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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. I knew Arthur when we worked together on NIPAC -- the National Conservative Political Action Committee -- in 1974-75. I was the group's legal counsel.
  2. From the obituary: “I said I wanted to change the world, I said I did, I made it worse,” he added, without amplifying and, perhaps, with a dollop of self-deprecation. “It wasn’t what I wanted to do.” https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/19/us/politics/arthur-finkelstein-innovative-influential-conservative-strategist-dies-at-72.html
  3. Sixteen Mind-Blowing Facts About Who Really Killed John F. Kennedy http://www.globalresearch.ca/16-mind-blowing-facts-about-who-really-killed-jfk/5581346
  4. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/world-history/holocaust-allied-forces-knew-before-concentration-camp-discovery-us-uk-soviets-secret-documents-a7688036.html?cmpid=facebook-post
  5. https://gizmodo.com/stabilized-footage-of-the-jfk-assassination-is-unsettli-1465136863 This was posted on Facebook today
  6. http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/nbc-news-exclusive-memo-shows-watergate-prosecutors-had-evidence-nixon-n773581
  7. Rothstein is mentioned in both articles. This is the work that detectives do. The Ghost of Roy Cohn http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/2014/08/24/the-ghost-of-roy-cohn/ http://crimefeed.com/2017/08/the-process-church-of-serial-murder-does-a-satan-cult-connect-son-of-sam-to-charles-manson/
  8. Joe: Retired NYPD Detective James Rothstein and I have been in almost constant communication for about five years. I plan to devote a chapter in my forthcoming autobiography to him because he is a remarkable man and has had a storied career. You would be staggered in the large number of prominent cases in which he been involved -- from Son of Sam (which is still very much alive) to the Oklahoma City Bombing. His first police assignment was on the NYPD Vice Squad in the Times Square area. In fact, there is a book about the work of this squad. On one occasion he and his partner confronted a U.S. Senator who was a presidential candidate to let him be aware that he had been compromised by having sex with a young boy and would be subject to blackmail by those in the federal government who set him up. He knew of three young boys who had been killed in another set-up sexual situation designed to compromise a prominent person and knew where the boys' bodies had been buried on the farm of a famous attorney. He and his partner were the key detectives in the case in which the son of a rich and powerful businessman had been kidnapped. The father of the kidnapped son offered both Rothstein and his partner a million dollars each if they would alter their investigation. Rothstein and his partner turned the offer down. Obviously there was something more important at stake there than the kidnapping itself. The list goes on and on but I mention these few cases only to illustrate that Rothstein's involvement in Sturgis coming to New York City to kill Marita was just one of many. The only person who later turned out to be one of the burglars that Howard Hunt ever mentioned to me was Bernard Barker, who at one time was head of Castro's intelligence service. About three months before the Watergate case broke, Hunt invited me to join him and Barker for lunch at the Army-Navy Club in Washington, D.C. Why Howard did so was never clear to me but our conversation at lunch focused entirely on Castro and American relations with Cuba.
  9. Joe: Rothstein is uncertain why Sturgis had a clean change of clothes with him in an attaché case. He speculates that killing someone can be a messy affair with blood being spilled on the killer's attire (think of what Marita did to the escaped prisoner who wanted to rape her). Sturgis was a stone killer and may have learned from experience that having a clean change of clothes on hand to use after a murder makes getting away a lot easier.
