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Jim Phelps

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Posts posted by Jim Phelps

  1. I see things are becoming closer to the truth on the brain damage and the back and neck entrance and exit wounds.

    I agree the back wound was an entrance and the throat is the exit, and the bullet transversed mostly soft tissues. I believe this exit bullet then plinked the Limo windshield and it was not deformed much. This one never touched Connally, and Connally's bullet was separate from any of JFK's bullets!

    I agree one head shot came from behind JFK and hit him just below the cow lick area, and transversed to pop off the temple bone area and cause the blood jet. There was another frontal head shot that followed that one from GN !!

    Dr. Akin cleared up what was associated with what some thought was a lower skull profusion area.

    Frame 337 of the Zapruder Film, as shown in the Bob Harris Video is a look at the follow on skull damage from the GN shot, and this associated with a large skull fragment blown loose under the cow lick area that remained attached to the scalp, and this is what they lifted to see the massive brain damage in the rear of the skull !

  2. Hi Marian,

    I shall have to look up your Dad's "Big Brother" book also.

    I'll toss this out for you to ponder. Most encounter that LHO was being set-up ahead of the JFK hit by William Seymour and Seymour has some interesting associations. The Peterson Engineering version of your Dad's book was passing out, Who Killed Kennedy, to their Domestic US Friends and suggests Peterson didn't like Hunt's international pals connected with DeMenil's money associates that were working Cuba as private funded operators.

    Most know that Hoover came running to get HL Hunt out of Dallas quickly after the JFK hit and suspect there was a reason. Hunt was funding folks like Dr. Oschner down in New Orleans for the kill Castro with Cancer efforts going private world from the CIA efforts. The private money types never shut down their kill Castro efforts, as the CIA was forced to do. But they picked up some of the old CIA types into their private operations.

    LHO was telling the FBI what was happening, and trusted the FBI, which ended up being corrupt and helping to hide the issues over these higher plots about Hunts.

    So, this allowed some leverage to be had by those connected with HL Hunt that knew what was going on and could well Black-Mail their way into getting away with the JFK hit and get Hoover and the Govt to help do it.

    I think two authors speak to this. One is Richard E. Sprague via:


    and the second is David Copeland (Torbitt ) via:


    I think you have been exposed to these themes for some time due to your Dad's interests. Have you noticed any of these issues connected with William Seymour?


  3. Hello Marian,

    Pleased to meet you here on EF, and your comments are highly valued to help explain what is going on with your Dad's book and all the FBI's interest. I know that I and everyone here are processing your insights.

    If you can find your Dad's FOIA information, that might catch Hoover, et al, in a slip of the tongue about their fear of the book telling on Dallas.

    I think the issue on E-bay is these are Ads and they can't be amended too well. Sometimes folks can ask a question and it gets listed. I think that one listing will be gone soon, but it sure peaked my interest to see what were the differences.

    I just ordered the London edition to see what the differences are between the US and London printings.

    Thank You very much for helping us understand things better.


  4. Looks like the London Edition by Martin Secker and Warburg is different from the US Putnam and Son edition, according to this listing.:



    "Who Killed Kennedy?

    Buchanan, Thomas G.

    Hardcover with dust jacket, clean, tight, unmarked, (Fine with Near Fine Dust Jacket), G. P. Putnam's sons, New York, 1964, first American Edition of the Martin Secker and Warburg First Edition, Putnam changed and sanitized the original manuscript and it is interesting to see the difference."


    So, a question then becomes what edits did Putnam do to the original manuscript? Anyone have both book versions?

    It appears that Peterson was a competitor against Schlumberger oil services and deMenil's oil services operations, which makes this special book all the more interesting:



    "Gearhart Industries, The GO Company (formerly GO Oil Well Services, Gearhart-Owen Industries) was an independent oil well service company originally founded by Marvin Gearhart and Harrold Owen in 1955 and based in Fort Worth, Texas, USA. It provided well logging and well perforating services to both domestic and international customers. Gearhart was usually supported by national oil companies as a way of containing Schlumberger monopolies."


    Most of Europe never believed it was just LHO for the JFK hit, and that caused Hoover and the WC great concern. It appears the FBI interest in Buchanan was more than just over Communist issues, as it was more about their fears on being exposed on the JFK cover up. A book that fingers Hunt oil and their Schlumberger pals (International--Eastern Caribbean) would be of interest for honest Peterson (US National Company) Friends in the oil business. Peterson was also close to the Ft. Worth / Dallas oil grape vine.

  5. Yes, and that was good to bring out also. Good observation!

    There was a shooter from the rear and one from the grassy knoll. established by these two sentences.

    The back shot entrance wound and the neck exit wound opens the door for a rear shooter and I propose one down low from Dal-Tex Window.

    Such admissions also opens up the suggestion that JFK was hit from the rear by one head shot and quickly followed by another off the grassy knoll.

    Via close examination of the Zapruder Film one can observe two dynamic motion responses for the JFK head shots. First his head went forward at the time of the blood jet seen in Zapruder and the temple area flap seen opened up. A few frames later, JFK's head moves highly to the rear and left. That second damage can be seen in Zapruder Frame 337 where one can see a huge skull area dislocated under the JFK cow lick area, and extensive damage to the skull on top of his head.

    This 337 visual information was best shown by the Bob Harris video on a Youtube, which goes on to support what you brought out along with the extensive right side head damage.


  6. Extremely interesting news from Duquesne University symposium. This shows agreement between autopsy findings and Parkland observations. Now progress can be made!

    Important Citation:

    "But Dr. McClelland was resolute. "Having seen what I saw" in the emergency room and then viewing the Zapruder film of the assassination, he said, he believes JFK "was initially hit from a bullet fired from the sixth floor that went through his back and out through his neck. "

    Read more:


    This is a highly significant Symposium because it involves one of the top Criminal and Law Schools in the US, and one of the top Forensics schools.


  7. Hi,

    There is a special edition for this book that is extremely interesting! Printed especially for Peterson Engineering Co.

    It appears Peterson Engineering Company is connected to PINGO, which is in the book. Based in Texas Oil well business, and the appearance is bragging on Hunt.

    URL 1:


    URL 2:



    "Offered is "Who Killed Kennedy?" by Thomas G. Buchanan and published by Putnam. This hardcover is in very good condition wrapped in a very good dust jacket. The jacket has light edge wear. The book hinges are strong and the pages tight in the binding. There is a section in front of the book titled 'This edition is especially printed for the friends of Petersen Engineering Co: Creators of PENGO products,' with several pages of product photos. 207 pp."

  8. 11-22-13 -- 50 years
    Oak Ridge and The Spark that lit the JFK Eternal Flame

    Today marks the 50th year since a great US President was shot dead in Dallas because he sought freedom of all Americans from what some call a Shadow Government intent upon the exploitation of Americans. Yesterday, 50 years ago on a Thursday, he was in Ft. Worth and then Friday in Dallas for his last Parade, and the grief of a Nation still morns his passing.

