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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. David: The issue of homosexuality affected not only the JFK assassination but Watergate also. Pardon me for injecting a personal story here. Below is the sworn affidavit signed by longtime FBI informant Robert Merritt in 2009 in which he described being approached by Washington, D.C. Detective Carl Shoffler and others to murder me soon after the Watergate case broke in 1972. Shoffer was a military intelligence officer assigned to the Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Police Department to monitor radical left and anti-Vietnam War activities. He was the officer that arrested the burglars at Watergate, having obtained advanced knowledge of the planned break-in. The affidavit tells only part of the story of what I was subjected to during the Watergate case because I was a closet homosexual who was blissfully unaware at the time that my sexual preference was known to the authorities. AFFADAVIT 1972 CONSPIRACY TO ASSASSINATE DOUGLAS CADDY, Original Attorney for the Watergate Seven I, Robert Merritt, attest to the following facts regarding my involvement with the Watergate attorney Douglas Caddy, who represented the burglars known as the Watergate Seven. On Saturday, June 17, 1972, five burglars broke into the Democratic National Committee offices in Watergate and were arrested at 2:30 A. M. by Washington, D.C. Police Officer Carl Shoffler. At the time the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department employed me as a Confidential Informant and assigned me to work directly with Officer Shoffler. Two weeks before the arrests at Watergate I provided information to Shoffler about the planned break-in of the DNC that I had obtained as a Confidential Informant from a highly unusual source. By using this advance information, Shoffler developed a successful triangulation strategy that in effect set the burglars up in a form of entrapment. The Watergate scandal thus began and ultimately forced the resignation of President Nixon. Shoffler came to my apartment in Washington, D.C. late in the morning of the day of the events at Watergate and exulted in having made the arrests. He told me that he had secretly telephoned the Washington Post soon after the arrests to tip the newspaper off to what had occurred. He then demanded his special birthday present from me, which I was only too happy to perform. (First meeting) Three days later, on June 20, 1972, Shoffler showed up at my apartment with his supervisor, Police Sgt. Paul Leeper. They asked me if I knew someone by the name of Douglas Caddy, who lived at the Georgetown House, a high-rise apartment, at 2121 P St., N. W., which was directly across the street from my apartment. They told me Douglas Caddy was an attorney who was representing the Watergate burglars and that Douglas Caddy was a communist and pro-Cuban and was a leader of the Young Americans for Freedom. They wanted me to establish a sexual relationship with Douglas Caddy to find out how Douglas Caddy knew to show up for the arraignment of the burglars after their arrest. They asserted that Douglas Caddy had to be in on the conspiracy with the burglars and that in the past he had been shadowed when he frequented a leather-Levi gay bar in Greenwich Village in Manhattan. Shoffler and Leeper related that Douglas Caddy had been working as a White House attorney in a sensitive position. They claimed that I was butch enough to entice Douglas Caddy, a masculine gay guy, into a sexual affair to obtain the information they wanted. They told me that this was the most important thing that I could do for my country and that I would be well-paid if I undertook the assignment. Their initial offer was $10,000. I asked Shoffler about who it was that so desperately wanted this information from Douglas Caddy and he said that it was from very high up sources in the Department of Justice and the U. S. Attorney’s office. I did not commit to doing the assignment. Two days later, on June 22, 1972, which was my birthday, Shoffler came to my apartment to give me my birthday present. He spent the entire day with me. Afterwards, when we were relaxing in bed, he gently tried to persuade me to cooperate with him and Leeper regarding the Douglas Caddy assignment. I emphatically told him “No.” I didn’t know Douglas Caddy and I didn’t know how to get to know him and I was bothered that undertaking the assignment could lead to the destruction of another gay person who apparently was still in the closet and merely attempting to represent his clients. We talked about the break-in and Shoffler told me straight out that the burglars were hired indirectly by one of the 100 families of America, which Shoffler named as the Kennedy Family. Shoffler said, “The intention of the Watergate break-in was to destroy the Nixon presidency. President Nixon was guilty of nothing in its planning.” Shoffler said that there were hidden motivations involved, such as the fear of law enforcement agencies that their turf would be reduced by President Nixon through a scheme known as the Houston Plan, the CIA’s concern that President