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Lynne Foster

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Everything posted by Lynne Foster

  1. The Mafia was Robert Blakey's patsies. Hoover controlled both the mafia and the cover up. But now, Blakey blames the CIA. For arguments sake, Trafficante's men did it and Hoover covered it up. Doesn't that prove the partnership?
  2. This is certainly an excellent summary about marcello's involvement.
  3. That's right, I am a Yang. Lisa Pease, who is evidently a Garrison groupie like you, is a yin. Mr. Blakey, who evidently represents Hoover's FBI, is also a yin. And as I said, if I was a prosecutor, I would charge Mr. Blakey with conspiracy to cover up the truth about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, because i want dawn to call me her hero According to Lisa Peace: "Professor Blakey’s hands shook slightly as he spoke to the group gathered for dinner on Saturday night. He confessed that he had trusted the CIA too much." Not a word about Hoover's role in setting up the Patsy, Mr. Blakey? No wonder his hand was shaking -he was pulling of a Garrison -blame the CIA to protect Hoover's FBI.
  4. You and Stephen have a strange sense of humor, I think you are both "yin" when it comes to exposing the truth.
  5. Oswald was just Hoover's patsy. I think Garrison should have charged Hoover with conspiring to cover up the truth about the Kennedy assassination, if he was serious.
  6. I would not take Lisa Pease seriously, she is a Garrison groupie. As for Mr. Blakey, I think he represents Hoover's FBI. I don't think he can be candid, because if he is, he might open himself up to the allegation that like Hoover, he is responsible for covering up the truth about the Kennedy assassination. If I was a prosecutor, I would charge Mr. Blakey with conspiracy to cover up the truth about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and then, Dawn would call me her hero. According to Lisa Peace: "Professor Blakey’s hands shook slightly as he spoke to the group gathered for dinner on Saturday night. He confessed that he had trusted the CIA too much." Not a word about Hoover's role in setting up the Patsy, Mr. Blakey? No wonder his hand was shaking -he was pulling of a Garrison -blame the CIA to protect Hoover's FBI.
  7. Dorothy Kilgallen did more to advance the truth in a single story than Garrison did in his entire lifetime. I think your hero was a fraud. Think aout it. If he truly was concerned about keeping the truth buried, he would have criticized J. Edgar Hoover, not Robert Kennedy. Dawn, if you think that people who do not agree with you are demented, you sound like Dick Cheney. Is he a hero too?
  8. Owen, Katzenback was brainwashed by all this crap. I don't think you can blame him for not having an alternative theory to counter all the official crap. That is why he is a yang and Hoover and Johnson are yin, they controlled the frame-up.
  9. No, the American sheeple are going right back to the Clintons. Rotating crime families. That is, if the neocons, with their figurehead leader for 2008 likely being Condi Rice, are not allowed by the powers that be to steal yet another election. That's the real problem. After Al Gore was successfully "raped" , John Kerry and John Edwards let Karl Rove get away with it again. Why expect any different, the next time around, when chad-free computers do not provide the opportunity to confirm election results?
  10. Those responsible are ultimately former Nixon officials, Rummie and Cheney. Bush is like the Queen of England, and Maureen Dowds calls him the Boy King. I don't think that anybody will be held accountable because despite the ocassional leak, everything is distorted, twisted and denied. If they can't even get Karl Rove on what I think is a transparent leak on his part, I don't think that anybody will be held accountable for anything, and the proof is that even 911 survivors were stymied by the Bush clan, when they demanded answers.
  11. Good,I'm glad you noticed. I usually have a point, but this time, I just posted somebody else's opinion about the Kennedy assassination. At least I'm still on topic -I guess that makes me a Yang -still.
