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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. This is the real link to Bagley's book: https://archive.org/details/SpyWarsMolesMysteriesAndDeadlyGames/page/n3
  2. This is sad news indeed. He was the perfect gentleman in all our communications, bright and talented. Here is his Amazon page showing his books. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=h.p.+albarelli&i=stripbooks&crid=O4BEYS6CGZRC&sprefix=H.P.+Albar%2Caps%2C192&ref=nb_sb_ss_fb_1_10
  3. You can read Bagley's book here: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/08850607.2014.962362?fbclid=IwAR3zbst4Z00EmfYina0avA0U16oVCs8d6TXsokVcd6PxXxxZGF5Tvl8GZ1A
  4. Tom Graves wrote on Facebook today: KGB Counterintelligence Lieutenant-Colonel Vladimir Putin is jumping for joy because, in America and The West in general, 98 years of KGB/FSB/SVR "active measures" counterintelligence operations, artfully interwoven with 60 years of KGB/FSB/SVR "strategic deception" counterintelligence operations, are really starting to pay off, now. The 1962-to-1967 (false defector) Yuri Nosenko versus (true defector) Anatoliy Golitsyn "case" -- which involved KGB's sending several ot...her false defectors and triple-agents to the U.S. to secretly "vouch" for Nosenko's being a "true defector" -- and which the KGB won when some gullible and/or frustrated people at CIA declared Nosenko a true defector, financially rewarded him for his troubles, and actually employed him to lecture at CIA -- is a good example. It virtually destroyed CIA counterintelligence capabilities and morale at the time, and led to a "let's not be paranoid like that crazy James Jesus Angleton, now, folks" mindset at CIA that eventually enabled, for example, Aldrich Ames to be a KGB "mole" in the CIA from 1985 until 1994.
  5. CIA abandoned logic to clear Soviet defector Yuri Nosenko https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2017/jul/10/cia-nosenko-logic/?fbclid=IwAR2OC79YgRntyFWh-1nujiGoF-278-ni7UaKTGmFLJuDQijdga2K5gDstUc
  6. https://spectator.org/a-mafia-hit-mans-assessment-of-john-dean/#disqus_thread
  7. https://spectator.org/a-mafia-hit-mans-assessment-of-john-dean/#disqus_thread
  8. Dan Moldea did not know Shoffler when Watergate broke. Shoffler hoped by destroying the Nixon presidency that he would become the world's most famous detective. He was a street smart detective but a truly evil person. His quest for fame and celebrity eluded him. When you read the staff reports of the Senate Watergate Committee and the Special Watergate Prosecutor his last name is constantly misspelled. Those in power knew what he had done and as a result 99.9999 percent of Americans alive today would not know who he was if his name were mentioned.
  9. Dan E. Moldea wrote on Facebook today [photograph could not be reproduced]: 47 years ago today, five burglars broke into the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C. The arrests of these five men led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon twenty-six months later. One of the three arresting officers of the Watergate burglars was MPD Detective Carl Shoffler, a top intelligence officer and organized-crime expert who turned twenty-seven years old that same day. Others making the arrests were Carl’s partners that night, Sergeant Paul Leeper and Officer John Barrett. Attached is a photograph of Carl—who was like a big brother to me, with his mitt on my left shoulder—at a party for my 1995 book about the murder of Senator Robert Kennedy. Sadly, a year later, at age 51, Carl died of pancreatitis. By chance, I was present in the ICU stall with Carl’s wife and children, as well as MPD detective Tony Morris, at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore at the moment of Carl’s death. I felt honored to witness this sad event. Also, I delivered one of the five eulogies at his memorial service a few days later. BTW: Years earlier, while dealing with a personal-security crisis, Carl brought a carload of his treasure-trove of secret intelligence and organized-crime files to my home and asked me to keep them safe. Entrusted by Carl, I kept possession of the legendary Shoffler files—without any drama—for about six months before his security problem was finally resolved. . . . The files are now rightfully with his oldest son, a police detective. God bless Carl Shoffler on his 74th birthday. (June 17, 1945-July 13, 1996)
  10. Robert Merritt in Watergate Exposed discloses that Carl Shoffler paid off Wills in advance of the break-in so that he would be aware and alert of the burglars' plan. Wills' actions when the burglary went down were in accordance with what Shoffler and he worked out in advance.
