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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. John Dean: I Testified Against Nixon. Here’s My Advice for Michael Cohen. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/01/opinion/john-dean-michael-cohen.html?fbclid=IwAR2XS6UFiQp4S8lSvN2iutF3UKSCCZyxkvK-3i017asTVVsHHTvclRitZ60F From the article: I am thinking of people like Mr. Stone, the longtime Trump associate who worked on the 1972 Nixon campaign and so admires the former president that he has a tattoo of the man’s likeness between his shoulder blades. Mr. Stone, whom I never met while at the White House, has been indicted as part of the inquiry by the special counsel, Robert Mueller, on charges of lying to Congress about his efforts to contact WikiLeaks during the 2016 presidential campaign. He prides himself as a political dirty trickster, and he has never met a conspiracy theory he did not believe. Mr. Cohen can be sure that Mr. Stone will promote new conspiracy theories to defend Mr. Trump and himself, even if it means rewriting history. Presidential scandals tend to attract a remarkable number of dishonest “historians.” ………………….. Mr. Cohen has likewise come to see Mr. Trump for his true nature. At the very end of his testimony before the House Oversight Committee, he sought permission to read a closing statement. He thanked the members, and again accepted responsibility for his bad behavior. He then told the legislators, “Given my experience working for Mr. Trump, I fear that if he loses the election in 2020 that there will never be a peaceful transition of power, and this is why I agreed to appear before you today.” This was the most troubling — actually, chilling — thing he said in his five hours before the committee. Since Mr. Cohen’s warning came in his closing words, there was no opportunity for committee members to ask follow-up questions. So I double-checked with his lawyer, Lanny Davis, if I had understood Mr. Cohen’s testimony correctly. Mr. Davis responded, “He was referring to Trump’s authoritarian mind-set, and lack of respect for democracy and democratic institutions
  2. The judge has demanded Roger Stone be in court on Monday. Looks like she may lock him up. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-03-02/roger-stone-judge-wants-to-know-why-she-wasn-t-told-about-book?fbclid=IwAR36ZXysyPl9zG5F8wkLxB_ELc8NFT3OwXIUexxG_Sgj4MU3_6811IfXuwU
  3. Mark Wengler contacted me on Facebook and wrote: "Douglas, I need your help. I can't log on to the JFK assassination form. I keep asking for a resit password. Nothing happens. Can you help?" I told him I would contact you. What should I advise him to fix this?


  4. MWN Episode 113 – John Potash on the CIA and Its Use of Drugs Against Musicians and Activists https://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-113-john-potash-on-the-cia-and-its-use-of-drugs-against-musician-and-activists/?fbclid=IwAR1xPeBgUUGqA_1FTc5zJWekouOHzGwLrnOFbuym8ZNPZBqrjiCoVtGozRM
  5. 800 Page Document: Special Counsel Files Manafort Sentencing Memo https://www.lawfareblog.com/document-special-counsel-files-manafort-sentencing-memo-0?fbclid=IwAR2SL01dOB8X2-hxYbBMR4Vsno-E3I7Wzzd8JVQl3EbWle9HEcnLTcnwd04
  6. Oscars Last Call: RFK Family On ‘Green Book’ https://deadline.com/2019/02/robert-kennedy-family-green-book-response-hear-audio-don-shirley-tony-lip-confirm-film-storyline-1202558236/ David Talbot wrote on Facebook today: This is a remarkable background article about one of the most holy-xxxx (!) scenes in Academy Award Best Picture "Green Book." As the film shows, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy intervened at a scary moment to free African-American piano virtuoso Don "Doc" Shirley and his Italian- American chauffeur Tony "Lip" Vallelonga from the clutches of West Virginia sheriffs. Shirley and Vallelonga were stopped for "speeding" during his concert tour of the South, but actually the lo...cal cops objected to a white man driving a black man through their racist jurisdiction. According to Doc Shirley, whose recorded memories of the trip are featured in this article, he phoned RFK's secretary from the West Virginia jail -- where his and Vallelonga's fates were in jeopardy -- and appealed to Kennedy for help. Not long afterwards, according to Shirley, the West Virginia sheriff got a phone call from the attorney general of the United States and he quickly freed both men. This amazing intervention by Attorney General Kennedy took place just days before his brother, President Kennedy, flew to Dallas, where this enlightened co-presidency of two brave brothers ended in gunfire. In addition to Shirley's own audio memories of the incident, this Deadline Hollywood article also features very touching remarks about "Green Book" by RFK's widow Ethel and two of their sons, Bobby Jr. and Max.
