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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Andrew Kreig on Trump finding his Roy Cohn Deep State fixer in Barr https://www.justice-integrity.org/1659-trump-found-his-roy-cohn-in-deep-state-fixer-bill-barr
  2. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/video/june-1968-robert-kennedy-assassinated-55585478?fbclid=IwAR1iFT0ufTGn3cWvHznXxrC5O2qs2yNksSwjj5XxG66Jw-wcKaAQ0tBZ6Qo
  3. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/04/arts/king-fbi-tapes-david-garrow.html
  4. MWN Episode 122 – Rob Clark on Marina Oswald https://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-122-rob-clark-on-marina-oswald/?fbclid=IwAR0aTT89ZQ-IPT-KGuaIyGNiKDpTdtAk8_Zkw93lSDljEL0mTwVADne97Xw
  5. Joe: When JFK was assassinated in 1963 I was enrolled in NYU Law School in the evening division. I worked during the day in the NYC private office of Governor Nelson Rockefeller where I was on the staff of Lt.-Gov. Malcolm Wilson, a conservative. The office that had a staff of about 30 persons was located in a townhouse at 22 West 55th St. Like everyone else I was shocked at Kennedy's murder but between work and law school I was too busy to concentrate on the killing's details that emerged later. It never occurred to me to contact Banister. I was a die-hard conservative Republican until 1974 when I was present at a meeting where Joseph Coors, Paul Weyrich and Ed Feulner made clear their intentions to take over the party in the wake of Nixon's resignation as president. Out of this was born the Heritage Foundation and the chaos that we suffer today. It was not until 1984 when I stopped voting Republican. So during all this period I was not a student of the Kennedy assassination. I only became a student when John Simkin started a thread about me on this forum 13 years ago. I joined the forum then to present my side of the stories that were being discussed by forum members. Banister by this time was long dead. I ceased having contact with Kent Courtney around 1960. Courtney years later disclosed that he was talking on the phone with Banister's widow after Banister's death while she was burning her husband's most important files in the fireplace. I believe among the files destroyed was that dealing with Banister's relationship to Oswald.
  6. Joe, I have heard the Sirius Project mentioned many times by those interested in the UFO phenomenon but I have not examined the topic in any depth that would justify my making an assessment of it now. That said, I am working on an exclusive article now that I hope to see in print in the next few months that could open the eyes of many as to the Alien Presence.
  7. Several members have asked about my relationship with Guy Banister. I was introduced to Banister in 1954 by Kent Courtney, one of his close friends. Courtney had invited met to accompany him to a meeting at the Roosevelt Hotel of the Aaron Cohn Crime Commission that was investigating the extent of organized crime in the Big Easy. Banister was Assistant Superintendent of the New Orleans Police Department at the time. (He later left the police department and opened his private detective agency). He was among the meeting's speakers. Afterwards Courtney introduced me to him. All of my association with Banister through Courtney in 1954-56 was about the Crime Commission. I was still in high school, being graduated in 1956. Lee Harvey Oswald was in another high school and lived a five minute walk from Banister's police department office although Banister and I were, of course, unaware of Oswald's then living with his mother on Exchange Place in the French Quarter. During this period I was somewhat in awe of the pugnacious Banister, the main reason being that he was a former FBI agent who was known to be in regular contact with J. Edgar Hoover. There is a link on the Internet that shows Banister, Medford Evans and I spoke at an anti-communist and free enterprise rally in 1959 in New Orleans. I was enrolled in Georgetown University at the time so this must have taken place when I returned to my parents' home for summer vacation. Banister and Courtney in the late 1950s became extremely active in the Citizen Councils that promoted segregation. I have never figured out whether Banister was active in the Councils because he believe in their hate and bigotry or whether he was active because Hoover was relying on him reporting regularly on the Councils' activities. I do believe that in 1963 Banister was the FBI's handler of Oswald. This was in the months just prior to when Oswald moved to Dallas.
