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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. James Rothstein was a famed New York City police officer who at one time simultaneously worked as an investigator for the New York State Commission on Crime. In his autobiography, The Way It Was, he wrote: "In the mid to late nineties Rothstein was at a meeting with John Tunheim, who reviewed the files of the House Assassination Hearings to determine what information could be relayed to the public. Rothstein asked Tunheim if he saw Marita's [ Lorenz] boxes of files that had been delivered to the hearings and the files of Frank Sturgis. Tunheim responded that Marita was such a beautiful, sweet grandma but there were no files from Marita or Sturgis. He said that it was not the files that were missing, but the blocks of files that they could not find that surprised him. Rothstein told Tunheim about his dealings with Marita and who she really was. Yes, she was a beautiful, sweet grandma, but she was also a stone killer and assassin. She was known as "My Little Assassin" in various writings."
  2. Review: ‘Ted Kennedy’ biography a sweeping account of senator’s life | Features | postandcourier.com
  3. Thank you, Joe, for your first-hand story about this complex case heard by Judge Tunheim. I am glad to learn about Cipro that not too long ago was prescribed for me by my urologist to take for two times a day for three days prior to a minor medical examination. Judge Tunheim has served as a judge for 27 years. He has presided over or participated in a judicial capacity in hundreds of cases, many of which were complex as that described by Joe. Any case involves at least two parties and many times multiple parties. Lawyers argue to case. Evidence is introduced and evaluated by the judge and a jury is one is sitting. My point here is that Judge Tunheim has led an extremely active life. His position required continuous mental acuity, not physical labor. Think of all that his brain and mind has had to process over the 27 years. It is little wonder if now he might occasionally "mix up points in the JFK case" for work that he did over four decades ago for the ARRB. The life of an active person who routinely is forced to make decisions countless times each day should be taken into account by researchers. John R. Tunheim - Wikipedia
  4. "Musk: Twitter will keep bans in place until plans are set" Associated Press Houston Chronicle, November 3, 2022 Musk met with a handful of civil-society leaders yesterday that did not include a LBGTQ leader. From the article: "The billionaire Tesla CEO has said in the past that he supports transgender people but has criticized the use of different pronouns. In a tweet this summer referring to Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson, who was kicked out of his account following a post about transgender actor Elliot Page that seemingly violated Twitter's rules, Musk said the platform was 'going way too far in quashing dissenting opinion.'"
  5. Criminal Complaint lodged against Paul Pelosi's assailant. download (justice.gov)
  6. Trump lawyers saw Justice Thomas as 'only chance' to stop 2020 election certification - POLITICO
  7. Read the David DePape Court Filing on the Paul Pelosi Attack - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
  8. John Durham's investigation disclosed his own corruption. https://newrepublic.com/article/168311/john-durhams-investigation-disclosed-corruption?utm_source=social&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=sharebtn&fbclid=IwAR1zUUZ7BkpNqOdLbuDC17H2TmtZTBFic8mEpw5r9qCWuE3sm0rGh8wYSk
  9. This just in: John Fetterman and Pennsylvania Democrats are running ahead of President Biden’s early vote margin in Pennsylvania, and nearly 70% of the people under 30 returning ballots are going for Democrats.
  10. Advertisers will flee from Twitter now that Musk controls it and the murderous Saudis are the second largest investor. After Elon Musk's antics on Twitter, advertisers may think twice for now (msn.com)
  11. Saudi Prince Alwaleed Becomes Twitter’s Second Largest Shareholder (forbes.com)
  12. As Elon Musk expands his reach, Washington worries | Stars and Stripes
  13. Opinion - Bloomberg Musk has screwed up Twitter's future big time. The Chief Twit is a dodo bird.
  14. Paul Pelosi Attacker Sought Speaker, Yelling: ‘Where Is Nancy?’ - Bloomberg
  15. The CIA Is Podcasting Propaganda (gizmodo.com)
  16. Editorial: Once again, America is reminded that the Supreme Court is a broken institution | St. Louis Post-Dispatch (nordot.app)
  17. Excerpts from a long NY Times article today on whether Musk can make the finances of Twitter work. It does not mention how advertisers will now flee Twitter in the wake of Musk yesterday twitting a false conspiratorial assertion that Paul Pelosi had a gay relationship with his assailant who now faces prosecution from both the U.S. Justice Dept. and State of California. Others caution against the ebullience that initially drove investors to Mr. Musk’s deal, warning that the lure of tech visionaries can fade with market fortunes, especially as global economic fears have mushroomed in recent months. “At the height of a market boom, those appeals work more easily than they do in times like we are presently entering,” said Robert Bruner, a professor at the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia and author of the book “Deals From Hell.” ADVERTISEMENT Mr. Bruner said the worst deals are typically struck at the peak of a market — as with Mr. Musk’s purchase of Twitter. He offered what he thought could be a worst-case scenario for the company. In that future, Mr. Musk would not be able to “get the expenses down to the level necessary to cover the debt burden.” That would “slowly erode the company’s equity, and he’s unable to find more equity investors.” The final outcome? “Slowly, Twitter implodes,” Mr. Bruner said.
  18. China's 'space dream': A Long March to the Moon and beyond (france24.com)
  19. Despicable but not unexpected considering its sordid source: Don Jr Mocks Paul Pelosi Attack With Halloween Costume (mediaite.com)
  20. On this day in 1961, at the 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Dora Abramovna Lazurkina, an old, devoted Bolshevik woman and party bureaucrat, stood up and said: “Comrades, I could survive the most difficult moments only because I carried Lenin in my heart, and always consulted him on what to do. Yesterday I consulted him. He was standing there before me as if he were alive, and he said: ‘It is unpleasant to be next to Stalin, who did so much harm to the party.’” This speech had been planned, yet was still very effective. First Secretary Nikita Khrushchev followed by reading a decree ordering the removal of Stalin’s remains. A few days later, Stalin’s body was quietly taken from Lenin’s Mausoleum and was buried in a deep grave, lined with concrete blocks, behind the Mausoleum. There were no ceremonies or fanfare. 11
  21. Elon Musk shares lurid conspiracy theory about Paul Pelosi attack in response to Hillary Clinton (msn.com) Musk om Twitter says: "There is a tiny possibility there might be more to this story than meets the eye,” he wrote. The Twitter and Tesla boss gave no explanation for his comments, simply sharing a link to an article that claimed – without any evidence – that Mr Pelosi was drunk and met his alleged attacker in a gay bar. It is one of several far-right conspiracies that began circulating online almost immediately after the attack on the House Speaker’s husband – all the while the 82-year-old was in hospital undergoing surgery for a fractured skull.
  22. Headline In Oct. 29-30, 2022, WALL STREET JOURNAL: Russia Is Facing a Deep Recession: "Russia is set for the deepest recession of any large economy this year, according to new forecasts from its central bank--and economists forecast a gloomy future as the windfall from high energy prices fades, sanctions tighten and the country struggles to replace Europe as the main buyer of its oil and gas."
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