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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Joe: You are fortunate to have chosen to live in one of the most desirable places on the planet.
  2. More from John on his Facebook posting: Angleton and his CI/SIG were involved along with SAS in the subversion of Oswald's CIA files to frame Oswald along with Castro and the KGB. But I am referring to the plot to assassinate JFK. The original molehunt in 1959 was NOT as I thought for years, an "Angleton molehunt." The wizard behind the curtain was in the Office of Security! And it was a false molehunt to point Angleton to look in the wrong place-the Soviet Russia Division! We have new information now that changes a great deal of how we will understand the upper echelons of the CIA and other U.S. government agencies. Here is more from his posting: The mistakes we make due to the misdirections laid in our path--when exposed--are a cause for celebration. When we find them and are able to correct them, we are another step closer to where we want to be.
  3. Heather, Jay, and yours truly chilling on Fisherman's Warf overlooking Monterey Bay (California) the day after the presentation at Gary Aguilar's home. It was great to listen to Peter Dale Scott and others later that afternoon. As far as my presentation goes, it is a work in progress in which changes are happening quickly. At this point I would say this: Angleton was not the wizard behind the curtain; and that Angleton was looking in the wrong place for the mole.
  4. The “Wanted For Treason” Flyer Distributed in Dallas Before JFK’s Visit JFK Assassination: Flyer distributed in Dallas by Edwin Walker's group before his visit (slate.com)
  5. Ted Rubinstein, who always comes up with the greatest research finds, called this to my attention: Open File : Was Oswald's shot luck, conspiracy, fate or fiction? : OSWALD'S TALE: An American Mystery, <i> By Norman Mailer (Random House: $30; 848 pp.)</i> - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com)
  6. Steve Jenkins posted this on Facebook on October 22, 2018 and reposted it on January 17, 2022: Another look at Watergate....down the rabbit hole. These are the five Watergate Burglars and for those that have not been paying attention they deserve a second look. James McCord, was a career intelligence operative who worked for both the FBI and the CIA over a period of many years. He was an FBI agent in the period leading up to WW2 and joined the CIA after the war. He officially retired in August of 1970 a few months before Watergate. Bernard L. Barker, was a Cuban American that was once the assistant to the Cuban Chief of police. He moved to Miami after Castro took power. He was recruited by both the FBI and also did work for the CIA. DALLAS police detective Seymour Weitzman, picked out Barker's photo as a man he confronted on the grassy knoll just after the JFK Assassination and testified under oath that Barker presented Secret Service identification to him. According to the Secret Service, no agents were stationed there during the shooting. Eugenio Martinez was another anti-Castro Cuban that was involved in the Bay of Pigs invasion. Like Barker he has been suspected by some JFK researchers as being involved in the assassination. One source claims that Eugenio was a spotter in the Dal Tex building and that Virgilio Gonzalez was a shooter he was spotting for. Frank Sturgis was perhaps the most interesting of all the burglars and is the only one that was heavily involved in the Bay of Pigs operation that was also involved in the Watergate burglary that the CIA disavowed. They claim he was in no way shape or form ever affiliated with them as a contract employee or otherwise. He was a member of operation 40 which has always been ground zero for assassination researchers that link anti-Castro Cubans with the assassination of JFK. He was also directly involved with several attempts on Castro’s life. In January of 1960 Sturgis and Marita Lorenzo both were involved with a failed attempt to poison Castro. Marita would give testimony under oath that Sturgis along with other members of Operation 40 were involved in the JFK assassination. Not arrested at the scene but later charged and convicted of the planning of the burglary were G. Gordon Liddy, a former FBI agent and E. Howard Hunt, a career CIA officer who “retired” in late 1970. Nothing more than a “third rate burglary?” I don’t think so. Kath Oliger Incredible connections… thx for heading down the connect the dots rabbit hole! 1Steve Jenkins to Kath Oliger , Douglas Caddy, a friend of mine was the first attorney of record for the folks in this photo…and E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy. As an interesting side note, Liddy arrested Timothy Leary prior to the party at the Watergate. Lee Shepherd James Walter McCord Jr. was a second lieutenant in the Army Air Force, serving as a bombardier during World War II, and graduated in 1949 with a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Texas. He was an FBI special agent before joining the CIA in 1951, and in 1965, he received a master’s degree in international affairs from George Washington University. McCord told the Ervin committee of an abandoned 1972 White House plot to steal certain documents from the safe of editor Hank Greenspun's Las Vegas Sun. Greenspun was an associate of Robert Maheu, the top Howard Hughes aide who liaison the CIA and the Mafia in 1960. McCord testified that his fellow Plumbers, were to have carried out the break-in and theft of the papers and that Hughes interests were to have supplied them with a getaway plane. What was in the Greenspun documents, blackmail type information, or something more? McCord wrote, “If Richard Helms goes and the WG (Watergate) operation is laid at the CIA's feet, where it does not belong, every tree in the forest will fall…” Alfred Baldwin, a former FBI agent who was recruited by McCord for the Watergate operation... revealed to Shane O’Sullivan that McCord told him he was in Dallas on the day of the Kennedy assassination. Like · Reply · 1h
  7. Joe always talks common sense here, which is appreciated by all.
  8. I had Omicron two weeks ago and suffered badly for four days. I had most of the symptoms listed above by W.N. I was helped immensely in combatting it by taking Wagreen's Severe Cold and Flu medicine -- Daytime and Nighttime bottles. These are over-the-counter products.