  8. JFK speaks from his Harvard past https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2017/05/earliest-recording-of-jfk-found-in-harvard-archives/?fbclid=IwAR01vaP4uzlU9kUnVJ7C2ceBaEjESst4aSF_3KoTZ06h--G-pS2M5J1ivjk
  9. Trump and His Associates Had More Than 100 Contacts With Russians Before the Inauguration https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/01/26/us/politics/trump-contacts-russians-wikileaks.html
  10. The following short account of the CIA's Angleton (CI-Counterintelligence)--Osborn (Security Office) molehunt was prompted by a post from Martin Shackelford a little earlier today: A little history on the CIA Angleton (CI)-Bannerman (OS) joint mole hunt. This story was first broken in detail in Oswald and the CIA in 1995, see Chapter Four, especially pp. 51-59; these details were again printed on the same page numbers in the 2008 edition of Oswald and the CIA. Meanwhile, n...ot long after the publication of the first edition in 1995, Malcolm Blunt and I bumped into each other in the cafeteria of the new National Archived II facility in College Park, Maryland. At that time, Malcolm was making regular trips from Britain to NARA to work on the case and I was there almost every week continuing to copy new documents as the became available due to the passage of the JFK Assassination Records Release Act. Malcolm had become intensely interested in the above-mentioned passage in Oswald and the CIA and he proceeded to become the world’s best authority on the entire subject of how records were controlled and distributed internally in the CIA. Over the years, Malcolm provided me with linear feet of CIA records and kept after me to write a major revision to Oswald and the CIA. That idea was eventually incorporated in the far larger multi-volume project that I began in 2011 and have worked on non-stop since then. Malcolm and I have continued to share our finds with each other, and we have remained in a very close pattern on the CIA internal dissemination issue as well as—by now—a very wide ranges of subjects related to the Kennedy presidency and the assassination. This cooperation resulted in Chapter One of Volume III—Countdown to Darkness. Besides being a cutting-edge work on the 1959-1960 CIA internal disposition of Oswald’s records, that chapter also contains an extraordinary and crucial account of Malcolm’s relationship with Pete Bagley that Malcolm generously shared with me—including Pete’s extraordinary reaction to the Oswald CIA internal records distribution saga. That Bagley-Blunt moment was a major inflection point in the history of research on the Kennedy assassination. [[Note: Bagley became head of counterintellilgence in the Soviet Russia Division and was one of the CIA officers who handled Yuri Nosenko's 1960 defection in Geneva, Switzerland.]]
  11. Detective Jim Rothstein was interviewed this week on The Power Hour. The interview can be accessed below. Starting around minute 29 Rothstein talks about how Angleton after World War II instituted a plan to infiltrate the Catholic Church with pedophiles as a means of the CIA getting control of the Church. Listening to the entire interview is time well spent. NYPD Insider Blows Lid off Pedo Rings in America https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bU_7NS4FXDk
  12. Being the local political boss I control a voting bloc of one. My bloc won't decide whom to support for president until a year from now. However I can assure you that the decision then as to whom to vote for will be a unanimous one. I shall tolerate no dissent in the tradition of Boss Tweed.