  10. I talked with Rothstein who told me that he was shocked and saddened, as were most people in America and around the world, at the assassination of JFK. Yet it cannot be denied that JFK had a legion of diverse persons and groups whom he had alienated. Unless one accepts the reality of "The Law of Eighth Avenue", where there are serious consequences for causing the deaths of others or breaking an agreement of momentous importance, the real world cannot be understood. Joseph Kennedy, stricken with a stroke, was unable to advise his two sons about the deadly consequences of allowing organized crime leaders to come to believe that they had been double-crossed both on getting rid of Castro so they could get back into Cuba with its casinos and on the brothers' overt war on organized crime itself. Rothstein understood the resentment and anger toward JFK in regard to the Bay of Pigs. All those directly involved in the Bay of Pigs viewed that what happened there as being a seminal event, one that would inevitably lead to later developments. As Rothstein wrote in his account on Sturgis: "The next three days were spent bringing survivors and bodies on board. Rothstein again manned Winch #2 and the bodies were brought aboard in cargo nets, dropped on the deck, put in boxes by Airedales and then taken to reefers. There were many cargo nets of bodies. The Bay of Pigs was lost and it would seal the fate of John Kennedy. Rothstein never forgets what happened and on dark lonely nights he will wake up and see the body’s as he dumped them on the deck, they never go away." Let us now to focus on what Gaeton Fonzi concluded about Marita and Sturgis in his book, The Last Investigation: “At any rate, Sturgis picked up that Eastern Airline ticket that Marita Lorenz had sent him and flew to his destiny in New York. In the end, the entire episode seemed to have about as much significance as "Cochise" pissing on a photographer. But, in retrospect, one result of this whole soap-opera scenario -- the factor that still feeds my suspicion of collusion -- was a successful diversion, from the Schweiker probe through to the House Assassinations Committee, of our limited investigation resources. And, in the process, it injected a dose of slapstick that would impair any future attempt to conduct a serious investigation into the possible involvement of E. Howard Hunt at Frank Sturgis in the Kennedy assassination.” After Sturgis died, Rothstein had a conversation with Fonzi and explained what had really happened when Sturgis came to New York City to kill Marita. After listening to Rothstein, Fonzi exclaimed, “You mean he actually did plan to kill her?” He was shocked at the revelation. Fonzi did not have the full picture until then.
  11. Joe: I asked Detective Rothstein today the two questions that you posed. 1) Sturgis was not armed when first confronted in Marita's apartment. All he had with him was an attaché case with a change of clothing in it. The labels and anything other identifying tags on the clothing had been removed. So how had he planned to kill Marita? With whatever means presented themselves in the apartment. This could range from a kitchen knife to a heavy vase. Whatever was available. Strangulation was always a possibility. Sturgis was a stone killer and had killed many persons and knew well how it could be done. Marita, by agreeing to testify to the Select House Committee on Assassinations and by agreeing to submit her files to the Committee, was violating the "Rule of Eighth Avenue" and the penalty for talking about how JFK was assassinated was that she would be killed. 2) No, Rothstein did not ask Sturgis if he had planned to harm Marita. Paul Meskill of The New York Daily News, who had set up the meeting earlier that day between Rothstein and Marita at which she told him of Sturgis's plan, possessed a telephone tape recording in which Sturgis made the threat. Rothstein later listened to the tape himself. Further, Monica, Marita's daughter, had been arrested that afternoon hiding in the bushes outside the apartment house armed with the intent to kill Sturgis when he showed up. Rothstein, a skilled detective, knew how the New York Police Department worked. He knew of the powerful rogue element that was within it. He knew that the only way he could make the arrest of Sturgis without alerting the NYPD first of his plan was to arrest Sturgis in his capacity as an officer and investigator of the New York State Select Commission on Crime. At the time of the Sturgis arrest Rothstein and his partner were assigned to the State Select Commission On Crime. Governor Carey had assigned them over the heads of the NYC Mayor and Police Commissioner. They were totally independent of NYPD but were still NYPD detectives. He knew that when he booked Sturgis at the police station he had to use Sturgis' real name, Frank Fiorini, because few knew of his real name. Otherwise the NYPD brass and the department's rogue element would have been alerted immediately and all hell would have broken out. Remember, when Frank Nelson mysteriously showed up at the station and asked if there was a Frank Sturgis being held here, the desk sergeant denied that there was such a person there but volunteered that a Frank Fiorini was being held. Nelson recognized the name as being Sturgis. This set off the bells and NYPD brass quickly entered the picture. So why did Rothstein take the precautionary measures that he had done in booking Sturgis under his real name? Because there was a powerful rogue element inside NYPD (as there is today) that had sanctioned Sturgis coming to New York City to kill Marita. Her murder was to be a sanctioned one. The truth of JFK's killing had to be suppressed. Rothstein relates what happened subsequently and how NYPD and the judge essentially enabled Sturgis to walk in a cover-up arrangement. Both Marita and Sturgis were stone killers. Rothstein once asked Marita how many persons she had killed and she replied, "eight were sanctioned by the government and the rest did not count." He did not asked the number of the rest. Some questions are not asked.