    JFK stood tallest historically because he valued the pathway to peace and not being goaded into wars desired by those running the Shadow Government who never considered the President to be in control, but as to be used as a Puppet on a String for their wealth, power, and control over not only the US but their ever growing interests worldwide.

    JFK was black-mailed by Hoover to add the highly corrupt and murderous LBJ to the ticket in 1960, and that to gain the Southern votes. JFK was a bit of a Randy fellow and had various affairs with women from KGB agent types, to CIA X wives, to Mafia shared Girlfriends, and he used everyone of them to some intriguing advantage in learning information.

    In the run up to the Assassination various National Security oriented places, Oak Ridge highly included, were telling JFK was a drug addict, he was a womanizer, he was a communist, and he was selling the US out. JFK was still quite well in control and who JFK was selling out was organized crime that Hoover used to control communists at ports, the corrupt Joint Chiefs wanting another war to take down Russia for the rich Royalists associated with Rothschild's banking empire, the CIA for following these like pathways of Dulles in the CIA. These were all people that were enemies of the US "We The People's" Freedom. The powers of the press and the media fed the American public slanted views and biased reports to keep them under their thumbs. This to make them into sheep and lemmings falling down a virtual precipice into a form of subtle slavery to these Shadow Govt. oligarchic types, and via wanting of JFK to become their puppet. JFK refused to become their Puppet and instead became American's Hero working for their People's Freedom and Prosperity.

    JFK voiced his turning point from being their Puppet and into being his own Boss with the June '63 American University speech, and this put the controllers on notice that they were the problem and not the solutions. In June, JFK put in the Fed Res containment using Ex Order 1110 to again have America have its own currency. JFK refused to make another profitable war for the same banking investors wanting Mil / Ind Network profits based on American Lives. JFK found the ulterior motives of Dulles and fired him and others and they were fighting back in various fashions. JFK stood firmly on the Israel Nuke Proliferation and that set off an international hate for JFK via PERMINDEX in Montreal Canada and the US.

    No place hated JFK more than the huge and bloated US Nuclear weapons plants that employed millions of people. It has long been known that these were highly connected with DISC (which means Hoover and Bloomfield), the CIA nuclear proliferation folks in Oak Ridge, and a secretive effort based in New Orleans to secretly kill Castro with radiation and cancer virus that was being ruined by JFK. Oak Ridge had strong connections with Jack Ruby and with that to LBJ. Some say the CIA did it, some say LBJ, but the truth is the corruption allowed in high Govt. places by that greed for money and power on an international stage is what killed JFK The spark that lit the JFK eternal flame started in Oak Ridge and its national security connections.

    The Corsicans were hired to off JFK, as the various factions intent on killing JFK snatched up the better ideas to kill a president. Many had to collectively agree because if any significant group in the CIA, FBI, Joint Chiefs, Mafia faltered, then the entire plot would be exposed. Today, it is the Mockingbird press, that is supportive of Zionist themes, that still blocks the truth on the magnitude of this JFK plot for those seeking to off JFK.

    It isn't much of a mystery for those within or near the National Security Network at the time and the only thing that holds the American Public at bay of knowing the truth is some classification and a lot of books written to confuse and control the American Public.

    So, please remember this great American Hero that died to support your Freedom, and think of how different the world would be today if JFK could have been allowed to continue his efforts in a 2nd term.


  9. Hello Pat,

    Not a very good analysis. I studied Zapruder at length with the inclusions of the sound tracks and even Connally's hospital bed recount of the shootings. Connally was shot after the JFK head shots, yes plural. Connally gets shot just after he looks to his left and as he is laying down in the floor curled up when he does this left look from basically the floorboard area.

    It matches the sound track, it matches the Z-film as Connally looks to his left and sees JFK's head splatter of him. Only then does he get shot and the ballistics then fit for the shot hitting the side, wrist, and thigh and everything is in a straight line damage pattern, as one would expect from a high power copper bullet.

    As far as when the first shot hits JFk, it appears correct that just as he disappears behind the sign, then a pause and two shots in quick succession to his head, then little delay and the last shot hits Connally.

    That is the only way all the pieces match up.

    Connally isn't hit anytime around the sign time of the Z-film, though he is startled and jumping around.

    If you don't pay attention to his hospital bed interview, your analysis is pure non-sense and not valid.

  10. It is rather easy to catch Jim Fetzer doing his slight of hand now, using his own citations on this page 3. He tells us that Clint said:

    "24:30: "As I approached the vehicle there was a third shot. It hit the President in the head, upper right rear of the right ear, caused a gaping hole in his head, which caused brain matter, blood, and bone fragments to spew forth out over the car, over myself."

    Then he tells us elsewhere that this huge hole is on the lower right side of JFK's head and it has been painted over in the Zapruder Film. And his own first hand witness mentions only upper right rear area. The autopsy x-rays show a huge bone flap in that area, and that is consistent with what Clint recounts.

    Also, the close up work of Bob Harris on the Z-film also shows this area of JFK's head is blown off all along the top of his skull. Jim Fetzer can't even detect that JFK's head was hit by two bullets at very close to the same time. One from the rear that popped off the temple bone and one from the right side limo area that make the huge defect and scalp tears that Bob Harris video work so well presents. This last shot made the large area skull flap break loose, and Jackie packed it back down in her shock. Jackie jumps up just after the second shot rips off the top of JFK's skull and spatters matter rearward. So, it is all consistent with the Z-film and what Clint recounts.

    Such poor quality analysis and not being able to recount what people saw and said accurately, has away be Jim Fetzer's undoing and why his words come back to show he can't do accurate forensic presentation or reconstructions. imho Fetzer gets caught changing and twisting witnesses words and it shows up here well.

    Bob Harris's Z-film video analysis also shows what he terms a blob of hair puffed up on the back of JFK's head due to the last shot filling the area between the scalp and skull with brain and bone matter and this Blog effect sets up shading from the Sun or light, and this simple effect is what the Fetzer gang attempt to tell everyone is a paint job on the Zapruder Film.

    Here we see his utter nonsense exposed easily. imho

    Now we all must endure another round of Fetzer's name calling and he'll start calling Bob Harris names now for doing good video work that shoots down Fetzer's fantasy forensic analysis. Seems the whole world revolves around only his vapor analysis that here were easily exposed.

    Hence, most serious researchers don't place any real stock in Jim Fetzer's views, because he changes what people said, twisting them for fit his fantasy theme and sensation type fiction writing. imho

    Anyone that breaks into the rants that Fetzer does is quickly discounted as only someone seeking attention, who can't deal with folks that have shown all the holes in his claims.

  11. It appears my little thread on JFK and the Z-film has gone way off topic, as 911 and all that didn't exist in the JFK assassination. So, that 911 topic needs to go elsewhere. Stay on topic!