  12. Well, if Owen is Jonah, you sound like Lucianne -I did a search on that one: But it is significant that the person who forwarded Linda Tripp's tapes of Lewinsky to the FBI is a book agent and pseudo-journalist called Lucianne Goldberg, who in 1972 "told the McGovern campaign that she worked for the North American Newspaper Alliance." Goldberg's role was not simply that of a cut-out or messenger for Linda Tripp. On Jan. 22 she told the press "that she encouraged her friend Linda Tripp . . . to tape conversations with intern Monica Lewinsky." (All quotations are from an article in the January 23 1998, San Francisco Chronicle, p. A11.) She kept the tapes for Tripp and later turned them over to the FBI. If Tripp instigated Lewinsky, it would appear that Goldberg instigated Tripp. Both Tripp and Goldberg are apparently Republicans. Tripp was one of only two holdovers from the Bush White House. Goldberg was exposed in 1973 as "a spy for Nixon while she traveled with the press corps" covering McGovern's 1972 campaign. It was at this time that she said she worked for NANA (North American Newspaper Alliance), and supplied an address for NANA which "is the same as her current residence" in Manhattan. Watergate investigators "said the Nixon campaign paid her $1,000 a week." Not mentioned in the Chronicle story is the relevant fact in 1972, as today, Lucianne Goldberg was snooping for sex. She told the late Anthony Lukas (Nightmare, p. 161) that the Nixon people "were looking for really dirty stuff . . . who was sleeping with whom, what the Secret Service men were doing with the stewardesses, who was smoking pot on the plane -- that sort of thing." Her predecessor on this assignment was Seymour Freidin, who at the time was credibly accused by Jack Anderson of being a former CIA agent. (By the 1970s NANA was co-owned by Fortune Pope, whose brother Generoso was another self-confessed former CIA agent.) Sixteen years later Lucianne Goldberg was involved in another sex and politics controversy, as book agent for an expose of Senator Kennedy's behavior at Chappaquidick. The book, by Leo Damore, was originally contracted for by Random House, which later backed out on the grounds that Damore failed to provide direct evidence for his accusations. Damore's book was eventually released by the right-wing publisher Henry Regnery. Serious students of the JFK Assassination have long been interested in NANA, which supplied Priscilla Johnson (better known now as Priscilla McMillan) with the job (or, to some, cover) by which she worked in Moscow, and there interviewed Lee Harvey Oswald on the urging of U.S. Consul Snyder. After the assassination, Johnson developed a close relationship with Marina Oswald, in connection with a book contract originally arranged by C.D. Jackson of Life Magazine at the urging of Allen Dulles. In this connection, Johnson helped identify a much-disputed bus ticket stub, belatedly discovered by the two women in August 1964, which helped to place Oswald on a specific Mexican bus. (Earlier a now-discredited bus manifest had placed an "Oswld" on a different bus.) Priscilla Johnson's intelligence connections emerged more clearly after the CIA-assisted defection of Stalin's daughter Svetlana Allilueva to the United States. Svetlana stayed at first with Priscilla Johnson's family on Long Island, and Priscilla translated Svetlana's memoir. ________________________________ Last paragraph is interesting, it is even relevant to the plot to create the impression tht Patsy Oswald was not a Patsy.
  13. Owen, are you really Jonah Goldberg? Somebody, and unfortunately, like Bob Woodward, I cannot disclose my source, claims that you are Jonah Goldberg. Now I don't know anything about this person, but if anybody has any further information regarding this strange allegation, please dispute or verify. Is Jonah Goldberg a high school student? Is Jonah a yin or a yang?
  14. I don't have to, it rhymes with dry wit. You always attack the best and the brightest and always defend treacherous villains. That explains everything.
