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William O'Neil

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Everything posted by William O'Neil

  1. Agreed Charels..... does one accept defeat in the face of treason. ( Not trying to be sappy here) Would the Founding Fathers accept this crap....Hell No!! Starting to write like Os (Charels ??) late at night.
  2. Agreed Charels..... does one accept defeat in the face of treason. ( Not trying to be sappy here) Would the Founding Fathers accept this crap....Hell No!!
  3. Charles , There can be method in madness. The everlasting methodical effort to deny America it's history, is driven by madness, and that is the real disturbing part to me!
  4. Please, All you need to know...was the Pleura penetrated !!!! If it wasn't (and It wasn't),... all the arguments and verbage go out the window! Sorry. No clue what you are talking about. RTFM. Thanks for watching. It looks as if Ron Hepler is also of a similar opinion, however he adds a fourth shot to account for the Connally wound, as opposed to the graze shot, which he believes could correspond with the dent in t windshield chrome also. http://www.acorn.net/jfkplace/09/fp.back_i...e/connally.html \ Yeah, guess my comment seemed a little out of context. I was really aiming at the notion that somehow a bullet passed through JFK and struck Connolly. The autopsy witnesses, Drs. and medical assisstants, who saw the "sound" or probe inserted into the back wound of JFK, said that wound was shallow and did not pierce the Pleural linning around the lungs. Which means that the bullet that caused that wound, did not transit the body.
  5. Please, All you need to know...was the Pleura penetrated !!!! If it wasn't (and It wasn't),... all the arguments and verbage go out the window!
  6. _______________________ Charlie, I agree. In my humble opinion, Hunt probably had some highly-incriminating documents, tape recordings, and/or photos (original negatives) stashed away in a several safe places and let certain elements of the CIA/FBI/Mafia see and/or listen to the Zeroxes, copies and/or prints of said incriminating items with the understanding that if he died under suspicious circumstances, said "evidence" would be made "public." Heck, who knows... Maybe Hunt really was that "old tramp" being escorted by "police" down the Elm Street extention and maybe he was carrying a Minox (or some such small camera) in the smallish paper bag visible in his left hand in some of the photos. Maybe he had taken photos of the shooters, spotters and/or radiomen in action.... Nah, it was probably a radio.... --Thomas St. John Hunt, smells like Ricky White. If his dad he told me it was June 7th, I'd check the calender. Sorry ! _______________________
  7. Willie was also a fan of the "Christian Identity" school of thought, brought to him courtesy of William Potter Gale. Me thinks ol' Willie ate his pistol when he heard about the HSCA investigations.
  8. John, right again. One small thing.... Banister testified for The Joint Legislative Committee on Segragation (JLC) , run by Wille Rainach. LUAC didn't exist yet.
  9. Not to be picky but, the alias on the vaccination doc was HIDEEL.
  10. Of course, Ray, there was much silly ranting, with questionable sanity on display. The show should be called "Wiffleball" for all the buffoonery. Talbot was trying to be reasonable, but was pilloried by the clowns, Bug & Chris. Matthews, just to mention one oddity, maintained that, because LHO was employed at the TSBDB long before the motorcade route was known, LHO must, therefore, have been a LN. Thus, no conspiracy. A stupid joke? Well, yes, it is that, but is it more? This contention has the earmark of a deliberate disinformation plant, because to the unwitting, guileless public it has a ring of simple, credible rationality or plausibility, when of course it's really mendacious propaganda. Oh. Matthews also said that the movie JFK was irrelevant & irresponsible. Punch & Judy show. Chris Mathews is ''Beltway Establishment", he never rocked a boat in his life, and never will.
  11. I think the FBI and the SS would have a tough time agreeing with Vince , since they went all-out to try and find a source for Oswalds ammo, with zero luck. Mind telling us now Vince, just were Os "paid for his own bullets". Oh, and just curious , how much did he plunk down for em'??? And he accuses us of making stuff up!
  12. Rex , How do define "expert' or, what passes as an''expert" -Bill
  13. It is currently in 38th position at Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/gp/bestsellers/books...e=UTF8&pg=2 It is the highest ranking history book at Amazon. The next best is Michael R. Beschloss' Presidential Courage: Brave Leaders and How They Changed America 1789-1989 (60th). Vincent Bugliosi's Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy is in 95th position. This just confirms my experience, that this there is still a good deal of interest in this case. On our recent trip to DC, to The Library of Congress, when people found out what subject we were researching, they inevitably expressed a great deal of interest in what we were finding, and what new evidence there was in the case. Even the young people from Europe and Austraila that we met, were eager about any news. T'was a pleasant suprise.!
  14. John , I knew this would set you off. You are way ahead of the curve, Hopefuly Mr. Caddy will not be offended by further questions, tho I wish he would voluteer some broader insights as to that period in NO's. Thanks for the response you have given, Douglas.
  15. James, I did not know this but it figures, were these supportive pieces news articles or letters to the Editor. Do you have any examples handy? Bill, There were various examples published as letters to the various editors, some pamphlets and the like. An example below. James Thanks!