Nixon planned to reorganize the intelligence agencies and their operations, and the Defense Department’s opposition to President Nixon’s new China policy. I asked Shoffler if he was angry at me for refusing to take the Caddy assignment and he smiled at me and said he was glad that I didn’t. (Third meeting) In the March 1973, nine months after the initial overture and a month after the first Watergate trial ended, I met with Shoffler and Leeper, FBI agents Terry O’Connor and Bill Tucker and their FBI Agent-In-Charge, whose name escapes me. Leeper did most of the talking. He again tried to persuade me to take on the Douglas Caddy assignment, making an initial offer of $25,000. I refused outright. The group then said that I could be paid as much as $100,000 if I took the assignment but I still refused without providing any explanation. Once it was understood that I would not accept the offer, Leeper declared that the least I could do was to spread the rumor around Washington, D. C. that Douglas Caddy was gay in an effort to force him to come out of the closet. Their intention was to defame Douglas Caddy. This was the last attempt to persuade me to take the Douglas Caddy assignment. The group departed angrily, with the exception Shoffler, who secretly winked at me as he went out the door. DISCLOSURE OF SECOND MEETING On June 17, 2009, 37 years after Watergate, I notified Douglas Caddy, now an attorney in Houston, Texas, of a well kept secret and informed him of a new Watergate revelation. (Previously I had disclosed to Douglas Caddy that there had been two meetings regarding the Caddy assignment as discussed above.) I then informed Douglas Caddy that there had been a second meeting about the Caddy assignment. It took place on June 28, 1972, with Shoffler and four others agents who were never introduced to me. I am quite certain that these agents were from either Military Intelligence or the CIA. I know that they were not FBI agents from their manner and the special type of assignment they asked me to do regarding Douglas Caddy. Shoffler and these agents met with me in my apartment at 2122 P Street, N.W. Douglas Caddy did in fact live across the street from me in the Georgetown House at 2121 P St., N.W. One of the agents, whom I will never forget, had two plastic bags, one containing two small blue pills and another that had a laboratory test tube with a small gelatin substance that was approximately ¼ inch in diameter. He referred to it as a suppository. The assignment was to become intimately acquainted with Douglas Caddy as quickly as possible. The exact description of the assignment was to engage in oral sex with Douglas Caddy and in doing so I was suppose to fondle his balls and ass, and at the same time insert the small gelatin like suppository into his rectum, which would have caused death within minutes. If there were any delay in the lethal process that would prevent me from leaving fast from his presence, then I was to take the small blue pills, which would have caused me nausea, providing me with an excuse to leave for home immediately. The agents told me that Douglas Caddy had to be eliminated without fail. My first reaction was that they were “nuts.” But then Shoffler pulled me aside and whispered that this was a very real and serious situation and the decision was entirely up to me. The agents were planning a pre-arrange way for me to meet Douglas Caddy, which they did not disclose at the time. I asked the agents what the reason was that they wanted for me to go to this length and why they and the government were taking such a risk. I was told that this matter involved a high national security situation that they were not at liberty to disclose. The agents stated that their orders did not allow them to know the answers and that they were only following orders from their superiors who sometimes did not know the answers either and merely implemented instructions from those above. However, from the agents’ comments I inferred that because Douglas Caddy was gay, that was reason enough. The agents informed me that I would be well taken care of for this assignment. They also said that I would never have to worry about anything for the rest of my life. I was totally repulsed by the entire assignment and proposition. After I emphatically refused, the agents swore me to secrecy and left. Only in July of 1986 when I was subpoenaed by Shoffler to testify before the grand jury in the Lenny Bias case in Upper Marlboro, Maryland did he ever discuss this subject again. At that time he said, “Butch, I am glad that you did not go through with that Douglas Caddy assignment because I found out that those two little blue pills would have caused your instant death.” I regret that I never disclosed these facts until now. I suppressed this information out of fear for my life. Some of the background information in this affidavit about my relationship with Shoffler as a Confidential Informant was disclosed by Jim Hougan in his 1984 best-selling book, Secret Agenda: Watergate, Deep Throat and the CIA (see pages 320-323). Some was also disclosed in the Watergate Special Prosecution Force Memorandums of its two interviews