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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. The Children and the CIA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbaKn6qIOOM
  2. Studies by Once Top Secret Government Entity Portrayed Terrible Costs of Nuclear War http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/nukevault/ebb480/
  3. John Newman wrote this on Facebook today: EXCERPT FROM 2017 EDITION OF "JFK AND VIETNAM": What McNamara did not tell me during our March 1993 discussion was that he had spoken with a journalist about Vietnam in 1992. A Washington reporter, Deborah Shapley, had secured a meeting with him at which she announced she was writing a book about him, wanted a series of one-on-one interviews with him, and wanted access to his still secret Pentagon oral histories. He had agreed. The publication date was January 1993, some months before my meeting with McNamara. I did not notice Shapley’s book, Promise and Power, until, by chance, I saw it in a book store around June 1993. It was my turn to be irate. I called McNamara right away and he took the call. I told him how upset I was that he had not allowed a credentialed historian on the Vietnam War to see his oral histories. There was extraordinarily important material on Vietnam in his oral histories that Shapley blew off as just something McNamara had made up— “arranged”—to make Kennedy look good for the 1990s. “Okay, alright,” McNamara interrupted me, “You can look at it too.” I wasn’t going to give him an opportunity to have any second thoughts and was on my way to the Pentagon within minutes to see his oral history interviews for myself. Alfred Goldberg opened the door when I knocked at the Office of the Historian, Secretary of Defense. As it turned out, this was the same Alfred Goldberg that Chief Justice Earl Warren asked to help write the Warren Report. I was in uniform. I told him who I was and that I was there to see McNamara’s oral histories. “Oh no you’re not,” he shot right back. When I insisted that McNamara had just given me his permission, Goldberg refused to believe me. So I asked him to call McNamara’s office as he was there. Goldberg did call McNamara, who then ordered Goldberg to let me see the oral history material. Goldberg became very angry but he had no choice as McNamara was the originator and agency principal in the matter. Goldberg showed me into a conference room, gave me a yellow legal pad of paper, a pencil, and the four stapled sections of the interviews he and his colleagues had done with McNamara in 1968. I sat down and began copying, in longhand, from page one of the first interview. My left forearm was shot after forty minutes. I came out of the conference room to find Goldberg at a desk. I said nothing to him as I picked up the phone and called McNamara to complain. I told him this would not work. McNamara got Goldberg on the phone and gave him a direct order to let me copy what I wanted. At this, Goldberg angrily gestured at the copy machine and walked out of the office in a huff. And there I was, alone in a room with a copy machine and McNamara’s compete oral history. Vietnam, Cuba, Soviet Union, nuclear weapons—everything. It was another one of those unexpected and even surreal moments. My access to McNamara’s Pentagon oral histories turned out to be right on time. I had been invited to make a presentation of the case for policy reversal between the JFK and LBJ administrations at an important weekend conference at the LBJ Library just three months hence in October 1993. I was to be on the final panel on Sunday, facing two important opponents: William Gibbons from George Mason University and Larry Berman of the Political Science Department of the University of California at Davis. One of the most significant things to emerge from McNamara’s oral histories was the extent of the evidence that McNamara (and thus Kennedy) was indeed fully prepared to execute a withdrawal in the face of a battlefield defeat: I think that early on in, say, 1961– 62, there was reason to accede to Diem’s request for assistance to help train his forces. I believed that to the extent we could train those forces, we should do so, and having done it, we should get out. To the extent those trained forces could not handle the problem—the subversion by North Vietnam—I believed we should not introduce our military forces in support of the South Vietnamese, even if they were going to be “defeated.” [END EXCERPT] The evidence for JFK's intent to withdraw from Vietnam is overwhelming--no matter how hard Ken Burns tries to spin it the other way in his new documentary: http://www.capjournal.com/…/article_cbb416d4-78d3-11e7-821d…