  15. read it again: We felt his movements were suspicious enough to justify his arrest and that of his friends, and we took them into custody. When we alerted the FBI, they expressed interest and asked us to turn the three men over to them for questioning. We did, but Ferrie was released soon afterward and most of its report on him was classified top secret and secreted in the National Archives, where it will remain inaccessible to the public until September 2038 A.D. No one, including me, can see those pages. Ferrie was safe, as long as he didn't talk, and there is no evidence to suggest that Garrison was upset over the fact tha the truth "will remain inaccessible to the public until September 2038 A.D." I don't think you know Garrison very well, if you think that he was shy about voicing his objections. He didn't as the above quotes make it absolutely clear. You are an interesting propagandist, the way you attack anybody like Jay Epstein, simply because he was fed the wrong information, because the authorities feared his intelligence, after publishing Inquest. Clearly, I suggest that Epstein is a genius, compared to you, and if he got everything wrong about Oswald when he was fed the wrong intelligence, you can't blame him unless he deliberately mislead. Do you have any evidence which suggests that Epstein deliberately mislead anybody?
  16. Owen, garrison exposed himself when he said: "most of its report on him was classified top secret and secreted in the National Archives, where it will remain inaccessible to the public until September 2038 A.D. No one, including me, can see those pages." The fact that Garrison was coffortable with this "AXIS of NO ACCESS" proves that he did not care about exposing the truth. If Garrison cared, he would have objected to the fact that Ferrie was effectively muzzled. I think you blow a great deal of hot air, but there is NO SUBSTANCE in ANYTHING you ever say-just like your hero Garrison. I know, I know, you are flattered to be compared to Garrison, well, you have earned it.
  17. Don't blame me for citing history: In response to the question of how he came to obtain David Ferrie's phone records of January to October of 1963, Garrison stated that he asked for and received them from Marcello's attorney G. Wray Gill. With associates like Marcello and Hoover, Jim Garrison was a white collar, Jack Ruby. Jack Ruby silenced Lee Harvey Oswald and Jim Garrison silenced David Ferrie. Garrison was certainly was not an investigator, because, according to sharp investigators like Jay Epstein: "During the time I studied Garrison's investigation and had access to his office, the only evidence I saw or heard about that could connect Clay Shaw with the assassiantion was fraudulent -some devised by Garrison himself and some cynically culled from criminals or the emotionally unstable." The last known person to speak to Ferrie was George Lardner, Jr., of the Washington Post, whom Ferrie had met with from midnight to 4:00 a.m. on February 22, 1967. During this interview, Ferrie described Garrison as "a joke". Several hours later, Ferrie died of a cerebral hemorrhage. [but he was probably murdered because "the joke" needed a corpse like Lee Harvey Oswald, to get away with promoting his bizarre allegations.] This exposed Garrison better than anything could: PLAYBOY: Why did you become interested in Ferrie and his associates in November 1963? GARRISON: To explain that, I'll have to tell you something about the operation of our office. I believe we have one of the best district attorney's offices in the country. We have no political appointments and, as a result, there's a tremendous amount of esprit among our staff and an enthusiasm for looking into unanswered questions. That's why we got together the day after the assassination and began examining our files and checking out every political extremist, religious fanatic and kook who had ever come to our attention. And one of the names that sprang into prominence was that of David Ferrie. When we checked him out, as we were doing with innumerable other suspicious characters, we discovered that on November 22nd he had traveled to Texas to go "duck hunting" and "ice skating." Well, naturally, this sparked our interest. We staked out his house and we questioned his friends, and when he came back --- the first thing he did on his return, incidentally, was to contact a lawyer and then hide out for the night at a friend's room in another town --- we pulled him and his two companions in for questioning. The story of Ferrie's activities that emerged was rather curious. He drove nine hours through a furious thunderstorm to Texas, then apparently gave up his plans to go duck hunting and instead went to an ice-skating rink in Houston and stood waiting beside a pay telephone for two hours; he never put the skates on. We felt his movements were suspicious enough to justify his arrest and that of his friends, and we took them into custody. When we alerted the FBI, they expressed interest and asked us to turn the three men over to them for questioning. We did, but Ferrie was released soon afterward and most of its report on him was classified top secret and secreted in the National Archives, where it will remain inaccessible to the public until September 2038 A.D. No one, including me, can see those pages. As you can see, Garrison and Hoover belonged to the Axis of no access. Garrison was in fact, the BIG OPERATIONAL Yin, Hoover and Nixon were the managerial Yin. No yang there.