of me and one of Officer Carl Shoffler in 1973. This sworn statement is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God. I, Robert Merritt, swear in this affidavit that the facts are true to the best of my knowledge under the penalty of perjury. Robert Merritt Subscribed and sworn to before me on the 28th of July, 2009, to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. Notary Public in and for the State of New York Ricardo S. Castro Notary Public, State of New York No. 01CA5041272 Qualified in Bronx County Comm. Exp. 08/29/09 7/29/09 Although Merritt is not publicly recognized as a major figure in Watergate, he was well known to the Watergate Special Prosecutor. He was interviewed six times by the Watergate Special Prosecution Force, the last interview being on the day before the infamous Saturday Night Massacre in which the FBI stormed the office of the Special Prosecutor and seized dozens of boxes of documents. Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox was present at this final interview of Merritt. The next day Cox was fired. No written memorandum of the final key interview could be located in the National Archives, although memoranda of five of the prior Merritt interviews were stored there. Among these is the memorandum of July 24, 1973 to Terry Lenzer from Jim Moore, the opening sentence of which reads: “Lee Sheehy and I met on 7/20/73 with Mr. Merritt and his lawyer, David Isbell, at Mr. Isbell’s office, 888 16th Street, N.W. (Covington & Burling).” Moore’s memorandum on page 3 states: “On July 13, 19712 Merritt’s one association with the Watergate affair began. Detective Schaffler and Sergeant Leeper of the DC police visited Merritt and asked him to find out all he could about Douglas Caddy, who was representing some of the Watergate defendants. Caddy lived at 2121 P Street, NW, across the street from Merritt’s residence at that time. Merritt did not know Caddy. Schaffler and Leeper told Merritt that Caddy was homosexual and pro-Cuban. In response to Merritt’s questions, Schaffler and Leper said this assignment did not come from the police intelligence or the FBI or the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Division or the CIA. They further denied the assignment involved the Justice Department in any way. They would not tell Merritt who had authorized their request, but Schaffler laughingly said that it could possibly come from sources higher than the Justice Department. They told Merritt that it could be his biggest job and that it was one of the best things he could do for his country. Merritt refused to carry out the assignment. He says that he was periodically asked during 1972 to find out about Caddy, these requests coming from Schaffler or Leper. As recently as February 22 or 23, 1973 Schaffler asked him if he knew anything about Caddy or could find out anything about him. According to Merritt (I will check the transcript on this), on May 16 or 17, 1973 Leper testified before the Senate Watergate Committee that there was no police involvement in Watergate in any way after the apprehension of the burglars on the night of the break-in. Merritt says that Leper was personally involved in the effort to enlist him, Merritt, in the investigation of Caddy. Consequently, Leper committed perjury before the Committee. Isbell and Merritt are interested in pursuing possible perjury committed by Leper and in pursuing the more general question of possible DC police involvement in post-break-in investigations and activities.” Of special significance is the Watergate Special Prosecution Force memorandum of December 20, 1973 prepared by staff attorney Frank Martin regarding an interview of Carl Shoffler. The first sentence of the documents states, “Sgt. Schoffler of the Metropolitan Police Department was interviewed on December 3, 1973, by Horwitz, Akerman and Martin.” The document further discloses, “Schoffler was questioned concerning the incident involving [redacted]. Schoffler stated that at some time after the Watergate arrests, Shoffler and Leper were in their car and met Merritt near his residence at 2121 P Street. Schoffler stated that he had first seen [redacted] the day after the Watergate arrests when [redacted] came to represent the Cubans. When Schoffler and Leper met Merritt, Merritt stated that he might know [redacted] and Merritt had an article from the newspaper with a picture of [redacted] in it. Schoffler told Merritt to let him know if Merritt found out who [redacted] was and if he was ‘funny’, i.e., homosexual. Schoffler stated that this was an off-hand comment and he never expected Merritt to do anything, and Merritt never told Schoffler anything about Caddy. “Schoffler stated that in the summer of 1973, after he had testified in the Watergate hearings, Schoffler met Merritt. Merritt stated that he had made all sorts of calls to Senators concerning Watergate and the Caddy incident with Schoffler. Schoffler stated that he told Merritt that if he, Merritt, reported a crime then that was one thing, but that if he reported something that was only in his head it was going to come back on him. Schoffler said that he did not in any way threaten Merritt.”