    I did like this observation from an earlier listing: "Getting attention from a media circus by making wild assertions will get you on television, but such things are unproductive in getting to the Truth."

    Such wild assertions also makes more money from making up more fantasy books, imho.

    I generally find huge errors in Jim Fetzer's analysis, and not only I, but many others. Jim Fetzer has tried to sell so many totally flawed analysis on the JFK hit, that few believe his latest poor attempts to revive stuff half the JFK researchers have shot down.

    I have looked at the Z-film with a scientific eye and it matches all the other films and photos. But the Jim Fetzer game is to attempt to tell us that everything was remade in Hollywood. Such fantasy, imho, often sells books. I don't think fantasy book writing is about good forensics. Nor does it move us forward to say as a Community all 100 percent of America knows this Warren Commision Report was a fabricated lie and the real criminals went free, which was LBJ's and JEH big game against the People of the USA

    One of the most glaring issues is the ultra-clear photo that ran in Life Magazine, but such is easily explained with hand held camera motion. Handheld cameras almost always have jitter and loss of detail due to the hand held jitter. Every once in a while the camera holder's motion becomes accidentally more stable and a frame or two in the whole film will become extra sharp compared to the average shake frames.

    Now the Magazine's film splicers all knew this and they looked frame by frame for the most jitter free and sharpest images, and those were enlarged and printed in the magazine. Pure common sense they would do that.

    Pretty simple to explain from just common sense camera experience. The Zapruder Film is still very valid, and what isn't is the conjecture and fantasy analysis to make up more sensational claims.

    I also notice this little word game on the SS agent seeing a fist size hole in JFK's head, but did the SS agent say specifically the hole was where some of the Jim Fetzer clan attempt to place it on the back of JFK's head? I don't think so.

    There was a huge hole in the top of JFK's head due to a large skull bone being knocked loose and the long defect along the top of his head. I don't think the Fetzer analysis has even figured out that two shots hit JFK's head in close succession. First one pushed his head forward and the second head shot pushed it rearward.

    All this noise on 911 is just more of the attempts to derail the topic and keep others confused.

    Like always, the Jim Fetzer analysis is just his opinion, and one that is so weak that it doesn't go far for the literate of scientific analysis.

    Jim Fetzer is just, as always, trying to get up some momentum for a book which has little to do with the obvious realities of the JFK forensics. imho

  12. Hello EF,

    Happy Holidays! Time for a present for serious JFK evidence researchers? One of the most obvious things to do is mate up two independent JFK evidence items and check to see if they match and support each other. Such serendipitous mating of two separate bits of evidence is important to consider.

    In the Video below, one of the Dallas Police Dept's "Dictabelt" / wire recorder sound tracks is mated with the Zapruder Film to see if they fit, and they do. One also can find film artifacts like the camera man's flinch or camera shake correlated with the film's jerking around at these select moments of the gun shots.

    So, tossing out this correctly synchronized Z-film and "Dictabelt" evidence for review and comment:

    Lets see if EF can handle these simplistic methods for forensics!

    YouTube caption:

    "Most never get to view the Dallas Dictabelt sound track properly synchronized with the Zapruder Film. One can hear and see the first shot missed, and was associated with the sparks witnessed by many at the turn. The second shot made contact with JFK in the lower back. The third shot hits his head from the rear. Fourth shot hits Connelly laying in the floor just after JFK brains get blown out, and this was the only shot from the TSBD. The "Third shot" appears to be two at nearly the same time, first from the rear and Dal-Tex, and few frames later from the Rt. side area of the Knoll, as seen from frame to frame ballistics in slow motion. Most interesting is how the camera operator, Zapruder, appears to shake or flinch at the same time marks as the shot sounds. Such correlation of the camera man's reactions to the sounds that match the film very much support the Zapruder Film is not some fabrication, as some poor researchers suggest!! IMHO

    Combining the Zapruder Film with the Dallas Police's Dictabelt Recording of the gunshots can only be mated one way. Just like the visual and physical constraints of a jig-saw puzzle the 4 second gap between the First Volley of shots from Dal-Tex and the Last Volley of shots can only be combined one way around JFK's arm's rising and the head shot visual evidence being the prime datum points. They fit perfectly, so the forensics on these two items of independently collected evidence support each other well.


    What is more interesting is that it appears no one has done this mating for these two independent evidence items and shown these correlation effects and how well they match. With the age of Video Editors the task is easy, but apparently it relates too much of the truth being exposed."

  13. The real question may well be what chain of custody for the original Zapruder Film. One existed for perhaps the first day, when the FBI only managed a few copies of the original film and then it was returned to Zapruder. There was never any intention to keep the original Zapruder Film in a chain of Custody. So, banging that drum is nonsense.

    The returned original film was then sold to Life Magazine, which sliced out various frames and printed the horrific photos of JFK's brain being blow out in Dallas. What was there to hide after the worst of the worst photos went around the world in print media.

    It is obvious where the Life frame edits were taken out. One can find problems in the other film, but not in the area of the Life Magazine's interest in the JFK head shots. Two other films had problems, one with extensive cellulose burns and the other with frames being removed and spliced back. This occured at the point of the first shot being fired and the frames including the low Dal-Tex window where some sparks were of interest. Interesting that the FBI took those original fames and burned another film in the same area of interest. Neither one of those areas of interest included a view of the 6th floor TSBD windows.

    So, Zapruder didn't have that field of view that showed the Dal-Tex window area of interest, so why would the FBI even be interested in changing the Zapruder Film. They certainly did mess with these two other films and it appears to be about helping hide the evidence that shots happened from Dal-Tex.

    There are other films that match Zapruder field of view from the other side of the road, which don't show any big hole in the back of JFK's head. When the Limo got to Parkland, the Hospital person that removed JFK from the Limo that had to lift his body with a grip to the back of his head and neck reported only lots of mushy and bone stuff under his scalp. This is the scalp bulge that shows up on Zapruder's Film. There were even a few You Tube published views of this area. The hospital person that lifed JFK out would surely have been horrified to have put his hand in JFK's skull, if there were really a hole there. There was only a mushy area under the scalp.

    JFK was hit by three shots (back, head rear, head rt side), the last one expanded the scalp tear in the side of his head where the bone flap is obvious. The second shot opened up the ridge of JFK skull and ripped open the scalp at the crest of his head, which has material blowing toward the left rear of the limo hitting the motor cop. The top of skull damage is called the 7 inch defect.

    Films only capture so much and they have problems with fast moving particles. The film is exposed for 1/60 of a second for 24 fps, which means the lense can only see about 24/60 of the time in one second. So, by definition it is highly possible for the lense and the film not to catch a fast moving particle as the lense is closed more than open. The movie camera is not the same as the human eye, due to fixed sample times that miss more than the capture.

