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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. Paul: Who translated for Marina when she pointed the police to the blanket? Nice way to leave out Mike Paine. And to ignore the PJM detail about the light being on in the garage.
  2. If you want a good laugh, watch the lying cuss below: We questioned everyone? Well Allen, how about Guy Banister? I don't recall him before the WC. Nothing new or relevant in the Archives? How about the fact that Kennedy's brain is not there!
  3. I am sorry to say I did not read it. Talbot called it a a "nothing burger" after he read it.
  4. Let me get back to this since I have been working on a couple of projects. There are two ways to write a JFK book I think. One is analytically, and the other is depicting a narrative. In DB 2, I tried to write a narrative. In Reclaiming Parkland, I did an analysis of Vince B's horrendous book. In the first instance, I felt that so much information had been released since my first edition that it lent itself to telling a detailed story. Much more detailed than my first book. And I felt that with all this new information out there, it dovetailed and complemented each other to such a degree, that one could knit it together. So that book has a circular structure to it. Now, let us analyze instead of describing the whole Nixie letter episode. First of all, to my knowledge, the version in DB 2, is the longest and most detailed version of the episode in the literature. It goes way beyond what the non-pariel Sylvia Meagher did, and even beyond what Armstrong did, many years later. I began with the restaurant talk. Because I was trying to show that this whole envelope incident addressed to Ruth Paine was common knowledge among those who worked at the post office or frequented that waffle shop. And it was not dying down. Clearly, the FBI wanted it to just disappear, because they understood just how potent this package was. But it would not. Therefore, the FBI finally took an affidavit from Mr. Reed--but it was nine days after he first heard about it, on the 23rd, ten days after the murder. But still, the FBI did not get the package in their custody. Who did they send in to do the investigative work? Who else? Good ole Harry Holmes. With all we know about Harry today, this would be like sending in someone like Howard Hunt or Warren DeBrueys. You know something down and dirty is about to happen. In my view, one of the things Holmes did was to paste over the original address with a non existent one, and he then lied about no one noticing the package beforehand. Because he did not want to expose the actual address, the Paine home. He also enlisted the local postmaster, Twilley to lie about when the package was discovered. If you think no one noticed the package until December 4th, I have a bridge in Arizona to sell you. I mean, Reed heard about it on the 23rd for God's sake. When Holmes got it he said it was partly opened! What makes it more interesting is this: it contained no latent fingerprints on any part of it. That is, the package, the wrap or the corrugation. Which suggests that it may have been wiped clean before it was mailed. Now, the day the first notice arrived at Ruth's is the 20th. The day before Oswald would be there, on the 21st. The official story being that he has the rifle stored at the Paine garage, and he took home wrapping paper from the TSBD. And, according to Ruth, he was up late at night on the 21st in the garage. According to the lying PJM and WC, he was hard at work with the rifle and the paper in the garage. (Which is complete crap of course since Carol Hewett found out that he had fallen asleep early that night in Marina's room.) And then, of course, Frazier and his sister say he came up that morning with a package and put it in the car. Although, how could Linnie see through those slats on the car port since the car was on the other side of the port? And then of course, the DPD did not photograph the alleged package in situ even though the officers were standing right on it. But they later manufactured the whole paper thing that afternoon. Now, according to Gus Rose, the DPD went to the post office, but the policeman said the package had been picked up. Which is a lie of course. Ruth herself told another BS story: that the notice was for magazines. So in addition to the FBI wanting the wrap to go away, it appears that after the 22nd, both the DPD and Ruth wanted the wrap to go away. Because of the postage due notice on it, it was now radioactive. Then it appears that the DPD tried to somehow attach the Oswald notice to one for Bouhe. Was this meant to confuse the recipient? Unless you think that Oswald mailed the wrapping paper to himself--which I do not buy for one second--then I agree with Sylvia Meagher on this one. Especially since I also happen to think, Oswald never ordered that rifle and it was, of course, never at the Paine garage.
