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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. I expect the Mueller Report will be devastatingly complete and accurate on collusion with Russia, so much so that impeachment may emerge as a viable route to end Trump's reign as President. But impeachment may not necessarily follow. The wiser heads in Washington likely concluded that indicting Trump would lead to total chaos and division throughout the country. The next presidential election is a year and half way and the best strategy may be to ride out the interim and let the voters speak on election day November 2020. Meanwhile Trump and the entire Trump Crime Family must now turn their attention to prosecutions of them being carried out in New York and other states. Being taken down and destroyed under RICO in some cases by prosecution in these states will remove the sting that would have emerged had Mueller done it. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/23/us/trump-investigations-new-york.html
  2. When I wrote the first national magazine article on how the CIA killed JFK, a cover story in High Times, I thought I'd be up for a Pulitzer, not on a disappearing escalator to nowhere. In retrospect, it's a minor miracle I'm still alive since the fellow travelers on my path I trusted (Steve Kangas, Danny Casolaro, Gary Webb) are gone and I've no one to even talk to about the deep state. I wasn't just an investigative journalist, however. My background is in theater, as in imp...rovisational ritual theater, otherwise known as Post-modern shamanism. I studied with all the great masters from Judith Malina and Julian Beck to Jasper Grootveld and Wavy Gravy, Ken Kesey and Ken Babbs. I sorta hope Wavy and Babbs and me get to do something at Michael Lang's Woodstock reunion. Meanwhile, I've created the Steven Hager Foundation to preserve and protect my archives, while promoting my concepts on non-violence. This is not a pitch for funds. I'm funding the foundation with my crypto fortune. I do have some plans for the summer. Stay tuned.
  3. The judge today chose to ignore Roger Stone's many overt violations of her gag order and instead set his trial for November. Why did she do this? My educated guess is because Mueller is about to release his omnipotent massive indictment covering Trump's collusion with Russia that "fixed" the November 2016 presidential election. When that indictment is released, which may happen tomorrow (Friday) on the Ides of March, Stone will lbe named as one of the defendants. So Stone got a sort of reprieve today but his euphoria will be short lived just as Manafort's relief yesterday was a brief one after the judge's lenient sentence of him when half an hour later he was indicted on 16 counts by the Manhattan D.A. Both Manafort and Stone adopted a strategy of protecting Trump at the cost of losing their criminal cases on the false assumption he would pardon them. It was a stupid strategy and now they must pay the price through incarceration for years in federal and perhaps state prisons.
  4. Interesting report. https://www.palmerreport.com/analysis/pelosi-pretending-impeach-trump-d/16649/?fbclid=IwAR3Cneq3Ln9MUILlTCAT744xR12e3I_NBymuYjgTx2W3o1l-cVeYkfFbOmU
  5. Stone violated the judge's gag order again yesterday with a posting on Facebook promoting his alleged innocence.. By day's end today he may be jailed.
  6. Lee Harvey Oswald's Magazine Street house gets new look https://www.theadvocate.com/new_orleans/entertainment_life/home_garden/article_dc067228-403e-11e9-a376-436aa2cfa461.amp.html?fbclid=IwAR1T9eUQdgtp43P9T0NXw7mGEJtosNTa9K9kowUR5rAeV-4oacfYHycgKjc
  7. In his final meeting with President Nixon that took place in mid-July 1972 soon after the Watergate case broke, Nixon told Robert Merritt that drastic changes would occur in the year 2020. Nixon remarks occurred as part of the discussion between the two men about the Secret Message to the American People that the president had just hidden in the White House Library while accompanied by Merritt. The hidden Message that was found last year Nixon said that 2020 would be the beginning of extremely bad times for the world. When Merritt asked Nixon how he knew this, Nixon replied cryptically, “think of me as a prophet.” Below is a link to an interview with David Adair who was a high school genius discovered in a round-about way by General Curtis Le May. This took place in 1966. Adair’s revelations provide supplementary information as to what Nixon told Merritt.
