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James DiEugenio

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Posts posted by James DiEugenio

  1. Let me add, I have a special interest in this issue.

    That is because I could have never written the second edition of Destiny Betrayed without the ARRB.   Some people think that is my best book.  

    JFK Revisited is in large part based on the discoveries of the ARRB. Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide--in something like 17 countries-- were finally exposed to these new facts through that film.

    K and K follows these new discoveries as closely as any site can.  IMO, the ARRB was a landmark in the history of the JFK case. That body changed the calculus of the JFK case in more than one way. Which is why the MSM did everything they could to ignore it.  As both Samoluk and Tunheim noted in Stone's film.

    So I really do not like what has happened to that Act.  With both Trump and Biden.  Biden has actually disfigured it. So if Mark can get on Napolitano fine.  Maybe he can push the issue, which is clearly what he is trying to do.


  2. Ron:

    This is not political. There are people on this board who want to make it political.

    This is about the JFK Act.  

    To me that makes it about the JFK case. 

    The CIA lied to the ARRB about all the documents concerning Joannides being personnel matters. That was false, as the Morley suit showed.

    But further, as Morley discovered, the CIA sent a Top Secret message to Joannides in New Orleans in the summer of 1963 that the CIA classified as SI, meaning Special Intelligence. This is one of the things Morley was trying to get.  What the heck could that Ultra Secret message be about? And why is it still hidden?  Is it about the DRE, about the FPCC, or could it possibly be about Mexico City?

    Biden will not talk about this issue.  At least I have not seen him do so. Expect pleading transparency, which is not what his executive order does, as Andrew showed in excruciating detail.

    People like us have to use whatever means we have at our disposal.  

    We are in no position to pick and choose. What Mark is doing is asking for the ARRB to be reinstated since that Act has become a mockery of itself.  I know this since I have seen the redactions.  I displayed some of them in public.  And anyone who buys into the current directory at NARA has not paid attention to the lawsuit in northern California.



  3. Here is the opening to Andrew's masterful article:

    In the waning hours of the evening of Friday, June 30, 2023, long after the filing deadlines of the media elite in Washington D.C. and even longer after the most dedicated talking head had left to celebrate their July 4th independence from tyranny in the Hamptons, the Biden Administration issued an Executive Memorandum that is a flagrant and illegitimate attempt to terminate an Act of Congress and usurp congressional authority over its own processes and records. A copy of President Biden’s Executive Memorandum is here.

    It is unclear what truly prompted President Biden to take a flamethrower to an Act of Congress that he himself voted for in 1992 as a member of the Senate, due to bipartisan public pressure to release records related to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

  4. BTW, I have to add, the JFK Records Act is not supposed to be a political grandstand.

    Its a law.  One that has been disobeyed.

    But whatever Trump did, and it was pretty bad, what Biden did was worse.

    But we are not supposed to mention that because somehow that is off limits for purposes of political correctness.

    I don't buy it.

    William, Matt and CV know little or nothing about that Act.  Please show me their work on it besides grandstanding?

    Attorney Andrew Iler does..

    Here is is his now classic analysis of just what Joe Biden did to the Act.  Just remember, Biden is the guy who has a bust of RFK in the Oval Office and JFK's portrait in his study.    Pitiful.



  5. Mark is one of the leading attorneys on the JFK Records Act, it was he who discovered the whole key strategy devised by DOJ lawyer Curtis Gannon to dodge the import of the act.

    He now chimes in on what can be done in the presidential campaign to make this an issue. Which it should be.


  6. 2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

    Ding! Ding! Ding!

    Give that man a cigar!

    Ron and William:

    That whole Phoenix Operation was so shocking when it was exposed because it showed just how brutal, yet ineffective the US war effort was becoming.  It was so ineffective that it had to resort to torture/murder.  It was really shown for what it was in Peter Davis' Hearts and Minds.  People went into denial about it but it ended up being accurate information.  This, plus the fragging, plus the drug running really began to break apart the military.  And this is why I think Burns and Novick did not show any of it in their pretty much useless "feel good" 18 hour documentary

    I mean how can you feel good about a war that killed 3.8 million Vietnamese, and about 2 million Cambodians, all for a war that even Henry Kissinger said should have never been fought. 

