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William O'Neil

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Posts posted by William O'Neil

  1. While there isn't very much on D. H. Byrd on the internet, it should be easy enough to answer some basic questions, like did he really remove the sniper's window from the 6th floor of TSBD?

    It's a question I've asked Gary Mack, who should know, and I await his response.

    1) Did the owner of the TSBD D. H. Byrd have the sniper's window removed for display at his home?

    It would certainly be in-character for Byrd having the sniper window in his trophy room (he probably also had the swearing in missle as well), which brings up my next question: who accompanied Byrd on his African safari that took him out of the country on Nov. 22, 1963. I'm sure such an expedition made the local papers, and Byrd & Posse posed for many photos next to their trophies.

    2) Who accompanied DHB on the Nov. 1963 safari?

    For these men, hunting was a right of passage into their world. Some, like LBJ and I believe Ed Wilson in Virginia, owned private game preserves so they could go hunting anytime. When LBJ got JFK down to the ranch and took him hunting, JFK just didn't get it.

    Who accompanied Byrd would be telling, much like Chaney's misshap, that never would have become public if he didn't shoot somebody.

    DH Byrd came from a very prolific political family that included powerful political relatives in other states (ie Virginia), and a Bryd family tree would be very helpful. It would also be interesting to know if DH Byrd of CAP/TSBD fame is related to Dr. Eldon Bryd (GWU, Medical Engineer, Polaris, Navy Metal Matrix Composite Program, MAZE, MKULTRA - RIP Dec. 30, 2002) or David H. Byrd, President of Dallas Diebold Electronic election machines?

    3) Is D.H. Byrd related to the late Dr. Eldon Bryd or David H. Byrd, Pres of Dallas Diebold?

    While I have some other outstanding questions, these are the ones that I have been unable to answer that I think others might have ready figured out.



    Bill , I think it was one of the 'docent' guides at the Sixth Floor, who told us that the original window had indeed been removed, " by a previous owner". Don't know if he was refering to Byrd or not, but I got the impression that it was soon after 11-22. Seems Marrs or Larry Howard told me that as well. Now, I write these things down!

  2. FWIW, I found my copy of Ruy's autopsy report, in case any one has a specific questions.


    Bill, appreciate the offer.

    Was there any thickening of lung tissue noted?

    Were granulomas present in the lungs?

    How was the liver described?

    Greg; The Liver weight is 1800 grams,. The surface of the diaphram associated with the liver is free of metastasis.

    There are a number of tumor nodules in the liver, in the left lobe measuring 8mm, in the right lobe the size varies from 4mm up to 1.4cm. in greatest diameter. More pronounced over the surface of the liver. The capsule is smooth aside from the nodules as noted.

    The number of metastases is limited, 14 are counted. The cut surface of the liver is predominantly uninvolved by the tumor. Modest congestion. Underside is unremarkable.

    Lungs; The lungs together weigh 1700 grams. The pleural suface on the left is quite smooth although in the interlobar fissure

    there are some nodular projections. The visceral pleura is intact thruoghout. The surface does not appear to be involved by tumor althuogh tumor nodules are palpable and they are numeruos throughout the parenchyma . There is tumor involvement peribronchially more marked on the right side and there is a projecting tumor mass in the right mainstem bronchus from the middle

    lobe bronchus and sclerosis of the surrounding tissue with lymph node tumor involvement grossly. There is also anthracosis of the lymph nodes. The sections of the lungs show marked nodular tumor involvement pripherally. Nodules size are 2-4mm, are distinct, firm, flat and slightly raised.

    No caseation. In the right lower lobe there is one area that is confluent of approx.2cm. The peribronchial lymph nodes along the right side are extensively involved. There is little aeration of the left lung, the right shows minimal aeration with some focal areas of atelectasis. The lung tissue of the left lung between the tumor is pink to grey and exudes some fluid when compressed. There is distenton of both pulmonary arteries with non- adherent ante mortem emboli. These measure up to 1.5cm. in diameter several show branching, these are twisted and firmly impacted. Ther are emboli in the smaller artereis bilaterally. No pulomary infarcts.

    Ya got that!

    Yes Thanks, Bill :up

    I also have summaries of autopsies done on beryllium poisoning victims for comaparison.

    Greg ; On further reading I note that Rose states there are nodules of metastatic tumors within the thalamus (of the brain)

    with slightly projecting opaque greyish -white granules, measuringup to 1 mm. in greatist dimension. Don't know if that's relevant to your question re lungs.

    Bill, yeah... metastic tumors are secondary ones... proof that the cancer started elsewhere and spread.

    The autopsy summaries I have aren't as useful as I'd hoped due to the fact that none of the cases of beryllium poisoning looked at actually developed lung cancer.