  12. Here is another first-hand account from retired NYPD Detective James Rothstein: In the late 1970’s, arrangements were made by xxxxxx for Detective Rothstein to interview Manny Berson in Brooklyn, New York, at his residence. Berson was told Rothstein was a reporter from Minnesota researching the situation in Cuba from the Batista era forward. Berson had been the straight man for the “mob” in Havana during the Batista era. Tommy Ryan Eboli, an organized crime leader from the lower west side of New York, ran the day to day criminal operations in Havana. Havana was the center of money laundering operations for the mob, CIA, and the shadow government. Gambling was also very lucrative for the Mob in Havana and a good “front” for the money laundering. The only other information on Manny Berson was that he had been a New York City Police Officer. The conversation with Berson lasted approximately 3 hours and had been taped. The tape was given to Maurice Nadjari of the Special Prosecutors Office in NYC. When Castro ousted Batista, the Mafia assumed that the Patriarca crime family of Providence, Rhode Island, and the Giancana crime family from Chicago, Illinois, would take over Havana and all its lucrative operations. The mob’s involvement in getting JFK elected as president of the USA entitled them this perk. Surprise! Surprise! Castro said he would rather go Communist than allow the criminal element to use his children and women for prostitution and drugs. He had thrown out the mob. The Frank Sturgis connection in Havana and his involvement with Castro became very crucial at this point. Sturgis was out. When JFK refused to oust Castro, the mob was pissed. JFK and his brother, Bobby, felt that they did not have to honor this debt and that they were the “almighty.” How naïve and pompous could they be? It would cost them their lives. Any investigation into the assassination of JFK and/or motives for the assassination cannot be complete or accurate if the actions of certain other people are not investigated. They are: George Joannides, Frank Nelson, Alexander Rourke, Geoffrey Sullivan, Pete Ray, and others. Of particular interest is “Big Al’ Carone, A New York City Police Officer, (bagman in Brooklyn), CIA, Colonel in the Army, and a “Made Man” in the Mafia. Carone was part of a back-up team at the airport in Dallas on the day of the assassination. Carone was a close associate and friend of Bill Casey. Casey attended Carone’s daughter, Dee’s, wedding at the Narragansett Inn on Montauk Highway in Lindenhurst, New York, on Long Island. In the real world there are certain rules (Rules of Eighth Avenue). If violated, they will cause certain death of the violator. It is not a big conspiracy; it is a fact of life. The Kennedys violated those basic rules numerous times. Ted Kennedy was spared and compromised, but discredited at Chappaquiddick.
  13. Joe: I am sure that you have heard of the good guy/bad guy routine used by police detectives to crack a case and get key information. Rothstein played the good cop when he arrested Sturgis in Marita's NYC apartment and it worked. Sturgis bonded with him immediately, especially after learning that Rothstein had served on the Essex in the Bay of Pigs invasion. Would Sturgis have opened up if Rothstein instead had taken the opposite approach, one of being the adversary? No. Rothstein, as a skilled detective, wanted to find out what Sturgis knew and they talked for two hours before Rothstein and his partner took Sturgis to jail. Rothstein says that the real world is ruled by the Law of Eighth Avenue. Sturgis, like Hunt and Marita, had a mission, which was to protect the United States at all costs, whatever it takes even if this included assassinations. Both Hunt and Sturgis blamed JFK for the Bay of Pigs debacle because he pulled out support for the invasion at the last minute. This led to Sturgis and many others being caught in Cuba as the mission was underway and then imprisoned. The Law of Eighth Avenue is that when one is betrayed, especially as happened here, there will be consequences. That is the real world. Nixon understood this, which is why he used the Bay of Pigs as a code phrase in his Oval Office tapes when in reality he was talking about what happened in the JFK assassination.
  14. https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=frank+sturgis+imprisoned+in+cuba+by+castro&qpvt=frank+sturgis+imprisoned+in+cuba+by+castro&qpvt=frank+sturgis+imprisoned+in+cuba+by+castro&qpvt=frank+sturgis+imprisoned+in+cuba+by+castro&FORM=IGRE
  15. "...the key records on Sturgis have been available for some time." ???? How then to explain this? https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2016/sep/21/frank-sturgis-crowdfund/
  16. Detective Rothstein, who has been in recent communication with Marita, tells me that after Castro died she decided that it was time to bring down the curtain on the past. She moved to Costa Rica with her daughter and terminated her film contract because she claimed the proposed script did not conform to what really happened.
