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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. I have no idea why there was a leak in the Hunter Biden case if such be the case. I do believe that Trump at different times in his four-year administration provided U.S. Classified Documents to Putin at their meetings and also to his handler in the U.S. who acted upon orders from Putin. I think this is a national security case that ultimately will reveal violations of the Espionage Act. It is already acknowledged that Trump provided classified information to the Russian Foreign Minister and the Russian Ambassador at their meeting in the White House the day after Trump fired Comey as FBI Director. No one knew the meeting took place until Tass published the photograph of the three having a hearty laugh at Comey's and America's expense.
  2. Judge Laurence Silberman died this past Sunday at age 86 Laurence Silberman, influential U.S. appeals judge, dies at 86 | Reuters I met Judge Silberman in 1984 at a Philadelphia Society meeting in Washington, D.C. My guest at the affair was Edward Miller, former Associate Director of the FBI. Judge Silberman knew Miller and came over to join us. Because of Miller's background Silberman began talking about his assignment after FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover died to examine Hoover's closely held secret files on what he had uncovered about prominent persons. Silberman said he was sickened by what he read and outraged at Hoover having compiled these files that had the scent of blackmail about them. The Wall Street Journal earlier this week had an editorial in memoriam of Judge Silberman in which it noted that Silberman had examined Hoover's secret files and had the same reaction to them that I recount above. Undoubtedly one of the files was JFK's sexual relationship with Ellen Rometsch. Ellen Rometsch - Wikipedia
  3. Here is another story of an extramarital affair JFK had. Vanity Fair published an article about it after I wrote a letter to its editor that appears in the article. A Claim to Camelot | Vanity Fair
  4. Blonde as a movie has even attracted the attention of The Smithsonian Magazine. Its article is excellent. The True History Behind Netflix's 'Blonde' | Who Was the Real Marilyn Monroe? | History | Smithsonian Magazine
  5. The U.S. Attorney for Delaware was appointed by Trump. If Hunter Biden is indicted, his trial will be in Delaware, home of the Bidens. The alleged counts against him seem weak to me and could be defended against by a persuasive and credible defense. Would a jury of citizens in Delaware convict a home boy under such circumstances if the indictment was announced by a Trump appointed U.S. Attorney? Based on the public information available, which is not complete, the odds would be against conviction. The U.S. Attorney would resign afterwards, and he would be portrayed by history as being a partisan hack. He knows this and may not want to pursue an indictment that would negatively affect his future practice of the law. I should add that there could be a plea deal that would allow both Hunter Biden and the U.S. Attorney an off ramp with Hunter pleading guilty to a minor infraction of the law and getting a sentence of probation. In such situation, the whole years long investigation would be characterized as much ado about pretty much nothing.
  6. Pluto was considered a planet until 2006. Many believe it still is. Ray Grasse's article on the role of Pluto in history is here, including his predictions as an astrologer for Pluto's role in America history. The United States' Pluto Return - Astrodienst
  7. Pluto will soon be restored to its planetary glory: Is Pluto a planet? It is no longer considered one, but some believe it should be (phys.org)
  8. Ray Grasse is an astrologer with a fairly good track record. He says next week could be a truly eventful one. Here is what he posted today on Facebook: Of all the planetary aspects occurring this month, arguably the most powerful is the Pluto station occurring right now, exact on Saturday, Oct 8th - and amplified considerably by the full moon one day later, Oct. 9th – but it’s been building up momentum for at least a couple of weeks already and will continue to be felt for at least another couple weeks. (A planetary “station” is when planets slow down and become stationary in the process of changing directions, giving rise to what some have called a “branding iron” effect.) What does this mean for us? For one, as I’ve been pointing out throughout the year, this is one of the major trigger points for the U.S. Pluto return (the next one being in late December) – thus activating all that is good and