  18. Yes, I know I shouldn't feed her fire, but this thread was so silly I couldn't help myself. A transparent agenda theat nobody can define LOL. You all sound like the axis of no access, you know, Hoover and Garrison. There is a difference between gathering intelligence and denying access to intelligence. Sorry Steve, I can't control this evidence: In response to the question of how he came to obtain David Ferrie's phone records of January to October of 1963, Garrison stated that he asked for and received them from Marcello's attorney G. Wray Gill. If its Garrison, Garrison Garrison, it's because he asked for all the publicity, publicity, publicity. I am just reporting the facts -NOT AN AGENDA.
  19. What a joke, the confused ramblings of a total fool? This is in fact, the Warren Report, prior to the release of the warren Report. I can't believe that you do not understand the significance here, but it's very interesting that you compare Garrison and Hoover. In that respect I absolutely agree -they are both responsible for covering up the truth -and that makes them both accessories after the fact. I think that anyody with a genuine interest here would call that significant.
  20. I am not hysterical Dawn. I don't know why you are attacking me, but I'll make my agenda very clear, once and for all. I think this world is hysterical. The Bush regime has convinced 42% of the American people that Sadaam Hussein was directly responsible for 911. We can't even get that right, and you think I have an agenda simply because I slam Garrison for keeping his intent hidden? Hardly. I think I have better things to do than to have an agenda that is connected to Jim Garrison. As far as I am concerned, Jim Garrison was an irrelevant con artist. Why do I think this world is hysterical. Well, contrast President Reagan who was reveered and feared, to president Bush who is loathed and feared, because the US has abandoned the "us versus them" coalition and has adopted the philosophy that they can go it alone. Big difference. I think the world's capacity to promote deception has never been greater, and that is what I call hysterical. I have absolutely no agenda beyond sorting out the truth from the lies, and unfortunately, in a hysterical world, there are more lies than truth. If you get the impression that I am anti-Bush, you are wrong. Bush is controlled by Chenie and Rummie, former Nixon allies, and that is perhaps the real problem here. I think, in the near future, we are all going to look back to the Clinton, the Reagan and even the Bush SR. years with great nostalgia. Now that's what you call MASS HYSTERIA. And I certainly hope my assessment here is wrong, because I am pro- North American, Canada and the US take each other for granted, and I think we are both weaker as a consequence. Do you see any agenda there, because if I have one, I would like to know what it is? My advice to Bush: he has to find a way to be reveered as well as feared, but I fear that it's not in his character to be able to pull that off, beyond his close fans that will love hime no matter what. So unfortunately, not having a clue to what the answer is, I really do not think that you can say i have an agenda -but feel free to define it for me -I'd like to know what my agenda is myself.
  21. Katzenback and Hoover were not allies. Katzenback did not investigate Ferrie in 1963. The access of no access was controlled by Hoover and his allies.
  22. No, I just think that he is an honest man who was genuinely clueless, regarding the Kennedy assassination. Again, remember that the thing that distinguished=s the yin from the Yang is integrity, not necessarily knowledge about the Kennedy assassination. I think he genuinely believed that Oswald was guilty because he was otherwise clueless -which makes him a Yang rather than an in-the-know Yin.
  23. Sure, I'll help you. remember when Bob woodward was a yang, and then, when he became a republican mouthpiece, he became a Yin, but he's not telling anybody. It's like Owen's politically motivated posts or Dick Morris's double dealing, it's all about politics trumping integrity -like the BIG YIN ! It's like making up stories about weapons of mass destruction, because you want to start a war -you know --POLITICS. It'slike calling Nixon a peacemaker when he was in fact a warmonger....
  24. If Owen disagrees with me, I am more than satisfied that I am on the right track. Thanks Owen, this is the BIG YIN !
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