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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. This was posted on Facebook late yesterday: We are surprised, happy, and humbled to report that we are SOLD OUT of issue 001 of "garrison.: The Journal of History & Deep Politics." If you ordered via PayPal today, your magazine has been packaged and will ship tomorrow (Thursday, April 11). For the few folks outside the U.S. I have e-mailed, yours are on reserve until I figure out shipping costs. If you still would like to have the magazine, we will have an E-VERSION available on PDF in a matter of days. Yes, it will be at a lower cost than the print version. Stay tuned for more on that! Thanks! You guys are the best!
  2. This tells how to order the premier issue: https://midnightwriternews.com/order-the-print-version-of-garrison-the-journal-of-history-deep-politics/?fbclid=IwAR0UN0uZW2N4WNQtmOoP0kjTmCMtN_XdVr89LSt5P4h60jApGe1HehIBTZ4
  3. How MLK's Assassination was Hidden by William Barr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5F9_LIuglfU&feature=share
  4. Donald Jeffries is interviewed about his 2007 sci-fi fantasy novel, The Unreals http://conspiracyunlimitedpodcast.com/208-the-unreals?fbclid=IwAR32xTzJquB72VTJ8ZtVsSPdDtU56WcqPsfHPOWxn6qyoFnvJFaz2UH6HzY
  5. What's it all about, Alfie? For America today, this is what It is all about. 34 years ago, a KGB defector chillingly predicted modern America A disturbing interview given by a KGB defector in 1984 describes America of today and outlines four stages of mass brainwashing used by the KGB. https://bigthink.com/paul-ratner/34-years-ago-a-kgb-defector-described-america-today
  6. The most interesting disclosure by Attorney General Barr yesterday when testifying before the House Appropriations Committee was when he showed fear that the Mueller Report with his (biased) redactions that he will release next week to Congress may be upended later should Mueller himself give his full and un-redacted Report directly to Congress. Barr opined that Mueller's doing so would be "unfortunate" with his facial expression showing how such an event would end his cover-up. The second most interesting disclosure was his refusal to answer yes or no whether he had given the Mueller Report secretly to the White House with the implication that Trump's lawyers in the White House are determining what redactions are made.
  7. John Newman posted this on Facebook today: Rolling through initial stages of research for Armageddon (Volume IV). BIG glitch. Joseph Backes, Rex Bradford, please get back to me privately. Anyone who has contact information for Doug Horne please message me privately. I need to follow the attached lead. Who, when, and exactly for what reason did someone order all of the minutes of JCS meetings between 1947 and 1978 (HSCA time period) destroyed? [NOTE: MFF, JOINT.LTR2, ARRB files of Ronald G. Haron, General Council.
  8. The Story of New Orleans Mafia Boss Carlos Marcello http://gangstersinc.ning.com/profiles/blogs/the-story-of-new-orleans-mafia-boss-carlos-marcello-1 This is a long multi-page well-researched story that sheds much light on the assassinations of John and Robert Kennedy among other criminal activities. It is time well spent reading it. I started on page 3 and could not break away until I reached the end some pages later.
  9. American Moonshot: John F. Kennedy and the Great Space Race https://www.amazon.com/American-Moonshot-Kennedy-Great-Space/dp/006265506X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=H2W6HHIFIM54&keywords=american+moonshot+douglas+brinkley&qid=1554667416&s=books&sprefix=American+moonshot%2Caps%2C192&sr=1-1
  10. How can the Day of Reckoning have arrived when Congress and the American People have been denied being able to read the Mueller Report? So far we have not heard what Mueller said. We have heard only what Trump's Fixer Barr said what Mueller said. The Day of Reckoning will come when Congress and the American People finally get to read the Mueller Report. The icing on the cake will be when Mueller testifies publicly before the House Judiciary and/or Intelligence Committees. It may also turn out that Mueller will have to testify to force Fixer Barr to release the Mueller Report. The Mueller Report is one of the most important documents in American history. Sooner or later the report will be made public even if it takes a situation like the Pentagon Papers to make it happen.
  11. Shawn Patrick of Midnightwriternews has just published the 1st edition of his incredible magazine called 'Garrison,' an absolute collector's item. I am so.proud of him!!
