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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Then there is this, which will cheer your up and make your day: Things Are Getting Better - Mauldin Economics
  2. Time for Clarence Thomas to step down after 'haunting the court for years': NYT editorial board member - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
  3. The Other Oswald: A Wilderness of Mirrors: Hill, Gary, Simpich, Bill, Brown, Walt: 9781634242806: Amazon.com: Books
  4. I was unable to find a tab to sign up at the top of the announcement. Still checking on this. Meanwhile here is additional information: Additional speakers are anticipated and will be announced closer to the event. A complete schedule will also be posted soon. For more information, contact David Denton at 618-204-1498 or email dentond@iecc.edu. The conference is sponsored and funded by the Olney Central College Foundation. Hotel Accommodations Best Western | 367 N. West St., Olney, IL 62450 | 618-429-9360 (Adjacent to the college) The Holiday | 1300 S. West St., Olney IL 62450 | 618-395-2121 Super 8 | 425 Southwest Route 130, Olney, IL 62450 |618-388-3947
  5. To all, I'm sending an update on our upcoming conference on April 8th and 9th at Olney Central College "Political Assassination of the 1960's". Since our opening announcement we have added to our opening line up Ed Tatro, Dr. John Newman and Robert Groden. Please take time to look at the bios of these three outstanding experts on the JFK assassination below. Also note the tentative schedule that we have just released. As a reminder, in person attendance for this conference is free. We currently have guests coming in from Atlanta, Alabama, Arizona, Chicago, and Indiana. Please check the below for information about hotel accommodations. We encourage anyone who can't attend in person to sign up to view the conference on zoom for a $40 fee. You can sign up at Project JFK/CSI. Click on the events tab at the top and you will see where to sign up. If you have any questions you can contact me at (618) 204-1498 Thanks, David Denton “Political Assassinations of the 1960’s” Schedule: Olney Central College Theater Friday April 8th (Subject to Change) 10:00-10:45 Intro-David Denton 10:50-11:50 Mal Hyman 11:55-12:55 Casey Quinlan 12:55-1:25 Lunch (In Lobby) 1:25-2:15 Casey Quinlan 2:20-3:20 Ryan Jones (MLK) 3:25-4:25 Pete Hymans (RFK) 4:300-5:30 Robert Groden 5:30-6:45 Dinner 6:45-7:45 Gary Shaw 7:50-8:50 Ed Tatro 9:00-? Social at the Elks Club Saturday April 9th 9:10-9:55 Chana Willis 10:00-11:00 Larry Rivera 11:05-12:05 Ed Tatro 12:05-12:35 Lunch (Pizza in Lobby) 12:35-1:35 Brian Edwards 1:35-2:00 “JFK Revisited”- Brian Edwards 2:05-2:25 Dr. John Newman 2:30-3:30 David Knight 3:30-3:40 Break 3:40-4:40 Randy Benson 4:45-5:30 Brooks LaPlante 5:30-7:00 Dinner 7:00-? Social gathering and informal meetings at the Best Western Lobby Robert Groden: has been researching the assassination of President John F. Kennedy since 1964 and is considered a leading critic of the Warren Commission. Robert has assembled the most photographic and film evidence on the case. He has also investigated the medical evidence and personally interviewed most of the medical professionals present that day. In 1975, Robert showed the Zapruder Film live on national television (Good Night America, ABC TV). As a result, he was invited to address the US House of Representatives to present the case for conspiracy via photographic and other evidence. Two days later, a resolution to reopen the investigation was introduced by Representative Thomas N. Downing of Virginia. This led to the creation of the House Select Committee to Investigate Assassinations. Robert was the staff photographic consultant for the life of the committee. He authored the dissenting opinion report for the HSCA photographic panel. He has consulted with other investigations since then. Mr. Groden has written 8 books on the assassination. He has consulted on numerous documentaries over the years. He worked with Oliver Stone on JFK. Robert continues to investigate the assassination as he feels that “although it may be too late for justice, it is never too late for the truth” Dr. John Newman: Adjunct Professor of Political Science at James Madison University; U.S. Army intelligence officer (retired); Military Assistant to the Director, General William Odom, National Security Agency; Author of JFK and Vietnam, Oswald and the CIA, Quest for the Kingdom: The Secret Teachings of Jesus in the Light of Yogic Mysticism. He is currently at work producing a series on the life, public service, and assassination of President Kennedy: Volume I, Where Angels Tread Lightly; Volume II, Into the Storm; Volume III, Countdown to Darkness. Soon to be published (late Spring/early Summer, 2022): Volume IV, The Search for Popov’s Mole; Volume V, Armageddon. A supplemental volume on America in the 1960s, with particular focus on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., will be completed before the end of this year. These projects reexamine sacred truths, introduce vital new facts, and challenge many commonly accepted assumptions and interpretations. Dr. Newman’s ongoing work demystifies our hidden history and illuminates the darkest passages of America in the Cold War. New doors are about to open. His works are history in the making. https://jfkjmn.com