  13. JFK RFK Assassinations Updates The Ochelli Effect 11-22-2018 Carmine Savastano and Mike Swanson Hour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaM0BNyEYHg&feature=share
  14. Lyndon LaRouche played a key role in my letter to Special Counsel Mueller: Lyndon LaRouche, Cult Figure Who Ran for President 8 Times, Dies at 96 https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/13/obituaries/lyndon-larouche-dead.html
  15. Roger Stone Handed Gag Order for Posting Judge Photo With Crosshairs: 'You Apparently Need Clear Boundaries' https://www.newsweek.com/roger-stone-judge-impose-gag-order-1339919
  16. MWN Episode 112 – Larry Rivera on the JFK Assassination’s Most Controversial Photos https://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-112-larry-rivera-on-the-jfk-assassinations-most-controversial-photos/
  17. https://www.nytimes.com/1974/02/21/archives/yeoman-tells-panel-of-role-of-admirals-special-to-the-new-york.html?fbclid=IwAR1I5ArZYELZ0RvuXHje-9xb2A72hHA9vK03CkWrCJsY0PAA3NDt5RfFA8c
  18. Jim Jordan (see above) and other Trump lackeys do not understand how FISA warrants are approved by the court (FISC) authorized to issue them: https://www.lawfareblog.com/how-fisa-court-really-works
  19. Former Trump adviser Stone ordered to appear in court over Instagram posts by Reuters Tuesday, 19 February 2019 16:12 GMT http://news.trust.org/item/20190219160255-wegx7
  20. You can watch the video of Stone's arrest here that was recorded on his home private surveillance system. It was in no way Gestapo. It has since been revealed on the Rachel Maddow Show that Stone's indictment is linked directly to a prior Mueller indictment of Russian GRU agents involved in influencing the 2016 election in favor of Trump. https://cbs12.com/news/local/exclusive-surveillance-video-from-inside-the-roger-stone-raid https://www.justice.gov/file/1080281/download
  21. John Newman posted this on Facebook today: Note: I published Into the Storm on Kindle at 6 this morning; it should be available on Amazon in a day or two--I'll post here when it is. Here is a new review of the book on Amazon this morning--by a very important friend whose many years of crucial work on the case (see the acknowledgements in the book) many of you are familiar with: Dan... 5.0 out of 5 stars Outstanding Work February 7, 2019 Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase I read parts of this book in advance of publication and provided some help to Dr. Newman in the preparation of the book. Now that it’s been published, I have read the whole book and I cannot say enough about the value of this work. Dr. Newman takes care to ferret out established facts, tying down timelines, and putting the facts in proper chronological and historical perspective, thereby laying a solid foundation for his outstanding analysis. It is very refreshing to read a book on the assassination of President Kennedy that minimizes speculation and replaces it with solid factual development and analysis. On one level, in this book, Dr. Newman picks up on the historical context work of David Talbot in Brothers, and Jim Douglass in JFK and the Unspeakable, but with more precision and detail in laying out the political developments of the Kennedy administration that laid the foundations for the widespread animosity the establishment had when it came to John Kennedy. On another level, Dr. Newman tackles the myths and propaganda canards that have arisen from the events leading up to the assassination and does a very good job of laying important myths and deceptions to rest. The chapters in the book dealing with the issue of what Bobby Kennedy knew about the CIA’s plotting with the Mafia to kill Castro are, alone, well worth the price of the book. His analysis of the Yuri Nosenko case is, likewise, outstanding and sets a standard for research and analysis in this area. Finally, his work in regard to Antonio Veciana’s story makes an invaluable contribution toward clarification of events surrounding the assassination. You need to read this book.
  22. A Facebook member who follows the membership and support of over 250 organizations and websites devoted to study the JFK assassination reported recently that he has noticed a severe decline in public interest in the topic over the past year. He noted that one organization has lost over 1000 members. His research raises the question as to why this decline is taking place. Could it be that public has finally concluded that the mystery surrounding the death of JFK 56 years ago will never be solved? Or could it be that the millions born since 1963 have received little education information about the entire topic? What ever the cause his research finding is disturbing.