    However...the mention in Ruby's autopsy of the presence of anthracosis could be telling. Anthracosis is caused by coal dust, heavy air pollution or smoking. I have found nothing that indicates so-called "passive" smoking is a risk. However, one of the added bonuses you get from smoking is... beryllium. So... if smoking (and thus inhaling beryllium, among other carcinogens) causes anthracosis, but Ruby didn't smoke... maybe beryllium particulates from other sources were the cause... in the absence of any other possibilities.

    There is also the fact that beryllium poisoning esembles pneumonia - which was the original diagnosis with Ruby. Serious question: How often is lung cancer misdiagnosed as pneumonia?

    Greg; I think the American Cancer Society would argue that "passive" or second hand smoke inhalation, indeed does cause, or at least puts you at risk for lung cancer, Ruby was definately exposed to that in a nightclub. Ruby was riddled with metastatic tumors, including lymph system invasion, which makes it harder to determine point of origin. Rose does not state exactly where site of origin occured. He just states immediate cause of death as- Pulmonary emboli, secondary to bronchiolar carcinoma of the lungs.

    Whats your opinion?

  3. FWIW, I found my copy of Ruy's autopsy report, in case any one has a specific questions.


    Bill, appreciate the offer.

    Was there any thickening of lung tissue noted?

    Were granulomas present in the lungs?

    How was the liver described?

    Greg; The Liver weight is 1800 grams,. The surface of the diaphram associated with the liver is free of metastasis.

    There are a number of tumor nodules in the liver, in the left lobe measuring 8mm, in the right lobe the size varies from 4mm up to 1.4cm. in greatest diameter. More pronounced over the surface of the liver. The capsule is smooth aside from the nodules as noted.

    The number of metastases is limited, 14 are counted. The cut surface of the liver is predominantly uninvolved by the tumor. Modest congestion. Underside is unremarkable.

    Lungs; The lungs together weigh 1700 grams. The pleural suface on the left is quite smooth although in the interlobar fissure

    there are some nodular projections. The visceral pleura is intact thruoghout. The surface does not appear to be involved by tumor althuogh tumor nodules are palpable and they are numeruos throughout the parenchyma . There is tumor involvement peribronchially more marked on the right side and there is a projecting tumor mass in the right mainstem bronchus from the middle

    lobe bronchus and sclerosis of the surrounding tissue with lymph node tumor involvement grossly. There is also anthracosis of the lymph nodes. The sections of the lungs show marked nodular tumor involvement pripherally. Nodules size are 2-4mm, are distinct, firm, flat and slightly raised.

    No caseation. In the right lower lobe there is one area that is confluent of approx.2cm. The peribronchial lymph nodes along the right side are extensively involved. There is little aeration of the left lung, the right shows minimal aeration with some focal areas of atelectasis. The lung tissue of the left lung between the tumor is pink to grey and exudes some fluid when compressed. There is distenton of both pulmonary arteries with non- adherent ante mortem emboli. These measure up to 1.5cm. in diameter several show branching, these are twisted and firmly impacted. Ther are emboli in the smaller artereis bilaterally. No pulomary infarcts.

    Ya got that!

    Yes Thanks, Bill :D

    I also have summaries of autopsies done on beryllium poisoning victims for comaparison.

    Greg ; On further reading I note that Rose states there are nodules of metastatic tumors within the thalamus (of the brain)

    with slightly projecting opaque greyish -white granules, measuringup to 1 mm. in greatist dimension. Don't know if that's relevant to your question re lungs.

  4. FWIW, I found my copy of Ruy's autopsy report, in case any one has a specific questions.


    Bill, appreciate the offer.

    Was there any thickening of lung tissue noted?

    Were granulomas present in the lungs?

    How was the liver described?

    Greg; The Liver weight is 1800 grams,. The surface of the diaphram associated with the liver is free of metastasis.

    There are a number of tumor nodules in the liver, in the left lobe measuring 8mm, in the right lobe the size varies from 4mm up to 1.4cm. in greatest diameter. More pronounced over the surface of the liver. The capsule is smooth aside from the nodules as noted.

    The number of metastases is limited, 14 are counted. The cut surface of the liver is predominantly uninvolved by the tumor. Modest congestion. Underside is unremarkable.

    Lungs; The lungs together weigh 1700 grams. The pleural suface on the left is quite smooth although in the interlobar fissure

    there are some nodular projections. The visceral pleura is intact thruoghout. The surface does not appear to be involved by tumor althuogh tumor nodules are palpable and they are numeruos throughout the parenchyma . There is tumor involvement peribronchially more marked on the right side and there is a projecting tumor mass in the right mainstem bronchus from the middle

    lobe bronchus and sclerosis of the surrounding tissue with lymph node tumor involvement grossly. There is also anthracosis of the lymph nodes. The sections of the lungs show marked nodular tumor involvement pripherally. Nodules size are 2-4mm, are distinct, firm, flat and slightly raised.