  6. Will Ruha wrote this reply to a prior comment on Facebook today: My friend, the coup of 2014 was anything but a mere "U.S. sponsored" event. At the crossroads between Asia and Europe, central hub of East-West European affairs, and breadbasket of the former USSR (plus, its richest source of strategic minerals), Ukraine has been coveted and conquered for 2,000 years by every force from the Mongol hordes to the Nazis and Communists. Putin wants Ukraine and has done all he can to prevent its being a self-sustaining sovereign democratic nation, as it successfully sought with its 1991 declaration of independence. FYI: An economics maven who established Ukraine's democratic-capitalist economy, national currency, modern regulatory system for commercial banking and successfully reduced its hyper-inflation from 10,000 % to a mere 10 %, central banker, Viktor Yushenko is Ukraine's equivalent of America's Alexander Hamilton. During the 1998 Russian financial crisis, he successfully defended the Ukrainian hyrvnia, and composed an economic thesis, "The Development of Supply and Demand of Money in Ukraine," defending it in the nation's Academy of Banking, that earned him an economic doctorate and led to Ukraine's President Kuchma nominating him as Prime Minister. During his term, Yushenko improved the nation's economy. Enter Vlad Putin, grandson of Lenin's and Stalin's cook, son of a member of Stalin's nefarious NKVD secret police, and himself, for 16 years, a Russian communist KGB officer. During the August 1991, KGB putsch against Gorbachev, KGB officer Putin resigned (i.e., was re-assigned) to enter politics in response to Georgia's and Ukraine's successful quest for independence. Beginning in Leningrad and moving to Moscow in '96, Putin, within 3 years, via nefarious means, including assassination, managed to become Russian Prime Minister. In June 1997, he also addressed economics, defending his dissertation, "The Strategic Planning of Regional Resources Under the Formation of Market Relations." Then, as First Deputy Chief of Presidential Staff for Regions + Head of the Commission for the preparation of agreements on the delimitation of power of regions and the federal center, he ensured that no such agreements were made (and as president, cancelled the 46 agreements signed during Shakhray's term as Commission Head to then create by decree, a vertical power structure consolidating the 89 federal Russian regions into seven administrative federal districts controlled by his appointed envoys rather than via free elections.) Seeking to prevent independence and secessionist movements in Russia's regions, he became head of the Russian FSB (successor to the KGB) and became a permanent member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, which led to his presidency. FSB officer Alex Litvinenko related how Putin ordered the assassinations of Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky and journalist Anna Politkovskaya, and undertook a campaign of terrorist bombings (ala Hitler) designed to bring him to power. Litvinenko, like Berezovsky, was then forced to seek asylum in the UK, which did no good. He was assassinated via plutonium injection by Putin's agent, Andrei Lugovoy. Berezovsky, who made it his mission to expose Putin's crimes, was found hanged to death in his London home. As Russian president, Putin battled Yushenko and the free-market capitalistic economics he brought to underscore Ukrainian independence, for 15 years arrogating virtual dictatorial power to himself either as Russian president or prime minister, unwilling to relinquish iron-fisted control of Russia and obsessed about securing Ukraine to its former Soviet fold. As such, he has been authoritarian and decidedly neo-communist, as per his machinations in securing the YUKOS oil conglomerate from Mikhail Khodorkovsky and creating vertically-integrated companies in strategic sectors such as Gazprom, Rosneft, and United Aircraft Corp that seek profit, but are mandated to "advance the interests of the nation." But his "vertical control" obsession extended to such former Soviet republics as Georgia, Belarus, and Ukraine, deploying agents in Ukraine to help orchestrate the coalition communist-Ukrainian oligarchs uprising which led to the 2001 no-confidence vote that toppled Yushenko's government. Not to be outdone, Yushenko formed a coalition with Yulia Tymoshenko to replace Leonid Kuchma in the 2004 Presidency of Ukraine against Putin's servitor, Yanukovich, a career criminal thug whose past includes convictions for