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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. From the coasttocoastam website Date: Thursday - June 23, 2016 Host: George Noory Guests: Ashton Gray Thursday's first guest, Ashton Gray has spent many years investigating the circumstances and motives behind the Watergate break-ins of 1972, which ultimately led to the resignation of president Richard Nixon. The official story was that the Watergate "burglars" broke in to the offices of the Democratic National Committee (with Nixon’s knowledge) to plant bugs so that the Democratic party's election plans could be learned ahead of time. Grey says that the idea from the beginning was to allow the burglars to have an alibi when they confessed to their activities, since "a confession in court always trumps any evidence" and what they were actually doing was to embarrass Nixon out of office so that the CIA could win a race to achieve superiority over the Soviet Union in ESP applications. The two biggest obstacles were Nixon and surprisingly, Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. Nixon, because he wanted to decrease the power of the CIA, and Hubbard because Grey says he had discovered some of the true secrets of practical parapsychology. Grey says that eventually the CIA was successful because they forced Hubbard into hiding, Nixon resigned, and three people who he says were all high-level Scientologists – Hal Puthoff, psychic Ingo Swann, and retired police chief Pat Price were immediately put under contract to begin research into remote viewing. Grey read an excerpt from a letter from Swann to Hubbard saying that his amazing psychic achievements could not have been possible without the help of Scientology. Hubbard claimed that those who reached the highest levels of his program could travel out of their bodies, perform mind-over-matter feats, and have control over others without their knowledge, which was exactly what that CIA wanted at the time. Because of this, Grey believes that they tried to steal Hubbard’s methods, and that they were eventually successful. He thinks that we may never know the complete story of this period until the CIA is "dismantled brick by brick." http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2016/06/23
  2. Joseph McBride posted this exchange today on Facebook: "EVERY SHOOTING SCRAPE IN THE COUNTRY": In phone conversations on November 25, 1963, the morning of President Kennedy's funeral, LBJ reacts angrily to being lobbied by the DOJ, the Washington Post, and others (notably Yale Law School Dean Eugene Rostow) to appoint a presidential commission to study the president's assassination,: LBJ-J. EDGAR HOOVER, 10:30 a.m.: LBJ: Apparently some lawyer in Justice is lobbying with the [Washington] Post because that's where the suggestion came from for this presidential commission, which we think would be very bad and put it right in the White House. We can't be checking up on every shooting scrape in the country. . . . LBJ-JOSEPH ALSOP [Washington Post columnist], 10:40 a.m. LBJ: My lawyers, though, Joe, tell me that the White House must not . . . the President . . . must not inject himself into local killings . . . ALSOP: I agree with that . . . but in this case it does happen to be the killing of the President . . . [After further discussion] Well, Mr. President . . . I repeat . . . I must not keep you because you'll be late getting into your trousers . . . but I repeat . . .
  3. If it is not too late to do so, you might invite to speak a person who actually lived the events as opposed to researchers after the fact. I refer to retired NYPD Detective James Rothstein who could talk about: 1) Being on the ship Essex in 1961 when two nuclear bombs were loaded on board when the ship was secretly sailing to engage in the Bay of Pigs invasion. Rothstein was one of the few crew members assigned to provide security as the bombs were loaded; all others were ordered to remain below deck. Rothstein was present when the ship's captain received a phone call from JFK calling off all bombing of Cuba. The crew of the Essex was sworn to never tell what they knew about the ship's role. It is only in the last few years that the ship's involvement has been publicly acknowledged. 2) Rothstein later as an NYPD detective arrested Frank Sturgis in New York City in 1976 when he arrived there to assassinate Marita Lorenz before she could testify before the House Special Committee on Assassinations. Sturgis spoke candidly to Rothstein after being arrested once he learned Rothstein had been a sailor in the Bay of Pigs. 3) Rothstein had Sturgis' 1971 hand written confession to Cardinal Cooke read to him in which, among other revelations, Sturgis provided his knowledge of the JFK assassination, including who actually killed Officer Tippit. 4) Rothstein knew NYPD officer "Big Al" Carone who also worked for the CIA and who headed the third team of assassins waiting at the airport in Dallas to kill JFK if the other two teams failed to do so. Rothstein worked with Carone's daughter after her father died to get what was owed him by the NYPD. The NYPD denied he had ever worked for the it, that is until in the midst of the controversy his daughter received in the mail an insurance card from NYPD's personnel dept. renewing her father's insurance as an officer. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=6972 People involved in these historical events are getting old and dying off. Why not invite Rothstein to tell what he knows before he takes it to the grave? http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=20008
  4. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3652404/Secret-Service-agent-tells-Bill-Clinton-Monica-Lewinsky-caught-having-sex-Oval-Office-desk-intern-transferred-work-HILLARY-President-brought-West-Wing-PAID-position.html
  5. Published 6-12-16 History News Network by Ray Locker and Len Colodny http://historynewsnetwork.org/article/163030#sthash.SE7uupbM.dpuf
  6. I was told that I was being invited to participate in Judyth's 2016 JFK Conference because I could speak from first hand experience (in contrast to being solely a researcher), having been directly involved in both Watergate in 1972-74 (in which the JFK assassination played a key role) and in the LBJ-Billie Sol Estes-Mac Wallace historical saga (representing Billie Sol Estes 1983-84.) No other assassination conference has ever invited me to speak on these topics even though I was first interviewed in depth about the relationship between LBJ-Billie Sol Estes-Mac Wallace and the JFK assassination as far back as 1998 when Lyle Sardie released his ground-breaking video, "LBJ: A Closer Look." You can view it here. Joan Mellen's fascinating new research book due out in September draws upon work done by Lyle Sardie and me decades ago. Joan will be a featured speaker at another conference in November. http://joanmellen.com/wordpress/
  7. Lyn Colodny asked on Facebook today: While Woodward allegedly was uncovering the "truth" about President Nixon,he was also covering up the Moorer/Radford spy ring. He owes the public answers to these questions, and more. Why is Woodward lying about the Job he had in the Nixon WH in 1969 and 70? Why is he lying about his briefing General Alexander Haig, while he was working for Admiral Moorer? Why did he fail to disclose to his readers (1/12/74) his close relationship to Admiral Welander a key player in the "Spy Ring".
