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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. https://lbjthemasterofdeceit.com/2020/10/18/the-secret-files-of-clint-peoples-the-indefatigable-texas-ranger-on-lbjs-trail-for-decades/ [Note: In 1984 I met several times with U.S. Marshal Clint Peoples in his office in the U.S. Courthouse in Dallas. At one meeting he walked over to a file cabinet and showed me a drawer full of files on the murder of Henry Marshall. Included in the files were photographs taken of the murder scene with Marshall's body on the ground. At the time I was assisting Billie Sol Estes in his attempt to get immunity so that he could tell what he knew about LBJ, Cliff Carter, Mac Wallace and himself being involved in criminal activity, including a number of murders. I met with Stephen Trott, U.S. Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division, in the Justice Department in Washington on the matter. I was accompanied by Edward Miller, former Associate Director of the FBI under J. Edgar Hoover. Phil Nelson has performed a great public service in disclosing Clint Peoples' secret files in this posting.]
  2. https://lbjthemasterofdeceit.com/2020/10/31/e-howard-hunts-presence-in-dallas-on-nov-22-1963-and-the-veracity-of-his-confessions-forty-years-later/
  3. Biden won. What happens next? Wall Street Journal reports. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/biden-wins-the-2020-presidential-election-what-happens-next/ar-BB1aN0wa?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=UE07DHP
  4. Mark Meadows tells others not to disclose he tested positive for the virus http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/white-house-chief-of-staff-mark-meadows-tests-positive-for-coronavirus/ar-BB1aMpCG?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=UE07DHP
  5. Popular vote vs. electoral college https://www.nytimes.com/article/popular-vote-electoral-college.html
  6. 2020 US Presidential Election Pollster Ratings https://americanresearchgroup.com/ratings/2020/USPres.html
  7. ‘Armed camps’: Mitch McConnell plans to do to Biden what he did to Obama – but not just with judges, with cabinet nominees https://www.rawstory.com/2020/11/armed-camps-mitch-mcconnell-plans-to-do-to-biden-what-he-did-to-obama-but-not-just-with-judges-with-cabinet-nominees/
  8. How Texas Republicans beat Democrats at their own game https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/article/How-Texas-Republicans-beat-Democrats-at-their-own-15702511.php?sid=59a70bf724c17c0f2e71d99d&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=news_a&utm_campaign=HC_MorningReport
  9. From THE WEEK publication today: Former Vice President Joe Biden has now received more votes for president than any other candidate in U.S. election history, officially surpassing former President Barack Obama's 2008 popular vote numbers on Wednesday afternoon. Biden had 69,949,918 votes as of 2:30 p.m. ET with several states still tallying results, while Obama notched 69,498,516 total.
  10. GREETINGS FROM CAPA We hope all of you are persevering through these most difficult times. This is an update for CAPA’s virtual conference in November. A reminder that the regular two-day virtual conference will be on 21-22 November. The one-day conference for students will be on 20 November. The attendees of the regular conference are invited to attend the student day as well but will need to register. Below is a recap of the presentations: We are planning a half-day on the subject of “The JFK Assassination and the Media,” a topic that has not been discussed and investigated by the mainstream media. We will be showing a documentary by John Barbour entitled “The American Media & the 2nd Assassination of John F. Kennedy” and will also have a panel discussion on the issue. Dr. Cyril Wecht will be on the panel along with John Barbour, James Wagenvoord (who worked at Life Magazine in 1963), Russ Baker, and Mark Crispin Miller (Professor of media studies at New York University). Andrew Kreig will be the moderator of the panel. Dr. Wecht will speak about his new book coming out next year entitled “JFK Assassination – Post-Mortem Dissection of the Warren Commission Report.” He