  8. Maureen Dowd in today's New York Times on "Lowering the Barr." https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/01/opinion/sunday/dowd-robert-mueller-william-barr.html
  9. I have always been fascinated by the story of Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard. Here is a excerpt from the book Watergate Exposed that I co-wrote with Robert Merritt in 2010 in which Merritt writes about meeting Pollard in the D.C. jail: My transfer back to the D.C. jail was part of a strategic plan by Carl and others in law enforcement. This was because I was placed in a cell next to the infamous Israeli spy, Jonathan Pollard, who was in the protective custody wing. Naturally my assignment was to spy upon the spy and learn what I could from him. This included secretly taping our conversations. Carl had arranged for me to have a small pocket tape recorder to record the exchanges between Pollard and me. Pollard was in the end cell and I was in the cell next to him. Pollard and I were the only white prisoners in the entire wing that housed about 60 prisoners. During the daytime all the prisoners in our wing were let out of our cells so that we could shower, use telephones, socialize or whatever. It was easy for Pollard and I to become friends because we were both Jewish. Pollard told me that he was a civilian working in U.S. Naval Intelligence where he handled classified sensitive material on the U.S., middle east and Israel. He said that he was appalled that the U.S. was deliberately suppressing and holding back valuable and vital information that affected the security and welfare of Israel. He maintained the reason was simple: oil and money. Pollard was no James Bond or 007 but he simply used a dollie and wheeled boxes of confidential and top secret documents out the front door of Navel Intelligence, all the while in the presence of guards. He said that he had lived on 19th Street, just above Dupont Circle. He took the secret documents to his apartment and rented a copy machine and copied the materials. He did this on many occasions, returning the secret documents to their storage area at Naval Intelligence each day before his co-workers arrived. He told me that he did this until things started to get out of hand. He has become greedy and had removed so much material from Naval Intelligence that he had to store boxes containing the secret documents in the hallway outside his apartment, even though the boxes were clearly marked Top Secret and Confidential. Finally, one of his neighbors got curious and started asking him questions. He told the neighbor not to pay attention to the boxes because they were thrown away containers from where he worked that he was using on a project conducted from his home. Pollard told me that he had been in contact all the while that he was copying the documents with two agents from Israel who gave him between $20,000 and $30,000 for expenses he might have incurred in renting the copy machine and buying copy paper. He said that he was told to meet an Israeli Lt. X in New York City to deliver the documents that he had copied. It was the nosey neighbor that alerted the federal authorities to his activity. When Pollard got home from New York City he noticed immediately that he was under surveillance. So he jumped in a taxi and fled to the Embassy of Israel, where he banged on the door. The person who opened the door refused to let him in. It was at this point in time that FBI agents arrested him. He was charged with espionage. The same day his wife, Esther, was also arrested. Pollard said the only reason he made a deal to cooperate with the federal authorities was that his wife was extremely ill and as part of the deal his wife was released and charges dropped against her. He told me that the government had kept its word on the deal. Pollard felt comfortable in my presence in telling me these things because I was a fellow Jew. However, I was already in jail and before meeting Pollard knew nothing about him or his case until being briefed by Carl. So it appears that if Pollard were a traitor, then so was I in a sense when I betrayed his confidence, ---------------------------------------------------- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Pollard
  10. From the article: With President John F. Kennedy on the fence, Averell Harriman and other powerful figures in the State Department pushed for the coup. The C.I.A. and the military opposed it. Kennedy put off making a decision and tried to insulate himself politically by appointing a new ambassador with blueblood Republican credentials, Henry Cabot Lodge. https://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/07/opinion/the-spy-left-out-in-the-cold.html?smid=fb-share&fbclid=IwAR18FH6ZrspaP_txlgkQJ9_zFRN0R2mAWsfqh44l34a_1PWBDuHvFxMjIjc
  11. Last night I watched the first 20 minutes of the History Channel's first UFO show of a series of six that had been publicized in advance by The New York Times.. I then decided to stop and go to bed it was so unprofessional in its presentation. Everything was dark, so much so that I was tempted to turn my flashlight on the TV monitor to see if I could lighten it up. The dialogue was difficult to understand, although not so much as Mueller in his recent 9 minute report. I doubt that I shall plan to watch any more of the series. Here is one review of the show: https://variety.com/2019/tv/reviews/unidentified-review-history-channel-ufo-1203229629/
  12. This Year Marks the 58th Anniversary of the Assassination of the DRC's Patrice Lumumba https://www.okayafrica.com/today-is-the-anniversary-of-drc-patrice-lumumba-assassination/?fbclid=IwAR1WeIWBSwVUvUgg6oxKXpOLSXbzvEf9BWcTBQBAtA9iQj2it3pmGq72TIo Did not JFK weep upon learning of this?