  16. James, I did not know this but it figures, were these supportive pieces news articles or letters to the Editor. Do you have any examples handy?
  17. I attended Alcee Fortier High School in New Orleans from 1954 to 1956, the latter year being when I was graduated from that educational institution. While in high school I became active in politics. I first met Kent Courtney in 1954 when he and his wife, Phoebe, sponsored a public meeting in Audubon Park to mobilize support for Senator Joseph McCarthy, who was then threatened with being censured by the U.S. Senate. I erected a card table in front of St. Louis Cathedral in the French Quarter and collected signatures on petitions of persons who supported the cause of Senator McCarthy. These petitions were then forwarded to General Bonner Fellers, who headed the national pro-McCarthy movement. It was about this time that Kent and Phoebe Courtney founded Free Men Speak, a monthly newspaper that reprinted editorials from conservative newspapers around the country (such as the Chicago Tribune and the Manchester (N.H.) Union-Leader.) I worked after school in a voluntary position in helping to publish the newspaper. Their publication later changed its name to The Independent American. I was introduced to Guy Banister by Kent Courtney at a public meeting sponsored by the Kohn Crime Commission, a semi-public entity set up to combat organized crime in New Orleans. I seem to remember attending a meeting in Guy Banister’s office some time later but do not recollect the subject of the meeting. That was the extent of my relationship with Guy Bannister. I never met or knew Leander Perez, who was the king-pin leader of Plaquemines Parish, which adjoins New Orleans. If there were an organizational pecking order among these persons, it never came to my attention. All these events occurred when I was between 16 and 18 years of age. After being graduated from high school, I left New Orleans permanently, having enrolled in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. I had no further contact with the Courtneys or with Guy Banister. While at Georgetown University, in 1959 I founded the National Student Committee for the Loyalty Oath, which evolved into Youth for Goldwater. A year later, in 1960, I help found Young Americans for Freedom, which was organized at the family estate of William F. Buckley. The above is a capsule history of how the mass conservative movement began. Mr. Caddy , Thanks for your reply, I didn't realize you were that young then. What year did you meet Mr. Banister ?
  18. Charles , keep taking your notes , it only hurts for a little while. Might make for some interesting discussion down the road. Once again Random House puts out another tome of distraction, for the sake of public confusion and to render them weary of the subject.
  19. Mr Caddy, According to news articles in New Orleans papers, you were active with or knew Leander Perez, Kent Courtney, and Guy W. Banister in the late 1950’s anti- communist movement. Courtney was a political reporter; Banister was a former FBI man, and Perez a powerful political boss in La.. What was the organizational pecking order between these men, within the movement? How familiar were you with these individuals, and could you give us some insights about them, like how they related to each other, who was the major domo? Thanks, Bill
  20. John, Mark Lane is undoubtedly the "Godfather" of the conspiracy theorist community. He was the one guy publishing articles and conducting talks BEFORE the Warren Commission had published anything. The FBI spent much of the last month of the Warren Commission investigating Mark Lane. Rush to Judgment sold more than all the other conspiracy books combined. It may have sold more than the Warren Report. I have a sneakin' suspicion that underneath the charges of "fraud" and "xxxx" that Lane so frequently invokes, you will hear the whisper of "Jew." I don't think it's a coincidence that Lane, Weisberg, and Epstein etc aroused so much hatred among good ole wasps like JEH. Mark Lane is a distraction, yea he fingered ther RW, but not the RIGHT wing.
  21. The Helter Skelter theory was a cop -out / diversion, read "The Ultimate Evil" by Maury Terry.
  22. While I agree with Jack on this one and that Alx Cock, even though a Brit posing as a freelance radical, is an establishment stooge, I happened to be watching the program and turned my tape recorder on for just the answer to the one question. This is what I got from it: A.C. : "I have said in the past, more than once, that I tend to believe the Warren Commission, and then people who don't ... raise their ( ? Herculian ....gust... ?).... and slap their lips and say, 'what an idiot.' And I think actually that the subsequent...encourages that...including the famous magic bullet, do ratify that postion,....I would...Did Lee Harvey Oswald have any accomplances? A lot of people say now no, but if you were there on .... the afternoon of November 22nd...and you had Lee Harvey Oswald's name in your rollodex, how long before you took that name out of your rollodex and tore it up and burned the remains and put them in the trash?" "I tend to think and always thought that Lee Harvey Oswald thought that by killing Jack Kennedy he would take the pressure off Castro, ...ah, you know? And he saw the attempts to kill Castro as something that provoked him to do it. There were a lot of various peculiar things about Lee Harvey Oswald, it's true. But, by and large, I tend to agree, I tend definately to think he shot him. I think he did. I think the way the Warren Commission describes it is correct....." So A. Cock thinks Oswald knew about the top secret CIA/Mafia plots to kill Castro and responded to them by killing JFK. A. Cock, like N. Chomsky, is an intellectual whore who will think and theorize whatever he is paid to think. As for Bugliosi, he knows that the correct approach to solving a crime it to keep an open mind and follow the evidence where ever it goes, and to debate the possible scinarios is just jerking everybody around for as long and hard as you can to waste time and kill real evidence. BK I believe a clue to Cockburns viewpoint lies in his answer regarding Oswald and Castro. What scares many "leftists" is the possibility that the conspiracy may have been one of Marxist origin , which they would not care to expose. Yo! Bill, I don't believe any "leftist" is "scared" of the possiblity the conspiracy was of Marxist origin and one they would not care to expose, especially jerks like Cockburn. Those who continue to put forth the notion that Oswald was motivated to kill JFK because of his "Marxist" views or his sympathy for Castro fail to review the entire record, or are promoting their own agenda. Those who have such agendas or are swayed by such opinions or philosophies are unable to approach the assassination from the perspective of someone capable of understanding it and solving it anyway. If the assassination conspiracy was a foreign communist conspiracy, rather than by a domenstic anti-communist intelligence network, as it was, you can be sure those with the power to do so would have solved it immediately. Bill Kelly Bill, I agree about their failure to study the case in depth and their insincere and shady agenda. However, I do think there is an underlying motivation based on politics. This came up in a discussion I had with Michael Parenti years ago and he suggested the same type of thing. That Oswalds supposed politics, definately made these people uneasy about notions of conspiracy.