  8. Judge gives Stone until March 11 to produce documents to support his alleged violation of the gag order. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6774555/Judge-revoke-Roger-Stones-bail-new-book-calling-Mueller-crooked-sale.html
  9. Trump’s TV Trial https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/04/opinion/trump-investigation.html
  10. The 2nd Garrison Files Release: The Oswald documents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZogK2IIiomg&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR0xqiTHjXu5gZhMNvsSuYjb1_9jZCD8h4CV_JF9SKi4oJc1t5j9npbWvE0
  11. A JFK Historical Group Event: April 4-7, 2019 https://www.jfkhistorical.com/?fbclid=IwAR2mbK_OnUupfXCWHzxHthzY7bDn5eKE9b51bILUOCYObQ0Np33tZGMsZYg
  12. MWN Episode 114 – Rob Clark on The Absolute Truths of Buell Wesley Frazier https://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-114-rob-clark-on-the-absolute-truths-of-buell-wesley-frazier/?fbclid=IwAR1vwLTkLRzporuz4QBs31vEl1C6uyIZB9-K7PgFpFdweEe56zpNIKEtkZ4
  13. The assassination of President Kennedy, the KGB and the Cuban DGI: an alternate version https://www.univision.com/miami/the-assassination-of-president-kennedy-the-kgb-and-the-cuban-dgi-an-alternate-version [Posted on the Forum for educational purposes only as the article presents a controversial minority position on the assassination of JFK]
  14. Special Counsel Mueller tells the judge that Stone has violated her gag order. If she agrees, Stone could be jailed immediately while awaiting his trial. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6770935/Mueller-tells-judge-Framed-Roger-Stone-Instagram-pic-violate-gag-order.html
  15. Kennedy: The Endless Cover-Up by Cyril Wecht https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSlLkHr1mDo
  16. After 40 years in solitary, activist Albert Woodfox tells his story of survival https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/mar/04/after-40-years-in-solitary-activist-albert-woodfox-tells-his-story-of-survival
  17. Roger Stone must be out of his mind. He has committed a second violation of his gag order. The judge really has no choice but to lock him up now even though his trial is six months away. https://www.aol.com/article/news/2019/03/04/roger-stone-may-have-just-broken-his-gag-order-on-instagram/23683608/
  18. 50 years ago today ( March 1,1969 ) Clay Shaw was found not guilty for conspiring to murder President John F. Kennedy.
  19. John Dean: I Testified Against Nixon. Here’s My Advice for Michael Cohen. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/01/opinion/john-dean-michael-cohen.html?fbclid=IwAR2XS6UFiQp4S8lSvN2iutF3UKSCCZyxkvK-3i017asTVVsHHTvclRitZ60F From the article: I am thinking of people like Mr. Stone, the longtime Trump associate who worked on the 1972 Nixon campaign and so admires the former president that he has a tattoo of the man’s likeness between his shoulder blades. Mr. Stone, whom I never met while at the White House, has been indicted as part of the inquiry by the special counsel, Robert Mueller, on charges of lying to Congress about his efforts to contact WikiLeaks during the 2016 presidential campaign. He prides himself as a political dirty trickster, and he has never met a conspiracy theory he did not believe. Mr. Cohen can be sure that Mr. Stone will promote new conspiracy theories to defend Mr. Trump and himself, even if it means rewriting history. Presidential scandals tend to attract a remarkable number of dishonest “historians.” ………………….. Mr. Cohen has likewise come to see Mr. Trump for his true nature. At the very end of his testimony before the House Oversight Committee, he sought permission to read a closing statement. He thanked the members, and again accepted responsibility for his bad behavior. He then told the legislators, “Given my experience working for Mr. Trump, I fear that if he loses the election in 2020 that there will never be a peaceful transition of power, and this is why I agreed to appear before you today.” This was the most troubling — actually, chilling — thing he said in his five hours before the committee. Since Mr. Cohen’s warning came in his closing words, there was no opportunity for committee members to ask follow-up questions. So I double-checked with his lawyer, Lanny Davis, if I had understood Mr. Cohen’s testimony correctly. Mr. Davis responded, “He was referring to Trump’s authoritarian mind-set, and lack of respect for democracy and democratic institutions
  20. The judge has demanded Roger Stone be in court on Monday. Looks like she may lock him up. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-03-02/roger-stone-judge-wants-to-know-why-she-wasn-t-told-about-book?fbclid=IwAR36ZXysyPl9zG5F8wkLxB_ELc8NFT3OwXIUexxG_Sgj4MU3_6811IfXuwU
  21. Mark Wengler contacted me on Facebook and wrote: "Douglas, I need your help. I can't log on to the JFK assassination form. I keep asking for a resit password. Nothing happens. Can you help?" I told him I would contact you. What should I advise him to fix this?


  22. MWN Episode 113 – John Potash on the CIA and Its Use of Drugs Against Musicians and Activists https://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-113-john-potash-on-the-cia-and-its-use-of-drugs-against-musician-and-activists/?fbclid=IwAR1xPeBgUUGqA_1FTc5zJWekouOHzGwLrnOFbuym8ZNPZBqrjiCoVtGozRM
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