  5. Jim, Where did the bad guys expect that paper bag, theoretically / ideally with Oswald's fingerprints on it (but, strangely, with no gun oil on it), to be found? In Ruth Paine's wastebasket? Since the theory would be that Oswald had made the bag for transporting the rifle to the TSBD, how would the finding of it at Ruth Paine's house after the assassination help to frame Oswald? --Tommy Its not a good question at all., Why? Because it was only 18 inches long. The rifle was almost twice that length. And one would expect it would be double bagged to mask its true outline.
  6. If i recall correctly, Bender is the guy who got Talbot a spot on Politico. Then he told him he was dropped. Then they give that spot to Shenon. If I recall correctly, wasn't Politico started by a group from the Washington Post who wanted to do an online magazine but Bradlee would not subsidize it?
  7. Who said they ended it? Talbot talks about it in Hollywood today. Its called the PAO today.
  8. Len Osanic and I interviewed Talbot about his book The Devil's Chessboard this morning. He was kind enough to give us almost two hours. Its the best interview of his you will hear, much better than Democracy Now. Why? Because Len and I both read the entire book. In fact I finished it this morning before the interview. So we covered just about all the major topics in the book, especially about the evidence implicating the DCI in the JFK case. But incredibly, we could not cover everything. The book is that large in scope. Talbot dishes some fascinating stuff on how bad the MSM is, and how Politico dumped him for Shenon! As I have said, the new media resembles the old media in that regard. And he also gave us a nice tidbit on George Clooney. Don't miss it.
  9. "It is important to recall that the first attempt to mail the parcel was on Wednesday the 20th. It failed for postage due. But Oswald was at the Paine home on Thursday the 21st, the night before the assassination. If the mailing had been successful, Oswald likely would have opened the package, and then handled the paper. He probably would have discarded it. If he had, one of two things would likely have followed: 1.) The police would have found the discarded wrapping paper.Or 2.) Ruth Paine would have found it. Either way, the police now would have fresh fingerprints on wrapping paper resembling the sack allegedly used by Oswald to carry a rifle into the Texas School Book Depository. This is crucial because the official story states that Oswald stored the Mannlicher Carcano murder rifle in the Paine garage. To have Oswlald's prints, and only his prints, on a sheet of discarded wrapping paper would have been strong evidence that the alleged assassin had wrapped the murder weapon the night before. The incredible thing about the above case against the Paines is this: this does not even come close to exhausting it." (p. 207) As Sylvia Meagher wrote many years ago, it appears that someone knew where Oswald would be the night before the assassination, and what he would be accused of the day of the murder. But beyond that, these person(s) also knew that a paper bag would become a key piece of evidence against the suspect, who was accused of acting alone. (Sylvia Meagher, Accessories After the Fact, p.64)
  10. "On November 26th, something startling happened. On the Property Clerk's Invoice for the search of Ruth Paine's home on the 23rd, the following item appears, "Postal Form, label bearing name George A. Bouhe, 4740 Homer St,. Dallas, Tex, Postal Form bearing name Lee Oswald dated 11/20/63." This perhaps means that the form for Oswald was then attached to one for Bouhe. But what on earth would a postage due from for Bouhe be doing at Ruth Paine's? And who would attach it to the form due for Oswald's mystery package? And why? Bouhe is the man who's name spaced in Marina Oswlald's testimony to Garrison's grand jury in an odd way. Marina mentioned him as one of her English tutors in Dallas. Garrison asked if she knew that Bouhe lived a door down from Jack Ruby; that they knew each other, and shared a common swimming pool. Marina said she did know that. Because right after the assassination Bouhe came to visit her. He told her that it was all just a coincidence that he happened to live next to to her husband's killer. Bouhe was the "organization man" who kept the files for the White Russian community."
