world Jewelry, the international body of Jews declared war on Germany in 1933 [“throttled” the German economy prevented exports and buying food] We have a whole lot of statements in the 1940s to the effect that Jews wanted to overthrow the Nazi regime to stop all exports and to bring about war, in view of these statements they were regarded as enemy aliens and therefore they were put into camps and I think that's rather comparable to what America did to the Japanese... Fetzer: And I don't believe the Japanese had done anything that was antagonistic those Japanese living in California for example had done anything antagonistic to the California population in general in the ways it would appear these Jewish sub-populations have done to nations in which they resided. http://nwopodcast.com/fetz/media/jim%20fetzer%20real%20deal-kollerstrom%20holocaust%202013%20april.mp3
  2. Uh Tom you should learn to read with care according to your cited snippets the agent and cops “interviewed Ibragim Todashev for approximately eight hour s at his apartment” when the incident happened “during the early morning hours” though he “implicated both himself and Tamerlan Tsarnaev in the murders during the questioning” he had not yet confessed “Todashev was beginning to write a formal statement when he asked to take a break and then suddenly attacked the FBI agent” kinda hard to “write a formal statement” while handcuffed and according to one source he “was initially cooperative, according to sources in Orlando. He was killed when he "flipped out" and allegedly attacked an officer inside his apartment”.

    Just curious what is your expertise regarding LEO interrogation procedures? Watching TV shows? Ditto the absence of the FBI agent's partner, should the bureau have popped for two agents to got to Orlando when it wasn't a federal crime?

  3. I made a post virtually identical to the 1st one on this thread on the FETZERclaimsDEBUNK Yahoo Group on Thu May 30, 2013 at 7:25 pm. Fetzer replied in just over 30 minutes and we had the following exchange:

    Re: [FETZERclaimsDEBUNK] Fetzer the Holocaust denier

    Posted By: jamesfetzer Thu May 30, 2013 7:56 pm


    Anyone who wants to check out my views about the Holocaust can listen to the half-dozen interviews I have done about the subject, which is more time by itself than Len Brasil has invested in his life on that subject.

    See, for example, these interviews and one I did with the author of STRANGER THAN FICTION, which I highly recommend. Read and evaluate it yourself. Go to http://radiofetzer.blogspot.com and listen to my interviews yourself. If there is anyone who is untrustworthy about my views and the evidence upon which they are based, it is Len Brasil, with whom I have dealt for a decade or more. He doesn't just stretch the truth but actually fabricates it to suit himself.

    Here are some interviews for you to evaluate for yourself: Monday, April 26, 2010 STRANGER THAN FICTION<http://nwopodcast.com/fetz/media/jim%20fetzer%20real%20deal-stranger%20than%20fiction/mp.3 > Chapters of an important book

    Friday, May 28, 2010 Albert D Pastore <http://nwopodcast.com/fetz/media/jim%20fetzer%20real%20deal-albert%20d%2\ 0pastore.mp3> Israel & 9/11

    Friday, April 19, 2013 Mark Elsis<http://nwopodcast.com/fetz/media/jim%20fetzer%20real%20deal-elsis%20holoca\ ust.mp3> The Holocaust? Posted by Total at 9:28 PM <http://radiofetzer.blogspot.com/2013/04/mark-elsis.html> 53 comments: <http://radiofetzer.blogspot.com/2013/04/mark-elsis.html#comment-form> <http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=5759924423263977907&postID=2006729981\ 903966190&from=pencil>

    [...] (long list of links snipped - Len)

    Re: Fetzer the Holocaust denier

    Posted By: lenbrasil Thu May 30, 2013 11:18 pm |

    Your fondness for Stranger Than Fiction is reflective of how much of a lunatic credulous ***hole you've become. The anonymous author presented no evidence in support of his claims but you swallowed them whole without hesitation. Obviously you took the author's word because he was telling you what you wanted to hear, in other words you already believed 'da Jooz' were responsible for both world wars etc. It is a clear sign of your Anti-Semitic bias.

    As for the Red Cross statistics the ICRC has repeated repudiated the out of context misquoting of it documents. The Wikipedia entry is a good place to start, it links to several reputable sources including declarations from the ICRC itself

    And how the f*** would you know how much research I have or haven't on the subject? Have you read Hilberg or Lipstadt? Have looked at any of the evidence from the Irving libel trial? Have you spoken to any trained historians who've studied this? Based on your post your research was limited to talking to Holocaust deniers, thus you obviously started off with a clear bias.

