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William O'Neil

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Posts posted by William O'Neil

  1. When Matthew first wrote on the subject January asked him not to reveal January as the

    person with the experience in the plane sale - so Matthew used the Hank Gordon pseudonym.

    A couple of years ago at Lancer he went through this in his presentation.

    After his death, January's widow gave permission for the use of the real name in the

    newer book.

    As to the aircraft, indeed James is right and the aircraft was a C-54 built at the very

    end of WWII, I have full paperwork on the plane and all its changes of ownership.

    The plane title was not yet legally transferred to Houston Air Center as of November 22, that's

    a long story I get into in the book.

    And yes, with a bit of luck we are still looking to release the second edition by the end

    of March, it's going into galley's at this time.

    P.S. There seems no way at this point to get an exact ID on the Cuban but circumstances

    suggest the aircraft was destined to be part of the Artime build up outside the U.S.

    Most probably as a supply plane as all the seating had been stripped out at that time.

    -- Larry

    My chief suspect is Pedro Diaz Lanz......

  2. James, do you ( or anyone ) have a decent picture of Joe Newbrough, that we could use....

    ...'Suitable for Framing'

    Thanks, Bill


    Sorry about the poor quality. It's the only one I have.



    James, Where does this pic come from, does the photo have a copyright on it ? We may want to publish it.

  3. Greg ; Thanks, I knew Jacks. It seems I read some docs with Morris # on it, in Mary Ferrells site. Perhaps it was Jacks. Anyway the question arises as to the source of interception(48S) on Oswalds address change card from NO's, sent to the Worker. (See Newman, Os and CIA p292). Since Morris was an editor for the Worker, I thought it might be him reporting back to FBI on Os' location.

  4. Frank Chambers was owner of the Ex-Caliber Gun Shop in NO's. Supposedly rented out and shipped guns to Cuba.

    Bill, he is believed to have been an indirect victim of Katrina, having died from a heart attack on going back to his gun shop after the storm to see what he could salvage. His wife and three children survive him.

    Greg , The reason I ask is that this was taken from a Garrison doc by Al Oser. It proclaims that on 2-21-67, he "recieved info from a confidential informer that Lee Harvey Oswald had on several ocasions attended meetings of the FPCC at 1121 Pine St. in the City of New Orleans. This location was the residence of Dr. Leonard Reissman" "It is believed that members of the New Orleans Police Dept. observed Oswald attend meetings at this location. During this time the PD was conducting a stake-out in an attempt to learn more about the Fair Play for Cuba Movement" "In the Police Dept's records there should be information concerning Oswald and the FPCC which was recieved from the Law Enforcement Agency. This agency is believed to be an Organization which collects and disseminates informaton concerning crime and criminal activities among large metropolitan cities with one another " (LEIU ?) Oser staes "I learned from the same source that gave me the info regarding Reissman that a W/M by the name of Frank Chambers was involved in renting guns to Cuba " etc.

    Here we go again with the Reissman allegations.......in 1967! I have my list of supects as to who the informer might be, whats your take?



    Bill, thanks for bringing this back. The whole Reissman thing continues to flummox me, but I'll try and address what I can here (which is not a great deal...).

    If the Intelligence Unit had information from stake-outs placing LHO at Reissman's for FPCC meetings, why was this not brought out at the time of LHO's August arrest? Instead, what we get from Martello is "gee, I kind of remember the name Reissman being vaguely connected to meetings of some type in Pine Street, and being connected somehow to the New Orleans Council for Peaceful Alternatives, so I connected the dots to FPCC..." Also, apart from allegations about finding FPCC literature in Pine St and at Tulane, there is a blanket denial of any FPCC activity in NO.

    Hugh Murray's Fourth Decade Article seems to be the definitive piece on NOCPA and the Reissman allegations. Have you read that? It does put the knife into a couple of misconceptions (though, unfortunately they continue to be published as fact).

    As to who Oser's informant might be, my guess (probably less informed than yours) would be Bringuier, or one of two or three people I believe were informants/infiltrators of NOCPA.

    Greg; I'm juggling about 3-4 names in my head right now. However, it could be someone in LEIU , at least it seems to be someone in or, ex- law enforcement. The source was same for Chambers backgound info. I'd like to get a hold of Al Oser, anyone know if he's alive and where?