will also be available for an extended time after his talk to take questions from the audience regarding his knowledge about the assassination evidence. New addition: Dr. Gary Aguilar will speak on the subject “What the science tells us happened in Dealey Plaza.” Judge Brandon Birmingham will speak about the Jack Ruby trial. James Wagenvoord will speak about his experiences working at Life magazine in 1963 and “The 1960 Ticket: Kennedy-Johnson” Russell Kent (who holds a BSc honours degree in physiology from the University of London and joined the Laboratory of Applied Physiology at St Thomas's Hospital Medical School), will speak about the House Select Committee on Assassinations Forensic Pathology Panel: how it was formed, how it worked and some of its conclusions. Dick Russell will speak on the subject: “Richard Case Nagell: New Revelations from East Germany’s Stasi Files” David Denton will speak on the subject “The Newly Released Documents : William Harvey, JFK and Vietnam, Antonio Veciana, and the ACSI. Mark Crispin Miller will speak on the subject “The weaponization of the term ‘conspiracy theory’ from 1967 to 2020,” drawing inferences from the attacks on JFK/Dallas investigators to the even more aggressive censorship and slander of those looking into other, later evident conspiracies. Also, this year we are planning a special one-day conference for high school, college, and law school students to be held on Friday, November 20. We want to get more young people interested in this tragic event that changed the course of our country and hopefully enlist them in our cause. We are planning a program that will give them the opportunity to see what President Kennedy was like as a person and a president and educate them about the truth of the assassination. The event will be free to students attending high schools, universities and law schools. I am attaching a special invitation to students. If you know any students who might be interested, please copy and paste it into an email to send to them. I am sending invitations to institutions in and around Dallas. If any of you have suggestions for other universities/law schools/high schools in other locations to include in the invitations, please let me know and I will see that they receive it. The registration fee for all attendees of the regular conference will include attendance for the student day but will require registration. Below is the planned program: John Barbour will introduce the program and speak about his life experiences which include how he came to be the creator of the first reality show on TV and his association with Jim Garrison (the District Attorney in New Orleans who brought the only case about the JFK assassination to court and who was the lead character in the Oliver Stone film, “JFK”). Andrew Kiel, who spoke at our conference last year, has put together a video collage of clips from President Kennedy’s press conferences, inaugural address, missile crisis speech, and others. The documentary “A President Betrayed” which illuminates the challenges JFK faced from his adversaries and from his own administration. The documentary “JFK - The Case for Conspiracy” produced by Robert Groden will highlight the assassination and the deception and misinformation resulting in a cover-up by the Warren Commission. All the doctors who treated JFK at Parkland Hospital give their testimony about what they saw in Trauma Room One. New addition: An interview recorded by the 6th Floor Museum in Dallas with Doctors Robert McClellan and Ron Jones, both of whom attended JFK in Trauma Room One at Parkland Hospital. Knowledgeable people, including renowned forensic pathologist Dr. Cyril Wecht, will be available to answer questions from students. Check out our 30-second video ad for the conference at: http://iwebresults.com/c/capa-2020.mp4 Everyone who either joins CAPA or renews their membership for at least $50 will have free access to our online program this year. New members will also receive free access to some of the videos of the 2019 conference which includes the following presentations: Court of Inquiry (Lee Harvey Oswald), Rolf Larsson (former CIA), Judge Birmingham (Ruby trial), Andrew Kiel (J. Edgar Hoover, LBJ and the Secret Service), John Newman (Turning Antonio Veciana’s Misdirection into a Roadmap), Oliver Stone (remarks), Dr. Cyril Wecht (keynote) “Post JFK, RFK, MLK Related Deaths – Circumstantial or Orchestrated?” Click this link to register for the regular two-day conference: https://capa-2020-jfk-conference.heysummit.com Click this link to register for the free student day conference: https://student-capa-2020-jfk-conference.heysummit.com Thank you all for your support of CAPA and its worthy cause - Pursue the release of withheld records - Find the Truth - Seek Justice. Best regards Glenda de Vaney CAPA Program Chair STUDENT INVITATION TO CAPA 2020 JFK CONFERENCE Learn about President John F. Kennedy – the man and the president − and about his assassination which changed the course of our nation. Join us for a virtual conference, specifically for students, about our 35th President and what happened when he was in office, one of the most perilous times in our country. His death was a tragic loss to the citizens of our country and, indeed, to the entire world which looked to his leadership as a stabilizing force for good. A video collage of JFK will be presented. You will see him at his press conferences, smart and witty. He was the first president to give routine press conferences. Before him, presidents only had a press conference when something important was going on. It was must-see TV for everyone. You will see clips from his inaugural address, his famous speeches, his address to the nation during the Cuban Missile Crisis and his speech in Berlin where thousands gathered to hear him. A documentary entitled “A President Betrayed” illuminates the challenges JFK faced, not only from foreign adversaries but from his own administration. The documentary “JFK - The Case for Conspiracy” will highlight the assassination and the deception and misinformation resulting in a cover-up by the Warren Commission. All the doctors who treated JFK at Parkland Hospital give their testimony about what they saw in Trauma Room One. An interview recorded by the 6th Floor Museum in Dallas with doctors Robert McClellan and Ron Jones, both of whom attended JFK in Trauma Room One at Parkland Hospital. John Barbour, who was the creator of the first reality show on TV, will introduce the program and speak about his life experiences which include his association with Jim Garrison (the District Attorney in New Orleans who brought the only case about the JFK assassination to court and who was the lead character of the Oliver Stone film, “JFK”). Knowledgeable experts on the assassination, including renowned forensic pathologist Dr. Cyril Wecht, will be available to answer questions from the students. The conference will last approximately six hours including breaks. The conference will be held on November 20, 2020 and is FREE to all students and teachers – entire classes may sign up. Please click on the link https://student-capa-2020-jfk-conference.heysummit.com to register. If you have any questions regarding the conference, please contact Glenda de Vaney at visionsoffrance@cox.net. See our 30-second video ad for the conference: http://iwebresults.com/c/capa-2020.mp4
  11. USPS failed to deliver 27 percent of mail-in ballots in South Florida: report November 4, 2020 https://www.rawstory.com/2020/11/usps-failed-to-deliver-27-percent-of-mail-in-ballots-in-south-florida-report/
  12. On Being Wrong Some Election Day thoughts...and a tarot reading. By Greg Olear https://gregolear.substack.com/p/on-being-wrong?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5NTk5NDEyLCJwb3N0X2lkIjoxNjA1NjczNCwiXyI6IjFNLy9QIiwiaWF0IjoxNjA0NDE1MDU4LCJleHAiOjE2MDQ0MTg2NTgsImlzcyI6InB1Yi0yMDY5NSIsInN1YiI6InBvc3QtcmVhY3Rpb24ifQ.WmuqZsj9gUYW7z9Hl8v3WmbhGi-zWXiE6IvVSf6W-xg
  13. Trump Reportedly Telling Advisers He’s Increasingly Spooked at the Prospect of Being Indicted if He Loses https://www.mediaite.com/uncategorized/trump-reportedly-telling-advisers-hes-increasingly-spooked-at-the-prospect-of-being-indicted-if-he-loses/