    The Parkland Doctor's diagram appears to capture the mass of material under the scalp that the body was brought into the emergy room with. Laying on the emergency room table it appears all the blood from the opening at the top of the skull drained down to make an external bloody brain mass in the hair at the rear of JFK's head. This was washed away at autopsy in Maryland, and the mush on the insided and the mush on the outside removed for the autopsy photos. Such then revealed the bullet hole in the rear of the head. The scalp had to be pulled up again due to a large tear at the crest of JFK's skull due to the second shot. This matches up to the dynamics, as the shot entered the right front from GN area, then the ejection left the opposite side and toward the left rear of the limo to splatter the motor cycle cop.

    JFK's head at Parkland was such a bloody mess that they wrapped it in a sheet to send to Maryland. What the Parkland doctor pictured was a conjecture for an alledged hole due to the bloody mess on the outside of JFK's head pooled up at the rear, and the mushy mess under the scalp at the rear of the head that the hospital attendant felt as he lifted JFK from the Limo. The drawing leads to many misconceptions on the damate to JFK skull.

    Of course, playing up these little issues sells books and is the heart of discrediting most working on the JFK details. The meat of the issues on these films is the shots that came from Dal-Tex, and the two shots that hit JFK's head making the mushy mess under the scalp at the rear of the head that may lead to a wrong assumption that the skull was blown away there under the scalp.

    In my humble personal opinion, I think Jim Fetzer causes much more damage to presenting the better understood issues than being of help to fact finding.

  14. JFK Assassination: Over the top Conspiracy and Attempts to keep the matter embellished another 50 years

    Almost everyone in the JFK assassination research community is tense for the 50th anniversary nearing for the JFK assassination and too many issues remain concealed and some issues over dramatized into the over the top conspiracy themes. One of these issues is the reports that appeared to have started off with Jack White and Jim Fetzer, as some of the most vocal of the JFK Conspiracy Community. In my opinion, It presents with too much over the top embellishments of the JFK witnesses and autopsy data that has made matters worse rather than helped to expose the best analysis insights. imho

    Some make big money out of these over the top conspiracy games with book writing about the misfortunes of a dead man, and it appears the bigger the embellishment of the simple issues the greater the book sales. Many are not interested in polishing up the next big embellishment for the JFK assassination for book sales, we just look at the simple issues that are reasonably evident from the available knowledge.

    One of the most important visual accounts for the JFK assassination is the Zapruder Film. It contains visual and timing data critical to solving the JFK assassination's gunfire damage and source directions. Some want to dismiss this important Icon that shows Americans the real horror of that day in Dallas, but this film is too important to discredit. Many, for various reasons, insist on saying the Zapruder Film is all faked want this horrible image out of the public's minds. Dallas really wants this image to be discredited, so the public doesn't think they are the "City of Hate" that killed a Genuinely Good US President. Yet, captured in the Zapruder Film is the fine details for the head shots coming from two directions, one from Dal-Tex and one off Grassy Knoll area, and each causing separate damage to JFK skull that is detectable in fine analysis of the film.

    Below is a link to a recent example for the words of Jim Fetzer in his attempts to tell of an extreme conspiracy, where the claims go so far as to tell the Zapruder Film was never made that day, and that all the other films that support the Zapruder Film's camera's eye are also faked. Not only that, but the very still photos that also support the Zapruder Camera's eye have also been faked. This is the prime example of the over the top style conspiracy theory that attracts much attention and sells books, but does it help the findings of what actually occured?

    To further demonstrate, Take of look at this Editorial on the "Veterans Today" pages that present some of these claims of Jim Fetzer on the issue that the Zapruder Film was faked.


    One thing to keep in mind is that the Zapruder Film was of interest to the FBI for the first day and the FBI had a number of copies made and returned the original to Zapruder. Subsequently, Zapruder sold the film to Life Magazine the next day, and the Life Magazine removed a number of frames of the film to publish the photos of JFK's brains being blow out by shooters in Dallas. So, there never was a chain of custody on the Zapruder Film other than for the first day to gain some copies. Another thing to keep in mind is that LIFE Mag was set to ruin LBJ with a huge expose of his criminal doings, and the Zapruder Film was used to pre-empt that report that would have ruined LBJ for life. With Life Mag publishing the worst images of the JFK assassination, it would do little good for the FBI or anyone to attempt to fake the film. Plus, that film was needed for a higher purpose and that was to save LBJ's rear end from being exposed as a crook.

    The FBI also went after at least two other films made of the JFK assassination that day and these tell more of the tale for the FBI not acting in the best interest of crime solving. The FBI kept the orginals of these two other films and one film was projector burned around the time the camera caught the Dal-Tex Building and the time for the first shot at JFK that caused some sparks and visual effects. The second film the FBI had has frames removed and the film spliced back together at this same critical time when the first shot appears and has the Dal-Tex building well in view. Unfortunately, the angle Zapruder had did not include a view of the Dal-Tex building and the FBI didn't have need to cut or destroy that critical time on Zapruder's Film. It is important to note the FBI could have kept the Zapruder Film and order it into the evidence chain, but they didn't because of a more pressing need for the film to save LBJ's rear end.

    Some witnesses claim the JFK Limo stopped, but three films show there was no stop of JFK's limo. The motorcade likely did come to a halt several cars behind the JFK Limo due to the Secret Service Agent needing to jump onto the JFK Limo via running, and a chain reaction pile up and the more rear cars being close to the shot did stop. Certainly, photos show Secret Service Car doors opening behing the LBJ Limo and that car would stop to let agents hit the ground. There is no good evidence to support the JFK Limo Stopped, it slowed seriously below the required speeds and slow enough to allow an SS agent to run to the moving rear step on the bumper of the JFK limo. Yet, the over the top conspiracy theory games contend from the words of one witness that the JFK Limo fully stopped.

    It gets worse with running off into more wrong areas and conspiracy embellishments. When the JFK Limo gets to the Parkland Hospital, one of the Hospital's Orderly folks helped lift JFK out of the Limo and he reported that the rear of JFK was soft and mushy, but he didn't ever say that the rear of JFK's head was blasted away. Yet, the over the top conspiracy games maintain that a drawing done by a hospital doctor shows the rear of JFK head and scalp were blasted out, and the Zapruder Film has to be faked because it does not show this huge blast out scalp on the rear of JFK's head.

    A careful analysis of the Zapruder Film shows what really happens. One can apply some simple physics to the film, as Dr. Richard Feinman did, in his study of the film and find there are two bullets that hit JFK's head in close succession. The film shows the movement of JFK head to the front and then to the rear from these two separate impacts on his head. The first JFK head shot comes in low from a Dal-Tex building window and hit his head near the cow-lick area of his scalp and pops off the temple bone flap. The second shot happens very close behind this, coming from JFK's right and hits him in the temple area and blows open the top of his skull and causes the 7 inch skull defect. This causes Jackie to jump up and move to the trunk of the Limo. The first bullet rips open the bone and skin of JFK's right temple area, and the second comes along and rips the top of the scalp even more and exposes the top of his skull. This 2nd bullet effect expelled lots of material toward the motor cycle cop riding to the rear of the driver's side of the Limo.

