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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. In 1963, was Harrelson already a convicted killer, about whom the DPD should have known? -- Tommy
  2. Dear Paul, So, what you are really saying is that Duran's "rubio" Oswald could very, very well have had hair the same color as the guy below. Thank you very much for confirming that for us, Paul. -- Tommy
  3. So they conferred on "Oswald's" physical (i.e.) body description, right? Or they just both kinda randomly said the guy had blond hair? Question: If Mexicans use the word "rubio" to describe anyone whose complexion or hair is lighter than their own dark skin and jet-black hair, what word, then, do they use to describe someone who looks like this? MUY RUBIO? -- Tommy
  4. Dear Paul, And I guess you don't want to talk about the guy's more-permanent-than-clothing physical characteristics, huh? "Blond or 'dark' blond, looked to be over thirty years of age, quite short, thin body, very thin face." -- Tommy PS So, you're saying that Azcue and Duran dealt with two different blond "Oswalds" on 9/27/63? No lo creo.
  5. Dear Paul, Azcue said the guy was "blond, dark blond", had a straight nose, a thin body, a "very thin face", and looked more than thirty years of age, "maybe 35". Duran said he was "short, about the same height as her (5' 3 1/2")" and "blond". How, pray tell, are those physical descriptions mutually exclusive? -- Tommy
  6. So the total would have been a little more than $20K. FWIW Too bad it didn't happen around April 19, 1962. If it had, then I'd be looking more closely at the phone call David Ferrie (or someone who had permission to use his phone) made to a bank in La Jolla, California, from New Orleans on that date. -- Tommy
  7. Sandy, Wow! Nice catch! "Seals the deal" as far as I'm concerned. What year did Sewell say this? -- Tommy PS I've read where one of his CIA colleagues said Morales was a great actor, and could play just about any role.
  8. Paul, You crack me up, you really do. Going from memory here: Azcue said the guy was wearing a "Prince of Wales" suit. Azcue said the guy was "blond, dark blond" Azcue said the guy was "thin, (with a) very thin face IIRC, Azcue said he had an angular face? Azcue said the guy looked like he was "in his 30's, maybe as old as 35" How am I doing so far, Paul? Duran said the guy was not elegantly dressed (in so many words, he looked a bit of a slob) Duran said the guy was "short, about the same height as her (5' 3 1/2") Duran said he was "blond" Quite frankly, I don't remember what Duran said about the guy's age. Hey, I'm only human. After the assassination, Azcue and Duran both said the guy they had dealt with was not the guy who was shot by Jack Ruby on 11/24/63. So, Word Twister, if we put Azcue's and Duran's descriptions together (minus the clothing), what we have is a short, blond, 30-something guy with a very thin face -- a perfect description of Mexico City-based KGB officer (and putative "Third Secretary" at the Soviet Embassy) -- blond, thin, 5'6" Nikolai Leonov, who just happened to have a very thin face. Do you disagree with my above "fiction", Word Twister? How so? -- Tommy
  9. Ever get an answer, Bill? Maybe I missed it. Thanks, -Tommy
  10. Dear Paul, If what you say is correct, then Azcue and Duran must have conferred with each other (between her torture sessions) about what to say about the "Oswald" they'd both dealt with on 9/27/63, don't you think? "Silvie, other than clothing-wise, let's give just slightly different descriptions of him -- for example, you won't say he was very thin-faced, and I won't say he was about the same height as your diminutive 5' 3 1/2" -- but other than that, lets base both of our descriptions on our really nondescript [sarcasm] buddy, KGB officer Nikolai Leonov, whaddaya say? I'm sure our good friends, the Russians, won't mind being implicated in the assassination, especially since, being Third Secretary at the Soviet Embassy here, Nikolai is sure to be (or have been) "caught" on film by those cameras of the evil, evil CIA!" -- Tommy PS .. Nikolai Leonov looked nothing like Lee Harvey Oswald, and you know it.
  11. Gosh, Paul. Beats the heck out of me. Now, given that statement, does it somehow completely invalidate what I've done (with your help, btw) regarding the possibility that Morales was monitoring and / or mentoring Oswald in New Orleans on 9/09/63? Didn't think so. Keep up the good work!. -- Tommy (I do appreciate your feedback, by the way.)
  12. Yes, Tracy. It's obvious that she was a highly-paid CIA operative. LOL -- Tommy Uhhh ...., which Marguerite are we talking about, here, anyway?
  13. James, I took a brief look the Mexico City section of your Parkland Revisited Reclaiming Parkland book on the Net (I googled something of interest and it popped up near the top of the "hit list"), compliments of google books (and therefore many pages missing), and I liked what I saw. I might even be tempted to buy it. LOL I just skimmed a bit, though, so please do not misconstrue this as some kind of "ringing endorsement," or anything. Not yet, anyway. -- Tommy
  14. Facts? LOL Why do you twist them so? Is that how you got the nickname "Word Twister Trejo"? Why don't you like the real-deal fact that Azcue described the blond "Oswald" he dealt with as looking-to-be in his 30's, maybe even 35, and not only being "thin" body-wise, but also having a "very thin face"? Why do suppose he threw the word "very" in there like that? -- Tommy PS Predicted answer from Trejo: "Because Cubans tend to have very round faces, and all non-Cuban Caucasians look like they have very thin faces to them."
  15. Thanks, I was worried I'd just hallucinated it, or something. Regardless, I probably just recently read that article at the library (where newspapers.com) is free, and then just made up my story about having been at that concert, myself. As I was coming back into the center of town, probably to go to Bolek Polivka's "Klub Memfis" pub / bar (which I've heard is now a hair salon of all things) where the truly "hip" ex-pat English teachers tended to hang out because it was, well ... centrally-located but not too centrally-located, seein' as how it was right next to "Dominican Square" and everything, and they had this communal "message box" there for us to give each other messages in), or something like that. How am I doing, "Butterfly" Mikey? (lol) -- Tommy PS And no, there is no truth to the vicious rumor that I owned (without a business license or anything!) a bar I called "Surf Klub" near the reservoir in 1999. Although it may be true that uhhh ... INTERPOL ... might still be looking for me, you know, about some missing ..... Ah, ... never mind. (lol)
  16. Thanks, Tracy. I've tried googling that concert a couple of times over the years, but to no avail. What search terms did you use in finding it? -- Tommy
  17. Ticket stub? It was free. Maybe you missed that. Outdoors. (ditto) In a medieval square called "Dominican Square" (in Czech language, of course). In Brno, Czech Republic. I could hear "Oh Carol" from a few blocks away as I was returning to the city's center after teaching an English lesson on the outskirts of town. The political party dominated by Vaclav Klaus (look him up) paid him to come over and play free concerts to try to attract the "youth vote" for the upcoming elections. It was even better than DEVO. Because it was free. And there were no ticket stubs to document. Not that I keep ticket stubs, anyway. Except the last Padres game my aged Dad and I went to. When he told me flat out he wouldn't (be able to) go to any more games with me. I kept it. My ticket stub, I mean. Would you like for me to take a photograph of my stub and send it to you? -- Tommy
  18. Dear Michael, I saw Chuck Berry perform a free concert in a medieval square in Brno, Czech Republic, in 1996. He even did the "Duck Walk". It was awesome. -- Tommy
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