  17. Here is retired NYPD Detective James Rothstein's account of his contact with Frank Sturgis over the years. His account covers matters in addition to Sturgis and Marita: FRANK STURGIS In early March of 1961, the Essex was at its homeport in Quonset, Rhode Island, when strange things started happening. Sailors were dispatched for rifle squad practice with a Marine leading the team. Old timers (salts) stated that this had not happened since WWII; something was up. The Essex sailed to the Norfolk Virginia Navy Shipyards. On Sunday morning, all liberty and leaves were cancelled. Train cars loaded with supplies pulled up next to the ship and the supplies were loaded onto the Essex. The word was, we were sailing to Nova Scotia for special operations. On Monday morning, as the Essex sets sail, Rothstein is ordered to Winch #2 to prepare to take on cargo. Rothstein was the winch operator with his assistant, J.C. Adams. Armed marines and sailors were posted everywhere; only authorized personnel were allowed on deck. The Essex pulls alongside a heavily guarded barge with two long cylinders on the deck. Rothstein loaded both cylinders on board and watched as they are sent below deck in the bomb elevator. The Essex then headed for the open sea in due haste. When the Essex reached the Atlantic Ocean, it made a sharp turn to starboard (right). We were going south. If the Essex was going to Nova Scotia, it would have made a turn to port (left). Something big was up. As the Essex began to near the coast of Florida, a squadron of US Navy jets was seen approaching the Essex; they did a fly-by and prepared to land. The Essex was not designed for jets; now it had been modified to have jets land and take-off. Now we knew for sure something was going on. When it got dark, the Captain of the Essex, Captain Searcy, advised the crew that they were on a special mission. The Capt. ordered “Darken Ship and No Communication” was in effect until further notice. We were advised we were going to Cuba. General Quarters was sounded. We were going to war. Every day after that, till three days before the Bay of Pigs invasion, we practiced for the invasion. The jets were painted white; the only markings were numbers on the planes. The numbers on the ships were painted over. The flags were taken down. When refueling and replenishing occurred, the flags would be raised as the ships started their approach and lowered again immediately. Three days before the invasion of the Bay of Pigs, the bombing, to soften up the beach at the Bay of Pigs, started. At night we headed to the beach. The Destroyers would go closer and bombard the beach. During the day, we would be out to sea and re-supply. On the day of the invasion, at approximately 0315 hours, Rothstein was manning the helm of the Essex when Capt. Searcy came out of his quarters. Capt. Searcy informed the crew on the Quarter Deck that the President of the United States, John Kennedy, had just ordered him to stop the bombing. Capt. Searcy knew that the revolutionaries would be killed. Orders were Orders. The next three days were spent bringing survivors and bodies on board. Rothstein again manned Winch #2 and the bodies were brought aboard in cargo nets and put in boxes and then taken to reefers. There were many cargo nets of bodies. The Bay of Pigs was lost and it would seal the fate of John Kennedy. One of the leaders of the revolution was CIA Operative Frank Sturgis of OP40. He was one of the operatives left behind in Cuba and was imprisoned. Sturgis and Rothstein would meet again years later. Detective Rothstein, of the New York City Police Department, would arrest Frank Sturgis when he came to New York to kill Marita Lorenz. In the morning of October 31, 1977, Halloween day, Det. Rothstein received a call from Paul Meskil, a reporter for the New York Daily News. Meskil was beside himself. Monica Lorenz, the daughter of Marita Lorenz, had just been arrested in front of her apartment on York Avenue in possession of a loaded gun. She was to be the last line of defense for Marita. Monica was hiding in the bushes in front of the apartment building on Eighty Eighth Street and York Avenue; she was going to ambush Sturgis when he showed up to kill Marita. Meskil knows that the only two Detectives he can trust are Rosenthal and Rothstein; he knows they will not back down or be stopped. The Detectives notified members of the New York State Select Committee, their present assignment, of the call. They jump into action. They first call the arresting officer of Monica and verify that the arrest had been made for possession of a gun. They then set up a meeting with Marita Lorenz and Paul Meskil at a small restaurant on the East Side. They all meet at the restaurant at approximately 1100 am. Marita verifies what Meskil had told the Detectives. She was very up-set, anxious, and scared. She feared for her and her children’s lives. Marita tells the Detectives that she is scheduled to testify at the House Assassination Hearings in Washington, DC, concerning