  14. The JFK Assassination Conference is coming! Be part of it! Join our ZOOM Webinair(to see how, SCROLL DOWN!]Live! 10 AM -10 PM CST, Thurs/Fri/Sat/Sunday, Nov 19-22! Look at Saturday's line-up, with14 speakers! 10:00-10:45 PHIL NELSON [author: Who Killed Martin Luther King?] New information On Framing the Patsy in the Martin Luther King Case 10:45-10:50 Q & A [All you Zoom Webinair viewers can ask questions!] 10:50 - 11:35 RYAN JONES [Civil Rights Museum, Memphis] MLK Expert 11:35-11:40 Q & A 11:40 - 12:25 RICHARD CHARNIN [author & mathematician : Reclaiming Science - JFK, RFK, MLK murders] 12:25 - 12:30 Q & A 12:30 - 1:30 Vince Palamara [JFK Secret Service World Expert] and ABRAHAM BOLDEN [Living Witness to Secret Service Treachery and"Lee" tipping off Chicago FBI/Secret Service re Assassination Attempt in Chicago] 1:30-1:35 Q & A 1:30-1:45 WYNNE JOHNSON -Living Witness to the meeting of : Antonio Veciana (Alpha 66), David Phillips(CIA) and Lee Harvey Oswald 1:45-1:50: Q & A 1:50 - 2:20 BREAK FOR LUNCH 2:20 - 3:05: DR. JAMES CAMPBELL: Death of Jack Ruby: What the Records Reveal 3:05-3:10: Q & A 3:10 -3:55: DR. WILLIAM WARRICK: Biological Weapons Then & Now 3:55 -4:00 Q & A 4:00 - 4:55: MARK MUELLER [Attorney, Nationally Important Cases] Lee Harvey Oswald on Trial 4:55 - 5:00 Q & A 5:00 - 6:30 PANEL OF EXPERTS "The Deaths, the Lies, and the Cover-Ups"[Campbell, Charnin,Jones, Meuller,Nelson and Warrick] 6:30 - 7:15 DINNER HOUR --Film: "Episode 8, TMWKK, The Love Affair [Baker & Oswald]" 7:15 - 8:00 JUDYTH VARY BAKER [Living Witness] "New Evidence Exonerating Lee Harvey Oswald" 8:00 - 8:05 Q & A 8:05 - 8:45 STEVE CAMERON [author] AND ROGER CRAIG, JR.{Living Witness] More Evidence in Support of Roger Craig 8:45- 8:50 Q & A 8:50 - 9:35 LARRY RIVERA [author/researcher] "Government Leaders, their Notebooks of Treachery, and JFK" 9:35-9:40 Q & A 9:40 - 9:55 CLAUDIA RODICK: Living Witness ["Lee spent so much time at Judyth's Apartment, I thought he lived there."] 9:55 - 10:00 Q & A 10:00 - 11:00 MUST-SEE FILMS, SELECTED BY MASTER OF CEREMONIES DON RATLIFF =====HOW TO GET ON BOARD===== 1. go to Paypal 2. send $35 to jfkconfernce@yahoo.com 3. On every day of the conference, you can sign on at any time (THURSDAY-FRI-SAT-SUN hours are from 10 AM to 10 PM DALLAS TIME) by going to ZOOM and typing in your code. (Bingo! You're in!) Yiu can invite as many people as you whih, to watch with you! Your contribution pays for the Webinair (it's $400 for us) and hotel rooms for our guests in Dallas. To join us in Dallas (three seats left!) is $125 ( which includes a nice lunch, breakfasts, and lot of free food if you do not want to eat outside the hotel). You will also be part of the JFK remembrance ceremony to be held on Sunday, Nov. 22 on the Grassy Knoll, honoring JFK! For $50, you can join our Monday Tour of Dallas, or, if you have a car, it will be free if you take passengers with you. Please contact me at therealjudythvarybaker@gmail.com for more information (parking, hotel in Dallas, etc.). SEE YOU AT THE CONFERENCE!
  15. Los Angeles report on today's assessment by the poll that was most accurate in 2016; President Trump heads into the final, frenetic 48 hours of campaign 2020 having lost ground among key groups that powered his drive to the presidency four years ago, the final USC Dornsife poll of the election shows. Former Vice President Joe Biden leads Trump by double digits nationally — 54% to 43% in the poll's daily tracking, a margin that has remained almost unchanging since summer. Biden's support has ticked down just slightly from the high it reached after the first debate between the two candidates in late September; but overall, the poll has barely budged since USC began its daily tracking of the race in August. That's consistent with most other major surveys. The final NBC-Wall St. Journal poll of the campaign, for example, shows Biden leading 52% to 42%, a result nearly identical to what that survey found in January. "So much has happened in the past 10 months of this year — impeachment, George Floyd's murder, Black Lives Matter, fires and floods, RBG's death, and yet the presidential trial heat has not changed," veteran Democratic pollster Peter Hart, who oversees that poll with Republican pollster Bill McInturff, wrote in an email. "The voters know the stakes, they care and they have been very consistent and constant in their vote since January."