  11. "How does this all relate to Ruth Paine? On November 20, a package was sent form the Irving Post Office to Lee Oswald at 2515 W. Fifth Street, Irving Texas. This is the address of Ruth and Michael Paine. It was not delivered at that time since there was postage due on it. On November 23rd, the Dallas Police searched Ruth's house for a second time and found the postage due notice with instructions to pick up and sign for the parcel. A deputy was dispatched to the Irving post office. According to Officer Gus Rose's HSCA deposition, the deputy was told the parcel had been picked up. As we have seen from the H. W. Reed affidavit, this was false. And it began the cover up about this potentially crucial piece of evidence. In February of 1964, in an interview with postal inspector Roy Armstrong, Ruth Paine tried to imply that this notice was for magazines. Which it was not." (p. 206)
  12. "In an FBi AIrtel of December 13, the Bureau says there is no indication the parcel was ever mailed. This is not really accurate. There is postmark on the package, in which the date is not quite decipherable. There is no postage visible on the one side of the package we can see in photos. In the airtel, the Bureau says something else which is hard to swallow. It says that Twilley questioned numerous persons at the Irving Post Office and could not find out any information about the parcel. Are we really to believe that no one recalled handling the package? Even after the assassination? Why didn't the FBI itself do the questioning about this important piece of evidence? Furhter, Holmes said that when he got the package it had already been parlty opened. Could someone really have forgotten partly opening a parcel with Oswlad's name on it? Inside the parcel was found a sheet of brown wrapping paper. Although the FBI called it a bag, it was described as being open at each end. Which would more closely resemble wrapping paper. In the FBI photo exhibits there is no tape measure next to the paper. Further, attorney Carol Hewett, who has actually handled the package states that it is actually cut off at one end, making it harder to reconstruct how long both the envelope and the paper inside was. The Bureau tells us that the wrap in 18 inches long. It generally recalls the brown paper discovered in the Texas School Book Depository that the police accused Oswlad of using to form a sack to bring his Mannliche rCarcano rifle to the Depsoitory on November 22, 1963. One last point to make about this parcel. Not any part of it, the parcel itself, the paper inside, not the corrugation, none of it bore any latent fingerprints."
  13. "As noted, it was nine days between when Reed first heard about this package and when he signed a legal affidavit concerning it. Therefore on the 23rd, at least four people had already heard about the package. And very likely more, since the cashier at the restaurant knew about it and was spreading the word about it that morning. Yet, it was not until another ten days after Reed's affidavit, on December 12, that the post office turned over the parcel to the FBI. Again, no explanation, is given as to why it took three weeks for the Bureau to get custody of the evidence. Especiaily since many people were talking about it both inside and outside the post office. When the FBI did get hold of the parcel, it was through Post Office Inspector Harry Holmes, who picked it up from the postmaster in Irving. As many authors have noted, Holmes was a prized FBI informant inside the post office who cooperated mightily with the Bureau in more than one way to help make the case against Oswald. Now, according to the FBI, Postmaster Twilley told Holmes the parcel was discovered in Irving on December 4th. In light of the fact that the cashier at Reed's restaurant had heard about it on November 23, this makes now sense. It boggles the imagination that a parcel with the name of Kennedy's alleged kiIler could lay around the pos office unnoticed for 12 days. This is at the same time tat Oswald's name was being broadcast on TV and radio throughout each and every day in that two week interval.. But the fact that it was not in custody for twenty days , and it was given to Holmes at that time, allows us to question when the sticker was applied."