the assassination of John F Kennedy. Meskil tells the Detectives that he is in possession of a tape recording made of a conversation between Marita Lorenz and Frank Sturgis; the tape is hidden at his residence in Nassau County, New York. In the tape Sturgis tells Marita, “You know what the rules are and what happens if you talk.” Meskil tells the Detectives to pick up the tape at his house and that his son would give the Detectives the tapes. Meskil tells the Detectives that he will be leaving for the Far East as soon as our meeting is over. At approximately 100 pm, the Detectives leave the restaurant with Marita and go to her apartment on Eighty Eighth Street and York Avenue. When Detectives Rosenthal, Rothstein, and Marita enter the apartment, the detectives do a quick canvass of the apartment. They see 10 to 15 boxes sitting against the wall in the dining room. The rest of the day and early evening were spent interviewing Marita in preparation for the arrival of Sturgis. Marita tells the detectives that the boxes contain documentation concerning OP40, the Cuban invasion, Castro, planning for the Kennedy assassination, and other covert operations that she had knowledge of. These documents were going to be delivered to the House Assassination Hearings. The Detectives believe they have more than sufficient evidence to arrest Sturgis. On October 31, 1977, at approximately 2130 hours Det. Mathew Rosenthal and Det. Jim Rothstein arrested Frank Sturgis when he came to assassinate Marita Lorenz, a witness to the planning of the Kennedy assassination. When Sturgis rang Marita to gain entry to the building, Rosenthal and Rothstein assumed their position. They crouched low next to the door with their guns drawn and their shields pinned to their suit jackets. When Sturgis entered the premises, Rothstein placed his gun in Sturgis’ mouth and shouted, “Police! You’re under arrest mother xxxxer; don’t move.” Sturgis mumbles, “I hope you’re Detectives.” Rosenthal had his gun put to Sturgis’ chest and identified himself as a Police Officer. The Detectives searched Sturgis. Once the Detectives knew that the scene was under control, Rothstein congratulates Sturgis for assassinating John F Kennedy. Rothstein tells Sturgis that he was present when Kennedy ordered the bombing and support to stop, just as the invasion of the Bay of Pigs began. Sturgis says, “The only way you can know that is if you were on the Essex.” Rothstein replies, “Yes, I was.” Rothstein and Sturgis shook hands; they were both professionals and were doing their job. Detectives Rothstein and Rosenthal questioned Sturgis for approximately two hours at Marita’s apartment before taking him for booking at the local precinct. During this time, Sturgis was very frank with the Detectives. He admitted that he was on the Grassy Knoll at Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, when Kennedy was assassinated and that he was one of the shooters from the Grassy Knoll. The Detectives received valuable information from Sturgis. Sturgis tells the Detectives that OP40’s mandate was “to protect our country at all costs.” When Sturgis was asked why Kennedy was assassinated, he told the Detectives that there were three reasons. Number one was that Kennedy had double-crossed OP40 in the Bay of Pigs Invasion by pulling back the support. Number two was that he (Kennedy) had been told to stay away from the women, especially the Russian woman, Ellen Rometsch, because he would be compromised and jeopardize national security. Number three was that Kennedy was destroying the black community through his liberal social programs. The second part of the questioning was about his involvement in the Watergate Break-in that occurred on June 17, 1972. Sturgis was one of the five burglars arrested by Sgt. Paul Leeper, Det. Carl Shoffler, and Det. John Barrett, of the Washington D.C. Police Department. Sturgis said it was a set-up from the start, there had to have been a rat on the inside who sold them out. Sturgis said the break-in was to get the “book” that had the names of clients who used the prostitution and pedophile ring operating out of the Democratic National Headquarters. This information was to be used to compromise both Republican and Democratic clients who used the ring. The break-in led to the fall of President Richard Nixon on August 8, 1974. President Nixon had nothing to do with the planning of the break-in. In fact he had no prior knowledge that the break-in was going to occur. Later Shoffler would tell Rothstein that he had somebody on the inside and had received information that the break-in was going to happen. Shoffler’s tour had ended one and a half hours before he made the arrest. In 2012, Robert Merritt called retired Det. Rothstein and stated that he was Shoffler’s informant. In a book written by Robert Merritt, Watergate Exposed, he tells the tale of the break-in. When Sturgis was taken to the local precinct the Detectives identified themselves and told the desk lieutenant that they were booking