    You've long been a crackpot, but have become less and less rational the last couple of years which is why you are persona non-grata in the JFK research community and even among most truther groups/forums etc.

    Has your wife left you yet? I mean you bragged on the Internet about having an affair (then backtracked and denied the relationship was sexual) and now are loosing the few marbles you had left

    Re: [FETZERclaimsDEBUNK]

    Re: Fetzer the Holocaust denier Posted By: jamesfetzer Thu May 30, 2013 11:28 pm |

    There has never been a greater slime-ball than Len Brasil, who uses other names on other fora. Anyone who wants to believe his rubbish has a few loose screws. Listen to my interviews, read the sources I have cited and determine for yourself which of us is more credible. It's not a close call.

    Re: Fetzer the Holocaust denier

    Posted By: lenbrasil Thu May 30, 2013 11:51 pm |

    Your really are a sleazy loon Fetzer. I only use two names on forums (the correct plural of forum you pompous pissant), 'Len Colby' and 'Lenbrazil', my 1st name is Len, my last name is Colby and I live in Brazil.

    It's an honor to dubbed the greatest 'slime-ball' by you, but you really should take a look in the mirror, YOU are the one who has been booted from various forums and groups due to your behavior.

    Your list of interviewees proves my point. Can you point to one who is a legitimate historian? Or one who is NOT a Holocaust denier? Your "research" consisted of nothing more than speaking to people whose views conformed to your preconceived notions.

  4. TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2013 05:34 PM -0300

    Glenn Beck: There is a conspiracy to label me a conspiracy theorist There exists a "concentrated effort to label me a conspiracy theorist," says Beck VIDEO



    Glenn Beck has a theory that there is a conspiracy to label Glenn Beck a conspiracy theorist.

    In a monologue spent puzzling over why the media has accused him of being a conspiracy theorist, Beck mused: “The media has their own agenda; the media goes for it. And if the media has a story line it just writes it in. Currently the story line is: conspiracy theorist. Now why? Why would that be the agenda item now? Why is it a concentrated effort now to label me a conspiracy theorist?”

    Beck answered his own question with, naturally, a self-aggrandizing conspiracy theory involving Cass Sunstein:

    h/t Right Wing Watch

    ETA: Videoclip

  5. MUC from JREF provided the following transcript and comentary of a portion of Herr Fetzer's conversation with the Hitler fan

    Here's the exchange:

    CAMPBELL (6 minutes into the show): One of the greateat deceptions of the modern era, I believe, along with the Holocaust lie, is the demonisation of Adolf Hitler. [...] [Judaism] declared war on Hitler as soon as he came to power in 1933. [...]

    FETZER: Which I presume doesn't mean the same thing as that you suggested Hitler was a great guy.

    CAMPBELL: Well, I actually, I ... I ... I ... am of the opinion ... and this is where the great deception is, because we've been so inundated with propaganda, and who owns the propaganda mills all over the world, which is international jewery ... Ahm, Hitler actually was a great man, like JFK, our own President, who was assassinated probably by elements within the Mossad, and...

    FETZER: Well...

    CAMPBELL: ...because he was trying to keep nuclear weapons out of Israel.

    Campbell then continues telling what a fantastic chap Hitler was for a while before his host finally offers the following reply.

    FETZER (after a few seconds of stunned silence): Well, let me just say, you know, that .. ah .. ah ... I'm not in the position to ... verify some of the claims you're making, which of course are gonna be extremely controversial, but I'm glad to hear all sides of all issues ... so I ... you know, I welcome, Steven, what you could tell us about all of this without myself ... committing myself one way or the other.

    He then proceeds to give Campbell 50 more minutes of which - given the topic, which was 'Myths of World War II' - I can only assume is a platform to spread more of his anti-semite nazi propaganda, before inviting him to future shows in the end. Lovely, isn't it?