  4. http://www.phillymag.com/articles/vince-salandria-jfk-conspiracy-theorist/#qkgTs1ytu10aFc5R.99
  5. From the insightful article: “Jesus says four times in four different places: do not divorce,” Flynt says. “Does divorce bother evangelicals? No, absolutely not. Does adultery bother evangelicals? No, not really, because if so they wouldn’t have voted for Donald Trump. So what bothers them? Abortion and same-sex marriage. Beyond that, there’s no longer an agenda.” https://www.ft.com/content/b41d0ee6-1e96-11e7-b7d3-163f5a7f229c
  6. A False Mystery Concealing State Crimes BY LEGENDARY RESEARCHER VINCENT J. SALANDRIA https://www.ratical.org/ratville/JFK/FalseMystery/COPA1998VJS.html
  7. I am posting this in the forum for informational purposes only: http://www.666ismoney.com/JFKWEB.html
  8. https://www.scribd.com/document/176911921/DEPOSITION-OF-MARITA-LORENZ-IN-HUNT-V-WEBERMAN
  9. In the Reign of Kaiser Don https://fredoneverything.org/milk-bar-clausewitzes-bean-curd-napoleons-in-the-reign-of-kaiser-daon/
  10. Newly Released JFK Murder Files Prompt Disputes, 'Jigsaw' Solutions By Andrew Kreig August 4, 2017 http://www.justice-integrity.org/1290-newly-released-jfk-murder-files-prompt-disputes-solutions
  11. 2017 JFK Document Release Shows Former Intelligence Analyst Got It Right https://whowhatwhy.org/2017/08/03/2017-jfk-document-release-shows-former-intelligence-analyst-got-right/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=SocialWarfare
  12. The Newly Released JFK Files Lend Credence to a Few Major Conspiracy Theories Last week, over 3,800 CIA and FBI documents related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy were released to the public. To put the release in context, we spoke with John Newman, a leading historian of the conspiracy. https://psmag.com/news/jfk-files-conspiracy-theories
  13. Memo offers a look into the CIA’s private press pool https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2017/feb/15/memo-offers-look-cias-private-press-pool/?utm_content=buffer795af&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  14. These comments were made following John Newman Facebook posting above: Lee Shepherd: As I understand it, ZR was the digraph for Staff D, Cryptological Procurement (breaking and entering target premises to rifle through files). Staff D, dealt with NSA intercept material, among other more notorious activities and Harvey was a regular sit-in on the transcribes. He also oversaw Task Force W, the strike-team specifically targeted toward Cuba, and assassinations. Have you found any files relating to Staff D or TF-W yet? John Newman We have upward of a linear foot of Staff D and TFW documents. I don't know how many we have in the new release yet. John Newman I apologize for not explaining more about the ZRRIFLE program for those who might not be familiar with it. It was a fully deniable CIA assassination program. The program was hidden in a super secret compartment of the agency--Staff/D. The ostensible mission of Staff/D was to find criminals, spotters, safe crackers, and lock pickers to use for breaking into foreign embassies to steal their ciphers and communications codes for the National Security Agency. The handwritten notes of the chief of Staff D, William King Harvey, show the extraordinary lengths the CIA was willing to go to--creating intricate false records--in order to make the assassination program fully deniable. We know that at least three foreign leaders were targeted by this program: Castro in Cuba, Lumumba in the Congo, and Trujillo in Cuba. Seven chapters are devoted to these matters in my February 2017 released Volume II of my series on the assassination of President Kennedy--Countdown to Darkness.
  15. John Newman posted the following on Facebook today: NARA 2017 RELEASE OF CIA RECORDS ON EARLE CABELL Earle Cabell, brother of Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Charles P. Cabell and Mayor of Dallas Texas at the time JFK was assassinated there, was a CIA asset beginning in 1956. Attached are his 10/17/56 CIA Secrecy Agreement, his CIA 201 file cover sheet, his 5/13/57 CIA Personality 201 File Request, and a cover sheet indicating that the HSCA reviewed his 201 file. The NARA master listing of files scheduled for release indicates that the ARRB classified these records as "Not Believed Relevant" (NBR). ARRB Director Judge John Tunheim, at the recent CAPA event at the National Press Club said that he now believes that many of the NBR-designated documents are indeed relevant.