  23. https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/intelligence/2017-06-02/white-house-cia-pike-committee-1975?fbclid=IwAR1UR42j0cge6KoUSLMOX2Ec8Q6MAw7Q8PSGbGZzDkxufvzN_98rxLf-lvw
  24. Posted today on Facebook by "Stand With Mueller": Special counsel Robert Mueller has signaled to defense lawyers for Roger Stone, the longtime adviser to Donald Trump, that prosecutors might brandish Stone’s bank records and personal communications going back several years as evidence in the case against him. Legal analysts said the move could be significant because the sizable amount of potential evidence listed by Mueller – and its nature, in the case of the bank records – seemed to go well beyond the current known charges against Stone. A court filing by Mueller on Thursday said prosecutors had seized “voluminous and complex” material including “multiple hard drives containing several terabytes of information”, material seized from search warrants executed on “Apple iCloud accounts and email accounts”, “bank and financial records, and the contents of numerous physical devices (eg, cellular phones, computers, and hard drives)”. Stone was indicted last week on charges of obstructing an investigation, witness tampering and five counts of making false statements. Two of his residences – one in Florida and one in Manhattan – were raided during his arrest. “It’s interesting that Mueller produced bank and financial records to Roger Stone, given that they don’t appear related to the charges he faces,” former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti tweeted. “Perhaps Mueller’s team has a practice of producing broad discovery to defendants, but it is not required by the rules. “If that is not Mueller’s usual practice, perhaps they want Stone to have this information now because there could be additional charges down the line, or because they think his knowledge that they possess this information could encourage him to flip.” Former federal prosecutor Joyce Vance called the filing “good news for the investigation”. “This implies that the FBI was able to access communications Stone and others could have assumed were protected from law-enforcement,” Vance tweeted. “This is good news for the investigation, there is no telling what might be in there Stone thought law-enforcement would never be able to see it.” The indictment of Stone last week suggested that prosecutors might have gained access to encrypted messages sent or received by Stone. One section of the indictment describes a text message exchange between Stone and an unidentified Trump “supporter” asking about a Stone contact in London alleged to be in communication with the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. “The supporter involved with the Trump Campaign asked STONE via text message if he had ‘hear[d] anymore from London’,” the indictment reads in part. “STONE replied, ‘Yes – want to talk on a secure line – got Whatsapp?’ STONE subsequently told the supporter that more material would be released and that it would be damaging to the Clinton Campaign.” Stone is suspected of attempting to establish or carrying out back-channel communications between the Trump campaign and Wikileaks – although he has not been charged with any crime along those lines. He has pleaded not guilty and denied any wrongdoing.
  25. Lawyers, especially criminal defense attorneys, look at the current Trump/Russia scandal through the lens of the law. Most lay people lack the education and experience to do this. These lawyers agree that there will be additional indictments or one massive indictment that links all those involved to a criminal conspiracy bordering on treason. Watergate broke on June 17, 1972. Over the July 4th holiday --- less than three weeks later -- I was approached to pass "hush money" to the five arrested burglars and to Hunt and Liddy who had fled from the Watergate Hotel minutes after they learned of the arrests inside the DNC in the Watergate Office Building from their lookout, Alfred Baldwin. (Baldwin was a member of the Watergate topic of the Education Forum until he was run out by one of our insidious members when he attempted to tell what he knew.) John Dean had directed Anthony Ulasewicz to approach me with the "hush" money. Ulasewicz told me in his "mysterious" telephone conversations to name the amount of money and it would be delivered in a laundry bag. In our final conversation I told this mysterious telephone caller to take a hike, that I did not know who he was and wanted nothing to do with him or his offer. I attempted on July 19, 1972 -- about a month after case broke -- to tell the federal grand jury investigating Watergate that I had received these "mysterious" phone calls but my recitation was quickly cut off by Seymour Glanzer, one of the three prosecutors present in the room. I knew then that Watergate would end badly for President Nixon because "hush" money was involved. Two years later he was forced to resign. Trump/Russia is Watergate on steroids. The future of our country and of Western Civilization is at stake. Mueller knows this and is proceeding accordingly. Lawyers recognize this if the general public does not.
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