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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Woody Harrelson: my father, the contract killer https://www.theguardian.com/film/2012/feb/17/woody-harrelson-my-father-contract-killer-rampart?CMP=share_btn_fb
  2. Another great one: http://www.unz.org/Pub/Ramparts-1966nov-00039
  3. Caroline Kennedy: JFK wouldn't have escalated US in Vietnam By Matthew Jaffe, University of Chicago Institute of Politics Updated 11:25 AM ET, Thu September 8, 2016 http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/08/politics/caroline-kennedy-axe-files/index.html
  4. 1950s documents highlight McCarthy-era anti-gay purges http://www.washingtonblade.com/2016/08/31/1950s-documents-highlight-mccarthy-era-anti-gay-purges/
  5. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/oliver-stone-edward-snowden-america-925611
  6. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/09/07/natalie-portman-wows-as-jacqueline-kennedy-in-jackie-a-powerful-portrait-of-grief-under-fire.html
  7. Natalie Portman Becomes Jackie in First Clip From Pablo Larraíns Drama https://thefilmstage.com/news/watch-natalie-portman-becomes-jackie-in-first-clip-from-pablo-larrains-drama/
  8. Soviet Law and the Assassination of JFK https://blogs.loc.gov/law/2013/11/soviet-law-and-the-assassination-of-jfk/
  9. https://glomardisclosure.com/2016/09/04/a-history-and-analysis-of-the-watergate-double-agent-theory/
  10. https://glomardisclosure.com/2016/09/04/a-history-and-analysis-of-the-watergate-double-agent-theory/
  11. Author Phil Nelson, who is not a member of the forum at this time, asked me to post his response to prior remarks concerning him in this thread by Jim DiEugenio. It is my privilege to do so: Phil Nelson's Response to DiEugenio: James ("Jimmy") DiEugenio has proved once again that he is a master prevaricator who thinks that if he repeats outrageous lies, with authority, and often, then he will convince masses of people that he speaks the "truth." He either learned that from Joseph Goebbels or Lyndon Johnson, who became a master debater using that very device. First he mentions the CTKA review of my Mastermind book saying, "Our review, by Joe Green, called him on this." Talk about a "hatchet job," as he called Seymour Hersh's important work, that so called "review" set the standard that is still being used by that organization (which should be retitled "CPCTKA" with the addition of "Politically Correct" to properly qualify the term "Truth." "Mean Joe Green" definitely did not present a case for Johnson being in the Altgens photograph, since all he said was, Except I can see LBJ in the photograph, as can most others. One would think that any attempt to rebut that point might consist of a strong and thorough analysis, based on blow-up copies and accompanying sketches, which at least attempts to spot LBJs ear, or nose, or whatever. But that would be wrong; Greens proof was simply that single meaningless sentence. This perfunctory treatment of the photo is reflective of the overall quality of the review itself. As to what "proof" Robert Groden has now posted in his overpriced book, I have my doubts that it would stand the "smell" test any better than Green's lame attempt. Frankly, I don't have the time, inclination or money to invest in exploring that rabbit hole. ___________________________________ Next DiEugenio launched yet another attack on my "sources," in his feeble attempt to discredit some of the most famous truth-seekers of all time, including Seymour Hersh. If Hersh had never published a book titled, "The Darker Side of Camelot" we would have never had to defend a man of his stature. But that book said some unkind things about JFK's personal activities that are not allowed to be repeated over at CTKA because they might undermine much of the real story of why JFK was assassinated: Jimmy D: "Nelson tried to point to an article in the NY Times showing that Hersh had gone contra to the CIA on the My Lai Massacre--in other words it may have been part of the Phoenix Operation. Well guess what? I went and got the article at the library: Hersh did not write it." The HELL he didn't. The article simply didn't have his name, or any other, in the by-line, a common practice in those days. But in his quest to rewrite factual truths DiEugenio will throw that statement "Hersh did not write it" against the wall, hoping it will stick and no one will notice that he neglected to announce just who did write it. Let's call it "EXHIBIT A" that he cannot deny. This sentence was a part of my 2011 "CTKA Response" paper referencing Hersh's works: "This continuing, shameless character assassination of one of the foremost heroes of our time is disgusting. Seymour Hersh exposed the gruesome details of the March, 1968 carnage at My Lai in a blockbuster news report on November 12, 