    As far as the Zapruder Camera, these cameras have around a 1/60 second shutter speed and run at 24 frames per second. So, each second the camera sees only 24/60's of a second of vision. This means that high speed ejected materials won't show up if it happened when the camera's shutter was closed. The only reason the camera caught the first shot was a lot of blood spray was aerosoled and lingered and few frames on the film. Zapruder's camera is not like the human eye that might well see these particles in flight, due to the shutter keeping the film blind much of the time.

    The Zapruder Film did catch something extremely important and that was a large bulge at the rear of JFK's head that pooched out his scalp at the rear of his head. The energy of the second shot forced blood, brain mush, and some bone under the scalp of JFK head at the rear. This happened totally separate of the temple flap being blown out. This was the mushy soft area that the Parkland Orderly felt when he lifted JFK out of the car and didn't report any huge blasted out hole that he poked his hand into while lifting JFK.

    Then we can get into the Parkland Doctor's drawings. When JFK was brought into the Emergency Room, this bulge area would be there and suggest there was massive damage to the rear of JFK's skull. The massive bleeding and brain material from the huge defect on the top of JFK's head and the right temple would make a massive external mess at the rear of JFK's head, in his hair. The Brain and Blood mush under the scalp would lead a doctor to assume that there was a blasted out area of the skull under the mush, but the scalp only captured the mush from the high massive defect wound at the top of the skull. This would explain what the doctor drew and why there is a claim to a blasted out area at the lower rear of JFK's skull. Thus, it appears this lack of detail is exploited by folks like Jim Fetzer to overly complicate and confuse the issues of the JFK head damage. imho

    JFK's head damage was so bloody that his head was wrapped in a sheet to put in the casket for AF-1 flight to Maryland. There, the autopsy sought much more detail than was visible to the doctors in Dallas. Here the blood was washed from JFK's scalp area, the 7 inch long defect at the top of the skull explored, and the right side flap explored. One can see the autopsy doctor having to pull the scalp back into place at the top of JFK's head from the massive rip from the right temple across the top of JFK's head. This makes the rear of the skull bullet hole visible near JFK's cow-lick. If one looks really closely at the X-rays there is a half moon bullet entrance wound seen in the bone at the right temple area of JFK's head that was the one coming off the grassy knoll that splattered the motot cycle cop.

    The autopsys X-ray photos are genuine and show the bone damage well and the right temple damage and the 7 inch top of the skull defects. They don't show any damage to the skull bone where the mush filled under the scalp of JFK's head from the material forced to the rear from the right front shot. Neither does the Hospital Orderly tell of a massive blasted out hole there, only reporting a soft mushy area that is consistent with the material being seen blasted under the scalp of JFK's head shown in the Zapruder Film. So, this makes the Zapruder Film essential toward gaining the fine details and exposes the real story was not one of a lone gunman in the Texas School Book Depository. The real story is one of a Dal-Tex shooter from the rear, and of a Grassy Knoll area shooter from JFK's right front that produced this mush of brain and blood under the rear scalp area and which is being exploited by over the top conspiracy theorists that cause more problems than serious contributions toward what happened and what the photo forensics show in the Zapruder Film.

    At this point it becomes most important to correctly value the Zapruder Film's fine details and toss these over the top conspiracy issues into the trash bin of those that exploit outlandish theory, which does more harm to the public's rights to know than good. In my humble opinion, these attempts to dismiss this important film need to be dismissed as extreme non-sense to keep the public mind confused and continue the JFK conspiracy exploitation another 50 years. Help make this 50th anniversary one that sets the record straight.

    Providing a contextually accurate analysis for the JFK assassination and the Zapruder Film's Contribution, one begins to read between the lines. When it gets down to basics, isn't Jim Fetzer's deal all about trying to remove the black cloud over the FBI for engaging in evidence destruction on these two other films? Isn't Jim Fetzer trying to get the dark shadow off the City of Hate, Dallas, via discrediting the Zapruder Film? imho The scalp bulge on the back of JFK's scalp is visible on the Zapruder Film and appears the issue for the misleading drawings about a large hole JFK's scalp at the rear of his head. There was a lot of soft material forced under the scalp of the rear of JFK's head. Basically, the Zapruder Film contains everything needed to prove conspiracy beyond a single shooter, and it matches lots of the other films and stills, along with the Autopsy photos.

    The real story for Zapruder and the Dal-Tex Building is one of a Triad that needed JFK dead.

    With all that has been written about the JFK assassination, the things most central to the plot usually are not placed close together in the development of the theme. One of these is the factors traced to the Dal-Tex Building, which was the home to the Dallas Police Department and the building in which LHO gets gunned down.

    The Dal-Tex Building (Dallas-Textiles Building) was owned by Morris Jaffee, who was the big LBJ bank roller for his election with JFK. Morris Jaffee was made rich by collusion with LBJ and the USAEC on uranium deals, and took over the Bobby Baker and Cotton Allotment rip off deals. In the Dal-Tex Building was one of those faked fronts for uranium deals that appears to have him partnered with HL Hunt. It appears this area is where the rear shots at JFK were taken, straight down the road to the Limo to have zero lateral motion problems to track the guns.

    So, the stack of Dal-Tex issues even includes that the building appears to be where three shots were fired and two of them hit JFK. The first one appears to have hit the metal rail on the fire escape and tossed out a bunch of little sparks on the road and this is the root of the FBI screwing up two films they took away that day. It didn't stop there with the FBI as Hoover has the Agent that LHO was telling of the plots to burn all his notes.

    The two other shots hit JFK and one was in the back and bullet exit the neck. The third was into the back of the head and blew out the right temple area of JFK's head. Another JFK head shot at nearly the same time hits JFK in the temple area and blows off a good part of the top of his head, and blows material under his scalp to the rear of the head.

    Now, add onto this and we find Ab Zapruder's Dress business is in the Dal-Tex Building and he just happens to be standing in the exact perfect spot to take the dramatic movie for JFK getting his brains blow out on the streets of Dallas. The FBI doesn't just take that film, they make a copy and Zapruder sells the film to Life Magazine the next day for $40,000 and that film's bloody photos push another story that Bobby Kennedy fed Life that would ruin LBH and put him in jail. The FBI's cooperation in getting the Zapruder Film to Life Mag was absolutely essential for the success of the operation, and Hoover was LBJ's good pal and neighbor.

    Author Mike Piper gets into a few of the Jewish associations, and persons like Morris Jaffee, Ab Zapruder, and Jack Ruby are all Jewish. Now you get the picture for why Jack Ruby has to return to the scene of the crime and gun down LHO in the basement of the Dal-Tex Building. LHO had penetrated PERMINDEX, Gen. Walker and John Birch, and he knew way too much, enough to get the upper elements in Dallas and Washington into the electric chair, and Zionist tossed into the wind.

