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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Actually Senator's Feinstein's statement yesterday on Trump-Russia collusion was rather ambiguous. Also, consider this: https://twitter.com/LouiseMensch/status/860488236208095233/photo/1
  2. Andrew: Those of us in the forum who are intensely interested in the Trump-Russia scandal have been posting regularly in the forum topic whose link is below. This was done at the suggestion of the moderator for the JFK Assassination topic. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?/forum/258-political-discussions/ Doug
  3. From the article quoting Judge Tunheim: “I think Oswald was the only shooter that day. Whether he had discussions with anyone in advance, that was relevant to the assassination, that could have been the basis for a conspiracy, I don’t know if we’ll ever know that for sure,” he said. “That’s fair game for researchers to try to figure out.” http://www.startribune.com/the-final-cache-of-secret-jfk-records-set-for-release-this-year/420958203/
  4. http://www.palmerreport.com/opinion/new-york-attorney-generals-rico-case-will-aim-impoverish-donald-trump-family/2525/
  5. I posted this on Facebook today: Indictments are coming in theTrump Scandal. About five weeks ago Roger Stone was the first to publicly acknowledge that a grand jury had been convened to pursue criminality in the scandal. There was speculation following his announcement that he might have appeared before the grand jury. Since Trump has fired all U.S. Attorneys around the nation to prevent federal prosecutorial action pursuant to a calculated coverup carried out by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions who is h...imself implicated in the scandal, it remains primarily with the New York State Attorney General to initiate and pursue prosecution. So if there are one or more grand juries examining criminality, it is likely being done pursuant to the direction of the New York State Attorney General. It is alleged that the grand jury investigations are forcusing on two matters: money laundering and Trump collusion with Russia in rigging the 2016 presidential election. New York State has jurisdiction over both matters. Paul Manafort is the target of the money laundering grand jury investigation that will focus, among other things, on his purchase of NYC real estate properties with millions of dollars in cash and then later taking out large mortgages on the properties to launder the transactions. New York State also has jurisdiction over investigating Trump collusion with Russia in rigging the presidential election since activities to do so took place, among other sites, in New York State. Both Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn are likely targets of this grand jury inquiry. Once the New York State indictments come down, there will be immense pressure to appoint a federal speciai prosecutor to initiate and pursue Trump criminality at the national level. Trump and the Republicans will fight to prevent such an appointment, but public outrage will ultimately force such a prosecutor being appointed by the new U.S. Assistant Attorney General who was recently confirmed by the U.S. Senate.
  6. David Talbot wrote on Facebook yesterday: Finally reading this important book that presents essential background information on the showdown between JFK and Allen Dulles. It includes more revelations about the long, close ties between Dulles and Lee Harvey Oswald's "babysitter" in Dallas -- George de Mohrenschildt. The de Mohrenschildt family were part of the oil-intelligence nexus personified by Dulles and the Rockefellers. If the JFK assassination inquiry had not been under the direction of Dulles and John McCloy, ...two pillars of the oil-intelligence world, how important would the de Mohrenschildt connection to Dulles have loomed? Can you imagine what REAL investigators would have made of the fact that the alleged assassin (and in reality the scapegoat for the crime) was being supervised by a globe-trotting spy with close ties to the ex-CIA chief who was fired by President Kennedy and was the president's bitter enemy? I explore this Dulles-de Mohrenschildt connection in "The Devil's Chessboard" -- but thanks to Australian scholar Greg Poulgrain, we now have a whole new piece of the puzzle. Poulgrain also examines how US policy toward oil-rich Indonesia was another hot flashpoint between Dulles and Kennedy -- along with the better known ones like Cuba, the Congo... and France. Btw, the French connection, IMHO, was one of my book's important contributions to our understanding of this history. Who knew that Dulles also wanted to take out President Charles de Gaulle? And that de Gaulle was convinced the CIA took out Kennedy. Conveniently, of course, George de Mohrenschildt was eliminated just as a genuine investigator -- Gaeton Fonzi of the House Select Committee on Assassinations -- came calling on him in 1977. He died of a gunshot wound that authorities concluded was "self-inflicted." These fatal wounds always are in these cases. To his credit, de Mohrenschildt tried to repent for his role in setting up Oswald, a young man who looked up to the older, sophisticated gentleman as a father figure. Toward the end of his life, de Mohrenschildt wrote a sort of mea culpa memoir, "I Am a Patsy!" -- never published, but available online. You should read it -- it contains some of the best insights into the true Oswald I've ever read. It was included in the final report of the House Assassinations Committee (scroll down to p. 70): http://www.history-matters.com/…/pdf/HSCA_Vol12_deMohren.pdf See More Allen Dulles' 'Indonesian strategy' and the assassination of John F. Kennedy -- Sott.net Review of Greg Poulgrain's book "The Incubus of Intervention: Conflicting Indonesian Strategies of John F. Kennedy and Allen Dulles". Would Allen Dulles have resorted… sott.net
  7. Barr McClellan posted this on Facebook today: "Did a Skype interview for a new movie set to open May 31st. Barry Kravitz's "I Killed JFK" has a global opening and will include interviews with several of us. I discussed many disclosures in my sequel JFK:LBJ. Be assured of a fascinating worldwide release."