  5. Frank Chambers was owner of the Ex-Caliber Gun Shop in NO's. Supposedly rented out and shipped guns to Cuba.

    Bill, he is believed to have been an indirect victim of Katrina, having died from a heart attack on going back to his gun shop after the storm to see what he could salvage. His wife and three children survive him.

    Greg , The reason I ask is that this was taken from a Garrison doc by Al Oser. It proclaims that on 2-21-67, he "recieved info from a confidential informer that Lee Harvey Oswald had on several ocasions attended meetings of the FPCC at 1121 Pine St. in the City of New Orleans. This location was the residence of Dr. Leonard Reissman" "It is believed that members of the New Orleans Police Dept. observed Oswald attend meetings at this location. During this time the PD was conducting a stake-out in an attempt to learn more about the Fair Play for Cuba Movement" "In the Police Dept's records there should be information concerning Oswald and the FPCC which was recieved from the Law Enforcement Agency. This agency is believed to be an Organization which collects and disseminates informaton concerning crime and criminal activities among large metropolitan cities with one another " (LEIU ?) Oser staes "I learned from the same source that gave me the info regarding Reissman that a W/M by the name of Frank Chambers was involved in renting guns to Cuba " etc.

    Here we go again with the Reissman allegations.......in 1967! I have my list of supects as to who the informer might be, whats your take?



  6. Frank Chambers was owner of the Ex-Caliber Gun Shop in NO's. Supposedly rented out and shipped guns to Cuba.

    Bill, he is believed to have been an indirect victim of Katrina, having died from a heart attack on going back to his gun shop after the storm to see what he could salvage. His wife and three children survive him.

    Greg , The reason I ask is that this was taken from a Garrison doc by Al Oser. It proclaims that on 2-21-67, he "recieved info from a confidential informer that Lee Harvey Oswald had on several ocasions attended meetings of the FPCC at 1121 Pine St. in the City of New Orleans. This location was the residence of Dr. Leonard Reissman" "It is believed that members of the New Orleans Police Dept. observed Oswald attend meetings at this location. During this time the PD was conducting a stake-out in an attempt to learn more about the Fair Play for Cuba Movement" "In the Police Dept's records there should be information concerning Oswald and the FPCC which was recieved from the Law Enforcement Agency. This agency is believed to be an Organization which collects and disseminates informaton concerning crime and criminal activities among large metropolitan cities with one another " (LEIU ?) Oser staes "I learned from the same source that gave me the info regarding Reissman that a W/M by the name of Frank Chambers was involved in renting guns to Cuba " etc.

    Here we go again with the Reissman allegations.......in 1967! I have my list of supects as to who the informer might be, whats your take?

  7. Oh, I get it...this post of yours was just what we called a "teaser" when I was in radio...as in, you don't actually plan to expound on your evidence; you just want to draw some attention to your forthcoming book.

    OK...I just thought you might discuss your information here on a discussion forum. It's your book, so it's your call.

    Mark, I believe I stated what I was trying to draw attention to, and it isn't a book. I'm perfectly willing to discuss the topic, but there are certain things I'm not at liberty to divulge, untill our work is out. You may consider that unfair or a "tease", but it wasn't intended that way.

    Again, Why is the FBI knocking on the Murret's door in Sept. asking if he lives there ? Actually, they first inquired if a" young coulpe" was living there, then they asked if she knew "Lee Oswald"? Lillian Murret said "yes, he's my nephew'. whereupon the 2 men asked her if she knew where he lived? She replied well, yes, he lives on the 4900 block of Magazine St". Incidently, the 2 men did not introduce themselves as FBI, untill after they asked the questions. According to their own records the FBI knew where LHO was living as early as July, and no later than August 5th , when SA Kaack intreviewed Mrs. Garner about LHO. So, I'm wondering how and why the "FBI" is chasing down the Murret's, and quizzing them about Oswalds whereabouts , 2 days after Labor Day?

  8. Ok, does anybody realize that LHO was under constant survielance while in NO's....by several intrested groups ? At least 3 ,if not 5 local anti- communist orgs were very aware of Oswald and his activities.

    OK, I acknowledge your claim. Do you have any evidence to back it up...documents, sources...anything?

    Mark, yes we do have evidence, which will be in a forthcoming book on Oswald, providing the publishing gods are receptive. I was just trying to get people to look at LHO's actions in this light ,and to understand that he was not operating in a vacum. esp. in NO's.

    I'm having a great deal of trouble posting here lately, as my registration keeps getting dropped every other time I post. Very tiresome. Somebody or something seems to be messin' with this forum on a regular basis.