    Now, some of the other issues they forget to show everyone is the USAEC basically bought LBJ the election with JFK, since the USAEC paid LBJ crony Morris Jaffee millions of dollars on the uranium deal scheme. LBJ is infamous for rigging Govt. Pay-off and he was already in deep trouble for that with Bobby Baker's Ag Dept Cotton deals and others, and even tied to a murder there. One also needs to keep in mind that Hoover's strong arm got LBJ on the JFK ticket.

    So, the USAEC owned LBJ and the USAEC in Oak Ridge hated JFK with a passion for ending atmospheric tests, resisting taking on the Soviets with Nukes, then making peace efforts with Cuba and Russia that would put the USAEC out of the weapons business. The USAEC was loaded with Jewish scientists and managers and they hated JFK too. They call Dallas the City of hate, but Oak Ridge was far worse on hating JFK.

    What does one find but LBJ is kissing up to the Jewish folks in various high places, including Zionism, so we see Louis Bloomfield being a highly placed USAEC associated security person that is tied in with the "Defense Intelligence Security Command", DISC, which Hoover set up to look for espionage elements in the USAEC and the Huntsville, Ala., Redstone Arsenal Rocket National Defense areas. Louis Bloomfield is a raging Zionist and would do anything to support Israel and suddenly LBJ starts to walk that walk and talk that talk of Zionism.

    Louis Bloomfield also leads the PERMINDEX foreign intelligence unit tied to trying to kill General DeGaulle because he won't back Israel's nuclear weapons project at Dimona, Isreal. A good many of the PERMINDEX foreign ties are in the US, from Jean DeMenill in Houston (he started the Castro take over of Cuba), to Ferenc Nagy in Dallas, to Clay Shaw in New Orleans. It is really difficult to miss all these Jewish benefactor for Israel types hooked right in the middle for the JFK hit issues, and LBJ's working them for support.

    So, other things, like large amounts of uranium go missing from NUMEC in Apollo, Pa. and the person that runs that is Jewish. It so happens that a bunch of Mossad types are seen being close with NUMEC's operations and the uranium signature in Israel that US Intelligence finds matches that of uranium from NUMEC and the USAEC's Portsmouth Gas Diffusion Enrichment methods.

    Then, if that isn't a red flag, we find out that LLNL's Edward Teller is Jewish and is a frequent guest in Israel and LBJ inquires with him if the Zionists have their bomb now and he tells LBJ that he thinks they have. So, after JFK gets offed all this uranium goes missing, Ed Teller ends up running to Israel a huge number of times, and you get the picture for another one of the LBJ pay offs going to the Zionist elements associated with the USAEC.

    What started the JFK hit came from all this basic racketeering operations using the USAEC to buy their own politician, just as the corrupt Texas 8F Group had been doing for decades before the USAEC decided to buy their own Texas Politician. The Texas 8F group even installed various persons from Sec. of Treasury to the Sec. of Defense, and they bought high offices all the time. LBJ was for sale to the USAEC.

    Mike Collins tells you part of the story, but the Dal-Tex associations tell you the right place to look is all these Jewish benefactor games to get JFK out of the way and install LBJ. Look at Hoovers and LBJ as good buddies and connect up Louis Bloomfield and PERMINEX and you get the right idea that the JFK hit was both domestic, as well as European Foreign Elements , and Middle Eastern Zionist----so it was triad effort to get rid of the JFK that Oak Ridge called a Communist.

    So, the Zapruder Film is pretty infamous for its essential role in saving LBJ from prison, keep the crooked politician the USAEC bought out of Jail and it would come out on the Morris Jaffee USAEC games being just as corrupt as the Bobby Baker Dep. of Ag deal.

    It got down to make LHO the Patsy, since he failed to do his TSBD deal, that they needed another fall guy and the Jewish Zionist Ruby took the fall, but he eventually wanted out as the deal to get him off didn't mature. They convinced him that he would be a Hero for killing the traitor LHO and they would get him off of the murder charge, like LBJ's dirty court rigging deals got LBJ's hit man, Mac Wallace, sprung earlier. Mac Wallace fingerprint was in the DSBD shooter's nest, where he was supposed to kill LHO, but LHO failed to make his appearance.

    Since, that like deal that Mac Wallace got didn't happen, Ruby was willing to talk to get out of jail. He did talk to persons like Dorthy Killgalen and she suddenly dies and all her notes disappeared. These things happened a lot with JFK involved persons.

    This was the major corruption in high places that still ruins American's Freedoms today.

    Keep the Zapruder Film in the limelight and Have a nice day.

  15. One of the more interesting issues on the study of the JFK assassination is the differences in the memory of persons around the Dealy Plaza area and around the Parkland Hospital Emergency room. There is some new research from Cambridge University that may help explain the differences between the forensics evidence, like the Zapruder Film, or say the Hospital attendants and the X-ray photos in the National Archives.

    The new research details appear in this URL:



    "There are two types of people in the world: those who remember everything exactly as it happened and those who have a tendency to muddle what’s happened with what’s imagined.

    The difference between the two may be explained by a subtle variation in the brain's structure, according to a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience.

    About 50 percent of people are born with a prominent fold in the brain matter that lies just behind the forehead, explained study co-author author Jon Simons, a researcher at the University of Cambridge in the UK. Simons and his colleagues found that these are the people who seem record very accurate versions of what has happened to and around them

    It might also have an impact on how judges and juries perceive eye-witness testimony, Simons said. You could imagine that people without the fold “might witness a crime and then talk to someone else,” he explained. “Or they might read a newspaper report about the crime and then misremember what they actually saw.”

    The tricky thing about this kind of memory issue is that people generally don’t recognize they have it, Simon said. They think their memories are every bit as accurate as everyone else’s.

    Perhaps one day some enterprising defense lawyer will ask for brain scans of prosecution witnesses to see if they have accurate memories."

    End Citation

    This also appears on the Cambridge web site here:



    "A new study of the brain explains why some of us are better than others at remembering what really happened.


    This brain variation, which is present in roughly half of the normal population, is one of the last structural folds to develop before birth and for this reason varies greatly in size between individuals in the healthy population. The researchers discovered that adults whose MRI scans indicated an absence of the PCS were significantly less accurate on memory tasks than people with a prominent PCS on at least one side of the brain. Interestingly, all participants believed that they had a good memory despite one group’s memories being clearly less reliable."

    End Citation

    Thus, when half the population can experience this inabilty to accurately recount the events of memory from that day, which were part what other said, part what they saw, and then what they recall----this study tells that a large cross section of the population can fail to recount what truely occured.

    So, we can begin to see why where there appears to be solid visual evidence like the Zapruder Film, that many accounts from persons memories may well depart from the forensic evidence. The same would follow for all the accounts at Parkland, where perhaps words modified the memory of what was really going on in the Emergy Room that day.