  6. Pat ,

    Let's look at cart of BS Fetzer is pushing. He claims that at most 600,000 people (Jews and non-Jews) died during the Holocaust and that all, or at least most, of those deaths were due to Allied bombing rather than German policy. He also casts doubt on the use of gas chambers. This is as opposed to the historically accepted 10 - 12 million deaths including 5 - 6 million Jews, due to an extermination program,with half or more of the victims dying in gas chambers. I don't think any of the Holocaust denial groups still try to push the notion that no Jewish civilians died in German run camps, instead they claim fatalities were on the order of hundreds of thousands and blame the Allies, i.e. just what Herr Fetzer is pimping. Wikipedia has a good article on the topic.



  7. Fetzer has been toying with Holocaust denial for awhile. Not very long ago he heavily promoted the book Stranger Than Fiction whose take on 1914-45 European History is straight Nazi. And for years he has been hanging out with several Holocaust deniers and frequently has them on his 'radio' show and he very quickly and vocally comes to there defense when they come under attack. More to the point he made comments like “I am not a Holocaust denier (even though I'm inclined to believe the numbers killed have been exaggerated)” in 2011 and then “The claim has been made that 6,000,000 Jews were cremated, but I believe that is more than all the Jews in Europe at the time” in 2012. But now he's come out of the closet. The announcement was made this week by the Holocaust denier he probably spends the most time with, Kevin Barrett - the co-host of his 'radio' show. Coincidentally or not in 2006 Fetzer moved to Madison, WI where “Hang'em High” Barrett has lived since the 1990s.

    "And this just in: Dr. Fetzer is so hopping mad at the Zionists that he's decided to come out of the closet and announce his support for holocaust revisionism! After studying the issue, Jim says that the "responsible revisionists," who admit that there was a Nazi holocaust but insist that there were few if any gas chambers and that the "six million" figure is wildly inflated, are correct.

    Quick, somebody call the Spanish Inquisition! "

    But it's not just hearsay we can get the same straight from the horse's ass's mouth! Starting at 9:20 in the linked podcast below he blathered:

    "We get this exaggerated figure of six million Jews allegedly having died during the holocaust. Now if you pay attention to the International Committee of the Red Cross and its own records, which are very detailed and specific, the number might be actually ten percent of that, might be 600,000 who died who were gipsies or Jews, mentally or physically handicapped people but don't were near 6 million people.”

    And as summarized by a member of the JREF forum:

    "[Fetzer] then proceeds to babble about how most of the Jews in the camps supposedly starved as a result of Allied bombing and briefly reheats the old no gas residue on "alleged" gas chamber walls story before he claims that the number of victims resulting from hypothetical Israeli airstrikes on Iranian nuclear reactors would be much higher than the, quote, "mythological figure" of the Holocaust."


    Par for the course Herr Fetzer demonstrates his habitual ignorance regarding the facts:

    1) No one claims that 6 million Jews were cremated during the Holocaust, they were killed by various methods and the same can be said about the disposal of the bodies.

    2) It was the Nazis not the ICRC (Red Cross) that kept “very detailed and specific” records of what happened at the camps, the former ran them the latter only had limited access to one or two 'model' camps and a couple of occasions. The ICRC specificity repudiated the use of their statistics by Holocaust deniers.


    3) The claim about the lack of gas residue in the gas chambers is based on the discredited Leuchter Report rejected even by the director of the lab Leuchter used


    Hat tip, transcript and summary [JREFer] “MUC”. In another post he wrote:

    "The Holocaust denial themed episodes of Fetzer's own show were mostly in February and March. I only listed to a few minutes of one of them in which some Nazi guy named Steve Campbell voiced his admiration for Hitler, declaring him a "great person" or something to that effect."

  8. sitdown, you're a waste of time... bring what on? I'm waiting for YOUR proof your correspondence with Moe, Rollie Zavada and any other you deem necessary, with headers. Now if they request you not post proof of their correspondence here, simply say so. Then we can keep you in that good old tard-pit reserved for noise makers, of which there are many here these days....

    The closer to Nov 2013 the more your compatriots seem overwrought and full of ill feelings. For something that happened 50 years ago, amazing... <sigh> Carry on Sluggo!

    Uh Davie you were CC;ed most of my correspondence with Zavada. If you think I made up any of the rest you can ask him if he really said what I quoted him as saying. Ditto my exchanges with Ray Fielding, you know the expert YOU kept citing who ended up saying what you and your buddies proposed was impossible at the time. I have no idea who "Moe" is, are your years catching up with you?