  23. While I agree with Jack on this one and that Alx Cock, even though a Brit posing as a freelance radical, is an establishment stooge, I happened to be watching the program and turned my tape recorder on for just the answer to the one question. This is what I got from it: A.C. : "I have said in the past, more than once, that I tend to believe the Warren Commission, and then people who don't ... raise their ( ? Herculian ....gust... ?).... and slap their lips and say, 'what an idiot.' And I think actually that the subsequent...encourages that...including the famous magic bullet, do ratify that postion,....I would...Did Lee Harvey Oswald have any accomplances? A lot of people say now no, but if you were there on .... the afternoon of November 22nd...and you had Lee Harvey Oswald's name in your rollodex, how long before you took that name out of your rollodex and tore it up and burned the remains and put them in the trash?" "I tend to think and always thought that Lee Harvey Oswald thought that by killing Jack Kennedy he would take the pressure off Castro, ...ah, you know? And he saw the attempts to kill Castro as something that provoked him to do it. There were a lot of various peculiar things about Lee Harvey Oswald, it's true. But, by and large, I tend to agree, I tend definately to think he shot him. I think he did. I think the way the Warren Commission describes it is correct....." So A. Cock thinks Oswald knew about the top secret CIA/Mafia plots to kill Castro and responded to them by killing JFK. A. Cock, like N. Chomsky, is an intellectual whore who will think and theorize whatever he is paid to think. As for Bugliosi, he knows that the correct approach to solving a crime it to keep an open mind and follow the evidence where ever it goes, and to debate the possible scinarios is just jerking everybody around for as long and hard as you can to waste time and kill real evidence. BK I believe a clue to Cockburns viewpoint lies in his answer regarding Oswald and Castro. What scares many "leftists" is the possibility that the conspiracy may have been one of Marxist origin , which they would not care to expose.
  24. While I agree with Jack on this one and that Alx Cock, even though a Brit posing as a freelance radical, is an establishment stooge, I happened to be watching the program and turned my tape recorder on for just the answer to the one question. This is what I got from it: A.C. : "I have said in the past, more than once, that I tend to believe the Warren Commission, and then people who don't ... raise their ( ? Herculian ....gust... ?).... and slap their lips and say, 'what an idiot.' And I think actually that the subsequent...encourages that...including the famous magic bullet, do ratify that postion,....I would...Did Lee Harvey Oswald have any accomplances? A lot of people say now no, but if you were there on .... the afternoon of November 22nd...and you had Lee Harvey Oswald's name in your rollodex, how long before you took that name out of your rollodex and tore it up and burned the remains and put them in the trash?" "I tend to think and always thought that Lee Harvey Oswald thought that by killing Jack Kennedy he would take the pressure off Castro, ...ah, you know? And he saw the attempts to kill Castro as something that provoked him to do it. There were a lot of various peculiar things about Lee Harvey Oswald, it's true. But, by and large, I tend to agree, I tend definately to think he shot him. I think he did. I think the way the Warren Commission describes it is correct....." So A. Cock thinks Oswald knew about the top secret CIA/Mafia plots to kill Castro and responded to them by killing JFK. A. Cock, like N. Chomsky, is an intellectual whore who will think and theorize whatever he is paid to think. As for Bugliosi, he knows that the correct approach to solving a crime it to keep an open mind and follow the evidence where ever it goes, and to debate the possible scinarios is just jerking everybody around for as long and hard as you can to waste time and kill real evidence. BK I think one of the clues to Cockburn's viewpoint, is displayed in his answer regarding Oswald and Castro. What scares alot of "leftists" like Cockburn and Chomsky, is the possibility that the assassination may have been a Marxist Conspiracy, which they would not care to expose. What if the killer of JFK had been determined to be a right winger. Would these people be esposing the same rhetoric as to conspiracy?
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