  16. Informative Newsweek article: http://www.newsweek.com/cia-releases-secret-interviews-russian-spy-imprisoned-jfk-assassination-642486
  17. Justice Department changes the FBI’s story on Danny Casolaro’s file https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2017/jul/26/doj-casolaro-missing-file/?utm_content=buffer58c38&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  18. John Newman wrote of Facebook today (July 26, 2017): This extract is a sneak preview from Chapter Three in Volume III (Into the Storm). It is from one of two chapters in Vol III on the changing story of Antonio Veciana. The attached document from the 2017 NARA release confirms my identification of James Joseph O’Mailia as the “Joe Melton” that Veciana claims trained him in Havana: Who was Joe Melton? During his 26 April 1978 HSCA deposition Veciana was asked if he recalled “Mr. Melton’s first name. Veciana replied, “I don’...t know if this is correct, but I think it was Joe.” In his 2017 book Trained to Kill Veciana said the name was “Dick Melton.” On 25 August 1978, the HSCA requested the CIA to grant access to the following records: …all files and index references pertaining to the following individual, and in addition to the standard search of indices by name, it is requested that a search be made for persons closely fitting the enclosed biographical profile, even though those persons may have no similarity in name to MELTON: FNU “Melton” AKA Joe Melton. That profile was of a white American male living in Havana during the period 1959-1961, engaged in anti-Castro propaganda, clandestine paramilitary and explosives training, and instruction in psychological warfare, and infiltration activities. The HSCA request also noted that, on various occasions, such training occurred in an office in the Edeficio LaRampa building located in the El Verdado section of Havana. The building “also housed offices for the Moa Bay Mining Company and, in addition, a Berlitz language school.” It is not out of the question that James O’Mailia might have sometimes been addressed by a version of his middle name—Joe. O’Mailia also told UPI that he had been arrested “on suspicion” by the Cuban secret police, and that he was “glad to be back in the good old USA.” And well he should have been. He had been a paid CIA agent in Havana since 1959. O’Mailia’s operational profile was a white American male living in Havana during the period 1959-1961, engaged in anti-Castro propaganda and psychological warfare activities (with AMPALM-1), clandestine paramilitary and explosives activities (with AMPALM-4), and infiltration and exfiltration activities with support from the CIA station. That is nearly an exact match for the profile of Joe Melton that the HSCA provided to the CIA. I know of no better candidate for this identification. See More
  19. Joseph McBride wrote on Facebook yesterday (July 25, 2017): Some smoking gun evidence does pop out in document releases, e.g., the Belmont (FBI) memo of Nov. 22, 1963, which by itself destroys the Warren Commission case by referring to a bullet "lodged behind the President's ear," which was never admitted into evidence (various witnesses, including Secret Service agents, said they saw a bullet hit Kennedy there). I discovered that memo buried among the 98,755 pages of FBI documents released to the public in 1977-78.