    Something highly worth tossing into the considerations for the validity for witness memory over that for forensics type evidence of X-rays and Films for the day.

  16. I'll toss out some even bigger Hungrarian connections happening. Eugene Wigner, Edward Teller, and Leo Slizard are the three Hungrarian Jewish types that started essentially the Manhattan Project by getting Albert Einstein to write a note to Roosevelt. They all knew each other very well, all being from the leading science school in Hungary.

    It didn't stop there as Eugene Wigner became the first director for research at Oak Ridge National Lab, and got tied into the Ghelen Organization that was CIA allied after the war due to Dulles' dealings. Wigner wins a Nobel in 1963.

    Who is running around Dallas before the JFK assassassination but none other than Larry McDonald, who comes up running the intelligence operations of the "John Birch Society" called "Western Goals Foundation". Who belongs to Western Goals but Edward Teller and Eugene Wigner, the high placed Hungarian Jewish types that led the Manhattan Project, and later laboraory directors. Just who gets killed in KAL 007 and everyone else bound for the same meeting do fine.

    Guess who hated JFK over the Israeli factors and guess who all wanted to leak Nuclear Secrets to Isreal. Just who wanted to blow Hitler off the Map more than anyone--Teller, Wigner, and Slizard.

    Teller was having a fit over JFK blocking atmospheric nuclear testing because he wanted to push to bigger rockets and bigger nuclear missile systems. More of that mean't money in Huntsville and Oak Ridge, and the alliances for DISC.



    These secret police utilized a computer dossier

    system purchased by the late Representative Larry McDonald's Western Goals,

    the intelligence branch of the John Birch Society. McDonald was the national

    leader of the Birchers. Late political researcher Mae Brussell noted in

    "Nazi Connections to the John F. Kennedy Assassination" that the Birch

    Society officer (who perished in the Flight 007 shootdown) was "exceedingly

    active in Dallas preceding the Kennedy assassination. Western Goals has

    offices in Germany run by Eugene Wigner that feed data to the Gehlen BND

    [post-WW II Nazi intelligence group]. On the board of Western Goals are such

    Cold Warriors as Edward Teller, Admiral Thomas Moorer [Reporter Bob

    Woodward's superior officer in the Naval wing of the Pentagon within a year

    of the Watergate series published by the Washington Post], and Dr. Hans

    Senholt, once a Luftwaffe pilot."


  17. Hello Pat,

    Yes, meant to say Clint Merchison for the Sir Han connection. I was going to go back and edit that little error. And Sir Han was not the only one shooting. Seems there were 13 shots fired and Sirhan only had 8, and he was knocked flat on the 2nd round. No real security persons use a 22 caliber.


    So, they have major clean up operations going on with RFK killed June 6, 1968

    and MLK killed April 4, 1968. Then Nixon gets on stage to get the heat off the California John Birch game with Nixon president Nov 68. All the serious thorns were eliminated. Except for the Burglers being too close to the knowledge of the JFK hit as was Nixon. Nixon takes the dive and hands off to Gerald Ford, of the corrupt Warren Commision fame.

    I think it was Harold Livingston that mentions a sort of front operation in the Dal-Tex building being associated with HL Hunt and Morris Jaffee.

    There should be lots of citations on Morris Jaffee being close to the LBJ money games. Here are a few to start with:



    Jaffe also found South Texas uranium deposits, which, fortunately for him, were appraised as being quite rich in uranium by the Atomic Energy Commission. Jaffe picked up options on a large amount of acreage, inducing the government to finance a giant processing plant. He then sold his leases and options at top dollar, shortly before the industry went bust. It is as if he were in training to take over Billie Sol's holdings. (14)



    Morris Douglas Jaffe, to begin with, backed Johnson for the Democratic nomination for President in 1960. Jaffe was in Los Angeles "... to lay his money on the line. An old time San Antonio newspaperman came home admitting that Jaffe not only seemed to be the "money" man but the brains and trouble-shooter and smart beyond imagination, the most effective man behind Lyndon B. Johnson." (2).



    Morris Jaffe was a friend of and contributor to President Lyndon B. Johnson and spent at least $9 million in 1962 to save the empire of a Johnson crony, Billie Sol Estes. Mr. Estes was convicted of fraud.

    Mr. Jaffe, who has interests in oil, real estate and aerospace, has been dogged by reports of ties to Carlos Marcello, the reputed leader of organized crime in Louisiana. Mr. Jaffe has played down the connection, saying that he only tried to buy land from Mr. Marcello but that the deal collapsed when Mr. Marcello was convicted of assaulting an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.



    Triangle of Fire by Bob Goodman

    The Dal-Tex Building:

    p. 87: discussion of the tenants of the building

    p. 215: man with horn-rimmed glasses (photos pp. 212-213) arrested in

    Dal-Tex tells Goodman his attorney has advised him not to discuss

    the matter.

    p. 216: Jim Braden may have visited Dallas Uranium and Oil rather than

    looking for a pay phone, as he was upstairs. DU&O was located on

    the west side of Dal-Tex, behind the fire-escape (the window from

    which a rifle allegedly protrudes?)

    pp. 216-217: There were no corporate records of Dallas Uranium & Oil;

    Texas Secretary of State only listed Morty Freedman Inc.,

    which shared a phone number with Dallas Uranium & Oil, and with

    Marilyn Belt Mfg. (directory page, p. 243). DU&O may have been

    a dummy corporation.

    p. 217: Dallas area people in the uranium business were few, and included

    Nelson Bunker Hunt and Morris Jaffe, the latter a close friend of

    LBJ. Some believed he owned the Dal-Tex Building.

    p. 218: Jaffe benefited from decisions made by the Atomic Energy

    Commission under chairman John McCone, successor to Dulles as

    CIA chief. Jaffe took over the bankrupt Bistart=20&length=10

    Jaffe and H.L. Hunt worked together for LBJ in 1960 at the Los

    Angeles convention. A reporter described Jaffe as the "money

    man...the brains...the trouble-shooter...and smart beyond

    imagination."(Jules Archer)



    The phase of research now being pursued began with the intention of determining who the Morris D. Jaffe connected to LBJ really was and what he was up to. During that initial effort, QJ found that Jaffe owned a uranium company with headquarters in Dallas. While investigating that tidbit, QJ discovered that D. Harold Byrd also owned a uranium company operating in Utah, which was sold to Canadians with strong ties to Israel at a time when Israel was building its own nuclear weapon. That fact led to connections between one of the associates of the Byrd uranium company's buyers, Bryan Newkirk, and Permindex associate and Bobby Kennedy nemesis Roy Cohn.


  18. Once you get this far it isn't difficult to connect the dots for the RFK hit. Jim Garrison charged Clay Shaw in 1967 on the Conspiracy issue for the hit on JFK. RFK gets hit in 1968 in Los Angeles, where the DNC was held that put JFK and LBJ on the 1960 ticket.