    There are two images that epitomize the American experience there:

    1.) The film of the 13 years old girl running from her bombed village with napalm burning her back.

    2.) The last helicopter lifting off the American embassy in Saigon with scores of Vietnamese still trying to get on.

    That last image showed that even America's retreat from Vietnam was a mess.

  7. Prouty's advice to Stone about the NSAM's and about Vietnam was really right on.

    I mean it was a shock to the system.  The first showed how Kennedy was sent reeling by the Bay of Pigs and its aftermath.  (I will be writing about the latter on my substack in a column titled, "The Report that got Allen Dulles Fired".)

    Secondly, the whole Vietnam episode really sent everyone for a loop. There had been so little written about this up to that time eg. Scott, Prouty, O'Donnell and Powers, and it had such limited exposure that it was like visiting the far side of the moon. And that includes me.

    How could something that was really so clear and obvious--the reversal of JFK's policy in Indochina-- have been kept so secret for so long?  And also something that was so monumental. For many people of that era, Vietnam was the defining issue of the time. It showed millions the whole ugly underside of what America had become.  I mean, here we were slaughtering hundreds of thousands of people in order to prop up a dictatorship that had no real support.   In other words, the screaming, scraggly protestors were right, and Johnson and Nixon were not just wrong, they were BSing America.

    Stone's film was viciously attacked largely for that reason. But today just look at the works of not just Newman and Prouty, but also people like David Kaiser, James Blight and Gordon Goldstein. IMO, nothing shows us just how bad the MSM was and is than the fact that such an epochal truth was successfully hidden for decades.

    And incredibly, is still resisted today.

  8. The Go Fund me page is at about 93,000.

    That is pretty good and hopefully it will get up to a 100 K soon.

    Besides his books, Brothers and The Devils Chessboard,  what Talbot did with Salon was really remarkable.

    At its peak, he had 100,000 subscribers which is amazing. And he published people like Lisa Pease.


  9. Garrison did not meet Fletcher until after he wrote On the Trail of the Assassins.

    Fletcher liked the book so much he wrote him a really interesting, rather lengthy, letter about it.

    What I think the narration means is that Mongoose became such a project that they needed a lot of support from Prouty's office.

    Fletcher told Len that he thought Lansdale overdesigned Mongoose to the point that almost no one could figure out what the heck was really happening.

  10. At the 39 second mark above, that is a young John Newman carrying the NSAMs to Lemnitzer.

    Let me add, this issue of the three NSAMS taking away power from the CIA and giving to the military, to eventually become the DIA under McNamara, this is talked about this week on BOR by Len Osanic, Paul Bleau, Larry Hancock and myself.

    Its an important issue that does not get enough attention, and Fletcher Prouty deserves credit for bringing it up initially.  One of the things I said on the show is that JFK never really got over the Bay of Pigs.  I think this one of the reasons for the DIA under the control of McNamara.

    McNamara was I think the only guy in the decision room who offered to resign. When he did so, Kennedy said words to the effect: Bob, if everyone who advised me to go through with this thing resigned, I wouldn't have a government left.

  11. Why doesn't someone post the whole Mr. X scene from the Lincoln Memorial to them shaking hands and parting.?

    That scene is so exceptional because, for the first time, millions upon millions of people were finally exposed to the crimes of the CIA in the name of saving the world for democracy.  The two editors on that film deserved their Oscar as did Bob Richardson the DP.

  12. Sutherland was the original producer on Executive Action.  He shepherded it through its first script.

    But then a job offer came in, and he was replaced by Burt Lancaster.  Who ended up making a lot of money off the film since he was a profit participant.

    Brando turned down the role of Mr. X, but Sutherland accepted and was excellent.  I have always said that, for example, Jeremy Irons was a better Von Bulow than Von Bulow. 

    Well, Sutherland was a better Prouty than Prouty.  He just had the part nailed: confident, intensely full of data, rapid fire.

    Someone who was on the set told me that although Sutherland needed no direction, Costner did.  Well Sutherland walked out of earshot and said, "If he knew what I was saying maybe it would help."