  8. Dawn: Here is the full schedule that includes Sunday morning's panel. http://jfkconference.com/?page_id=14
  9. I shall be one of the speakers on a panel on Sunday that includes a discussion about Malcolm Wallace.
  10. As posted on Facebook: We are pleased to announce that the acknowledged world's civilian expert on the Secret Service, Vince Palamara, will be speaking at the JFK Assassination Conference. Vince Palamara was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA and is a Duquesne University graduate. Vince is considered the leading civilian Secret Service authority. His first book, SURVIVOR'S GUILT: THE SECRET SERVICE: THE FAILURE TO PROTECT PRESIDENT KENNEDY(2013), took over 20 years to research and write and has garnered much favorable reaction. His second book, JFK: FROM PARKLAND TO BETHESDA- THE ULTIMATE KENNEDY ASSASSINATION COMPENDIUM(2015), took over 15 years to research and write and has also garnered much favorable reaction. Vince has appeared in over 120 other author's books, on radio, in television programs, on DVDs, in newspapers, at national conferences, and in many online resources. Watch for his third book THE NOT SO SECRET SERVICE - AGENCY TALES FROM FDR TO THE KENNEDY ASSASSINATION TO THE REAGAN ERA (2016). Vince is working on a fourth book, as well. This is your opportunity to meet Vince in person! Register at the Conference website at http://www.jfkconference.comto attend this historic conference! MORE GREAT NAMES TO COME!
  11. https://www.mixcloud.com/BBQShow/the-bruce-and-blanquita-show-archive-friday-may-6-2016-guest-author-len-colodny/
  12. http://www.aim.org/media-monitor/victory-for-liddy-and-silent-coup/
  13. https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B01FGLV5CO/ref=sr_1_2_twi_pap_1_olp?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1465837602&sr=1-2
  14. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2016/06/no_author/allen-dulles-many-reasons-kill-jfk/
  15. Robert Tosh Plumlee recently wrote on Facebook that the assassination of JFK was one of a number of government Black Operations that were underway at the time. http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKplumlee.htm
  16. Len Colodny is interviewed on The Opperman Report: https://www.spreaker.com/user/oppermanreport/len-colodny-silent-coup
  17. FINAL CHAPTER OF JEFFERSON MORLEYS NEW EBOOK ON JFK From the chapter: Can online civil society force top CIA officials to make public information they obviously would prefer to keep a secret? That is the fundamental question raised but not answered by this book. Who killed JFK? is a fascinating and significant question, but I have to admit it can sound like so much banter in a Baby Boomer bar room. The JFK story has no particular urgency in millennial America. Im talking about a single homicide that happened before most of you were born. But the CIAs last JFK files raise a contemporary political issue that couldnt be more timely and relevant for the millennial generation: the role of extreme secrecy in a democratic society. .. The only check on those senior CIA officials who wish to continue the JFK assassination cover-up in 2016 is online civil society. Online civil society consists of citizens of the United States (and the world) who are empowered by the Internet to find and share information. Thanks to the World Wide Web, all people everywhere now have access to the historical record of JFKs assassination (via websites like MaryFerrell.org, JFKLancer.com and JFKFacts.org) and to powerful communications channels (like Facebook and Twitter). The combination of 1) widespread public knowledge about how CIA secrecy works and 2) social media conversation about the continuing JFK cover-up could (emphasis on the conditional) raise awareness on the Internet, in Congress, in elite news organizations, and the presidential campaigns. Such public exposure might, in turn, affect the CIAs calculations. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2016/06/no_author/secret-assassination-files/
  18. October 14-16, 2016 This years theme: Oswald was a patsy just like he said ... Pending speakers list: RA Kris Millegan Judyth Vary Baker Ed Haslam Michael Hoffman Peter Levenda SK Bain Ed Tatro Gordon Ferrie William Matson Law Hugh Clark James Jenkins Dennis David St. John Hunt Daniel Hopsicker Russ Baker George Noory
  19. James Rosen: Bob Woodwards Sins of Omission Commentary Magazine January 15, 2016 https://www.commentarymagazine.com/articles/bob-woodwards-sins-omission/
  20. http://www.niemanwatchdog.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=background.view&backgroundid=51
  21. http://www.watergate.com/content/militaryspyring/transcript.pdf
  22. http://www.watergate.com/content/militaryspyring/(RS%20by%20Chapter)%20Silent%20Coup_Chapter%204.pdf
  23. http://drudgereport.com/flashss.html http://www.amazon.com/Crisis-Character-Discloses-Firsthand-Experience/dp/1455568872/
  24. http://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/family-relationships/a-scandalous-love-letter-from-jfk-to-his-mistress-has-been-unearthed/ar-BBtPBva?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=UE07DHP
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