  2. JFK had a lifelong gay friend living in the White House when he was president. It is hard to reconcile this with the claim that Kennedy was killed in "homosexual thrill-killing." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lem_Billings
  3. [Daily Beast article posted for informational purposes only) From the article: It would take a separate article (or even book) to explain why Garrison ordered Clay Shaw’s arrest in the first place (and some very good ones have been written, including Patricia Lambert’s False Witness). Suffice it to say that at the time of the arrest and until later in March, Garrison’s theory of the case was that JFK’s assassination was actually a “homosexual thrill-killing.” The president had been murdered in broad daylight because he was everything the conspirators were not: “a successful, handsome, popular, wealthy, virile man.” Under this scenario, Shaw, who was gay but closeted, also went by the name of Clay Bertrand, a mysterious person linked to the assassination. “Bertrand” had supposedly tried to arrange a defense counsel for Lee Harvey Oswald during the weekend following his capture on Friday, Nov. 22, 1963. The Warren Commission and FBI thoroughly investigated the “Bertrand” allegation in 1964, and had concluded (correctly) that it was a fabrication concocted by a publicity-seeking New Orleans attorney named Dean Andrews. “Bertrand” was not even a real person. http://www.thedailybeast.com/was-russia-behind-cia-killed-jfk Then there is this: http://jfkfacts.org/daily-beast-gets-played-silly-jfk-theory/#more-25163
  4. John Barbour posted this comment on Facebook today, which included the link below: The Deep State, as Jim Garrisob says in ' The Amer. Media & The 2nd Assassination Of Pres. John F. Kennedy' could not kill JFK without the help of the Media. This is one reason we entered it in The Moscow Film Festival where we seem to be hearing more Truth about our own country than from our own Media. https://www.prisonplanet.com/putin-if-the-deep-state-can-kill-jfk-they-can-frame-russia-for-hacks.html
  5. Ramon: Thanks for reminding me to post about this important event that will take place in Houston, where I live. Nov. 16-17 CAPA Legal Committee, Mock Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald, Nov. 16-17, South Texas Law School, Houston, TX. The CAPA Legal Committee co-chaired by attorneys Lawrence Schnapf and Bill Simpich is organizing a mock trial in cooperation with the South Texas Law School. It will use 21st Century techniques and what has been learned from the Innocence Project and the 2009 National Academy Science report on forensic evidence to examine the evidence used by the Warren Commission and the House Select Committee on Assassinations to identify Lee Harvey Oswald as the alleged sole assassin of President John F. Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963.
  6. Putin Exhumes JFK Assassination Conspiracy Theory In Megyn Kelly Q&A On Election Tampering From the article: “There’s a theory that Kennedy’s assassination was arranged by the United Sates intelligence services,” Putin began. “So, if this theory is correct and that can’t be ruled out, then what could be easier, in this day and age, than using all the technical means at the disposal of the intelligence services, and using those means to organize some attacks – and then pointing the finger at Russia.” https://www.yahoo.com/tv/vladimir-putin-exhumes-jfk-assassination-004835276.html
  7. Moderator: Please correct the last word in the title to be 'Treatment." The article posted itself online even before I went to the post button.