    Jim Garrison charges Clay Shaw, who is a PERMINDEX associate in New Orleans. Ronald Reagan is blocking Jim Garrison's fact finding on PERMINDEX with non-extradition of information to New Orleans. So, the pieces are beginning to fall into place for RFK and he needs the presidency to be able to take down these California corrupt politics with USAEC and Teller, the Rousellot gang with Walker and HL Hunt.

    Who do we find was shooting at RFK in Los Angles but a horse handler for HL Hunt's big buddy Clint Merchison's race track in California, and that connected with lots of race fixing for persons like Hoover. The horse handler is Arab and easily motivated to hit RFK. Sir Han was not the only one shooting at RFK, but he made a good scape goat for the real intentions to get rid of RFK.

    Jim Garrison's trail fails to convict Shaw in 1969.

    But, had RFK been allowed to continue to learn all the Jim Garrison problems with California and Reagan, they would find Rousellot, Walker, Hunt and along with that the USAEC schemes to fund LBJ and the games of Ed Teller to support PERMINDEX like themes for Israel. And then why LBJ backed the israeli bomb, and did absolutely nothing on the USS Liberty incident in 1967.

    The alarm bells were beginning to sound off for RFK, as he got a good look at old Hungarian Alliances tracing back to Ferenc Nagy in Dallas and Teller in California.

    The lid was literally about to blow off the whole sordid corrupt games in high places.

  19. Ah Yes, it gets much deeper when one figures in the efforts of one of the leading USAEC weapons lab directors in California that stepped down from the director's slot to fight the JFK NTBT. Jewish Hungarian Ed Teller told that the NTBT would lead to the downfall of the US.

    One needs to keep in mind that Ed Teller was a Jewish Hungarian from Europe, and this throws him into the league with the PERMINDEX core group with Ferenc Nagy, Tibor Rosenbaum (Mossad), and George Mandel (aka Mandello).

    We also find the California Senator Rousellot, who won Nixon's old seat, is a John Birch Society Member that is conspiring with General Walker of Dallas to have JFK Killed. The story recounted by Harry Dean.

    Edward Teller ends up consulting on the Israeli bomb project that JFK opposed, which again points to the high level USAEC resistance to JFK and even Israel support for LBJ.


    LBJ works a deal with Dallas' Morris Jaffee on making him rich with USAEC Uranium deals, which Jaffee then uses to underwrite LBJ's political career at the California convention where a deal is finially struck for LBJ to be the JFK VP runner, which was forced on JFK.

    Then we also see the General Walker close friend in Texas is HL Hunt the oil well king, which JFK is punching in the pocket book with Oil Well Depletion issues. HL Hunt is a Bircher, Rousellot is a Bircher, and General Walker is a Bircher that JFK forced to resign from the military over his handing out Bircher Materials to his German command members. That cost Walker a fortune in retirement money. So, that group, allied with very strong USAEC interests, allied with PERMINDEX types were the force that wanted JFK dead, and their paid for pal LBJ in the Presidency.

    After PERMINDEX tried to kill DeGaulle in France, their leading Hungarian Jewish protector, named Ferenc Nagy, ends up living in Dallas, Texas for a year before JFK is killed as they were broken up in Rome and fled Europe. George Mandel ends up even moving to New Orleans years later.

    It gets worse as when New Orleans DA Jim Garrison detects the involvement of Clay Shaw with PERMINDEX, the California Governor named Ronald Reagan blocks the extradition of PERMINDEX records and various witnesses to Lousiana and Jim Garrison's investigations. One can then see the USAEC political power showing.

    One then begins to see the power of the USAEC to both install LBJ into high office, and to allow Israel to get the Bomb with Ed Teller consulting. LBJ was also behind allowing Israel to get the bomb, which won him Teller's favor, as well as the PERMINDEX core elite.

    One has to also connect the Joint Chief's Curtis LeMay was also wanting to support the USAEC with lots of nuclear weapons needs to blow up Russia. Curtis LeMay was HL Hunt's pick to run with G Wallace for President, as General Walker and Hunt hated Civil Rights issues of JFK. They basically went around cherry picking every anti-JFK faction they found to ally against JFK.

    This even included Hoover, because Hoover blocked discovery of the Mafia to protect persons like Meyer Lansky over the shipping port protection against NAZI's in WWII that resulted in lots of murders of suspected German spies at the docks. Hoover and LBJ were peas in a pod and one acted to protect the other.

    Hoover also picked Louis Bloomfield to run the DISC operations over NASA and USAEC counter intelligence operations. BloomField would have to encounter Teller, as a USAEC Lab Director, and the big defenders of Israel associations connected with PERMINDEX.

  20. Looks like I didn't spell that correctly. Sorry bout that, Reflect change to "Sumerian" as the correct spelling. And the "Sumerian Trinity" concept for "Anu, Enki, and Enlil," which occurs for the Fertile Crescent Creator gods that started the entire concept for god in human thinking as well as the Ziggarat monuments.. It connects to Abrahamic religions via the ancient pre-flood "City of Ur", the ruins of which were just recently returned to the public due to being inside the protection zone for Tallit AFB in Iraq.

  21. The Curious thing about Rabin being in Dallas is that it may have spurred his looking into why JFK's peace plans failed. Rabin became a protector of peace in later years and was working on the Oslo accord for peace with the Arabs. One of the Lukid types didn't like Rabin, so he shoots him down. Rabin is much like the JFK of Israel over seeking peace, and JFK may have become his model, due to the shock of Dallas.

    The Israel issues always hook up with religion and at the root of the issues is the story for Abraham and the City of Ur as the home for the creator gods. Israel tends to take up with the En.Lil or Yahwah form for god, as do the Arab factions. The En.Lil form of god from the Semerian Triune was slave making and fear mongering. He had a rival call En.Ki that was peace loving and explained how Lions were to lay down with Lambs one day.



    One must suspect that both Rabin and JFK had discovered this issue of god being confused in these later times, but sought to correct the shift toward the more peace seeking form of god, which Jesus called Aumen, that is like Ptah, that is like Enki.

    I suspect Rabin was one of the good guys that knew the value of peace and was motivated by what happened in Dallas.

  22. The JFK issue had the issues for JFK wanting the UFO information cracked loose, and one of those issues involved the Ft. Bliss NAZIs and the Ft. Bliss command. After the war some of the captured aircraft designs were used in an Atomic test for aircraft survival and flash blindness, and it used live humans, aerial testing with large balloons to support the high altitude test, and that had issues for War Crimes in the US with NAZIs involved and Germany's Neuremberg issues being hot in 1947. JFK, just ten days before he gets off'd, wrote his UFO information letter demands, and they were not about to tell him that cover up. It went all the way to Curtis LeMay that hated JFK with a passion.

    Odd that the information that JFK wanted on the UFO's was connected with Ft. Bliss and Rabin takes a tour of the base with all that nice history.

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