    No caseation. In the right lower lobe there is one area that is confluent of approx.2cm. The peribronchial lymph nodes along the right side are extensively involved. There is little aeration of the left lung, the right shows minimal aeration with some focal areas of atelectasis. The lung tissue of the left lung between the tumor is pink to grey and exudes some fluid when compressed. There is distenton of both pulmonary arteries with non- adherent ante mortem emboli. These measure up to 1.5cm. in diameter several show branching, these are twisted and firmly impacted. Ther are emboli in the smaller artereis bilaterally. No pulomary infarcts.

    Ya got that!

  5. Since 1963 ,books,television programs.etc. Something for these conspiracy buffs to profit off of the death of late President. Men like Herschal Womack and Jack White tell you it wasn't Oswald in the back yard photos! Who the hell was it? Oswald would be proud of his name in the history books. That's all he ever wanted! Larry Flint's offer still stands. Solve the JFK assassination and he will pay you $1,000,000 . As for me,yes I wish there was a conspiracy. There is no forensic evidence to prove otherwise! Prove me wrong.

    Sir...your accusation that I have profited is ridiculous.

    I have never "profited" from the assassination, unless

    you count an "expenses paid" trip to London by Central

    Television to help with a documentary, which picked

    up my airfare and hotel costs. There was no "pay"

    involved. As you say...PROVE THAT I PROFITED.

    I risked more than $20,000 to produce several

    videos. Fortunately, sales helped me recover most

    of the cost. The videos are now available FREE on




    Mr. White,I said that you and Herschal Womack said that LHO was not the man in the backyard photo.PLEASE re-read it. I did not say that you profited.......

    Since 1963 ,books,television programs.etc. Something for these conspiracy buffs to profit off of the death of late President. Men like Herschal Womack and Jack White tell you it wasn't Oswald in the back yard photos! Who the hell was it? Oswald would be proud of his name in the history books. That's all he ever wanted! Larry Flint's offer still stands. Solve the JFK assassination and he will pay you $1,000,000 . As for me,yes I wish there was a conspiracy. There is no forensic evidence to prove otherwise! Prove me wrong.


    "Larry Flint's offer still stands. Solve the JFK assassination and he will pay you $1,000,000 . As for me,yes I wish there was a conspiracy. There is no forensic evidence to prove otherwise! Prove me wrong."

    And, look what happened to Flynt. You could've at least gotten the spelling of his name right. He became a paraplegic for making that offer. Shot at, and paralyzed from the waist down. And, don't try and hand me any of your hairbrained explanations on that one because I've got it on firsthand authority, you fool.

    Your right where you should be............California!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  6. I too have been following Morris for awhile now . FOIA'd him last year, with slim results, mostly stuff from his early commitee days. I know there is more stuff in the files of FBI, cause I've seen references to him in other FBI docs, that weren't in what they sent me,... typical though. The SS took over a year to send me 2 docs, that seem rather innocuous for all the dodging around they did about it. Someone threw a blanket over this guy long ago.

  7. Greg, Somwhere it was mentioned that Ruby could also have been over exposed to X-ray radiation, during his early exams. Just wonder if ,or how quickly that could cause cancer.

    Also, I have Ruby's Autopsy somewhere in mountanous stacks of doc's, that are moving me out of house and home. If I recall correctly Ruby was btw 5'-8''and 9''.

  8. If you were sitting in Oswalds cell (F-2), you could see anyone brought down the corridor to those 3 cells, especially if you were standing or sitting to the left hand side (facing out). I coud see through the doorway leading out to the main hallway, when the corridor door was open. You could also hear anything said in that corridor or cells , the acoustics were very loud, the corridor is only 3.5 ft wide. If I had sightly longer arms I could have passed a note thru the bars to the cells on either side easily. Thats how close together they are, seperated only by a sheet of steel. There are ONLY 3 cells in this corridor F-1,2,3, all the other cell are down the main hall and through another door(s) 50-60' away in the main block. Oswalds cell is a 2 bunk cell ,the ones on either side are 1 bunk.

  9. On Sat. November 18th I had the rare opportunity to tour the Municipal Building in Dallas. Most of you know this building as the place where Oswald was shot, in the basement garage. During the tour we got to go up to the jail block, where we saw and sat in, "Oswalds cell". It was not at all how I've heard it described by those challenging the Elrod story, and the setting is actually favorable to it. I'm not endorsing any theory of what may, or may not have taken place there , I just found it facinating how different it actually was from what I had pictured, judging from the debate about "Oswald Talked"

    If anyone has a question, feel free to ask.