  20. The first release consists of 3,810 documents, including 441 formerly withheld-in-full documents and 3,369 documents formerly released with portions redacted. The Black Vault has archived them all below, and has created a much easier index to use. http://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/withheld-jfk-assassination-documents/
  21. Author Jim Hougan posted the following on Facebook today (July 26, 2017): Some of you may have missed this, with the result that your lives must seem unnecessarily empty. Here, then, is my reply to Doug Vaughn's recent query. (In essence, what do I think about William Kunstler's take on the Watergate break-ins?) For the benefit of drive-by readers, the issue is as follows: immediately after the Watergate arrests, and for days afterwards, FBI agents repeatedly searched the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters, looking for eavesdropping devices. None were found. Ever. Initially, this was not a problem (for the authorities or the reporters). The burglars had been in possession of electronic eavesdropping equipment, and were operating under the command of James McCord, a former high-ranking CIA officer whose most recent day-job was heading up security at Nixon’s Committee to Re-Elect the President (CRP). Under the circumstances, it was self-evident that the red-handed burglars were after political intelligence. They had gone into the DNC to photograph documents and plant listening devices, probably on the telephone DNC Chairman Larry O’Brien. As reasonable as the theory was on its face, it began to fall apart as the summer wore on. Alfred Baldwin, a former FBI agent in the employ of McCord, went to the U.S. Attorney’s office and confessed that there had been previous burglaries at the DNC, and that he had monitored hundreds of DNC telephone calls in the weeks before the arrests. That Baldwin was telling the truth was obvious. But where was the bugging device that transmitted the conversations Baldwin had overheard? The experts agreed that this was a problem. (In fact, a Big problem.) The U.S. Attorney’s office secretly complained to the FBI that its failure to find a bug was causing serious difficultiess for the prosecution. The Bureau acknowledged the issue, but did not apologize. Its agents had conducted repeated and targeted physical and electronic searches of the DNC’s premises, and there were simply no bugging devices to be found. With the help of the C&P Telephone Company, the feds had examined every telephone in the Committee’s offices. They’d taken the ceiling tiles down, dismantled radiators and deconstructed light-fixtures. There was nothing to be found. This, then, is the background to Doug Vaughn’s question. And what Doug wants to know is my view of attorney William Kunstler’s subsequent claim that President Nixon “decided to remove the bugs” from the DNC after being tipped off that the Supreme Court was about to uphold a lower court’s decision that there is no national security exemption to the Fourth Amendment warrant requirement. The issue is an important one because Kunstler’s theory - which he wrongly presents as fact - purports to explain why the FBI was unable to find any bugging devices inside the DNC. According to Kunstler, McCord and his crew had broken into the Watergate on the night of June 17th...to de-bug the place. The problem with Kunstler’s theory is not just that it is wrong. It is fatuous and self-serving. It is fatuous because it is entirely speculative, except in those parts where it is factually incorrect. In this connection, it seems worth pointing out that there is no evidence that Nixon knew in advance of either the Supreme Court decision that Kunstler’s cites, or - even more substantively - of the break-ins at the DNC. Kunstler states that “Bugs were installed on O’Brien’s phone...” But there is no evidence of that. According to Baldwin, most of the conversations he’d overheard were intimate - women making dates with men and discussing what they would do when they went to bed. O’Brien assumed they were DNC secretaries. U.S. Attorney Earl Silbert, on hearing this, declared that the purpose of the Watergate break-ins was “sexua blackmail,” and announced that he could prove it. As for the DNC’s chairman, Larry O’Brien, he had moved to Florida (where the Democrats would hold their convention) weeks before the first break-in - and he wasn’t coming back. Gordon Liddy and his spies knew this. According to Gordon Liddy, the ostensible purpose of the June 17th break-in was to repair a bugging device on what he was told was Larry O’Brien’s phone. The device was not working. The conversations that Baldwin was listening in on were apparently - allegedly - emanating from a device on the telephone of a second DNC official, Spencer Oliver. If the reader that he or she is now deep in the weeds, I can sympathize. If it is any comfort, the reader should know that 45 years after the arrests, there is still no agreement as to who ordered the break-ins, what their purpose was or who was bugged. Back to Kunstler... That the Plumbers would break into the DNC to plant a bug that doesn’t work - in an office that’s empty - is surely odd. Even odder, to my way of thinking, is Kunstler’s assertion that those same burglars should then break into the DNC again to remove the device. That they should do so in numbers, bringing with them even more eavesdropping equipment, is even stranger, and prompts a question for which I have no answer: how many spooks does it take to remove a bugging device? In the end, we’re left with a conundrum. WTF is going on? The reader may suppose that the answer must be found in tape-recordings that were made of the intercepted conversations. But there were none. No recordings were ever made (contrary to “best practice” procedures. CIA wireman James McCord explains this by saying that he couldn’t find any speaker-wire - so he told Baldwin to make notes of the conversations he managed to overhear. I say “managed” because in the absence of voice-actuated recording equipment, Baldwin basically had to sit beside the telephone, day in and day out, with a yellow legal pad on his lap.) In conclusion: Kunstler’s self-serving theory of the Watergate story is so thin, erroneous, speculative and jejune that it’s unworthy of discussion. (Not that this has stopped me.) Here, for example, is Kunstler’s account of that fateful night: “Frank Willis (sic), a black security guard at the Watergate, saw something suspicious at the Democratic National Committee headquarters, investigated, and found people inside the office attempting to debug O’Brien’s telephone.” This is what passes for “history.” Oy...