  9. I received the following email from Jim Olmstead today, and am posting it here with permission. Jim has also offered to address any comments/questions through me. As noted in his email, he is willing to have this work used free, so if anyone is aware of any where it could be used, please let me know, and I'll forward the information on. He has said in a further email that "I really feel strongly that the letter is not any forgery." so this would seem a quite important breakthrough, if it indeed can be shown to have been written by Oswald.

    Although I do not support at this time that the Dear Mr. Hunt letter was addressed to either H. L. Hunt or any specific Hunt family member or E. Howard Hunt, I do have research in support that the letter is not a forgery or fake.

    The key consideration on my part is that even with poor quality examples to study the "e" is not really missing from the signature of Lee Harvey Oswald.

    I based this on McNally's testimony that it only "appears to be missing" and study to confirm the appearance shows that the "e" is actually a portion of the y stroke.

    Every point presented in the HSCA panel examination of the Dear Mr. Hunt letter has a valid counterpoint consideration. The "script" created for "A Case Not Tried" dealing with handwriting is available free, to any news or investigative production or

    educational institution, wishing to produce this segment of my series "A Case Not Tried".

    I do retain certain rights and considerations on production. The program must show all aspects of consideration, in all fairness, with rebutal to points presented.

    James K. Olmstead

    Greg; Didn't the KGB admit to forging this? and if they didn't, why say this........?

    Bill, the claim was made in a book co-written by a KGB defector to England, Vasili Mitrokhin. No supporting evidence was provided in the book.

    After the letter was published by Penn Jones, a Dallas paper hired experts to study it. They concluded it was written by Oswald. Marina was shown the letter, and she thought it was Oswald's writing. Then came the HSCA study. That panel decided a determination was impossible without seeing the original. What they noted as suspicious was:

    Oswald usually signed his name with a middle initial, not full name; the "e" in Harvey appeared to be missing; the writing was neat and appeared deliberate.

    In all other respects, they found the writing to match known samples.

    I always thuoght that this story was a little too timely..

  10. I received the following email from Jim Olmstead today, and am posting it here with permission. Jim has also offered to address any comments/questions through me. As noted in his email, he is willing to have this work used free, so if anyone is aware of any where it could be used, please let me know, and I'll forward the information on. He has said in a further email that "I really feel strongly that the letter is not any forgery." so this would seem a quite important breakthrough, if it indeed can be shown to have been written by Oswald.

    Although I do not support at this time that the Dear Mr. Hunt letter was addressed to either H. L. Hunt or any specific Hunt family member or E. Howard Hunt, I do have research in support that the letter is not a forgery or fake.

    The key consideration on my part is that even with poor quality examples to study the "e" is not really missing from the signature of Lee Harvey Oswald.

    I based this on McNally's testimony that it only "appears to be missing" and study to confirm the appearance shows that the "e" is actually a portion of the y stroke.

    Every point presented in the HSCA panel examination of the Dear Mr. Hunt letter has a valid counterpoint consideration. The "script" created for "A Case Not Tried" dealing with handwriting is available free, to any news or investigative production or

    educational institution, wishing to produce this segment of my series "A Case Not Tried".

    I do retain certain rights and considerations on production. The program must show all aspects of consideration, in all fairness, with rebutal to points presented.

    James K. Olmstead

    Greg; Didn't the KGB admit to forging this? and if they didn't, why say this........?

  11. QUOTE

    Greg; I think the American Cancer Society would argue that "passive" or second hand smoke inhalation, indeed does cause, or at least puts you at risk for lung cancer, Ruby was definately exposed to that in a nightclub. Ruby was riddled with metastatic tumors, including lymph system invasion, which makes it harder to determine point of origin. Rose does not state exactly where site of origin occured. He just states immediate cause of death as- Pulmonary emboli, secondary to bronchiolar carcinoma of the lungs.

    Whats your opinion?


    Bill, little doubt that "passive" smoking is a risk factor in lung cancer - just not small cell carcenoma - which is the type Ruby had (ie the type that spreads). Anthracosis is not cancer, and I have found nothing suggesting "passive" smoking can cause it. In fact, what the literature does say is that it only ever leads to lung cancer when the person is a long-term smoker.

    That Rose does not state point of origin is interesting. I thought it had been determined by Parkland doctors before death (they were investigating point of origin, acording to newspaper accounts. Might be misremembering that they succeeded). Doesn't matter much to my theory. The beryllium usually stores itself in bone and from there, once released, may end up causing tumors in any organ.