  11. Black Watergate hero made history 47 years ago today https://www.phillytrib.com/commentary/coard-black-watergate-hero-made-history-years-ago-today/article_b647da83-720d-52e8-9f8f-1ab7536bc5f0.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=user-share&fbclid=IwAR0yzSeU016bS2Cns7Sntx8kCFks7dR-7ZXzbttPr957mnJVtQTwhRrUMns
  12. Nixon (1995) HQ "Do you ever think of death, Dick?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWRVyaKnGcA [I am posting this deleted scene from Oliver Stone's "Nixon" because of its references to JFK and because forum members are among the few today who have the knowledge and sophistication to appreciate its importance.]
  13. Here is a review of the book: http://americanfreepress.net/book-says-haig-took-down-nixon/?fbclid=IwAR12sI51ntohKnUfJbO_co7OWSto_uexG1kUe39ebLrVaIi7RMDIdRSOemY
  14. The man who stayed late: The Watergate story you’ve never heard https://www.dailynews.com/2019/06/14/the-man-who-stayed-late-the-watergate-story-youve-never-heard/?fbclid=IwAR2YqJ62we5bB78UlvgOqRvnb7eUi3lb1bwvGAH3ejyd2q1xvnC4CGFL8S8
  15. MWN Episode 123 – Ray Locker on Haig’s Coup and Watergate (Part 1) https://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-123-ray-locker-on-haigs-coup-and-watergate-part-1/?fbclid=IwAR1McjHuG3ngb0Kek0moQjWANJjzROP-wDx5QxGVgYeqMIP_S8vJLvy37t0 [This is being posted here because of the members' continuing interest in James McCord]
  16. The Garrison Files part 5: The Fred Lee Crisman files https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1InK5F79CYs&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR1lVtnm2C9Gn9a2kgs3Dx4KTy4S5iRBhUZeSC-E_hIv8EXoV2iOVXvnEsM
  17. Dawn: For legal reasons dealing with the federal grand jury investigating Watergate that had subpoenaed me on June 28, 1972, I only saw Hunt three times after Watergate broke. The first was when he retained me on June 17 hours after the arrests at the DNC, the second was at Dorothy's funeral in December 1972 following her death in the plane crash, and the third was just before he entered prison in 1975 .to serve his sentence. At Dorothy's funeral Howard walked across the parking lot and embraced me with tears flowing down his cheeks. We had no conversation then as FBI agents were all around taking pictures. We never talked about it at the dinner in 1975 just before he entered prison. I believe Howard was the cause of Dorothy being killed in December. If you listen to the youtube telephone conversation when Hunt called Colson in November and attempted to blackmail the White House for "hush" money, you will realize that Howard was creating a situation that required a reaction and the reaction was Dorothy had to be killed the next month as a warning to him to shut up. He got the message and pled guilty in January at the start of the first Watergate trial.
  18. Credit should be given to John Dean these days for his regularly speaking out against Trump's and Putin's endgame to destroy the United States. There are some critics of Dean who today actually support what Trump is doing. Dean's actions today mitigate what he did to Nixon to a great degree because Watergate was not a threat to America's survival.
  19. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/geoff-shepard-watergate-john-dean-house-impeachment-trump-truth?fbclid=IwAR0yVSuSVcO1BQHmAMROCLHJCv7vsEdGLscdZqZA5Juaq1w9456-3fQS-hM
  20. Spartacus Blog Updated The Death of Bernardo De Torres https://spartacus-educational.com/spartacus-blogURL125.htm?fbclid=IwAR2rQ4887Nykwez1hXB2f9C6vxSidwQru6p0cpmDpdjCEYPCMuwEHvFb2RM [This was posted today on Facebook]
  21. An author always finds fascinating when a new forum member reviews his book negatively and incorrectly states its content and then discloses that he has not even read the book. Makes us old forum members wonder "what else might be seen as credible or factual" in future posts by this new member.
  22. https://time.com/3879872/robert-kennedy-assassination-photographs-by-bill-eppridge-june-1968/?fbclid=IwAR0s-PW5RoHWF5apNudzFKEjFr_fgRWinOyGaU9kbnb-1wv7Hs_0od9_Gto
  23. https://triblive.com/aande/books/cia-may-have-used-contractor-who-inspired-mission-impossible-to-kill-rfk-book-alleges/
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