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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Biden Moves to Give Israel Unfettered Access to U.S. Weapons Stockpile (theintercept.com)
  2. Can fragile truce last? Netanyahu says 'nothing will stop us' from crushing Hamas: Live updates (aol.com)
  3. I embrace the opinion of this distinguished author. He has the same world outlook that I have. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/opinion/henry-kissinger-the-hypocrite.html?unlocked_article_code=1.CU0.VHMD.kVZb0DsYsfUq&smid=url-share
  4. Mystery wave of pneumonia hits AMERICA: Ohio county records 142 child cases of 'white lung syndrome' which it says 'meets the definition of an outbreak' - as China and Europe grapple with crises | Daily Mail Online
  5. Trump gag order reinstated by New York appeals court | Donald Trump | The Guardian
  6. An objective view from the West Bank that rarely has received attention in the mass media. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/29/world/middleeast/west-bank-hamas-prisoners.html?unlocked_article_code=1.CU0.YY1o.aT0alJ3FuG4E&smid=url-share
  7. Being There: Eye Witness To History | San Francisco Book Review
  8. Chapter V. The Kennedy-CIA Divergence Over Cuba (history-matters.com)
  9. Biden's foreign policy aims in Mideast are short-circuited. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/11/29/gulf-gaza-israel-uae-bahrain/
  10. Thomas Friedman says there is a way out of all of this. In my opinion, it is a long shot to succeed because Israel is intent on going into South Gaza, where it has sent all the Gazans. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/28/opinion/israel-palestinians-war-iran.html?unlocked_article_code=1.CE0.0DEi.nJzUoA3eZLMZ&smid=url-share
  11. The alien hunter: has Harvard’s Avi Loeb found proof of extraterrestrial life? | Space | The Guardian
  12. Joe Biden blasted for weak response to attacks on US bases: 'Americans will die' - World News - News - Daily Express US (the-express.com)
  13. I just listened on MSNBC to the Executive Director of Doctors Without Borders that has medical personnel in Gaza. She explained how the aid being delivered in Gaza during the war pause is essentially a drop in the bucket. Soon there will be mass deaths of Gazans from lack of food, water and medical care. Cholera is raising its head. It is planned genocide. Biden at one time even questioned the number of people dying Gaza. Just like his disastrous withdraw in Afghanistan caused misery and death on an epic scale there, so has his policy in Gaza resulted in the same. I have always praised Biden for his domestic policies and administration within the United States. However, his foreign policies have been disastrous. A ballistic missile was fired at one of our ships yesterday. I predicted here in the past that this would happen. Fasten your seat belts, fellow Americans, for we face treacherous ride into a very dark future.
  14. President Biden never once considered the geopolitical threats to America and the free world posed by the war initiated by Hamas against Israel on October 7th after Gazans had suffered 75 years of living in an open-air prison. Recklessly soon thereafter, he flew to Israel and attended its war council meeting at which the plan to destroy Gaza through genocide was agreed upon. U.S. made 2000-pound bombs subsequently have been used by Israel on Gaza and along with vast quantities of other U.S. armaments. Much of Gaza has now been reduced to rubble. Untold thousands of Gazan civilians have been slaughtered in an Israeli war campaign that included dropping bombs on hospitals, schools and refugee camps. People around the globe have daily watched on TV this planned genocide take place and are horrified. They blame Israel and America. Not deterred by the humanitarian disaster in which he has participated, Biden how wants to give $14 billion of U.S. taxpayer money to Israel. Of course, Russia, China, North Korea and Iran are gleefully taking advantage of what Biden has wrought by his openly siding with Israel without his consideration of the consequences. We are seeing the early stages of the Forever War that may well end in the destruction of both the United States and Israel. Six million Jews were innocent victims of a mass genocide carried out by Hitler in World War II. Why are the Israels themselves today engaging in the mass genocide of innocent civilians in Gaza?
  15. President Biden needs to Dump his War Hawks and Turn to Peace Work if he wants to Salvage his Presidency (juancole.com)
  16. Must read article about women and children being killed at a historic war rate in Gaza by 2000-pound bombs made in the U.S. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/25/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-death-toll.html?unlocked_article_code=1.BU0.sKXg.NYOkhRE3BDW5&smid=url-share .
  17. Thank you, Bill. Here is something else to ponder.
  18. People are leaving Texas over rising costs, partisan politics, and a sense of disenchantment (msn.com)
  19. Alien life? Maybe and maybe not. https://wapo.st/3MYTDvl
  20. Wall Street Journal article of Nov. 22, 2023, " How to Botch an Assassination Investigation" by Thomas J. Baker, a retired FBI agent and legal attaché and author of "The Fall of the FBI: How a once Great Agency Became a Threat to Democracy." (Excerpts from the article) One lesson law enforcement learned from Dallas and its aftermath is how not to investigate an assassination. The Kennedy Investigaton devolved into a fiasco. No one was in charge. The Federal Bureau of investigation, the Secret Service, the Dallas police and sheriff offices all argued with each other. These agencies and others battled over Oswald, the riffle and other evidence, witnesses, and, most important, jurisdiction. It was worse than unprofessional -- it was deadly. The mishandling of Oswald allowed Jack Ruby to shoot the suspected assassin in the basement of the police headquarters. This added to the already burning conspiracy theories. Practically every American would eventually see the death of a president on the Zapruder film. The killing of the assassin while in police custody was also there to see. In November 1963, it wasn't a federal crime to kill the president. In response to the Kennedy assassination, Congress passed a 1965 law -- Title 18, Code section 1751 -- that made assaulting the president a federal crime. The new statute was clear. The FBI would conduct investigations into attacks on the president. ........ We can be sorrowful that Jack Kennedy, our youngest president, was lost to us after only a few years in office. But we also can be grateful that Ronald Reagan, our oldest president at the time, survived to serve two terms in office. On the day Reagan was shot, law enforcement didn't want to repeat the errors made in Dallas. And to this day there has never been any suggestion of a conspiracy surrounding the Reagan assassination attempt.
  21. Biden tries to hide away in Nantucket but can’t escape pro-Palestinian protesters (dnyuz.com)
  22. That Time when Napoleon Bonaparte's Army in Palestine Burned Crops, Pounded Houses with Artillery, and Cut off Water to Cities (juancole.com)
  23. This congressman was one of the last people to see JFK alive. 60 years later, he looks back. (aol.com)
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