    Finally, he did half the narration for JFK Revisited.  I liked what he did, it was kind of in keeping with his Mr X part, doing the Kennedy sections.

    They gave him an honorary Oscar I think about three years ago.

  13. It always puzzled me that Lifton would say things like its all in the Warren Commission. He did that to me once.

    Oh really?  None of the things that Jim Garrison discovered about New Orleans are in the Warren Report.  You will not see one bit about the Clinton/Jackson witnesses in the 26 volumes.  

    You will not see one iota about the FBI and CIA crusades against the FPCC.

    You will not see anything about Oswald's relationship with Ferrie, which goes back to his CAP days.

    The T. F. Bowley testimony is not in the Warren Report.

    Just like Acquilla Clemmons is not.  Or the mystery of officer Mentzel. Or Vaganov.

    So I never understood what Lifton was talking about when he said that.  I mean all you had to do was figure how many pages of the FBI inquiry did not make it into the volumes.


  14. Cory and Ron:

    My original substack article, which started this thread,  had nothing to do with any of JFK's dalliances.

    If you go back and read it, it begins with the Lex Cusack fraud, which Hersh fell for.  I began with that to show just how intent Hersh was to search for dirt on JFK.  Even though he had a very large advance, Hersh never forensically tested the papers.  After ABC was dumb enough to buy Hersh's book, they did test them, with three experts.  One in LA that I called personally. He said it was obvious to him very quickly that they were fraudulent. That was based on the machine.  Another pen and paper expert deduced that there were too many indications of lifting, which means that the writer was stopping and lifting the pen in mid signature.

    This tells us a lot about Hersh and what his mission was in that book.

    The rest of my substack article is about the CIA plots to murder Castro. And how Hersh completely and utterly distorts them to the point that he completely violates the actual record of the two best sources we have:  the Church Committee Report, Alleged Assassination Plots, and the internal CIA IG Report.  Now Hersh has to know about these, but he ignores the data in them. Which is what I prove.

    So where did I write about Kennedy's dalliances?  Bob avoided what I did write about and injected that himself.  And he then tried to say that somehow this influenced the decisions Kennedy made during his presidency.

    I mean c'mon.  

  15. For the record, Kennedy kept us out of two wars:

    One in Cuba, and one in Vietnam. We know what would have happened in 1961 with Nixon since he told JFK to claim a beachhead and invade.  We saw what happened in Vietnam under LBJ and Nixon, 3.8 million dead in VIetnam, 2 million in Cambodia. What Nixon did there might even be worse than what Johnson did. He actually dropped more bomb tonnage on Indochina than LBJ, plus he ordered invasions of both Laos and Cambodia which set those countries back for decades.

    One might also add that JFK defused Clay's attempt to start another in Berlin, and refused the military attempt to send 60,000 men into Laos.

    To any objective person, the Russians provoked the Missile Crisis by secretly moving a first strike into Cuba and then lying about it to JFK.  The decision on the Jupiters was made under Eisenhower. Kennedy had ordered the Jupiters out already and was surprised they were still there.  But no objective person can compare that force with the three arms of the triad, including bombers, that Moscow moved into Cuba. That force could have demolished  almost every major city in America outside the Pacific northwest.

    Kennedy chose the least aggressive reply in 1962 and he would not even order a retaliation after the Cubans downed a U2.  That was the only fatality during the two week crisis. Kennedy rejected even the air strikes against the silos because Taylor could not guarantee there would be no civilian casualties. JFK found his advisors so aching for a fight that he sent his brother to directly negotiate with the Russians. And RFK told them that the president was not sure how long he could control the Pentagon.

    JFK was the best president this country had since FDR.  Period. Its been all militarization since. 

    And Bob Morrow appears to have never gotten over hack writers like Heymann and Hersh. I mean please. On this site?


  16. This substack piece apparently is hitting home.

    First, it has the most views of any article I have written so far.

    It also has the highest open rate of any article.

    Third it has the most shares, that is other substack sites are taking notice of it.

    Good, the more that gets out about hack Hersh the better. 

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