Frank Forini (Sturgis’ real name). They took Sturgis to the Detectives room and began processing the arrest. That’s when things got strange. Rosenthal advises Sturgis of his rights. Sturgis asks to make a call, which Rothstein does. He tells Rothstein to call Gaeton Fonzi, the investigator in the House Assassination Hearings. Rothstein is surprised, that a suspect would call the investigator and he is the suspect. When Fonzi answers the phone, Rothstein identifies himself and tells Fonzi that Sturgis is under arrest and wants to talk to him. Fonzi was dumbfounded. (See The Last Investigation, by Gaeton Fonzi, page 103). Shortly after the call was made the desk officer calls the Detectives to inform them that a Frank Nelson (CIA and Organized Crime in Cuba) was at the desk and was looking for Frank Sturgis, and, if in, fact Forini was Sturgis. The answer was yes. Within minutes all hell broke loose. Every big boss in the Police Department was calling to find out what happened. The Detectives finished booking Sturgis and were requested to report to the offices of John Guido and Harold Hess, two of the top bosses involved in this type of case. When the Detectives arrive at Guido and Hess’s office they are asked if they had anything eat. The Detectives said no. Hess sends out one of his staff to get a six pack of beer and sandwiches. He asks the Detectives, “Is it good and clean arrest?” The Detectives say, “Yes, it is and it is solid.” Hess replies, “Good that is all I want to know.” The Detectives advise Guido and Hess of what happened. Rosenthal and Rothstein are asked to arraign Sturgis and go home and get some rest. At the arraignment of Frank Sturgis in Manhattan Criminal ADA Broomer is assigned to the case. The Detectives inform Broomer of the tape corroborating the allegations made by Marita and Meskil. Broomer asks the Detectives where the tape is. They inform Broomer that they will pick up the tape at Meskils residence in Nassau County on their way back to the city from their residences. Early the next morning all hell breaks loose again. Unknown members of the New York City Police Department went to Meskil’s residence to get the tapes. When Meskil’s son answers the door, he sees that it is not Detectives Rosenthal and Rothstein. The son calls the Nassau County Police Department and tells them that somebody was at his door trying to take evidence of the Kennedy assassination. Nassau County Police responded in full force. The New York City Cops were sent packing. Detectives Rosenthal and Rothstein are notified by Guido and Hess of what happened; somebody had sand-bagged them and they should immediately proceed to the Meskil residence and retrieve the tapes. Rosenthal and Rothstein meet with the son at Meskil’s residence and the son was so proud that he had protected the tapes for Rosenthal and Rothstein, as his father had told him to do. The son gives the tapes to the Detectives. The detectives knew what was coming; the cover-up was started. Detectives Rosenthal and Rothstein take the tape to ADA Broomer’s office and the tape is played. Marita and Meskil were right. Sturgis is heard telling Marita, “You know what the rules are and what happens if you talk.” Broomer and the powers to-be decide that is not a threat. The Detectives argue vehemently that it is clearly a threat and you have to be totally stupid if you don’t understand that. The Detectives know the fix was in. The charges against Sturgis were dropped. The boxes of files in Marita’s apartment were hand delivered to the House Assassination Hearings in Washington DC by Marita Lorenz and retired Det. Bobby Polachek, who had been a partner of Det. Rothstein at the 26 Precinct. Subsequently, Rosenthal, Rothstein, and the City of New York were sued by Sturgis for $16 million for making a false arrest. The case was tried by Judge Leonard Sand in the Federal Court in the Southern District of New York. Sturgis was represented by Henry Rothblatt. Rothstein was called as the last witness late in the day. He was sworn in by the judge and the case was adjourned till the next day. As Det. Rothstein was getting ready to leave the court house, he was warned by unnamed sources that his life was in danger and that he should not go home. Det. Rothstein called one of his informants, who lived in the neighborhood near the court house, and asked her for assistance. She was connected to organized crime figures in the same area. Det. Rothstein left through the back door and was safely taken to an apartment by his informant and her friends. The next morning, Det. Rothstein took the stand to testify. Before anything was said, Judge Sand was summoned to his chambers. After an hour or so, Det. Rothstein was called to the Judge’s Chambers. Det. Rothstein was asked what it would take for him not to testify. Everybody in the courtroom, especially the media, knew Det. Rothstein was going to let it all hang out. An agreement was reached that the City Of New York was going to pay $2,500.00 to Sturgis and Det. Rosenthal and