    Doh! I gotta stop posting first thing in the morning before coffee. Although not stated explicitly, Rose does in fact indicate it started in the lungs by describing all other tumors as metastatic (secondary).

    I'd also like to reiterate the importance of the anthracosis. Unless someone can show "passive" smoking is a risk factor for this, it's presence is - according to the literature - limited in cause to coal dust or heavy polution. We really need someone with experience in forensic medicine to look at the autopsy report alongside Ruby's known lifestyle and health history.

    Maybe we should be looking at the symptoms of Black Lung Disease?

    It was great work by John D in finding and pointing out the heavy reliance Chicago had on coal during Ruby's early years in that city. It does explains the presence of anthracosis in Ruby lymph nodes.

    See: http://www.pathologyoutlines.com/lymphnodes.html

    Anthracosis in lymph nodes


    Common in intrapulmonary lymph nodes

    Due to coal dust, smoke or pollution

    But here's the however... however...


    "anthracosis is the term typically utilized to describe black lung disease before it has progressed to such an extent that symptoms of the disease are palpable. The condition typically develops gradually over the course of many years and is characterized by black spotting or marbling of the lungs. The dark pigmentation associated with anthracosis primarily is caused by excessive exposure to carbonaceous material, which may stem from soot, diesel exhaust, coal, or other sources of carbon-containing dusts. Pollution and smoking are also known to contribute to anthracosis, and the condition is present to some extent in many residents of urban areas. Historically, however, anthracosis and its more severe manifestation, black lung disease, are best known as occupational illnesses that occur most commonly in coal miners."

    Based on the above, I think the anthracosis Ruby had was asymptomatic and had not progressed to black lung disease due to his removing himself from the irritant which probably caused it. Lateral to that, I don't think it was a factor in the development of his lung cancer, but I'd welcome any opinion/knowledge which might counter that. Till then, as far as I'm concerned, the hunt for the "trigger" continues, as does my belief that beryllium belongs at the top of the list possibilities.

    Beryllium actually gets a mention in a book called "The Elements of Murder: A History of Poison" by John Emsley.

    According to Emsley "...although the lungs are particularly sensitive, it is not because beryllium accumulates there. If beryllium dust is breathed in it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and carries to other sites in the body, generally to the bone, where it concentrates... there are no cases on record of people being deliberately poisoned with beryllium compounds..." All of which may just indicate how wise the CIA was in identifying it as a potential assassination "tool" back in the '50s.

    Greg: I agree, I don't believe the above conditions are described in Ruby's autopsy, at least as far as black spotting , dark pigmentation, marbling etc.

    One would think Rose would have mentioned what he found, as possibly indicative of (pre) BLD.


  12. QUOTE

    Greg; I think the American Cancer Society would argue that "passive" or second hand smoke inhalation, indeed does cause, or at least puts you at risk for lung cancer, Ruby was definately exposed to that in a nightclub. Ruby was riddled with metastatic tumors, including lymph system invasion, which makes it harder to determine point of origin. Rose does not state exactly where site of origin occured. He just states immediate cause of death as- Pulmonary emboli, secondary to bronchiolar carcinoma of the lungs.

    Whats your opinion?


    Bill, little doubt that "passive" smoking is a risk factor in lung cancer - just not small cell carcenoma - which is the type Ruby had (ie the type that spreads). Anthracosis is not cancer, and I have found nothing suggesting "passive" smoking can cause it. In fact, what the literature does say is that it only ever leads to lung cancer when the person is a long-term smoker.

    That Rose does not state point of origin is interesting. I thought it had been determined by Parkland doctors before death (they were investigating point of origin, acording to newspaper accounts. Might be misremembering that they succeeded). Doesn't matter much to my theory. The beryllium usually stores itself in bone and from there, once released, may end up causing tumors in any organ.

    Doh! I gotta stop posting first thing in the morning before coffee. Although not stated explicitly, Rose does in fact indicate it started in the lungs by describing all other tumors as metastatic (secondary).

    I'd also like to reiterate the importance of the anthracosis. Unless someone can show "passive" smoking is a risk factor for this, it's presence is - according to the lierature - limited in cause to coal dust or heavy polution. We really need someone with experience in forensic medicine to look at the autopsy report alongside Ruby's known lifestyle and health history.

    Maybe we should be looking at the symptoms of Black Lung Disease?

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