robbery, assault, and rape. With their foe ahead in the polls, Putin and Yanukovich then tried to assassinate Yushenko by poisoning him with highly toxic Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCCD) at a level Swiss medical examiners revealed was 50,000 times above normal levels. The 9/5/04 poisoning by Putin’s agents took place a month before the election and almost killed Yushenko, causing horrific facial disfigurement, but incredibly, he survived. He was poisoned at the home of Volodymyr Satsyuk, deputy head of Ukraine's secret police within its pro-Russian govt opposed to Yushenko and his pro-western economics, ties, and NATO ambitions for Ukraine. Poisoning Yushenko, Satsyuk fled to Moscow where Putin granted asylum, refused his extradition, and conferred Russian citizenship to prevent legal proceedings. Then, despite a comfortable 11% margin in exit polls, Yushenko had his victory stolen by Yanukovich, via massive voter fraud. This prompted the first major democratic people's uprising, the "Orange Revolution," that toppled him and rightfully brought to the presidency the true victor. This was no U.S. sponsored coup, but an authentic organic, egalitarian-democratic revolt against Putin’s imposition of a Kremlin-friendly criminal into power. Ukrainians recognized Putin's iron fist in all of this, understanding that this lifelong KGB / NKVD secret police terrorist is heir to the Holodomor in which Russian greed and autocratic despotism unleashed genocide against millions of their countrymen. Russian troops and ships in Crimea were the result of Yanukovich selling out Crimea and the Ukrainian people to his autocratic Moscow master in April of 2010. From the outset, Yushenko’s government was targeted by Putin and his agents as he removed Russia's Black Sea Fleet, joined Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili in signing the Borjomi Declaration seeking creation of the Community of Democratic Choice, an institute aimed at bringing together democracies and incipient democracies in the region around the Baltic, Black, & Caspian Seas. Thus, Georgia and Ukraine, conquered by the Red Russians, were post-independence, invaded by Russia's army under Putin’s orders. Georgia did what Ukraine seeks, joining the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Community of Democratic Choice, and other western and Asian entities. These ties, plus US military training, equipment assistance, and construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhand pipeline incurred Putin's wrath. With Yanukovich's illegal rise to Ukraine's presidency, his imprisoning of political opponents, his censorship, liquidations of reporters, and betrayal of the Ukrainian people by backing out of the EU agreement in favor of accepting Putin's loans and natural gas price incentives, the democratic people of Ukraine revolted, casting him out a second time, whereupon he fled to Crimea, then Moscow, and pled for Putin's military intervention as a pretext to Moscow's 2014 military seizure of Crimea, ceded to Ukraine in 1955, and now, in 2022, Putin’s full-scale military invasion and illegal terrorist war against Ukraine.
  7. Colonel Odom’s “Chilling” Four A.M. Phone Call | National Security Archive (gwu.edu)
  8. Manhattan prosecutor who resigned says Trump guilty of felonies - New York Times (msn.com)
  9. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/russian-military-correspondent-quits-over-ukraine-war-and-says-putin-is-sending-army-to-slaughter/ar-AAVmyI5?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531
  10. The heads begin to roll in Russia | TheHill Russia warns relations with US could be severed in 'note of protest' | TheHill
  11. Heart stopping action reporting 20 days in Mariupol: The team that documented city’s agony | AP News
  12. Trump Ally Roger Stone Sides With Putin, Claims Russia 'Acting Defensively' (msn.com)
  13. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10632485/Putin-loses-commander-Black-Sea-Fleet-captain-51-shot-dead-near-Mariupol.html?ito=social-facebook&fbclid=IwAR199h6tcFfxsRuM6GcFssxFjdwkxDTZJkIeJYCaKWGmlIRee87VPb
  14. Giuliani henchman Lev Parnas says Hunter Biden was 'set up' with seat on Burisma board - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
  15. Sean Hannity: Putin 'Channeling His Inner Trump' at Moscow Rally (businessinsider.com)
  16. Idaho Lt. Guv: Actually Yes, I Did Know I Was Speaking To White Nationalists. What About It? (msn.com)
  17. Moscow news confirms report of death of top miliary commander Russia state TV confirms death of top commander | TheHill
  18. Official report on Russia's threat to use nuclear weapons: 481DE0F0E64E412E4B1EA9EC9984A1B8.20220317-iso-witnessstatement-berrier.pdf (house.gov)
  19. Fox News' Geraldo Rivera attacks 'low-brow' Rand Paul: He's turned the Senate into a 'Bazaar for Bozos' - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
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