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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Luke Nichter is a great historian. The above cited interview presciently posted by Matt Koch was conducted by a scholar at Stanford University and is illuminating to anyone who does not approach history with a pre-determined bias.
  2. There are a lot of old threads in the Forum's archive. That is what makes it so valuable for research. I see you have posed only 95 times on the forum since your recent arrival and yet want to bump off old threads. That is not how the Forum works. However, if any other member supports Lori's crusade in bumping off old threads, now is the time to speak up about changing Forum policy.
  3. Lots of negativity expressed here in the replies but no praise for Joe Scarborough whose incisive comment was aimed at educating the two-thirds of America's population who were born after1963 and who know little about President Kennedy or his assassination. Citing new reports from 1964 isn't going to arouse interest or impress anyone under 60 years of age as next year marks the 60th anniversary of the tragedy in Dallas.
  4. Now for something different: Scientists revive ‘zombie’ virus after 50,000 years trapped in Siberian permafrost: report - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
  5. Special counsel letter to court a sign he won't be cutting Trump's lawyers 'any slack': former DOJ official - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
  6. I have known Professor Luke Nichter for ten years and can affirm that he is fastidiously accurate in his research and writings. This comes through clearly in this important interview. Both Professor Nichter and Professor Douglas Brinkley autographed for me their highly acclaimed book, The Nixon Tapes: 1971 -1972. Luke wrote on the book's title page, "For Doug. Enjoy! Thanks for your help. Best, /s/ 7/5/2016. You will learn a lot from listening to this interview.
  7. Jim: You and Lori cite examples from 55 years ago that "NBC News has lied to the American people about the murder of President Kennedy since 1963." I think you are short-changing the intense and relentless work that particularly you and others on this forum have done since then to bring to light the true story behind the assassination of JFK. Because of this dedicated effort, the historical record of what occurred on November 22, 1963, has been corrected and the public educated despite the government still refusing to this day to release key documents. Rather than criticize NBC now instead we should all celebrate how that powerful media has changed in the intervening years as reflected by Joe Scarborough's recent remarks on the 59th anniversary of the murder of President Kennedy. You and others can rightfully bask in causing this to happen. Don't underestimate the influence this forum has had and continues to have on the topic of the JFK assassination.
  8. Musk's plan is to turn Twitter into a Republican propaganda machine Musk says he will support DeSantis if Florida governor runs for president (msn.com)
  9. Elon Musk says he will create 'alternative' smartphone if Twitter is kicked out of the Apple App Store (msn.com)
  10. Trump has the White Nationalist Vote in his pocket. Now he is going after the Holocaust Denial Vote. How low can he sink? What's left to woo? Mabe the Pedophile Vote Trump Dined at Mar-a-Lago with White Nationalist, Holocaust Denier Nick Fuentes & Kanye West; UPDATE - Trump Responds, 'Had Never Met and Knew Nothing About' Fuentes (breitbart.com)
  11. This tells us a lot about the real Jack Smith: Trump's new nemesis: Special counsel 2.0 unlikely to be Mueller repeat (axios.com)
  12. Are you saying Joe Scarborough is lying to us in what I reported above of how he closed is recent TV show?
  13. He is having a nervous breakdown. This came about when the stockholders' lawsuit was filed in the Delaware Chancery Court. Testimony in that trial shows that Musk obtained his $50+ billion dollars compensation unilaterally without a vote of the board of directors. The directors themselves face immense liability because they will be shown to be mere tools of Musk who rewarded each with Tesla stock and stock options worth millions of dollars. He realized before he got involved in buying Twitter that his house of cards at Tesla was about to be exposed by the Chancery trial. He will likely lose his $50+ billion compensation and no longer be the world's richest man after he is forced to pay it back, The public humiliation will prove devastating to him. To flee from this pending horror show he escaped into Twitter while posing as its savior. In reality his performance at Twitter has been disastrous for which he paid $43 billion, incurred huge debt and brought into it two prominent investors who each invested $1 billion. His actions are of a man undergoing a nervous breakdown as he knows everything is about to collapse in one of the world's biggest scandals of all time. The Los Angeles Times recently published a timely article titled, "Is Elon Musk a Genuis or a Buffoon?"
  14. I think someone hi-jacked Jack Smith's name and posted this. I do not think the poster is the new Special Counsel.
  15. Joseph McBride posted this on Facebook yesterday, saying it is Stanley Kubrick's handwriting
  16. Today I took Sue’s cousin Kim on hike up to Hawksbill Summit—highest point in Shenandoah National Park at 4,200 feet elevation — perfect weather and 360 views for hundreds of miles in all directions. A great day to take our minds off the grind of working on next book
  17. New York Times breaking news: ATLANTA — Herschel Walker, the Republican candidate for Senate in Georgia, is receiving a tax exemption on his Texas home that is meant for primary residents of the state, despite currently living and running for office in Georgia. Public tax records first reported by CNN show that this year Mr. Walker will receive a homestead tax exemption of roughly $1,500 for his home in the Dallas area, which he listed as his primary residence. He has received the tax relief for his home since 2012, according to an official in the tax appraisal office of Tarrant County, where Mr. Walker’s home is located. Under the Constitution, Senate candidates are required to reside in the state they will represent only once they are elected. In Georgia, candidates must meet a handful of stipulations to establish residency in the state before filing their bids for office. Mr. Walker’s tax exemption in Texas suggests that his primary residence remains outside Georgia
  18. Investors may see Tesla as a 'house of cards' after watching Elon Musk sow chaos at Twitter: CNBC analyst (msn.com)
  19. Colorado Shooting Suspect Mugshot Shows Extensive Bruising and Swelling (tmz.com)
  20. Is not Robert Caro's final forthcoming volume on LBJ covering this topic although it is not known what direction it will take as to LBJ's involvement, if any, in the planning and/or execution of how the actual assassination of JFK was carried out? I am interested to see how Newcomb's book and Caro's final volume deal with Mack Wallace and Billie Sol Estes. In 1984 I attended a lecture by Caro at the University of Houston on urban planning. After the lecture I asked him if he planned to cover the role of Mack Wallace in his books on LBJ. He looked shocked and grabbed the lapels of my suit and demanded, "Who are you?" I gave him my card but was never contacted by him.
  21. Mark Kelly: Democrats ‘absolutely’ don’t recognize the complexity of border challenge | The Hill
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