  9. Steven Hager wrote on Facebook today: KGB and CIA counterintelligence styles were vastly different. America is an open society while Soviet is closed. KGB had an immense pool of people to pull from. They would seek out the right personality types for covert ops. Super hottie and bisexual candidates of both sexes that could kill on command without raising their blood pressure were the most highly prized agents. CIA agents were defectors or White Russians. It was much harder for them to pass as authentic. They relied mostly on hypnosis. Agents would be conditioned to resist breaking cover. KGB expected a long, protracted struggle and embedded hundreds of sleeper agents who were supposed to become Americans, raise children, even attend churches, and then maybe 20 years down the road, might get activated for a mission. CIA didn't have that sort of patience. Tai Chi was central to KGB philosophy, which meant directing energy not engaging it head-on. The first major maneuver was into the Civil Rights movement. And also recruiting lawyers, who were deemed essential to the cause. The Communist lawyers, most of whom could have been true-believers, created the National Lawyers Guild, which positioned itself as the Knights in Shining Armor for the fight for equal rights in America. A large number of double agents were placed into the NLG, and that list would include Mark Lane, Michael Kennedy, Bill Kunstler, Bernadine Dohrn. In fact, these are the most famous members of the group. In fact, Jane Fonda, Gloria Steinem, and Dohrn were the CIA's most highly prized super hotties. Rumors swirled around Fonda's sexuality for decades. Dohrn, on the other hand, forced bisexuality on all her cadres during her crackpot "Smash Monogamy!" movement. Fred Hampton was trying to turn the Panthers non-violent while Kennedy and Dohrn were supplying them with assault rifles and C4 and telling them to "kill cops." When Fred began denouncing the Weather Underground as lunatics, Chicago police connected with the CIA murdered him, and Dohrn arrived first on the scene to lead press and use his murder as her fulcrum to fame. You can't imagine a more dishonorable act than trying to exploit Hampton's death to provoke violence. It's the same thing as what happened when Ghetto Brother Black Benji was murdered on the streets of the Bronx. The Ghetto Brothers wanted a war with the gang that killed him, and came to promise revenge to Benji's mother, who said, "My son was all about peace." Instead of a gang war, the Ghetto Brothers organized the Hoe Ave. Peace Conference that ended gang violence and allowed for the rise of Hip Hop. Hampton had done the same thing in Chicago, ending the war between the Latin Kings, Blackstone Rangers, Gaylords and Vice Lords.
  10. John Newman posted this on Facebook late yesterday: Armageddon is now Volume V. It will be published later this spring. In the meantime, I thought you might be interested in the cover to the new Volume IV. It's going to be an interesting session in San Francisco on 16 January!
  11. California's overflowing coffers hand Newsom 'every politician's dream' (yahoo.com)
  12. Biden approval down to 33% but look at what else the poll reveals: 1/12/22 - Political Instability Not U.S. Adversaries, Seen As Bigger Threat, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Nearly 6 In 10 Think Nation's Democracy Is In Danger Of Collapse | Quinnipiac University Poll
  13. Michael Moore tells it as it is: How to Win Big This November - Michael Moore
  14. Oh, no.... Cyprus reportedly discovers a Covid variant that combines omicron and delta (cnbc.com)
  15. Startling information: Linda Moulton Howe: Is There a War in Space…over US? – WHITLEY STRIEBER'S UNKNOWN COUNTRY
  16. Linda Moulton Howe: Is There a War in Space…over US? – WHITLEY STRIEBER'S UNKNOWN COUNTRY
  17. Time out for something different: https://www.idahostatejournal.com/news/local/man-says-owl-led-him-through-blizzard-to-campsite/article_d73ad7d1-12ac-577f-81ce-d76b40a0d7dd.html?fbclid=IwAR3tivFsI5C-J
  18. UFOs, the Channel Islands and the Navy's 'drone swarm' mystery | TheHill
  19. UFOs, the Channel Islands and the Navy's 'drone swarm' mystery | TheHill
  20. America had a secret Space Force in the 1980s - Sandboxx
  21. America had a secret Space Force in the 1980s - Sandboxx
  22. US, Russia stress there are no winners in nuclear war amid increased tensions | TheHill
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