bad about that pattern. (For a more detailed explanation of the return: www.astro.com/astrology/tma_article210208_e.htm This is undoubtedly behind much of what we see happening right now with the Supreme Court, Hershel Walker, Florida, immigrants, and the Trump documents controversy It’s also notable that the supposedly next (and final?) Jan. 6th committee meeting will be taking place well within the orb of this station – scheduled for Oct. 13th; you can bet some important “buried secrets” will be coming to light as a result of that. Psychologically speaking, Pluto opens a door to the “underworld,” as it were, in terms of exposing us to deep-seated energies and emotions. This makes for great raw materials for creative or spiritual types (just look at the brilliant people born during Pluto stations, such as Joni Mitchell or Neil Young). On a scientific or archaeological front, this could mean the “underworld” opens up in terms of vast new depths in space, as found by the Webb or Hubble telescopes, or possibly even developments in archaeology. In terms of personal grown, this can be a time of deep spiritual or occult investigations and insights, as well as cathartic self-examinations or a healing of old wounds and resentments. (It’s even conceivable that Biden’s offering of pardons to those convicted of marijuana offenses today reflects the more redemptive and healing aspects of Pluto.) But for others, Pluto can simply dredge up dark emotions from the past, causing one to pick at old “scabs” and rehash old dramas. (There seems something fitting to me about the fact that controversial new movies about Marilyn Monroe and Jeffrey Dahmer are being watched by millions right now, considering the “dark” subject matters presented by both.) More generally, Pluto deals with the past so it’s also common during a Pluto station for people from your own past - friends, partners, family members - to suddenly resurface and get back in touch, or for you to get I touch with them. More globally, I think this next week could be a roller coaster ride in terms of places like Ukraine, Russia, China, and last but certainly not least, North Korea - here’s to hoping it doesn’t get too crazy out there.
  9. BREAKING: DOJ Reportedly Tells Trump They Think He’s Hoarding MORE Docs (msn.com)
  10. Ex-CIA official says Russian spy invaded US intelligence and aided Putin's rise to power | Watch (msn.com)
  11. I hesitated about before posting the story. However, other factors outweighed ignoring it. JFK was assassinated 59 years ago. A large majority of Americans have been born since then. They know little about the assassination, but the Marilyn story is big now in the media and I believe members of the forum need to know how the relationship between Marilyn and JFK is being portrayed. Closing our eyes to the modern depiction of what happened would serve to handicap us in our own research and presentation.
  12. Judges refuse to hire ‘woke’ Yale graduates amid cancel culture row (msn.com) The corruption of our judiciary, as evidenced in the above article, is exposed in this hew book: Amazon.com : servants of the damned
  13. What Really Happened Between Marilyn Monroe & JFK? Blonde Fact Check (msn.com)
  14. Note: This was posted today on Facebook by Tom Huston who served in a high position in the Nixon Administration and today remains an avowed Conservative. I first met him at the founding conference of Young Americans for Freedom held in September 1960 at the William F. Buckley family estate in Sharon, Conn. I was elected YAF's National Director at the conference. I started parting ways with the Conservative Movement in the wake of Nixon's resignation when sociopaths and opportunists began to take over the movement and the GOP. They have owned both now for decades. Below is what Huston wrote on Facebook: I found this interview very interesting. I think Franzese is wrong about the reason J. Edgar Hoover was loathe to go after the Mafia, but his is an interesting take on the subject by a well-placed mobster. Was Hoover compromised by covertly obtained documentation as to his decidedly kinky private life? Perhaps. What is indisputable is that he accepted "gifts" that were fundamentally indistinguishable from those that Ted Agnew accepted, and that he never hesitated to use Bureau resources for his personal benefit. In my view Hoover was corrupt in the predictable manner one would expect of a man who exercised unbridled power and was accountable to no one. YOUTUBE.COM Michael Franzese on Joining Mafia, Stealing Millions, John Gotti, Michael Jordan (Full Interview)
  15. Has the C.I.A. Done More Harm Than Good? | The New Yorker
  16. The Cuban Missile Crisis @ 60 | National Security Archive (gwu.edu)