  12. After the case broke in June 1972 Liddy took the public position that he would remain silent. He did this even after the cover-up broke in March1973 with McCord's letter to Judge Sirica. Liddy by that time had entered prison or was about to do so. Had Liddy at some point in time disclosed who ordered him to do the break-in in June 1972, the mystery would have cleared up. Was it Dean or was it Magruder? His tough-guy persona certainly played into Dean's hands who was the "Mastermind" of the cover-up and later when he became the star witness against Nixon.
  13. The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/the-reputational-interests-of-william-barr?fbclid=IwAR18NJZ_KuIQHS6brveMR2GiFq3IKVs922CShZJaukcvgFwD1-4hUVKGFjc
  14. Book by ex-Sun-Times writer details Chicago’s ‘Mafia Spies,’ CIA Castro plot https://chicago.suntimes.com/?post_type=cst_article&p=2038776&fbclid=IwAR36ShGprjC3_ZV0wMQ7GU3x9o_uBPzdKxozuDjWaH-qzyNVkIeCLOWHqa8
  15. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Barr From his profile: “From 1973 to 1977, Barr was employed by the Central Intelligence Agency" Also there is this: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/apr/05/william-barr-memo-meeting-justice-department-steve-engel and this: Essay; The Patsy Prosecutor https://www.nytimes.com/1992/10/19/opinion/essay-the-patsy-prosecutor.html?fbclid=IwAR3isvu5DYATUHEhfcWHZcideieoo2e9GIGEERcnutvHTOEiyZjQqRyuthM
  16. Some on Mueller’s Team See Their Findings as More Damaging for Trump Than Barr Revealed https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/03/us/politics/mueller-findings-barr.html [What? Is Barr engaged in a cover-up? Has he engaged in obstruction of justice? The bell begins to toll.]
  17. NY's attorney general is one of the most powerful in the nation. That should worry Trump. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/ny-s-attorney-general-one-most-powerful-nation-should-worry-n985086?fbclid=IwAR2tGsn8kJmLKE0utwB3rfEDE3tZ2fTPx__WFYsQHWRuF-hsTecIrPNSwE0
  18. When I lived in Manhattan in the 1960's I admired Jane Jacobs who challenged Robert Moses and created a citizens movement with her book, "The Death and Life of Great American Cities." What made Greenwich Village, where I attended NYU Law School, so attractive and interesting was the interplay of the streets that intersected at different angles. It was a delight to walk around the Village. https://www.bing.com/search?q=the+life+and+death+of+great+american+cities&form=PRUSEN&pc=UE07&mkt=en-us&httpsmsn=1&refig=b22342c652374719880500f2106c648f&sp=1&qs=AS&pq=the+life+and+death+of+great+amer&sc=3-32&cvid=b22342c652374719880500f2106c648f
  19. Robert A. Caro on the means and ends of power. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/04/01/magazine/robert-caro-working-memoir.html
  20. The Mysterious Life and Death of James W. McCord https://kennedysandking.com/obituaries/the-mysterious-life-and-death-of-james-w-mccord?fbclid=IwAR1gSouJ9yIEC5zi9SSK9ggM1Vtswqsb--Eb-LrOGDxS_0yfnlU9AT3vnQM
  21. MWN Episode 037 – Nixon’s Gamble https://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-037-nixons-gamble/?fbclid=IwAR2mDD6P_R8pJXaZzPvIpdi2Xj9MiyGlli6_Lx-7KPfmptlmQf89ppL0lLg
  22. Daniel Hopsicker posted this on Facebook yesterday: A CLIFF NOTE'S VERSION OF WHAT MUELLER FOUND II New York Mob affiliate Donald Trump made common cause with a Russian Mob Boss named Semion Mogilevich. On the U....S. side of the Russiagate equation were gangsters as well as Saudis led by Adnan Khashoggi. Trump’s links to Khashoggi take hours to fully detail. Both were part of Germany’s criminal Deutsche Bank’s money laundering operation for Russian Mobsters. For Deutsche Bank’s grift with Khashoggi, the bank was fined $278 million. Working in Khashoggi’s financial fraud and drug trafficking operation— he’d been named in a secret Defense Intelligence Agency report — was Sarasota grifter Jonathan Curshen (currently in prison until 2030), along with Steve Bannon’s chief lieutenant Andy Badolato. Khashoggi and his chief lieutenant Ramy El Batrawi will later be deeply implicated in the two defining drug trafficking busts of the early 21st Century. Both involved American-registered planes flying out of St. Petersburg Florida. Pavel, Curshen, Voyeurdorm In the early 1990’s Curshen had attempted a last minute save of Semion Mogilevich’s effort to worm his way into the Western financial system with a company named YBM Magnex, by offering to take the company private on the eve of the Fed’s seizure of the entire enterprise. Pavel Vrublevsky, the first Russian hacker named by the FBI, ran back-end operations for a Khashoggi-owned company called “Blue Moon Group Inc,” run by Tampa Mobster Mike Muzio, (currently in prison) that ran dozens of Mob porn sites. A Guyanese drug pilot named Michael Francis Brassington flew co-pilot in 2000-2001 on a Lear jet (N351WB) belonging to Wally Hilliard, owner of Huffman Aviation in Venice Florida, where Mohamed Atta was then taking flying lessons. When Hilliard’s Lear jet was caught with 43 lbs of heroin in Orlando in late July 2000, The Orlando Sentinel (Aug 2 2000) called it a “record-setting heroin seizure.” Evidence in Orlando Federal court indicated that before being busted the Lear jet made 39 weekly drug flights from Venezuela to Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, to Teeterboro Airport outside New York City. Oleg the Oligarch Wally Hilliard was charged in 2004 with flying “numerous unauthorized and unsupervised flights” for Saudi nationals. Discovery showed a Hilliard-owned Lear jet had also been flying regularly, without an FAA air carrier operating certificate, to Rum Cay in the Bahamas for Adnan Khashoggi, who was involved in a struggle for control of the isolated island and its recently-completed 5000-foot runway. Back home in Guyana, Brassington’s politically prominent family cut a billion dollar bauxite deal—while Brassington’s father and uncle were successive Ministers of Privatisation—with Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. Several years later Deripaska became Paul Manafort’s $18 mil-a-yr sugar daddy, as well as, no doubt coincidentally, Kellyanne Conway’s neighbor in Washington D.C. In April 2004 pilot Michael Brassington entered the US through Fort Lauderdale International Airport. The lone U.S. Customs Agent on duty, J. L. Sanders, a rookie, saw that Brassington’s computer profile showed the him listed as a drug trafficker. But he was carrying a letter from a top Customs official clearing him to enter the U.S. Confused, Sanders phoned his supervisor at Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE). The supervisor instructed him to treat Brassington as a “grave threat to national security.” Welcome to South Florida “He said you can just disregard the letter, and told me to ignore it. And he described Mike Brassington to me as a ‘grave threat to national security.’ He told me that I needed to check him, search him, and search all his passengers.” Brassington will later figure prominently as the personal pilot for deposed Turks & Caicos Premier Mike Misick in a British Commission report into allegations of systemic corruption in the British dependency of the Turks and Caicos Islands. Taking back sovereignty it had already ceded to the Turks and Caicos Islands in order to prosecute rampant corruption by Misick—an unprecedented move—left the British in a deeply awkward position. Among other more serious crimes Brassington and Misick were accused of stealing millions from government coffers in the suddenly-bankrupt Turks & Caicos. Later there was a bitter fight to keep details of the findings from being made public, and exposed a connection between Brassington and another 9/11-connected pilot in Florida, German national Wolfgang Bohringer, said to be a close associate of Mohamed Atta’s, who became the subject of a manhunt in the South Pacific in 2006 after the FBI issued a terror alert for him. Brassington was convicted in 2010 in Federal Court in Newark New Jersey of endangering the lives of his passengers, who included two ex-Presidents, Luciano Pavarotti, Keith Richards, Burt Reynolds and Snoop Doggie Dogg, because of a near-fatal crash of one of his charter company’s luxury jets at Teterboro Airport outside New York City. There are not “multiple truths.” The truth is not subject to long division. There are, however, multiple interpretations. But the best evidence that Donald Trump’s connections with Russian Mob Boss Semion Mogilevich point to only one conclusion is in the character of the man himself. Would he do this? Note: I don’t know that this is what Mueller found. This is what I found. But if people feel free to characterize a report no one’s seen, I’m okay taking a little license too.
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