  8. Staff Report of the House Select Committee on Assassinations on GEORGE DE MOHRENSCHILDT http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/hsca/reportvols/vol12/pdf/HSCA_Vol12_deMohren.pdf
  9. http://capa-us.org/history-channels-jfk-declassified-fallback-original-propaganda-cover-story/
  10. From the article: There is no evidence to suggest that Trump’s theory regarding Cruz and Oswald is true. But now that he has access to troves of documents pertaining to this very issue, perhaps the president can finally prove he’s correct about the Kennedy assassination. Amazingly, as Sheffield points out, the number of Americans who believe Kennedy’s death involved more than one person has jumped from 50 percent to 61 percent since the ‘60s. http://www.rawstory.com/2017/04/trump-could-declassify-documents-proving-cruzs-dad-really-was-with-lee-harvey-oswald-before-jfks-murder/
  11. http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/04/27/will-trump-release-the-missing-jfk-files-215079
  12. Rebuttal To Time Magazine Review of History Channel Series “JFK Declassified” http://capa-us.org/rebuttal-time-magazine-review-history-channel-series-jfk-declassified/
  13. Vince Palamara wrote on Facebook today about last night's program: "Bob Baer made an ass of himself on national television tonight. Horrible. Worst program on assassination ever?"
  14. Comments on Facebook today from those who have done their research homework about last night's TV show are uniformly critical, saying it was a waste of time. http://time.com/4753349/oswald-kennedy-declassified-documentary/ http://ijr.com/2017/04/854816-army-ranger-teams-cia-lapd-dig-deeper-jfk-assassination-uncover-oswald-working/
  15. Two CAPA ‘How To’ Instructional Transcripts By FOIA Experts http://capa-us.org/capa-publishes-two-instructional-transcripts-foia-experts/
  16. http://capa-us.org/significance-potential-release-year-still-secret-secret-service-threat-sheets-jfk/
  17. http://jfkfacts.org/jfk-facts-podcast-history-channel-series-launches-week/
  18. Jefferson Morley: How Mexican Presidents Became CIA Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlR-QeRJB4k
  19. This is a great interview. I should add that its only fault is that Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was one of Trump's biggest supporters in the presidential election and only now is recognizing what those of us foresaw starting with Trump's acceptance speech of the presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention last July. We are closer to a world nuclear war that ever before because the U.S. now faces a nuclear armed Russia and a nuclear armed China. In 1962 in the Cuban Missile Crisis the only two powers were the U.S. and Russia. China slumbered until Nixon awoke it in 1972.
  20. The Astounding Conspiracy Theories of Wall Street Genius Mark Gorton http://gawker.com/the-astounding-conspiracy-theories-of-wall-street-geniu-1561427624
  21. http://www.mypalmbeachpost.com/news/cerabino-manalapan-suicide-should-been-bill-reilly-unraveling-fox/2Ze5EcuLfmOZe03x6fNyfI/
  22. Oliver Stone praises Michele Metta's new evidence on JFK Assassination https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rOF_1ZKOuc&feature=youtu.be
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