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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. http://capa-us.org/two-reviews-anti-castro-leader-antonio-vecianas-explosive-memoir-trained-kill/
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeWGKWpymKE&app=desktop St. John Hunt’s posting on Facebook on June 17, 2017, about 20/20 ABC | Watergate -- Truth & Lies | June 16, 2017 After watching the" Watergate Truth and Lies" last night, I realized it was just another layer of untruths and lies about what really happened with Watergate. It was nice seeing my good friend Roger Stone's interview and I was tickled that from over 2 hrs of my filmed interview I was shown for about 10 seconds. The problem with this "new" telling of H2Ogate is that it wasn't new. The American people have been duped into believing that the Watergate Investigation and the removal of Nixon for obstruction of justice is proof that the Constitution and our Bill of Rights works. Sadly, it showed that corruption at the highest judicial levels coupled with a lynch mob prosecution and press can thwart the very rights our Constitution provides. Let me explain briefly. The Watergate defendants, my father and five others, were denied their fifth and sixth amendment rights. The fifth amendment basically provides that "no person's life, liberty or property shall be taken without due process of the law." The sixth amendment provides "the right to a full and fair trial presided over by a fair and impartial trial judge." The right of due process was completely trashed when the trials themselves were media circuses. Judge Sirica appointed himself to preside over both Watergate trials and acted as an extension of the prosecution. The Code of Conduct for Federal Judges states, "A judge should be faithful to, and maintain professional competence in, the law and should not be swayed by partisan interests, public clamor, or fear of criticism." The Code forbids "ex parte" meetings, that is, secret meeting between judges and the prosecution for the purpose of convicting a defendant. A judge is not allowed to threaten a defendant with harsh sentencing unless the defendant "cooperates." Judge Sirica did these and more. He openly cross examined witnesses in front of the jury, he demanded that my father and the others plead guilty to all counts stating that "he knew they were guilty" on the first day of the trial! There were at least two dozen secret meetings between judge Sirica and members of the prosecution team, the Investigation Committee Chief Counsel, the DC circuit judge, the Watergate Special Task Force and others. If even one meeting had been discovered the trial would have been thrown out. These are just a few of the flagrant violations of the defendants rights, due process and the right to appeal. ABC TV is guilty of continuing to cover up the truth about Watergate. Their TV special was called "Truth and Lies." I saw plenty of lies and very little truth. Shame on them. It's not a question that my father didn't commit crimes for the White House, he did, but he should have been given a fair trial. It cost him 4 years in prison, the loss of respect, financial ruin, our family disintegration, and ultimately led to the death of my mother Dorothy. For further reading you must read "THE REAL WATERGATE SCANDAL" by Geoff Shepard. Thanks for caring enough to read this post.
  3. NBC News Exclusive: Memo Shows Watergate Prosecutors Had Evidence Nixon White House Plotted Violence http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/nbc-news-exclusive-memo-shows-watergate-prosecutors-had-evidence-nixon-n773581
  4. John Barbour just posted on Facebook that "Like Mark Twain, word of JIM MARRS demise are premature. He suffered kidney failure and blindness but is not confinrd to a hospital..andvwill be on Jeff Rense tonight few a few minutes..with an update!!!!!"
  5. I have just received word from Ed Tatro that Jim Marrs' medical condition has taken a turn for the worse and the prognosis is not good. He has lost his vision.
  6. https://www.counterpunch.org/2017/06/15/un-last-hurdle-before-israel-can-rid-itself-of-the-palestinians-2/
  7. One of the CIA’s private press contacts was a suspected Soviet spy https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2017/jun/14/cia-szulc/?utm_content=buffer5f657&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  8. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/special-counsel-is-investigating-trump-for-possible-obstruction-of-justice-officials-say/ar-BBCGuJn?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=UE07DHP
  9. I join with Roger in concurring that Joe above has succinctly stated the case against LBJ.
  10. Murder at the Butler Pitch and Putt http://www.mystatesman.com/lifestyles/murder-the-butler-pitch-and-putt/5IShFhz7fdIE9lUp4m5zcL/ [A note of appreciation for Robert Morrow calling my attention to this article]
  11. http://ladigitalmedia.org/video_v2/asset-detail/WWL-0819-00-08-31
  12. This morning I watched This Week with George Stepanopoulos on ABC News. Trump lawyer George Sukolow alleged that Comey's providing his friend, a professor at Columbia University, with a copy of the unclassified report that he had prepared immediately after his meeting with President Trump was an unprecedented and potentially illegal act by an FBI official, especially so after his friend at Columbia University took steps to make certain The New York Times published an article about the contents of the report. Senator Mike Lee (R- Utah) basically took the same anti-Comey line. Where have these two guys been? Living in Neverland? Have they not heard of Deep Throat, who was Mark Felt, FBI Assistant Director, and who on more than one occasion provide materials to Bob Woodward at the Washington Post, materials that were adverse to President Nixon? What Comey did was in accordance with what Felt did and the media today celebrates Felt as a courageous hero. So is Comey.
