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William O'Neil

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Posts posted by William O'Neil

  1. Thanks Greg! Joe Grinnan was loyal to Walker and his circle of friends. We came across his Christmas cards that he sent to Walker's bud, J. Evatts Haley. Joe communicated with Haley well into the 80's and was still very loyal to the cause. On the other hand Surrey had a falling out with Walker a few years later, when Roberts wife became angry about Ted turning down their request to join the Dallas ANP.


  2. Thanks Greg! Joe Grinnan was loyal to Walker and his circle of friends. We came across his Christmas cards that he sent to Walker's bud, J. Evatts Haley. Joe communicated with Haley well into the 80's and was still very loyal to the cause. On the other hand Surrey had a falling out with Walker a few years later, when Roberts wife became angry about Ted turning down their request to join the Dallas ANP.


  3. FWIW- Back in the late 80's I went down to the Police Dept. building to try and photograph the spot where Os was shot. I met an officer on the steps going down to the basement from the outside parking area, where Ruby may have entered. I asked him if it was cool to go down and take pictures in the basement, he said yeah, but make it quick. Are you a JFK buff ? he asked, I said yeah, sorta. Well, he said, ya know it's funny, last week I bought a house out in Oak Cliff and I went down into the crawl space to inspect the pipes, and I found the weirdist thing. It was a big box of newspapers and stuff from 1963, covering the assassination and it's aftermath, magazines in perfect condition, articles on Jackie and Caroline, he paused and said ...musta been a closet Kennedy admirer! I asked what do you mean ?, He replied, well hell, back in those days, you had to keep that kinda stuff a secret or you'd be run outa town or worse! You didn't leave that kinda stuff out in the open!

    After taking my pic's, I went up into the main lobby, where I looked for a drinking fountain. I noticed nearby, two wall mounted fountains about 4 feet apart. While I approached them, I looked up and noticed above each fountain was a word in black, that you could still read thru a thin wash of paint, one said COLORED and the other said WHITE. I thought whoa!.... their not even trying to hide it, so.... I took a drink out of the COLORED one, and left.


  4. Jim ; The ''Col'' was indeed Archabald Roberts. I went through his papers at the Univ. of Oregon (Knight Library Special Collections). He was not the originator of the idea, Walker seems to have been , but he did put together the Pro-Blue program for him. Roberts was a staunch suporter of Walker's and in the end, it cost him his carrer. Bob and Ted worked together after the service until they had a falling out a few years later over ego. Roberts is still alive and publishing a RW rag, the name of which escapes me.


  5. One of the great (As yet) untold stories, is that of the many right- wing women in and around people like Walker, Banister, and the Hunt's, Mary Helen Brengal was one of them, tho she came to her senses and turned on them in the end. She died a week after we interviewed her, nice lady.

    - Bill

  6. Thanks, Greg.

    Could well be. I have managed to do a bit more digging and found out that Robinson was a former photographer for United Press International and that at the time of the incident at Walker's house, he was working for Kincaid Photographers. The Kincaid who owned the company was George Kincaid who held a high level clearance with the Air Force during WW2. He was involved in their photographic department.

    I have also discovered that Lt. A.E. Nobles died of a heart attack in 1967. He was 51 years old. Nobles was a 1958 graduate of the FBI National Academy in Washington, a member of the Vickery Baptist Church, the Hella Temple Shrine and the Oak Cliff Masonic Lodge.



    James and Greg; Good stuff, Walker had some interesting characters passing through and staying at his house when he'd be away. I was told that alot of them were his, well....''boyfriends'', who were very protective of ''Ted''.


  7. Bill,

    Sorry, I don't have an image of Surrey but do you know anything about the Southwest Information Service that he allegedly headed?


    Sorry James, I have not heard of it. What year(s) are we talking about?

    Thank you John, I have that document. The only photo I have seen of Surrey, is a brief shot in a film of him driving Walker onto Ole' Miss campus. I viewed this at the Jackson Miss. Archives.

    Thank you both -Bill

    Did he look anything like Oswald, in 1963?

    No, he doesn't look like Os, I 'm trying to ID some people in photos we got , from various archives.


    Sorry James, I have not heard of it. What year(s) are we talking about? (William O'Neil)


    This would be 1963.


    Thanks James , could you tell me something about this org? {Southwest Information Service]


  8. Bill,

    Sorry, I don't have an image of Surrey but do you know anything about the Southwest Information Service that he allegedly headed?


    Sorry James, I have not heard of it. What year(s) are we talking about?

    Thank you John, I have that document. The only photo I have seen of Surrey, is a brief shot in a film of him driving Walker onto Ole' Miss campus. I viewed this at the Jackson Miss. Archives.

    Thank you both -Bill

  9. Bill,

    As to any FOIA applications, his full name was James Burr V. Allred Jr,. The V didn't actually stand for anything.

    Interesting regarding the alleged gun running. Do you have any more details on that?




    By letterdated 4/30/64, the Dallas office furnished the following information:

    In view of James V. Allred's known sympathy for Former General Edwin A. Walker, and Walker's known feelings towards immediate intervention in communist controlled Cuba, it was deemed quite likely that Allred was engaged in some type of gun smuggling or other type activities to assist Cuban exiles in raids against communist controlled Cuba.

    Allred obtained Passport and Visas for eight Central American counties in New Orleans, 12/14/62.

  10. Hello folks, I am new to this forum. I was wondering if any of you have come across the name James Allred Jr. in your research? He is supposed to have flown Edwin Walker to Ole' Miss. on 9/29/62. He is said by FBI to be a dedicated follower of Walker, and a member of Dallas JBS. His middle initial shows up in FBI docs as V. or D. ,although it seems to be the same guy.

    Thanks, Bill


    The middle initial is V. He was the son of Federal District Judge and former Texas Governor James V. Allred who died of a heart attack in 1959.

    During the 1950's, James Allred Jr. was part of the Air National Guard as a fighter pilot in the 181st Fighter Squadron.



    Thanks James for the photo. Yes, I belive that James V. the Gov... is James Jr's. dad. However I have FBI docs that list one 'James D.Allred Jr., and it's fairly evident that they are refering to the same person. Not uncommon in FBI material, tho I'd like to nail it down to do a FOIA. Wife's name in one doc is Jeanne Allred, who was seperated from him. The FBI alledges that he was involved in gun running OP's, and made frequent runs to Mexico.


  11. Hello folks, I am new to this forum. I was wondering if any of you have come across the name James Allred Jr. in your research? He is supposed to have flown Edwin Walker to Ole' Miss. on 9/29/62. He is said by FBI to be a dedicated follower of Walker, and a member of Dallas JBS. His middle initial shows up in FBI docs as V. or D. ,although it seems to be the same guy.

    Thanks, Bill

  12. I am presently working on a book with another researcher about Lee Harvey Oswald. This project has been in the works for roughly 12 yrs. I've been interested in this case since 1967. I am acquainted with many of the researchers, esp. in my area (San Francisco Bay Area). Have appeared on a couple cable TV shows hosted by veteran researcher Hal Verb, and have done extensive research over the years. Although there are some areas of our book that I can't divulge at this time, I am willing to contribute whatever else I can, to the general and specific discussions. I've learned some interesting things from browsing the Forum, and hope I can return the favor. I am a 53 yr. old single parent, retired from the Landscape biz, and presently a landlord of rental property in California.

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