    Len (compatriot of Craigster), you'll notice my above comment was toward Lampoon Lamson, not you. Having said that, I do recall you nominating yourself spokesperson for Rollie Zavada and his new and improved, rewritten Zavada Report. Which was to shortly appear right here on the Education Forum. Of course we know what happened. It should be noted that the Gang of 8, of which you were sniffing around its edges at the time, did not heartedly endorse Rollies new venture, in fact, they tried to dissuade him with much vigor. Which the gang of 8 finally succeeded. The was no reissue of the Zavada report, which is a damn shame.

    For the record your "exchanges with Ray Fielding and Rollie Zavada are irrelevant, especially after your admission you knew nothing about optical film printing. It was then you attained the rank of Tink's cheerleader in my eye. Nice enough guy, aren't all Redd Foxx fans nice guys?

    My, we have a crowd gathering Len... :)

    Moe? My-oh-my. Ask Groden, Len. Without Moe and his goodies they'd probably be no Z-film controversy.

    Sorry Davie the experts have spoken and they aren’t buying your bill of goods; let’s see there are Zavada, Ryan, Weitzman, Grodon, Oliver Stone and Mark Sobel. All that your side has are “the Hollywood 4”, who IIRC were only shown low resolution B&W stills, and you. A VIDEO editor

  9. Why was a Sunday Times report on US government ties to al-Qaeda chief spiked?



    Other intelligence experts agree that Edmonds had stumbled upon a criminal conspiracy at the heart of the American judicial system. In her memoirs, she recounts that FBI Special Agent Gilbert Graham, who also worked in the Washington field office on counter-intelligence operations, told her over a coffee how he “ran background checks on federal judges” in the “early nineties for the bureau… If we came up with xxxx – skeletons in their closets – the Justice Department kept it in their pantry to be used against them in the future or to get them to do what they want in certain cases – cases like yours.”A redacted version of Graham’s classified protected disclosure to the Justice Department regarding these allegations, released in 2007, refers to the FBI’s “abuse of authority” by conducting illegal wiretapping to obtain information on U.S. public officials.

    Above is a perfect example of how unreliable Ahmed is. If one takes a look at the limked doucument they will see Graham said nothing of the sort.

  10. Richard,

    I purchased a camera identical to that of Zapruder a number of years ago and I also purchased ALL of the remaining Kodachrome film stock in existence at the time. Kodak has since discontinued Kodachrome production and processing. I filmed the last possible sequence from the Zapruder pedestal on November 22nd, 2010 that could still be processed. History in the making... Now, while it's true that Ektachrome film would suffice for the same purposes, it's also true that the nay sayers would possibly, if not most certainly, have discredited the experiment if the FILM STOCK did not match Zapruder's Kodachrome--even as irrelevant as that is. So, I took no chances.

    Suffice it to say that a number of studies are imminent. My recent surgery has delayed the process, but some progress has been made.

    I did not have the opportunity to conduct the experiment that you are suggesting because it is very difficult--if not impossible--to get the City of Dallas to cooperate. After all, Elm Street is heavily trafficked and such a project would have required the street to have been shut down for a period of time by the DPD. However, I think your experiment could be conducted using Ektachrome film and could perhaps be set on a less trafficked street.

    It is also important to note that restricting the experiment to 1963 technology is harder that it sounds. Much of that technology exists only in the memory of those who worked with it 50 years ago, but by now it has passed into the void of obsolescence.

    Having said all of that, I think your suggestion is instructive--albeit challenging to accomplish.

    Greg did you use a Model 414 PD Bell & Howell Zoomatic Director Series Camera? That would actually be more relevant than the film stock especially since the Kodachromel available till 2009-10 was different from the film available in 1963.

  11. Richard... A little something I put together years ago, still relevant today. No one, not even Lapoon Lamson can refute this presentation with authority. Most Z-film alteration film debunkers simply do NOT understand (and that makes them nervous) the Art of Special Effects Cinematography circa. 1963/pre. 1963, aka Optical Film Printing...