1969, shortly after Calley was arrested. It had taken that long for the news to leak out because of the cover-up within the military." At the time of our little squabble back in 2011, I couldn't prove one way or the other who wrote that unattributed article, but knowing that Seymour Hersh practically owned that entire story, indeed won a Polk award and the Pulitzer Prize for his reportage of My Lai, it was obvious to me that he was the author of that article and several others that appeared in 1970-72. Well, guess what: Since then, an article in the March 30, 2015 magazine The New Yorker by Mr. Hersh himself stated: "On November 15, 1969, two days after the publication of my first My Lai dispatch, an antiwar march in Washington drew half a million people." Whether it was two days, or three days, only a first class nitpicker would question, and Hersh was undoubtedly going on his memory when he wrote his latest article forty-six years later referenced below: http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/03/30/the-scene-of-the-crime DiEugenio also erroneously stated, repeatedly misstated, as he continually spread the disinformation, that Seymour Hersh was a CIA stooge, an absurd claim for which he invented even more lies to prop up, as I pointed out in my essay back in 2011 regarding the CTKA's so-called "review" of the Mastermind book. I was given the task of attempting to correct a mythological history that DiEugenio had spent years to create: He repeatedly, over many years (who knows how long?) tried to trash Hersh because he just couldn't allow for the fact that JFK's personal lifestyle -- his affairs with ladies that are by now rather well established by most rational, clear thinking, objective people -- caused many people to dislike the 35th POTUS, whether Jimmy likes it or not. That's because he does not want his followers to see how LBJ, Hoover, Helms, Angleton, et. al. used those dalliances (their jealousness might have had something to do with it) to whip up the animosity of others, while berating the Kennedys as wild and reckless and opening themselves up for blackmail or extortion. A good example of this kind of rebel-rousing was contained in a letter (previously posted by Phil Drago) that was written in the late 1990s by a Boston financial services official to Robert Caro, for the purpose of alerting him to the actions of Eliot Janeway, a famed economist and newspaper columnist regarding his efforts in the summer of 1963 to warn the investment community of a pending "regime change." A partial excerpt from that letter reads as follow: In the summer of 1963 the economist Eliot Janeway kept an appointment he had made with William H. Gassett, vice president and economist of Eaton & Howard, Inc., located at 24 Federal St., Boston. Bill Gassett had previously telephoned me, two floors above him, and asked me to attend the meeting. I was a portfolio manager, not an economist, and when I entered Gassetts office I expected to see some other people from Eaton & Howard there as well. But I was the only one invited. . . . For the next twenty to thirty minutes Janeway spoke to us as a close friend of LBJ of long standing about the dangerous man called John F. Kennedy who occupied the presidency of the United States. He whispered his comments in what I have always referred to as a hiss. Janeway had not one good thing to say about JFK or his brother Robert, and strongly advised us to consider the great damage that they could and probably would do to the nation. Following the assassination, when I saw many older officers, who were staunch Republicans, openly weep, I telephoned Gassett from my office and reminded him of Janeways earlier visit. Gassett said, I dont even want to think about it. (See Deep Politics Forum, re: Robert Caro Book Review, Post #29: https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/showthread.php?10096-Book-Review-of-Robert-Caro-s-THE-PASSAGE-OF-POWER/page3#.V87peo-cGUl) DiEugenio's Specialty: Smearing Sources, Reframing Heroes as "CIA Stooges" The folks at CTKA, following their leader, have disgracefully smeared the name one of the Twentieth Century's most prolific truth seekers. His incredible achievements, starting with the exposure of war crimes at My Lai, took great courage, against some mighty powerful institutional blockades. But, in their attempt to banish Seymour Hersh's book "The Dark Side of Camelot", from being used as a credible source for anything else, the CTKA organization has attempted to demolish Seymour Hersh's reputation as an iconoclastic figure who deserved praise from his fellow citizens. Instead, we were told exactly the opposite of the truth in the following snippet from DiEugenio's post on the Education Forum nearly six years ago. This has been going on for a number of decades and as his current post illustrates, he still