Det. Rothstein were to be commended for acting above and beyond the call of duty. Judge Sand advised Det. Rothstein that he would be called in front of the bench and, if Det. Rothstein wanted to make a statement, he could say anything he wanted to say. Det. Rothstein realized it was in his best interest to keep his big mouth shut. As Rothstein turns to leave the courtroom, Sturgis and Rothblatt shake Rothstein’s hand and asked if he would be part of their organization. Rothstein replies, “It is an honor for you to ask, but I cannot do that.” He left the courthouse. THE AFTERMATH: Sometime during the summer of 1983, Retired Detective Rothstein was sitting at the bar in Georgia’s Bar and Restaurant at 722 South Wellwood Avenue, Lindenhurst, New York talking to customers. A well-dressed man, wearing typical “spook” attire, came in and sat next to Rothstein. He introduced himself as a former New York City, police officer who had moved to Florida. During an hour conversation he told Rothstein that when Detectives Rosenthal and Rothstein arrested Frank Sturgis he was sent with a “bag of money” from Florida to get Sturgis out of jail. He did not say where the money came from. He knew all the facts about Sturgis. Rothstein has never seen or heard from him again and never knew why he came in the first place. In the early nineties, Rothstein received a call from Arthur Nazeth, a reliable source in the underground of organized crime, inquiring about Frank Sturgis. Nazeth was in possession of an envelope with Frank Sturgis’ name on it and the seal of Cardinal Cooke from New York. Nazeth had received the envelope when a relative of his died, who had been a professor at one of the major colleges in New York. Nazeth asked what to do, and Rothstein told him to open it up and find out what it was. When the envelope was opened, it was the 22 page written confession of Frank Sturgis to Cardinal Cooke made in 1972. Nazeth read the 22 page confession to Rothstein over the phone. In the confession, Sturgis admits to the assassination of John F Kennedy in Dallas, Texas, giving a full description of what happened that day in Dallas. He also stated in that confession that the police officer, Tippet, had been killed by G. Gordon Liddy. Nazeth asks Rothstein to come to New York and pick up the confession. Rothstein was living in Maine at the time. Arrangements were made that Rothstein would meet Nazeth at the Saston Lumber Yard on Sunrise Highway in Lindenhurst, New York. When Nazeth nears the lumber yard to make the drop, he is intercepted by authorities. Authorities did not find the confession; Nazeth was not new to this kind of game. A second meeting is scheduled at the Lindenhurst Diner on Sunrise Highway in Lindenhurst the next night. On what was supposed to be a quiet night, it was standing room only with feds when Rothstein got there. When Nazeth saw the crowded diner, he aborted the drop. Rothstein returned to Maine waiting for another day when the heat was off. Rothstein would not hear from Nazeth again till about 2007. Nazeth called Rothstein on another matter and told him that the confession was safe and by the water, and someday they would meet to finish the drop. Rothstein is still waiting. The confession verifies the information Rothstein received from Marita Lorenz and what Sturgis told Rothstein when he was arrested by Rothstein at Marita’s apartment. In the mid to late nineties Rothstein was at a meeting with John Tunheim, who reviewed the files of the House Assassination to determine what information could be released to the public. He relates what he saw during his time assignment. Rothstein asks Tunheim if he saw Marita’s boxes of files that had been delivered to the hearings and the files of Frank Sturgis. Tunheim responds that Marita was such a beautiful, sweet grandma but there were no files from Marita or Sturgis. He says it was not the files that were missing but the blocks of files that they could not find that surprised him. Rothstein tells Tunheim about his dealings with Marita and who she really was. Yes, she was a beautiful, sweet grandma but she was also a stone killer and assassin. She was known as, “My Little Assassin” in various writings. In 2008, Don Roberts of Noblesville, Indiana, tells the local newspaper reporter, William Fouts, that he was an aircraft maintenance technician aboard the Essex in 1961. On April 2, 1961, the Essex sets sail from Norfolk Virginia. He recalls that in the pre-dawn hours of April 15, jets began launching from the Essex deck. “By sunrise, bodies were spotted in the water. Smoke could be seen rising over the horizon from Cuba. Over the next several days, the crew listened as CIA operatives stationed on the Isle of Pines pleaded for more air support. .” He stated, “He watched in horror as dead and wounded U.S. and Cuban personnel were brought aboard ship. He listened on the radio as CIA operatives pleaded for help, and like the rest of his shipmates, he felt anguish as the Essex headed for home leaving the invasion