  14. (Just remember, DVP and PT are reverse barometers. And its clear neither one read my book.) "On November 23, 1963 mailman H. W. Reed was at Powells' Waffle Shop in Irving, Texas for his morning cup of coffee. He was sitting with two colleagues named C. E. Vaughn and Ray Roddy, and they were talk ing about the assassination. As Roddy got up to pay the cashier, Reed overheard her say something to him about a package being held for Oswald. This turned out to be true. But it is necessary to note that between the day Reed first heard about it versus the day he signed his affidavit constitutes a span of nine days. This may be important. Because if one looks at this package today, there is something odd about it. Actually it may be unexplaindble. At the bottom of the address, written directly on the parcel are the words Irvin, Texas. Yet,right above this--obliterating the rest of the Irving address--is a mail address sticker. The sticker reads as follows: Lee Oswald, 601 West Nassau St. Dallas, Texas And here begins the mystery. For that particular address does not exist in Dallas. Now, what makes this doubly odd is that it would only appear logical that underneath the sticker with the new address, a legitimate address in Irving does exist. And this could be read, if the new address sticker was removed. Therefore, why did the FBI not apply a chemical to peel the adhesive off the back of the sticker, thereby cleanly exposing any address below? There is no evidence this was done, or even contemplated. Because it was not done, we do not know when the new address sticker was attached . It could have been attached afterwards in order to blot out the name and address of the person it was mailed to . But because this new sticker with a non-existent address is on the package, it eventually ended up in the "Nixie section" of the post office--the place where undeliverable mail ends up." (Destiny Betrayed, second edition, pgs. 204-05)
  15. BTW, in all this dither about Ruth Paine, no one has mentioned what I believe to be the most stunning piece of evidence that she was associated with. I spent several pages on this in DB 2. Since I think its utterly fascinating. In my book I called it "perhaps the most ignored piece of key evidence in all the literature on the JFK assassination. " (P. 204) Does anyone know what I am speaking about?
  16. Tommy, It was not on the inventory list. To me, that is the key point. If I were doing a book or an essay I would include the counter.
  17. George Clooney also wanted to do something on Snowden. But he didn't think the story lent itself to a dramatic film. But from what I can see, Stone has turned it into a bio pic going all the way back to Snowden's service time. But I don't think Clooney is going to give up. So we will probably have dueling films. I thought Argo was pretty good, and for once the best film actually won. Maybe that wetted George's appetite.
  18. PT The Lopez Report was released as a part of that FOIA effort. The ARRB had nothing to do with FOIA. That is why it worked in many instances. It was a whole new law that finally put the onus on the agency to prove something had to be kept secret. ​As per his credentials, that is not why Duran and the Russians denied him, at least as far as I read it. Because he was not actually denied. The in transit visa eventually arrived, but weeks later. The problem was he did not have enough credentials when he went. I mean he even had to reportedly go and get a photo ID. But the problem is, the FBI searched every passport office in a five mile radius, and no one recalled him doing that. Anyone who reads the Lopez Report understands that the major problem is this: was it Oswald in MC? It sure does not appear to be him based on the weight of the evidence. ​The second problem is this one: Why did Phillips and Goodpasture lie so much? To the point that the HSCA prepared dual indictments for them for perjury. A good example being Goodpasture and the Mystery Man photo. The Lopez Report proves in spades that she knew this was not LHO very early. But she had to have some kind of photo to try and BS this fact: She really did not have a photo of Oswald. ​Which becomes a major problem since Eddie and Dan spend the first twenty pages of the report demonstrating how the photo coverage of the Cuban Embassy was so solid and foolproof. A fact which Phillips then lied about, by saying such and such a camera was out, when it was not. That is what most people get from reading the report. And that is the big question about MC today: Did Oswald go? Because now there are even problems with the trip down. Which is something Ed and Dan pretty much ignored. Because David Josephs and others have now raised questions about the credibility of the main witness the WC used to place him on the bus. The return trip back is even worse. I mean its a mess. In any normal reading, these are the things that stick out so much about MC today. That is why I see it as the key to the crime.
  19. Yes, Jim, I know. That policeman from Irving said he told the others not to pay any attention to it because, he claimed, it looked broken. --Tommy LOL
  20. BTW, Talbot's book really gets really interesting at about the 3/4 turn mark. I really don't want to give anything away, but some of the things Dulles was doing in the year before JFK was killed are just utterly fascinating. And this is the first time I have seen them in print.
  21. Thomas, four out of the five policeman said they did not recall seeing it. And it was not on the police inventory. That is what I was referring to.
  22. Glenn: I hate to say this but the best way to get those articles is by ordering the Probe CD. Go to CTKA and you click through on the insignia on the right. http://www.ctka.net/home.html That is the only way now to get all of them. BTW, in his inscription of JFK and the Unspeakable to me, Jim wrote that he did his JFK apprenticeship by reading Probe Magazine.