  8. Poster's note: There is much to recommend in this article by Anton Chaitkin, especially the author's detailed examination of the historical contributions made by President Kennedy in reaching out to Russia [then the Soviet Union] to secure world peace. President Trump, overtly and covertly, has also sought to reach out to Russia. Trump's motivation, however, is totally different than that of JFK's. His is not based on a quest for world peace but instead rests on his decades of alleged corrupt business ties to Russian oligarchs and the Russian mafia, which will be exposed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller In future criminal proceedings. The Coup, Then and Now – The Enemies of Humanity Try to Give Trump the JFK Treatment http://thesaker.is/the-coup-then-and-now-the-enemies-of-humanity-try-to-give-trump-the-jfk-treatment/
  9. David Talbot wrote on Facebook on June 2, 2017: Too soon? That's the gag line that comics sometimes use when audiences groan at what they think are jokes in bad taste...on topics from the assassination of Abraham Lincoln to 9/11. But "too soon" is clearly what the U.S. history establishment (including Michael Beschloss, Ken Burns, Doris Kearns Goodwin and David McCullough) thinks, when it comes to confronting the truth about the assassination of President Kennedy, nearly 54 years after the gunfire erupted from more than o...ne location in Dealey Plaza. (Kennedy aides riding in the motorcade later told Attorney General Robert Kennedy that it felt like they were caught in a crossfire.) I'm thinking of this during the centennial of JFK's birth -- an occasion that the academic establishment SHOULD have used (like many other earlier anniversaries) to demand the release of thousands of pages of JFK-related documents still being locked away by the CIA, in violation of federal law. But the grand myth-makers of America's past slumber on, happy to be spotlighted on PBS and the cable news shows and given big book contracts and endowed chairs. Their willful ignorance is so easily purchased.
  10. Robert Caro, Nearing the End of His Epic L.B.J. Bio, Eyes a Trip to Vietnam https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/02/books/robert-caro-nearing-the-end-of-his-epic-lbj-bio-eyes-a-trip-to-vietnam.html?_r=1
  11. Cuba linked to JFK assassination, claims former CIA agent http://www.express.co.uk/news/history/812656/jfk-assassination-cuba-declassified-hunting-lee-harvey-oswald [Posted here for informational purposes only.]
  12. The White House, the CIA and the Pike Committee, 1975 http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB596-Pike-Committee-and-White-House-clashed-over-access-to-CIA-secrets/
  13. Among the many comments made on Facebook about this article: Joan Mellen: Well, evidence that Shaw was "Employed" by CIA is strong, as is the evidence that the Agency attempted to manipulate the Garrison case. Evidence that Shaw perjured himself is also strong. Evidence that Garrison used Shaw's sexual orientation against him is non-existent. Regarding Oswald's "intelligence training," Garrison was proven to be correct without having access to the documents that we have. Mark Hunter: They were all Gay Oswald,Ruby,ferrie,Hoover,Tolson,Most of the Cubans Eladio D, Most all of them!! That's Old News
  14. Uncovering the alleged LGBT connection in the JFK assassination http://www.epgn.com/news/local/8089-uncovering-the-alleged-lgbt-connection-in-the-jfk-assassination
  15. Pittsburgh Forensic Pathologist Says JFK Assassination Investigation Is Far From Over http://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/2017/06/02/cyril-wecht-jfk-assassination-investigation/
  16. Jefferson Morley wrote on Facebook recently: I interviewed Tony Veciana twice, once in a Washington hotel room, once in his Miami boat story. I spent about four hours with him total. I questioned him closely about certain events, shared some declassified documents (in which he was identified by the CIA code name of AMSHALE.) He spoke directly about the events in which he participated. Unlike a lot of Cuban revolutionaries, he did not wax eloquent. Nor did he BS, as far I could tell. You could say he was cold-blooded man. He was also blunt about his own mistakes and misdeeds, and candid in his regrets. Veciana was a soldier in the 50 year secret war between the U.S. and Cuba. He lived to tell his tale. And when it came to JFK, he talked.
