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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Is the Supreme Court fed up with this incompetent Trump judge? ttps://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/the-supreme-court-seems-fed-up-with-a-trump-judge-who-sabotaged-biden/ar-AAWCNrJ?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=2d3da3f085b8451d944038b3fdd3f87b
  2. Rand Paul echoes Putin's talking points on Ukraine while arguing with Blinken over Russia's motives for invading (msn.com)
  3. These companies paid little to no federal taxes last year, new report finds (axios.com)
  4. WASHINGTON, June,1972--Reputed Mafia chieftain Carlos Marcello shed his customary cloak of silence 6/1 and in a grandfatherly voice told the House Crime Committee, "I'm not in no rackets." Marcello is known "little man" in Louisiana where Federal Authorities say he controls the Mafia, but he refused to answer questions about customers of the Pelican Tomato Co., for which he serves as a $20,000-a-year salesman. (UPI)
  5. New York judge holds Trump in contempt for failing to comply with subpoena (msn.com)
  6. Vladimir Putin Health Speculation Intensifies After New Video Emerges (msn.com)
  7. Emmanuel Macron was elected to a second term as French president on Sunday evening with 58.8% of the vote, according to an estimate from the Ipsos polling institute. His far-right challenger Marine Le Pen won 41.2% of the vote in an election that saw the country’s highest abstention rate in 50 years.
  8. Trump Ally Roger Stone Demands 'RINO' McCarthy Resign After Leaked Audio (msn.com)
  9. This is so shocking.......... Exclusive: Madison Cawthorn photos reveal him wearing women’s lingerie in public setting - POLITICO
  10. REVEALED: Russia’s T-72 Tanks Have a Deadly Design Flaw - Your Survival Guy
  11. Former Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows was registered to vote in 3 states at once (msn.com)
  12. Putin is seen gripping a table amid cancer battle rumours as he meets 'slurring' defence minister | Daily Mail Online
  13. Proud Boy threatens FBI Agent. Proud Boys member under investigation made threatening call to FBI agent | The Hill
  14. Posted on Facebook today: Bay of Pigs: The CIA’s Betrayal On April 18, 1961, the invaders north of Red Beach (Playa Larga) come under heavy attack in the early morning. Before noon, they would be forced to move to Blue Beach (Playa Girón). The CIA grants use of napalm to contain Castro's forces. With only about a third of the Cuban pilots willing to continue flying, the CIA would also authorize American contract pilots to fly combat missions. Meanwhile, Radio Swan called the citizens of Havana to sabotage the electrical system by putting on all the lights in houses and connecting all electrical appliances. At the UN, the Soviet delegate read a letter from Premier Khrushchev calling for "an end to the U.S. aggression" and warning to give assistance to Cuba. The U.S. delegate, Adlai Stevenson, read President Kennedy's reply denying any U.S. intervention and claiming there was no evidence of U.S. aggression. Castro’s forces are marching toward Girón. Battalion 326 is coming from the east. Battalion 123 is reorganized for an attack at dawn with artillery, infantry, and tanks. Other forces are a few kilometers from San Blas waiting for two batteries of 122 mm. cannons and fifteen tanks to join the offensive. Battalion 111 reaches Cayo Ramona and takes positions to prevent any of the invaders from moving north and to ensure their capture. In the evening, CIA Headquarters asked the Assault Brigade 2506 commander to be evacuated. He replied: "We will fight to the end here if we have to." In New York, the CIA-backed CRC stated: “Peasants, workers and militia are joining the freedom front and aiding the rapidly expanding area already liberated.” But In Washington, Bobby Kennedy told Senator George Smathers (D/FL): "The dooky has hit the fan."
  15. Bay of Pigs: The CIA’s Betrayal On April 19, 1961, nine of the invading forces' sixteen B-26s have been already shot down. Admiral Burke asks the President: "Let me take two jets and shoot down the enemy aircraft." Kennedy replies he had warned over and over again that no U.S. forces will engage in combat. Nonetheless, he authorized one hour of air cover for the B-26s by six unmarked jets from the carrier Essex. They were not allowed to engage in air combat or in attacks against ground targets. Thus, the jets must just frighten the Castro's piltos, but they finally did not rendezvous the B-26s because the CIA and the Pentagon failed to realize the time zone difference between Nicaragua and Cuba. Meanwhile, a Castro's antiaircraft battery brought down a U.S. military plane near the sugar mill Australia. Papers in a pilot’s body identified him as Leo Francis Berliss, resident at 48 Beacon Street, Boston, with Social Security Number 014-07-6921. At the U.N., Cuba's representative Raúl Roa presented the info and mocked U.S. ambassador Stevenson: "This plane came from the moon." Castro units close in on the invasion force in Blue Beach. Two U.S. destroyers take position off Blue Beach to determine possibilities for evacuation. Brigade Commander sends his last message: “I have nothing left to fight with. Am taking to the woods. I can’t wait for you”. The CRC issues its final statement claiming that the landings have been inaccurately described as an invasion, since they were just landings of supplies and support for patriots fighting in Cuba and that the bulk of the landing force had reached the Escambray mountains. In fact, around 1,200 invaders were captured. Militia Battalion 180 and the Police Battalion enter Girón without facing organized resistance. Castro officially reports that the enemy’s last point had fallen at 5.30 p.m. On a dock in Playa Giron, Police Battalion Commander Samuel Rodiles gets closer to Castro, who was switching a flashlight on and off. —What are you doing, Chief? —Well, I’m trying to deceive the American destroyers into thinking there are still invaders behind. If they fall into the temptation to approach, we will be shelling them with all the artillery and tanks we have here. Image: Destroyer USS Eaton (DDE-510) provided naval support to the Bay of Pigs invasion. © U.S. Naval Institute This account was posted on Facebook yesterday by someone interested in what happened.
  16. Trump-appointed judge lives up to her 'not qualified' bar rating with stunning ruling - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
  17. A must read about the FBI today. From the article: Christopher Asher Wray is the epitome of straight white wealthy male privilege—a blue blood. He’s a Philips Academy boarding school kid, and, like his fellow Federalist Society confrère Brett Kavanaugh, a double graduate of Yale—undergrad and law school. He made bank representing shady characters at a boutique law firm whose main clients were the Russian natural gas concern Gazprom and Russian oil concern Rosneft. Obviously he’s a Republican. All of that is forgivable, except that almost halfway through his ten-year term, he’s done little to show the American people that he’s not still Trump’s hand-picked errand boy—the mobster’s choice. Index: Federal Bureau of Investigation (substack.com)
  18. https://thehill.com/opinion/national-security/3267074-how-to-deal-with-putins-mercenaries/?email=effd2ff49e4b87287658acfc4bca4ee7116d6561&emaila=6c10519cee974e18c8467735235a7066&emailb=fbdd9bc7a601799485f96e2eebd1714b5
  19. When assassination researcher Josiah Thompson was not permitted to publish frames from the Zapruder film in his landmark book, Six Seconds in Dallas (1967), he commissioned illustrator Arthur Hawkins to create a series of charcoal drawings of key frames for use in the book. Last year, Josiah Thompson generously donated 28 of these remarkable charcoal drawings to the Museum. Most retain original handwritten editorial notations, including this drawing of Zapruder frame 242 that appeared on page 71 of Six Seconds in Dallas. Credit: Josiah Thompson Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza
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