hasn't stopped his prevarications. --------------------- From a posting on the Education Forum "Joe Green's Review of LBJ the Mastermind": James DiEugenio, on 27 December 2010 - 10:16 PM, said to me, Phillip F. Nelson: "Obviously, if you had the evidence for doing such things you would not have spent so much time regurgitating the likes of Sy Hersh and his completely discredited book "The Dark Side of Camelot". I mean, do you know anything about the man? Apparently not. Hersh has been in bed with the CIA since the beginning of his career. Yes, that is true. Hersh started his career off by covering up a simple fact: That the My Lai massacre was part of Operation Phoenix. Which was one of the darkest CIA secrets of the Vietnam War. Hersh's book goes to all kinds of absurd lengths to conceal that fact, explicitly saying that the massacre was not part of any kind of operational conspiracy. Hersh did such a nice job covering it up that we had to wait for a real reporter, Doug Valentine, to show us My Lai was part of Operation Phoenix. But Hersh did such good cover up work that Phoenix was then exported to Central America, against the Contras." _________________________ Something about all of that didn't make sense to me. Here we have a famous reporter and author, Seymour Hersh, who I have always felt was a rare "hero" of that incredibly insane time in the history of this country. I acknowledge that there have been some controversies in his past, and some of his work has been rightly criticized by other researchers, but that's what happens when you're a true iconoclast, working on the edges, exposing truths to a nation not always receptive to the uglier truths. But here, this is about DiEugenio's and CTKA's despicable trashing of a guy who was all alone on the fringes of the mighty military and intelligence machine, whose record to most thoughtful Americans is among the best. There was something wrong with this picture. So I looked on Amazon to see if I could find anything in the book he had cited (The Phoenix Program by Douglas Valentine) which might clarify all of this. Fortunately, the book was partially on-line, and there were references to Operation Phoenix on pp. 342-345. Guess who Valentine referenced three times as stating, both in his news reports and his subsequent book, Cover Up, that indeed the My Lai massacre was a part of Operation Phoenix. None other than Seymour Hersh! Here are the excerpts, right out of Valentine's book, so you don't have to bother looking them up for yourself: P.342 On August 25, 1970, an article appeared in the New York Times [though the author was not named, it is a historical fact that Seymour Hersh was exclusively reporting this story for the Times] hinting that the CIA, through Phoenix, was responsible for Mai Lai. The story line was advanced on October 14, when defense attorneys for David Mitchella sergeant accused and later cleared of machine-gunning scores of Vietnamese in a drainage ditch in My Laiciting Phoenix as the CIAs systematic program of assassinations, named Evan Parker as the CIA officer who signed documents, certain blacklists, of Vietnamese to be assassinated in My Lai. When we spoke, Parker denied the charge. P. 343 In Cover-up (1972), Seymour Hersh tells how in February 1968, Ramsdell began rounding up residents of Quang Ngai City whose names appeared on Phoenix blacklists. Explained Ramsdell: After Tet we knew who many of these people were, but we let them continue to function because we were controlling them. They led us to the VC security officer for the district. We wiped them out after Tet and then went ahead and picked up the small fish. The people who were wiped out, Hersh explains, were put to death by the Phoenix Special Police. P. 344 As Hersh notes parenthetically, Shortly after the My Lai 4 operation, the number of VCI on the Phoenix blacklist was sharply reduced. (Emphasis added, for Mr. DiEugenio's benefit) ...................... What DiEugenio stated in the above thread, and has been repeating for many years, and STILL CONTINUES, is the exact opposite of what was actually in the book. To call them "untruths" seems a little too charitable in my opinion. And that begs the question: "How many of his other assertions about Hersh, or anyone else that he's assaulted with untruths, would withstand the scrutiny of someone who had the time to track them all down and unparse the words he has used to drag the names of all the people he attempts to discredit through the mud?" Mr. DiEugenio has a track record of word parsing, twisting meanings, selective preference and general prevarications. Clearly, as these examples attest, they are all intended to set boundaries for would-be critical thinkers and he has mastered that art just like some of his (apparently favorite) politicians: LBJ, for one, the "master debater" of all time.