  23. PT: Yet here are the facts: The ARRB released "The Lopez Report" in 2003, which confirms Jim Garrison's theory of LHO working with Guy Banister in New Orleans to assemble a resume specifically to take to the Cuban Consulate in Mexico City to obtain *immediate* passage to Cuba -- as FPCC Directors regularly obtained. Then, in 2009, the ARRB released Douglas Horne's careful work showing that David Lifton's suspicions in this landmark book, "Best Evidence" (1986) were entirely correct. The Bethesda autopsy was indeed deliberately falsified, and a JFK Cover-up can be proven scientifically. The actual medical evidence (the Best Evidence) proves that there were multiple shooters at Dealey Plaza. Paul, the above is a perfect example of why I say I am hesitant to debate you since we end up going in circles. ​The Lopez Report was not first released in 2003. And in 2003 the ARRB did not exist. Also, how does the Lopez Report confirm LHO working with GB in New Orleans? The only way it even tangentially touches on the issue is negatively, because Duran said LHO was not at all prepared to get the in transit visa. If GB had prepped him he would have been prepared. ​But beyond that, the Lopez Report's main thrust is that Oswald was not in Mexico City. Or if he was, he did not do the things the WR said he did. I won't go through all the evidence in that magnificent volume that touches on this, but I will say that Shenon has to avoid it like the plague to make his horrible work viable. ​Second, how could the ARRB release Horne's work in 2009 if it had folded up in 1998? ​If you are talking about the famous Two Brain Memorandum, that was during the ARRB, but about ten years earlier.
  24. PT: It is only your WISH, James, that the WC Portrait of the Paines as Good Samaritans has "collapsed into a hundred pieces." ​You are dead wrong on this one Paul. ​See, in the official inquires, the Paines pretty much got off free and easy. The WC featured them as star witnesses. In fact, no one except Marina delivered the goods on Oswald like they did. In fact, they may have done even more than Marina to aid Dulles and McCloy and Ford on their preordained verdict of Oswald as lone assassin. ​The HSCA committed an utter disgrace by not even examining them. The ARRB compounded this by doing the same. They expended so much of their resources on the medical evidence and the Z film, there was little left over for the Paines. That is what Tunheim actually said when questioned on it. ​The only official inquiry that did anything with Ruth was Jim Garrison's New Orleans probe. And as noted above, he came up with some very interesting responses from both her and Marina on this issue. ​But it turns out that Garrison was only scratching the surface. For finally, in the nineties, toward the end of the Third Decade of research, Carol Hewett appeared, a crackerjack lawyer from Florida. Assisted by Steve Jones and Barbara LaMonica, those three finally began to strip away the carefully upholstered veneer off the "kindly Quaker couple". This trio was responsible for about six devastating articles in Probe on the Paines, which examined them in all aspects. They were the first to do it. After about 30 years. And things have literally not been the same. First, there was the Evica book. Second, there was the Douglass book. ​Then there were my two books. ​Now there is Talbot. ​And if you look around at various web sites on the internet you will see that Ruth and Mikey are mentioned prominently now. This is why DVP and Holland have had to come to their aid. Its open season.
  25. PT: But I also say that by jumping to conclusions about the CIA killing JFK, the CT Community has been letting the Real Killers get away scot free! You know, sometimes I wonder. ​The idea that the CIA has been the only group or agency the JFK critical community has accused is simply wrong. ​I mean Farewell America accused the radical right in Texas of killing Kennedy way back in 1968. What about, A Texan Looks at Lyndon? Way back in 1964. ​What about the Torbitt Document, (1971) which has a very wide ranging plot including the hard right in Texas and the Mafia. Have you missed the Johnson mania craze started by Barr McClellan? Including people like Philip Nelson? ​Did you miss the Mafia did it books by Blakey, Davis, Scheim etc. ​Why are you so only a CIA apologist?
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