  13. Did Bill Barr Cover Up JFK Assassination Files? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41SxwmRUqEg&feature=share
  14. Nixon predicted Trump would be president in a letter to him. Trump has Nixon's letter hanging on the wall in the Oval Office. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/310052-trump-to-hang-nixon-letter-in-oval-office-report https://www.theblaze.com/news/2016/11/19/see-the-letter-richard-nixon-wrote-to-donald-trump-urging-him-to-run-for-political-office
  15. View the trailer: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1759744/
  16. [This news article was posted on Facebook by "Dirty Tricks,'' a book whose author is Shane O'Sullivan. Berks County residents surprised to find out their elderly neighbor was Watergate burglar James McCord http://www.mcall.com/news/pennsylvania/mc-nws-pa-james-mccord-death-berks-county-20190511-iz7bxzzzqzbb3mli2nab3hosbm-story.html?fbclid=IwAR2eirSB4SsIQ_F990rGvSgbMCQJTYK6HiAr4bbb2c1BKvN835s-_gT-wO8
  17. John Dean’s Role at Issue in Nixon Tapes Feud https://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/01/washington/01kutler.html?smid=fb-share&fbclid=IwAR0mdO_9hzqTPJq0gD1JnMzUxfINd3gDm4e1jpWEYXR4bS06tv5qSgJqvR4
  18. Trump's counter-attack to cover-up his criminal ties with Putin and Russia's organized crime oligarchs: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2019/05/tyler-durden/no-wonder-obama-intel-chiefs-panicking-trump-to-declassify-bucket-5-russiagate-docs/
  19. MWN Episode 120 – David Knight on the JFK Assassination: A New Weapon, A New Theory https://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-120-david-knight-on-the-jfk-assassination-a-new-weapon-a-new-theory/?fbclid=IwAR3SXM2B3i3F9yPsBP84KIkmEhNoVnoZPopxZGDKsgUfaXSu1RGXgi75f0A
  20. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32329887.pdf
  21. https://www.reviewjournal.com/uncategorized/figures-in-kennedy-assassination-had-many-links-to-las-vegas/
  22. https://deadline.com/2019/05/benny-binion-blood-aces-ley-line-tv-1202620438/ So pleased to learn of news about this book by my friend Douglas Swanson. Binion is an important fringe figure in the JFK assassination. https://everipedia.org/wiki/lang_en/Benny_Binion/
  23. Douglas Valentine: CIA, Drug Trafficking, and the JFK Assassination (2011) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1hzoVhMU8c&feature=share
  24. Roger Stone Needs Your Help to Maintain His Standard of Living His wife is "embarrassed to write" a letter asking for cash to pay living expenses. But she does anyhow. https://thebulwark.com/roger-stone-needs-your-help-to-maintain-his-standard-of-living/?fbclid=IwAR0shGtH_iRHnnUhF2zMlM4jMAH_UB9IMbY8moa2WJcxc39vPEML-VsPQNU
  25. Iran now feels so similar to Gulf of Tonkin in ’64 that initiated the Vietnam War. A couple of mysterious explosions damaging a US ship off the coast would do i...t; it would set off Congress, who’d vote for war powers. And given the recent miasma of facts, we’d never know who was responsible. As we’re besieged with the media buildup to our new wars in Iran and Venezuela, this is a good time to remember the use of Hollywood films and TV shows, especially since 2001, to sell this ruthless outlaw behavior we think we have the right to practice (see below). In this vein, see Nick Schou’s book, “Spooked” (2016), about the same subject. And of course, there’s Jim DiEugenio’s spectacular exposé of it in his “JFK Assassination” (2018), particularly the chapters on ‘Parkland’ and ‘Where Washington Meets Hollywood.’ Daniel Lazare brings his analytical eye once more to the disgusting fraud of Russiagate and where it’s leading us. Short and to the point. The third article is a background on the basic sanity of Tulsi Gabbard. It seems to me a dream that she could ever be President. But I’d love to see it happen. Trump vs. ‘Tulsi in 2020! It’s not too late!’ What a debate. And I bet you the lady would win! “Documents Expose How Hollywood Promotes War on Behalf of the Pentagon, CIA and NSA” by Tom Secker and Matthew Alford -- http://bit.ly/2LQcNWZ “Russia-gate’s Monstrous Offspring” by Daniel Lazare -- http://bit.ly/2HxGdnl “Tulsi Gabbard Has Proved She Is Ready for America. Is America Ready for Her?” by John Wight -- http://bit.ly/2LNGdoB
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