  22. Joseph McBride wrote on Facebook today: I'm just starting to wade through the government's new release of previously classified JFK assassination documents, now that the National Archives computer is working. Some documents seem not very informative except for what they show about the FBI. These demonstrate how the FBI seemed more interested in policing and suppressing dissent from the official version than in actually investigating the case. Examples are reports from infiltrators of small leftwing meetings in the ...U.S. that mention the assassination was discussed but mostly just list the names of those attending the meetings, hardly or not at all saying what was discussed (though in one case it's mentioned that someone blamed right-wingers for the shooting). As I write in my book INTO THE NIGHTMARE, MY SEARCH FOR THE KILLERS OF PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY AND OFFICER J. D. TIPPIT, this pattern was already evident in the previously released documents: A vivid illustration of the federal government’s heavy-handed eagerness to shut down any genuine media investigation of the Tippit shooting and any possible role he may have played in the assassination plot -- especially if the publication was an American outlet -- can be found in a document in the National Archives about an incident that occurred less than three weeks after the officer’s death. The FBI contacted the managing editor of Chicago’s American, Luke Carroll, after Maggie Daly’s column on December 7, 1963, raised the possibility that Jack Ruby knew Oswald and Tippit, and that Tippit had botched an assignment to silence Oswald. The FBI’s Chicago Special Agent in Charge reported to J. Edgar Hoover on December 12, “CARROLL feels that the items should not have been printed, especially the portion which cast aspersions on Dallas police officer TIPPIT.” That same day, Daly ran a retraction and stated, “Actually, as is true of all Americans, we admire Officer Tippit and we sent a small donation to his widow.” That incident of suppression of a Tippit inquiry by Chicago’s American and many other examples of direct FBI interference with the media were revealed in the 1977-78 release of FBI documents on the assassination, which roused even the Washington Post to criticize the FBI for seeming “more interested in investigating the motives and affiliations of its critics than in pursuing contradictions offered by the evidence at the scene of the crime.” Mark Lane and other critics have also charged that FBI agents engaged in surveillance of their activities and other forms of harassment. The FBI’s surveillance of Lane’s speeches and movements was confrmed in a February 24, 1964, memorandum from Warren Commission assistant counsel Howard P. Willens to J. Lee Rankin, which also indicated that the FBI was forwarding its reports on Lane to the commission.
  23. Martin Luther King Jr. Files Among New JFK Documents Just Released http://heavy.com/news/2017/07/martin-luther-king-jr-mlk-files-among-new-jfk-documents-released-july-2017-assassination/
  24. John Newman wrote on Facebook today: I'm enjoying reading through the new NARA release--now that I have everything archived and can wade through specific areas, such as checking to see how I made out in Vol II (Countdown to Darkness). I came across a couple of big bingos a few minutes ago. The two attached documents--the first from the formerly redacted group, and the second from the newly declassified group, prove that my identifications of the AMIRE-1 cryptonym and the Eugenio pseudonym for Emilio Americo Rodriguez were correct. If you have Vol II, around p. 76 you can find the whole story, including the flight of Emilio and Sforza from Cuba along with my he identifications of the AMRYE-1 cryptonym and the Henry Sloman pseudonym for Tony Sforza.😎
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