  17. Message from Tom Graves, a longtime recognized expert on the Soviet Union and Russia: I'm glad that Tom Gram at the EF has posted Bart Kamp's interview of Malcolm Blunt. I totally agree with everything Malcolm says in it, but I would make just one correction or comment: In addition to "Popov's Mole" (the mole who betrayed Popov in late 1956 or early 1957), there may have been a separate traitor, "Popov's U-2 Mole," the person who (according to Popov via possible mole! George Kisevalter) leaked the details of the U-2 spy plane to the Soviets sometime in or before April, 1958. I believe this person was John Paisley, the guy who faked his own suicide/murder (two days after receiving notice from CIA that he was going to be polygraphed and background-checked for the first time in 25 years) and hopped a Polish merchant ship in Chesapeake Bay that was bound for Baltimore and then Rotterdam. Please advise Gram (and the others?) that Howard Blum's relatively new book, "The Spy [i.e., Pete Bagley] Who Knew Too Much," not only tells us that Paisley was (one of the?) "moles" Bagley and Angleton were searching for but is what gave me the idea that Paisley (who had worked on the U-2 project) may have been this "Popov's U-2 Mole." to boot. The Spy Who Knew Too Much – HarperCollins
  18. Posted today on Facebook by MarioAra Mirriam Greceanu: Haim Eshed, who headed Israel’s space security programs for 30 years, has been in the spotlight, days, after claiming that aliens exist, and that Israel and the US have long been in contact with them. Eshed said aliens conduct experiments on Earth, and there is a joint base underground on Mars where they collaborate with American astronauts. “They asked that we don’t publicize they are here because humanity isn’t ready,” he said. His ideas on space, including on aliens, are outlined in a new book written by author Hagar Yanai, called “The Universe Beyond the Horizon: Conversations With Prof. Haim Eshed.” According to Isaac Ben-Israel, chairman of the Israel Space Agency, Eshed went too far with his claims, which were published in a interview with the Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth, but his seriousness shouldn’t be questioned and his standing as a leader in his field remains intact. “If I would have to choose one person to be called the father of Israel’s space capabilities, it would be Haim Eshed,” Ben-Israel told The Times of Israel.... Ben-Israel said it has become entirely acceptable over the last decade for serious scientists to believe in aliens, as knowledge of space has increased. ““Is there intelligent life outside [Earth]? 10 years ago most scientists believed chances are very low. We now believe chances are significant,” he said. “This doesn’t mean there’s a ‘Galactic Federation’ and they landed on earth, this is too much, but much of the scientific community believes the chance of detecting life in outer space is considerable, not small,” he said.
  19. Posted today on Facebook by MarioAra Mirriam Greceanu: Haim Eshed, who headed Israel’s space security programs for 30 years, has been in the spotlight, days, after claiming that aliens exist, and that Israel and the US have long been in contact with them. Eshed said aliens conduct experiments on Earth, and there is a joint base underground on Mars where they collaborate with American astronauts. “They asked that we don’t publicize they are here because humanity isn’t ready,” he said. His ideas on space, including on aliens, are outlined in a new book written by author Hagar Yanai, called “The Universe Beyond the Horizon: Conversations With Prof. Haim Eshed.” According to Isaac Ben-Israel, chairman of the Israel Space Agency, Eshed went too far with his claims, which were published in a interview with the Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth, but his seriousness shouldn’t be questioned and his standing as a leader in his field remains intact. “If I would have to choose one person to be called the father of Israel’s space capabilities, it would be Haim Eshed,” Ben-Israel told The Times of Israel.... Ben-Israel said it has become entirely acceptable over the last decade for serious scientists to believe in aliens, as knowledge of space has increased. ““Is there intelligent life outside [Earth]? 10 years ago most scientists believed chances are very low. We now believe chances are significant,” he said. “This doesn’t mean there’s a ‘Galactic Federation’ and they landed on earth, this is too much, but much of the scientific community believes the chance of detecting life in outer space is considerable, not small,” he said.
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