  13. Sandy: Yes, I have a signed copy of the affidavit. Merritt prepared the affidavit as part of his revelations in the book, "Watergate Exposed," which Trineday published in 2010. When Merritt started working on his book he contacted me. I advised him to file a query with the U.S. National Archives to ascertain what might be in its files. The Archives staff could not have been more friendly and cooperative and as a result a number of documents were forthcoming, some of which are reproduced in part above. Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Detective Carl Shoffler, who was a military intelligence agent assigned to the police, was married and had two children. He was also a self-hating secret gay and he and Merritt for several years had an intense sexual relationship that ended only when Watergate broke because Shoffler feared the media would find out about it. Shoffler was vicious in many ways. For example, when he believed someone once had cut him off in traffic, he got the license plate number and used it to ascertain the vehicle's owner. He then orchestrated a campaign that destroyed that individual. Shoffler's hatred of me stemmed in part from his outrage that I, a closeted gay, was the original attorney for the five arrested burglars and for Hunt and Liddy. Merritt advised me that there was fear that because Howard Hunt and I had a close personal relationship, he might have told me something about the JFK assassination and other matters that were still closely held secrets. In short I might have been killed because there was no way of ascertaining what I knew and what I did not know. As far as I can determine the only reason I was not killed was that on June 28, 1972, eleven days after the case broke, I was served a subpoena to appear before the Federal Grand Jury that was investigating what became known as Watergate. News about me dominated the Washington Post for the first month. In short I became too "hot" to be offed. Shoffler also told Merritt that I would be destroyed as the case went forward. The original prosecutors, Judge Sirica and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia colluded to achieve this goal. But ultimately, when the cover-up broke in March 1973, and the truth become known, I was vindicated and survived. Had I been killed early on in the case my mysterious death would have led to the controversy much akin to that of the mystery why Seth Rich was killed in 2016. Watergate would have had a different outcome had not I been targeted for being gay in the first month of the case. As Howard Hunt later wrote in his autobiography when he saw what was being done to me as the defendants' attorney, he concluded he and the other defendants would never receive a fair trial. Hence, the coverup using "hush" money was instituted.
  14. http://vho.org/aaargh/fran/livres10/SuttonBones.pdf
  15. Thanks David and Dan. I find this information about the gay angle in the JFK assassination to be intriguing.
  16. David: I know very little about the role of the Dallas Police Department in the Kennedy Assassination. There are members of the forum who know a great deal about this and likely could answer your question in great detail. My general impression is that in1963 a number of Dallas Police Officers were members of or affiliated with or sympathetic to the KKK and as such would not hesitate to destroy the life or livelihood of a gay person once that person was so identified. Stonewall did not take place until 1969 in New York city. It took many years for the Stonewall Revolution to affect the world in which Dallas was situated.
  17. http://www.rawstory.com/2017/06/corrupt-intent-up-the-wazoo-ex-watergate-prosecutor-says-comey-has-planted-seeds-of-trumps-downfall/ Watergate Assistant Prosecutor Nick Akerman, who investigated the vicious abuse that I suffered as a gay in that case, has resurfaced in Trumpgate. As noted in the Watergate Special Prosecutor Memorandum directly above: Of special significance is the Watergate Special Prosecution Force memorandum of December 20, 1973 prepared by staff attorney Frank Martin regarding an interview of Carl Shoffler. The first sentence of the documents states, “Sgt. Schoffler of the Metropolitan Police Department was interviewed on December 3, 1973, by Horwitz, Akerman and Martin.”
  18. There is a Frank Sturgis homepage on Facebook that has many persons as "friends" whose names your would recognize. I am one of those "friends." Below is a recent posting on it: Note to Andrea Skolnik -- you are correct, my uncle Frank died in 1993. My name is Jim Hunt. I created this avatar to promote discussion about my uncle and his biography which I co-authored, "Frank Sturgis: The CIA's # 1 Spy-Assassin Who Nearly Killed Castro but Was Ambushed By Watergate." It is available on Amazon and MacMillan. I was living with Frank and my aunt Janet when JFK was shot and despite what AJ Weberman says, Frank was not in Dallas that day. However, both my co=author and I conclude that he was involved in the conspiracy.
  19. From the article: Many political movements flop, and those sympathetic to the Religious Right may want to at least give the movement credit for fighting for its beliefs, however ineffectual it was. Lots of political non-profits have an abysmal return on investment. But if the research on religious decline and the Religious Right is correct, and the movement played even a small role in expediting the decline of Americans’ religiosity, it deserves to be judged as one of the most dramatic failures in American political history. http://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/is-the-religious-right-to-blame-for-christianitys-decline/
  20. Bill Clinton Was Blackmailed by Netanyahu Over Monica Sex Tapes http://21stcenturywire.com/2014/08/29/the-israeli-blackmail-machine-the-clintons-werent-the-only-ones/
  21. Congressman: Russian operatives hacked Illinois elections board http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/congressman-russian-operatives-hacked-illinois-elections-board/ar-BBC77Bc?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=UE07DHP
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