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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Dr. Oz’s Scientific Experiments Killed Over 300 Dogs, Entire Litter of Puppies (jezebel.com)
  2. Classic Republican Dr. Oz’s Scientific Experiments Killed Over 300 Dogs, Entire Litter of Puppies (jezebel.com)
  3. The Underwater Cuban Missile Crisis at 60 | National Security Archive (gwu.edu)
  4. Russian Army at 'Breaking Point' After Putin's Lyman Defeat: Lt. General (msn.com)
  5. Robert Morrow Political Research Blog: John Connally grimaces as Lyndon Johnson greets JFK in Dallas at Love Field 11:00-11:15AM
  6. From a New York Times editorial today titled, "The Supreme Court isn't listening, and it is no secret why." The actual cause of its historic unpopularity is no secret. Over the past several years, the court has been transformed into a judicial arm of the Republican Party. This project was taking shape more quietly for decades, but it shifted into high gear in 2016, when Justice Antonin Scalia died and Senate Republicans refused to let Barack Obama choose his successor, obliterating the practice of deferring to presidents to fill vacancies on the court. Within four years, the court had a 6-to-3 right-wing supermajority, supercharging the Republican appointees’ efforts to discard the traditions and processes that have allowed the court to appear fair and nonpartisan.
  7. A brilliant article that should be read by anyone interested in the geopolitics of the world today. Proliferation and Nuclear Winter: If Putin drops an Atom Bomb on Ukraine, Iran, Saudi Arabia -- Everyone will Want a Bomb (juancole.com)
  8. Any legislation passed by Congress to assist the rebuilding in Florda stemming from the recent hurricane should contain a provision that none of the funds can used by the State of Florida in the transportation of migrants from one state to another state of those who had crossed the borders of the United States
  9. Retired general David Petraeus predicts the US would destroy Russia's military in Ukraine and sink its naval fleet if it used nuclear weapons (msn.com)
  10. Wow!! DeSantis is in deep trouble. What a scandal and coming just as he has to deal with the cleanup from the hurricane. I think this will sink his hopes for being elected president. San Antonio sheriff identifies mysterious DeSantis woman who targeted Venezuelan migrants to send to Martha's Vineyard - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/02/us/migrants-marthas-vineyard-desantis-texas.html?unlocked_article_code=i4h8bj6YLACykKDonoOpk7li9VJkXnoYzTssElr6brB0B6M7ex9UeJLGA-WHUHQI-lXAGhwm3SWczwxdGwecc6GdXba8SoyoEYQh2hqWrGmCIsXr3VfQRkSwbLwDajEo8bkjg7QFhuOnAPEx1H83wO-6PRdfAMX41lwzdbSIfLpJnabOkKPaePb8w6q5Z00-aAAaCXPU6wHvMAIkohbC47IrZ5ucGnFh7BAjb-Ni8V2DaZ4D7iF1GVoxIBzaBjcyQtuxplu_Hurdllejp4Ly-cG-qJSvTfbO7qARxOOOtsWby3Q9_GPh4wJ1KJ2o8srV20mqUchwOmXfOCwNLbr9fi7sYcXKqNtVtddrCpE&smid=share-url
  11. I long ago realized to my shock that there are members of the JFK Assassination Community who sole interest is the JFK assassination to the exclusion of everything else and more specifically their focusing on Oswald's role in a larger conspiracy. If that is the litmus test for the perception of today's reality, then we are in deep trouble. World War III has started. Putin made two speeches last week declaring that the West poses an existential threat to Russia. One speech was before an immense rally in Red Square and later inside the Kremlin before the Russian elite. [In 1974 I was in a small group of Americans who toured both venues at the height of the cold war.] The West now faces a test whether it will survive and in a larger sense whether the world will survive if the war evolves into a nuclear one. Robert Baer is performing a great public service in his book by exploring whether there was a fourth Russian spy high up in the CIA or possibly the FBI who was never uncovered. In doing so he implicitly raises the question whether today there are Russian spies embedded in our government or in other key sectors of our society. His mission in undertaking this should not be evaluated on basis of his opinion of Oswald.
  12. I found his interview rewarding. The back cover of his book, The Fourth Man, has praise of him from eight credible publications and persons, such as The New Yorker, The Atlantic, Washington Post, Boston Herald, Seymour M. Hersh, Pulitzer Prize-Winning author James Risen, Thomas Powers, David Ignatius, Lesley Stahl of CBS News, and Jayne Mayer. Seymour Hersh wrote, "Robert Baer was considered perhaps the best on-the-ground field officer in Middle East." The Washington Post declared, "Baer exposes a niche of the spy world we know little about." These persons and publications do not in any way find him "a dangerous xxxx" as do you. I encourage forum members to listen to the interview.
  13. I have his book and am about to start reading it. Robert Baer: Putin, Russia, and The Hunt for a KGB Spy (commonwealthclub.org)
  14. Cannon saved Trump again. How should the Justice Department respond? (slate.com)
  15. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/01/opinion/supreme-court-legitimacy.html?unlocked_article_code=JWZX9TN_srEsL-HScywRiMy1QPyRRCbPmHGkTz1wa1q3NSzXBbL28y6e2aHcDm3no7N5hdDfq_AA_14hf5IlMe9USLphZXXRduhmVqqtyzPoffHjRs9DLYv8pQbeoY4XZiPI5_63TvKkljLQUtvs20e-LPtAl7jqFTM8fggIALMaoPCM-zGQ5hrMg9AiMigjd0MtyQWtfUdqmboO-ADawZbpWfdHswkpfgpa6OfztE7njcSUVOy7PfW1vj5H7hEqR7B6ssUcZTQp7jmWntDUDj6OdUBIovJ5RwhMM2oa4RWJH7rBrzcZmP_ApuQJ582CKc6iw_tJGMY4NUdLNi02HFsV&smid=share-url
  16. You win. The rocket is under repair maintenance but may fly again soon.
  17. Guess who this is. Winner gets a free ride on the rocket along with Mr. X.
  18. Is this article hinting at corruption by Supreme Court Justices? Justices shield spouses’ work from potential conflict of interest disclosures - POLITICO
  19. What a hypocrite Desantis is: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/29/us/politics/desantis-biden-hurricane-ian-aid.html?smid=url-share
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