  12. https://stevenhager420.wordpress.com/2013/10/02/masonry-is-a-key-to-the-jfk-assassination/
  13. I listened to the interview of author Richard Lertzman on coasttocoastam last night. His presentation was devastating in regard to both JFK and Jackie. He claimed that he had access to Dr. Jacobson's medical files and records as well as a 200 page unpublished manuscript by Jacobson that were supplemented with interviews of key players in the saga. The author said that Jacobson accompanied JFK to Vienna in 1961 when he had his meeting with Khrushchev and that Jacobson injected JFK twice with his "energy formula" before the meeting was held. Jacobson may have been an agent for the Soviets but in any case Khrushchev was fully aware of JFK's dependency on the injections. The author said that Jackie depended on the injections not only when she was First Lady but up until her death, even after Jacobson lost his medical license after which she found another supplier. He said Jackie's early death was likely caused by the injections over the years. Robert Kennedy and JFK's White House physician tried to cut Jacobson off from having contact with JFK but the President was adamant about continuing to get injections from the doctor. Both the U.S. and Soviet Intelligence Communities were fully aware of JFK's dependency. The author implied that he feared what would have happened if JFK had not been assassinated in 1963 and continued to be president. But we do know what happened after his assassination. President Johnson promptly moved the Vietnam War into high gear so that his Texas supporters, Brown&Root and the oil companies, would reap hundreds of millions of dollars while 55,000 U.S service men and women died in the useless war. The CIA and the Military also reaped hundreds of millions of dollars (perhaps even billions over the years) from controlling the drug trade in Vietnam among American personnel and then bringing that trade back to the U.S. mainland.
  14. Coasttocoastam website summary of program: Date: Monday - September 5, 2016 Host: George Noory Guests: Richard Lertzman In the first half, author and publisher Richard A. Lertzman discussed Dr. Max Jacobson, whom the Secret Service under JFK code-named "Dr. Feelgood." He developed a unique "energy formula" which contained methamphetamine and altered the paths of some of the 20th century’s most iconic figures, including President and Jackie Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, and Frank Sinatra. Dr. Jacobson, who immigrated out of Nazi Germany, had trained with Karl Jung, and first developed a treatment for multiple sclerosis using methamphetamine. His injection formula that became popular with writers, celebrities, and politicians, not only included amphetamine, but such bizarre ingredients as sheep sperm, monkey gonads, human placenta, and steroids, Lertzman detailed. The concoction "gave people instant power, instant energy, and took away their pain," but Dr. Jacobson never told patients what was actually in the formula. His intentions may have started out positive, but eventually he used the treatments to gain power over his clients such as JFK, who became addicted to the drug, and included Dr. Jacobson as part of his entourage. According to Lertzman's research, Marilyn Monroe was injected by him just before she went on stage to sing her famous rendition of "Happy Birthday Mr. President." Among "Dr. Feelgod's" famous patients were the writers Tennessee Williams, Truman Capote, and Rod Serling, actress Elizabeth Taylor, and baseball player Mickey Mantle. Jacobson was eventually disbarred from practicing medicine in New York state, and tougher drug laws were enacted in 1972 that curtailed these kinds of medical practices. http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2016/09/05 https://www.amazon.com/Dr-Feelgood-Shocking-Treating-Prominent/dp/1620875896/ctoc
  15. From the coasttocoastam website about tonight's radio program: Dr. Feelgood In the first half, Richard A. Lertzman will discuss Dr. Max Jacobson, whom the Secret Service under President John F. Kennedy code-named "Dr. Feelgood." He developed a unique "energy formula" thought to contain methamphetamine and steroids that altered the paths of some of the twentieth century’s most iconic figures, including President and Jackie Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, Frank Sinatra, and Elvis. http://www.coasttocoastam.com/
  16. https://glomardisclosure.com/2016/09/04/a-history-and-analysis-of-the-watergate-double-agent-theory/
  17. https://stevenhager420.wordpress.com/2013/11/27/h-l-hunt-is-a-key-to-the-jfk-assassination/
  18. https://glomardisclosure.com/2016/08/31/reporting-cias-watergate-history-wrong/
  19. Working draft: CIA Watergate history https://ia601506.us.archive.org/23/items/CIAWatergateHistory/Working%20Draft%20-%20CIA%20Watergate%20History.pdf
  20. Working draft: CIA Watergate history https://ia601506.us.archive.org/23/items/CIAWatergateHistory/Working%20Draft%20-%20CIA%20Watergate%20History.pdf
  21. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/04/business/a-nightmare-presidential-campaign-ad-that-stayed-in-the-vault.html
  22. Note: I am posting this video by Steven Hager separate from another thread in this forum that contains his writings because it deserves special attention: What really happened to JFK? A video by Steven Hager Published September 3, 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCsd98VOFnc&feature=youtu.be&a
  23. Hager's essay is full of insights. https://stevenhager420.wordpress.com/2013/10/01/allen-dulles-is-a-key-to-the-jfk-assassination/
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