  17. John Barbour posted this message on Facebook today: I am not surprised in LA the Times dismissed the film as 'conspiracy porn.'In NY where we open at the Cinema Village, the NY Times will dismiss it by not even mentioning it. What is surprising is that so called counter culture papers like The LA Weekly and Village Voice had no interest in just peeking at it. The additional surprise is that the NY critic MAY want to review it, and asked for a dvd which I sent. I also sent this letter: John Defore, 629 54th st., Re: Holl...ywood Reporter Review Brooklyn, NY, 11220 John: Thank you for your interest and curiosity in wanting to possibly write a review of my film, 'The American Media & The 2nd. Assassination Of Pres. John F. Kennedy.' As the former film critic for LA Magazine for ten years, and five years at KNBC, Los Angeles, let me tell you that two things are evident and important when you write a review. One is: your opinion of the film. Two: and much more important.. if you hope for a long career at this: are you a good writer, and are you knowledgeable about the subject. No 2 is important in this case. If you look at the non review in the LA Times, Fri., May 26th., you will quickly discover the reviewer knew absolutely nothing about the subject, so dismissed it with the trite phrase 'Conspiracy porn!' He was so ignorant, not being able to refute one of the mountains of facts,and so anxious to not have his ignorance upset, he dismissed me as 'Someone with a grudge!' That is true. A grudge against incompetents like this who have infested our media for 50 plus years as you will see, trampling on the truths uncovered by Jim Garrison's investigation, sabotaged illegally by both media and government. Hard facts for good folks to swallow. Impossible facts to disprove. If you go to the LA Times site, you will also se my spot on review of his review. Now, I do not care if you think the movie is a piece of crap. That is up to you. But for my sake and your sake, the readers' sake, and the film's sake, at least make it readable and interesting and funny if you can. Whatever you do, I hope it sees print! Good luck, and thanks again. John Barbour.
  18. Historian Timothy Snyder: “It’s pretty much inevitable” that Trump will try to stage a coup and overthrow democracy http://www.salon.com/2017/05/01/historian-timothy-snyder-its-pretty-much-inevitable-that-trump-will-try-to-stage-a-coup-and-overthrow-democracy/
  19. Ted himself is a treasure trove of information about a lot of things, not only the JFK assassination. His posts on Facebook on what is happening in the world of organized crime are always illuminating.
  20. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?/forum/278-trump-campaign-and-presidency-discussion/
  21. Kazakh dirty-money suit threatens to reach Trump’s business world http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/national/article152934589.html
  22. Oswald and Ruby targeted by the NSA? http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?%2Ftopic%2F5675-oswald-and-ruby-targeted-by-the-nsa%2F Note: Ted Rubenstein posted this oldie but goodie from the forum on Facebook today. I am constantly amazed at the treasure trove of information that can be found in old postings on the forum, such as this one.
  23. Even the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal today picks on poor little Donald Trump. It is enough to reduce the poor man to tears. http://www.rawstory.com/2017/05/he-is-the-root-of-dysfunction-right-wing-wsj-editorial-shreds-trump-for-sowing-white-house-chaos/
  24. http://www.apimages.com/metadata/Index/Associated-Press-Domestic-News-Dist-of-Columbi-/73a5a68e61e5da11af9f0014c2589dfb/1/0
  25. http://resist.thepoliticalvoice.com/breaking/the-white-house-doesnt-want-you-to-see-this-disturbing-footage-of-trump-in-europe-but-we-have-it-right-here-video/
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