    LOL the correct title of the book is Techniques of Special Effects of Cinematography, David cited it repeatedly but its author said, "I agree with Rollie Zavada that the Zapruder film could not have been successfully manipulated in 1963 with the technology then available, and had it been attempted, could not possibly have survived scrutiny"


  12. Blair and I aren't exactly buddies but he is asking a legitimate question. AFAIK the only people with technical qualifications relevant

    to the assassination are:


    Craig - photography


    LMFAO! Redd Foxx just turned over in his grave...

    Oh, and who determined you to be the elector of experts for the JFK assassination? I seem to recall Roland Zavada putting you in your place some years ago, right on this very forum...

    Blair asked about people with technical expertise, the people I cited have relevant professional experience. If I missed anyone who posts here let me know. And your recollection regarding Zavada is incorrect, I have pointed this out to you several times. I'll send you $1000 if you can cite when he did.

  13. Blair and I aren't exactly buddies but he is asking a legitimate question. AFAIK the only people with technical qualifications relevant

    to the assassination are:

    Shelly Fiester (sp?) - blood splatter

    Craig - photography

    Evan Marshall - homicide investigation

    Greg Burnham - dignitary protection

    Sorry to see you go, Len, but I do admire your consistency...

    Huh? I'm not going anywhere.

  14. sitdown, you're a waste of time... bring what on? I'm waiting for YOUR proof your correspondence with Moe, Rollie Zavada and any other you deem necessary, with headers. Now if they request you not post proof of their correspondence here, simply say so. Then we can keep you in that good old tard-pit reserved for noise makers, of which there are many here these days....

    The closer to Nov 2013 the more your compatriots seem overwrought and full of ill feelings. For something that happened 50 years ago, amazing... <sigh> Carry on Sluggo!

    Uh Davie you were CC;ed most of my correspondence with Zavada. If you think I made up any of the rest you can ask him if he really said what I quoted him as saying. Ditto my exchanges with Ray Fielding, you know the expert YOU kept citing who ended up saying what you and your buddies proposed was impossible at the time. I have no idea who "Moe" is, are your years catching up with you?

  15. Amazing that you noticed Blair's post but missed mine which was immediately above it. I'm not into hairsplitting semantics; you participated in a less than friendly exchange with him on this page of this thread so saying, “I do not recall participating in an argument with Blair” was rather disingenuous, or were you really not smart enough to figure what I was referring to?

    You still haven't told me which forum rule my signature violates. You are a Moderator, thus you can enforce the rules not make up new ones or give arbitrary orders. So until you or another Mod./Admin. provides a legitimate rationale for changing the quote, it's going to stay the way it is. And as I've told you due to your repeated violation of the rules I do not recognize your moral authority as a Mod. Pat agreed with you about Robert's sig. but Mr. Morrow reiterating his faux wager but it is bit different from me mocking him and his silly 'bet' in mine. This is analogous to Jack hypothetically having included his 'hung by their thumbs' comment in his sig. vs. my inclusion of it in mine.

    Len, can you not envision effects of an option available to all members that might have made it more difficult for me to notice your posts than to read Blair's?

    I have no idea what you are babbling about, you obvious don't have me on 'ignore'.

    You are recently off moderation. You have refused a polite request, twice, to act in a civil manner in the best interests of this community.

    Two "polite requests" from a moderator whose moral authority I do NOT recognize due to his hypocritical violation of the very rules he enforces against others.

    You admit you know that this request has come from more than one moderator, and that two other members have cooperated in implementing it.

    I made no such admission, do you have trouble understanding what you read? I noted that Pat's request was directed at Robert and that the context of the quote in his sig. was different from the same one in mine. I have no idea who the 2nd member you referred to is

    I have escalated this incident to the attention of all moderators and admins. You seem to assume there have been no other deliberations about

    the issue of inappropriate member signatures, aside from comments posted by Pat Speer and I.

    You have acted on your assumptions with incomplete information, to your own disadvantage.

    Another Mod./Admin., one whom I respect, asked me to alter my sig. thus I will due so, it has nothing to do with your threats.

  16. Blair and I aren't exactly buddies but he is asking a legitimate question. AFAIK the only people with technical qualifications relevant

    to the assassination are:

    Shelly Fiester (sp?) - blood splatter

    Craig - photography

    Evan Marshall - homicide investigation

    Greg Burnham - dignitary protection

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