  10. a simple traced outline on the window established from the right photos, that could be viewed through a few lensed tubes with crosshairs perhaps?. It might cause a rise in number of people questioning of some of the findings.

    Meanwhile back at the window...Iv'e read several times that the last owner of the TSBD took the original window frame with him before he sold the building, not sure what year.

  11. Does James Richards or anyone have any more info on Buck. James, I read your post of 9-19-06 which was helpfull. Is there any thing more ?

    Hi Bill,

    Sorry, I don't have anything more than what appeared in that thread. Information on McMann is somewhat limited.



    Thanks, The same for Robert Blaine Payne? Where did you see him tied into Lively?


  12. Andrews was a bottom feeder who followed the money trail pretty much wherever it led. My friends in NO's told me he catered to mob types and prominant "Queens", who needed their favorite "trade" bailed out of jail.


    THis sounds like a combination of Gay-bashing ("Queens") and Argument from Authority, a well-recognized fallacy. Besides. It is impossible to tell from your post who your friends are or whether they had any personal or professional qualifications to pass judgement on Dean Andrews.

    As for defending Gays, it seems Andrews was ahead of his time. It is doubtful that these Gays could pay the kind of fees paid by large corporations, so it seems that lawyers who defend the poor and the outcast--as opposed to lawyers who defend the rich --are "bottom-feeders." Quite the elitist, ain't you?

    As for defending mobsters, do you know of any (alleged) mobster Andrews defended, apart from Carlos Marcello? Your hero Garrison, by the way, did not consider Marcello a mobster at all.

    In America we have a system called Due Process, under which every accused person (gays, mobsters and even rich people) is entitled to legal representation. Does that really bother you so much?

    First off, I'm not presenting a judgement on gay people, this is why I put the word "Queens" in quotations. This is what I was told by some long time residents of New Orleans, who lived through this era and had some knowledge of Andrews, and his reputation. Perhaps I could have explained it better . My point about Andrews clientel was related to why "Bertrand" may have called him in the first place, after all, Andrews remembered that Oswald came to his office "three or four times" subsequent to the first visit, seeking info on his discharge. Andrews also claimed that "Bertrand had regularly called Andrews on behalf of gay kids normally", so he could bond out or help when they got in trouble. Perhaps this was why "Bertrand" may have sought out Andrews legal assistance, at this time (11-22).

    Oh, and believe me, Garrison is not my hero by any stretch. Yes there was mobsters in La. Marcello was the Godfather, and Andrews was running in that circle. I definately wouldn't make him out to be some altruistic progresive either. Please don't let your hatred for Garrison, cloud your ability to discern who some of his victims/ targets actually were.


  13. . And Garrison didn't persecute Andrews; in fact, he signed the petition of remand for Andrews' perjury conviction (here).

    Wrong. Garrison prosecuted Dean Andrews and obtined a perjury conviction. Mark Lane bragged about it in his pro-Garrison book "A Citizen's Dissent". The conviction was eventually thrown out years later, but in the meantime Dean Andrew's career had been destroyed and along with it his ability to support his large family (I think Andrews had seven or eight kids).

    Score one for Jim Garrison.

    Of course Garrison eventually recognized the inevitable and eventually supported the overturning of Andrew's conviction. But that was too little and too late. Garrison had already abused his power to destroy the life of a good man.

    If Garrison destroyed Andrews career, he did New Orleans a favor. Andrews was a bottom feeder who followed the money trail pretty much wherever it led. My friends in NO's told me he catered to mob types and prominant "Queens", who needed their favorite "trade" bailed out of jail. IMO, Andrews suddenly developed amnesia when given the word that he'd better shut his mouth, or he'd find himself in the next shrimp net.


  14. I heard Paul tell his story many times at many meetings in Dallas and spoke with him there also. He was a man of integrity and truth, I felt and aware of the dangers of speaking out, but willing to do so anyway. The fact that our evil and haunting spook BS tries to denegrade him only boosts his position. Sadly, another good and valuable witness dead - although I think he told all he had to tell several times and it is well documented. Anyone who met him, spent time with him, I think was impressed with his sincerity and integrety. There are good people in the world and he was, I felt, one of them.

    Peter, Amen! I too spent hours talking with Paul in Dallas and on the phone. Anyone who met him was impressed with his sincerity, and he would readily admit when he didn't know something, or if he was speculating. What amazed me, was that he would remember exactly what we were last talking about months later. I know he didn't relish divulging alot of this stuff, as he told me his wife feared there might be consequences,and urged him to stop talking about this subject .

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