  16. Trump admin. funds plasma company based in owner's condo RICHARD LARDNER and JASON DEAREN Nov 1st 2020 10:00AM WASHINGTON (AP) — An obscure South Carolina company may be in line for millions of dollars in U.S. government funding to produce a coronavirus treatment after a former Republican senator with a financial stake in the business lobbied senior U.S. government officials. Plasma Technologies LLC, has received seed money to test a possible COVID-19-fighting blood plasma technology. But as much as $65 million more could be on the way, a windfall for the company that operates out of the founder's luxury condo, according to internal government records and other documents obtained by The Associated Press. The story of how a tiny business, which exists only on paper, has managed to snare so much top-level attention is emblematic of the Trump administration’s frenetic response to the coronavirus pandemic. And it’s another in a series of contracts awarded despite concerns over their proposals voiced by government scientists. The others include an $21 million study of the heartburn drug Pepcid as a COVID therapy, and more than a half-billion dollars to ApiJect Systems America, a startup with an unapproved medicine injection technology and no factory to manufacture the devices. In addition a government whistleblower claimed that a $1.6 billion vaccine contract to Novavax Inc. was made over objections of scientific staff. At the center of these deals is Dr. Robert Kadlec, a senior Trump appointee at the Department of the Health and Human Services, who backed the Pepcid, Novavax and ApiJect projects. Records obtained by the AP also describe Kadlec as a key supporter of Plasma Tech, owned by Eugene Zurlo, a former pharmaceutical industry executive and well-connected Republican donor. Three years ago, Zurlo brought Rick Santorum, who spent 12 years as a GOP senator from Pennsylvania, aboard as a part-owner. Kadlec has come under pressure from the White House to act with more urgency and not be bound by lower-level science officials whom Trump has castigated as the “deep state” and accused of politically motivated delays in fielding COVID-19 vaccines and remedies. The AP reached out to more than a dozen blood plasma industry leaders and medical experts. Few had heard of Zurlo’s company or its technology for turning human plasma into protein-rich antibody therapies, and would not comment.
  17. [This is a scary article. It appears the virus is airborne and there is no escaping it. Another article today reports persons living the the most remote area of Alaska have gotten the virus.] How Are Americans Catching the Virus? Increasingly, ‘They Have No Idea’ http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/how-are-americans-catching-the-virus-increasingly-they-have-no-idea/ar-BB1azq1G?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=UE07DHP
  18. New Light in a Dark Corner: Evidence on the Diem Coup in South Vietnam, November 1963 JFK Was More Inclined toward Regime Change than Earlier Believed Newly Released JFK Tape and President's Intelligence Checklists Fill in Gaps in Record South Vietnamese Leader's Notes Published for First Time, Written Hours Before Assassination https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/vietnam/2020-11-01/new-light-dark-corner-evidence-diem-coup-november-1963?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=d028c305-87ec-4e63-b938-6e40ae0d7697
  19. WALL STREET JOURNAL: MILLIONS OF MAIL-IN BALLOT AT RISK IN BATTLEGROUND STATES https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/elections-2020/millions-of-mail-in-ballots-at-risk-in-battleground-states/ar-BB1azk5n?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=UE07DHP
  20. The Unseen Agenda Behind Trump: Destroy the Public Realm to Free the Rich https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/10/30/the-unseen-agenda-behind-trump-destroy-the-public-realm-to-free-the-rich/
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