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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Good reminder that our clocks have to be turned back at 2 a.m.
  2. Musk is the world's richest man. Musk is the world's richest idiot.
  3. What I reproduce below is not opinion formulated by me but by a regular columnist for the Wall Street Journal in its weekend edition, November 5-6, 2022 Title: "To End the Ukraine War, Shut Up About Negotiations" Subtitle: "An ugly deal is probably coming but learn the right lessons from the Cuban Missile Crisis" Business World, by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. "Perhaps less than serendipitously, a fairly conventional new history of the Cuban Missile Crisis by Max Hastings has landed in pundit inboxes. Spare a moment for last year's account of the same episode by Ukrainian historian, Serhii Piokhy, Jr. It contains a fetching account of dealings between Robert Kennedy and KGB's Yuri Barsukov in the 1960 election, which later had Khrushchev bragging to a scientific delegation that he elected JFK. "The book shows, with accidents and confusion happening all around them, the protagonists still trying to understand each other's political needs as the missile crisis unfolded. Recall that Kennedy controlled the war decision, with his threat of invading Cuba, at a time when he knew the U.S. possessed overwhelming nuclear superiority. "Kennedy wanted to avoid nuclear war as much as Khrushchev did, but still nuclear war was a more plausible option for one party than it is for either today." [My note: I wonder if Oliver Stone and Putin ever discussed this in their conversations. If so, it may partially explain the background behind their discussions.]
  4. Elon Musk Blames Activist Groups for Massive Drop in Revenue (mediaite.com) From the article: A source familiar with Musk’s purchase of Twitter tells Mediaite that since he had to borrow $13B to close the purchase, “the interest on that loan left very little, very little, room as it basically matched Twitters profit. So now as the advertisers leave, he’s kind of xxxxed.” No statute mandates advertisers need to put their money on the whims of a megalomaniacal individual who happens to be the world’s richest man, who also happens to be the world’s richest person to play the victim card, and also parades a serious lack of business acumen.
  5. Oh, no, he could not be a family values Republican, could he? South Dakota Senate candidate Joel Koskan charged with felony child abuse (nypost.com)
  6. Arrogant Musk has stepped in a field of land mines. Twitter sued for mass layoffs with zero notice days after Elon Musk's takeover (msn.com)
  7. Lots of chuckles here. Will make your night or day. The Twidiot-in-chief - Slack Tide by Matt Labash (substack.com)
  8. John Newman posted this on Facebook today: A history of James K. Galbraith Reviews: VOL III (Into the Storm); VOL IV (Uncovering Popov's Mole); and on the suppression of JFK and Vietnam. James K. Galbraith holds the Lloyd M. Bentsen Jr. Chair in Government/Business Relations at the LBJ School of Public and International Affairs at The University of Texas at Austin.
  9. Wow!! Trump Org loses court battle — must be overseen by outside monitor: NY judge - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
  10. A police officer colleague of Rothstein in a pink Cadillac drove the boxes of Marita's files to Washington and delivered them to the proper address. Marita accompanied the officer. Researchers sometimes fail to realize that documents they cite as evidence had been altered. Rothstein told me today on the phone that the log of the battleship Essex on which he served during the Bay of Pigs invasion was altered shortly after the invasion collapsed. He was told this by a friend on the ship who made the alterations upon an order from the captain. The logs of the other ships supporting the Essex in the invasion were also altered.
  11. James Rothstein was a famed New York City police officer who at one time simultaneously worked as an investigator for the New York State Commission on Crime. In his autobiography, The Way It Was, he wrote: "In the mid to late nineties Rothstein was at a meeting with John Tunheim, who reviewed the files of the House Assassination Hearings to determine what information could be relayed to the public. Rothstein asked Tunheim if he saw Marita's [ Lorenz] boxes of files that had been delivered to the hearings and the files of Frank Sturgis. Tunheim responded that Marita was such a beautiful, sweet grandma but there were no files from Marita or Sturgis. He said that it was not the files that were missing, but the blocks of files that they could not find that surprised him. Rothstein told Tunheim about his dealings with Marita and who she really was. Yes, she was a beautiful, sweet grandma, but she was also a stone killer and assassin. She was known as "My Little Assassin" in various writings."
  12. Review: ‘Ted Kennedy’ biography a sweeping account of senator’s life | Features | postandcourier.com
  13. Thank you, Joe, for your first-hand story about this complex case heard by Judge Tunheim. I am glad to learn about Cipro that not too long ago was prescribed for me by my urologist to take for two times a day for three days prior to a minor medical examination. Judge Tunheim has served as a judge for 27 years. He has presided over or participated in a judicial capacity in hundreds of cases, many of which were complex as that described by Joe. Any case involves at least two parties and many times multiple parties. Lawyers argue to case. Evidence is introduced and evaluated by the judge and a jury is one is sitting. My point here is that Judge Tunheim has led an extremely active life. His position required continuous mental acuity, not physical labor. Think of all that his brain and mind has had to process over the 27 years. It is little wonder if now he might occasionally "mix up points in the JFK case" for work that he did over four decades ago for the ARRB. The life of an active person who routinely is forced to make decisions countless times each day should be taken into account by researchers. John R. Tunheim - Wikipedia
  14. "Musk: Twitter will keep bans in place until plans are set" Associated Press Houston Chronicle, November 3, 2022 Musk met with a handful of civil-society leaders yesterday that did not include a LBGTQ leader. From the article: "The billionaire Tesla CEO has said in the past that he supports transgender people but has criticized the use of different pronouns. In a tweet this summer referring to Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson, who was kicked out of his account following a post about transgender actor Elliot Page that seemingly violated Twitter's rules, Musk said the platform was 'going way too far in quashing dissenting opinion.'"
  15. Criminal Complaint lodged against Paul Pelosi's assailant. download (justice.gov)
  16. Trump lawyers saw Justice Thomas as 'only chance' to stop 2020 election certification - POLITICO
  17. Read the David DePape Court Filing on the Paul Pelosi Attack - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
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