forces to their fate on the beaches.” But, President Kennedy had suspended air operations in support of the invasion. Even as more dead and wounded men, including Marines, arrived aboard the Essex, the crew heard U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Adlai Stevenson, as well as the Navy’s Chief of Operations deny news reports that U.S. ships were off the Cuban coast. On April 22, 2011, the Bangor Daily News wrote a story about Torrey Sylvester of Houlton, Maine. Torrey had served on board the USS Conway 507 and was part of the invasion group with the Essex. Rothstein had met Torrey when he lived in Maine and had many conversations about the Bay of Pigs Invasion. Fifteen years earlier, Torrey had written a story about the Bay of Pigs Invasion and had sent it to the Naval Institute Proceedings for publishing. They wouldn’t print it because it was too sensitive. In May of 2011, Rothstein went to the local American Legion Club in Paynesville, Minnesota. As he entered, his old classmate from Paynesville High School, Billy Quarfot, greeted Rothstein saying, “Hey, after fifty years, you are not a xxxx anymore. Look at the story in the VFW magazine of April, 2011. It verifies that the Essex was involved in the Bay of Pigs Invasion.” The story was written by Tim Dyhouse and gave a brief description of the ships and personnel involved in the attack. Rothstein smiled; he had known the truth for fifty years.
  18. https://www.fff.org/2017/08/07/figuring-kennedy-assassination-part-1/
  19. I met Frank Sturgis on June 17, 1972 around 9 a.m. in a substation jail of the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department. He was one of the arrested burglars and a long time associate of Howard Hunt, who recruited him for the burglary. Columnist Jack Anderson knew Sturgis and was surprised to see him in the Washington, D.C. National Airport where they had a conversation on one of the trips that Sturgis made for one of the DNC break-ins. There is plenty of evidence from various sources that ties Sturgis directly to the CIA.
  20. The dates of the Miami-Dallas trip were crucial to understanding what took place. Marita during the deposition should have been presented with a 1963 calendar and asked to circle the dates of the trip to the best of her memory.
  21. Marita did withhold at least one detail from her deposition. When she was in government protected status in a motel in the Miami area she agreed to let her guards get one night off. It was on this night that a prisoner who had escaped from the local jail entered her room while she was sleeping and held a knife against her throat. He wanted sex, to rape her. She played along until she was able to get her own knife and stabbed him. She says in her deposition that he fled then the room. In actuality, she did stab him but only after she had cut off his genitals. Some things maybe are best omitted from a deposition. Detective James Rothstein estimates that Sturgis killed over 200 persons in his lifetime and Marita killed a minimum of a dozen. She talks in the deposition that no one could gain entry into the safe house in Miami until they proved they had knowledge of a killing. Death was a casual thing. She relates in the deposition how when two young boys got seasick on a mission run of some sort, Sturgis tossed them overboard into the ocean.
  22. Hunt and Liddy escaped from their room/headquarters at Watergate Hotel while the arrests of the five burglars were taking place between 1 to 2 am on June 17, 1972. Hunt went to his White House office in the Executive Office Building and telephoned me at 3:30 am and asked to come to my apartment. He arrived at 3:35 am. Everyone should read Marita's deposition before sounding off about it. It is an eye-opener. In it Sturgis readily admitted to Marita that he worked for the CIA. He told her this while she was in Havana and was Castro's mistress and while Sturgis was a trusted member of Castro's inner circle. This is when he recruited her to work for the "company."
  23. I for one believe Marita Lorenz is telling the truth to the best of her memory in her deposition. Much of what she says has been confirmed in recent years in conversations that I have had with retired NYPD Detective James Rothstein, who knows Marita. In fact he arranged from all her files, which he had perused in her apartment in NYC in 1977 while awaiting the arrival of Frank Sturgis, to be transported by a fellow NYPD police officer to Washington, D.C. to the Select Committee on Assassinations. Her files were so delivered and promptly disappeared. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/20008-nypd-detective-james-rothstein/ To question Marita's sanity as is done in a reply here is to defame someone who performed heroic deeds in behalf of our country, putting her life on the line many times in so doing. Such cynicism only serves to discourage others who have firsthand knowledge from coming forth to contribute what they know.
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