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Herb White

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  1. Thanks Trent. I am inclined to agree with you - however, most of the experts I contacted about this believe this is simply wind in the bushes. I don't. The only confimation I ever received was tenuous at best. I once stumbled upon someone who claimed to have witnessed a film taken from perhaps this location - based upon the description provided [TSBD doorway in background, etc] - that's all I managed to get. I didn't see the film, and I have no way of knowing if this person was credible. That's how it goes. Here's a crop - thanks to Robin Unger - this was one of his high quality frames. I interpolated it, cropped this section, and slightly tweaked it. Now I know what the wind looks like anyway. - lee LOL! Thanks for sharing what the wind looks like! Although I am sure there is some issue involving physics, line of sight, or a previously unknown presence of a large fan in this area, the "it's just the wind" opinion is somewhat weak in my eyes. The reason for this is that this wind seems to be blowing east to west, at the same speed of the limo. Now, with just a quick study of the video, that seems to be the only place that the wind is blowing in that direction. The first thing I looked for was truly noticeable movement in clothing or hair by people in the crowd, but this is difficult to see, even if it is there. No luck. The next reference I used was the flags on the front of the limo, and using this could be deceiving, because they will inevitably move with the movement of the limo. However, it appears possible that even with that movement, the flags do seem to be waving a little to the north side of Elm. Inconclusive, but it appears that way to me. The next reference is the lady next to the Stemmons sign on the North side of Elm. She has that white handkerchief on her head which is definitely appearing to be blown in a North to Northwest direction. Although neither of these is conclusive, it does give at least a possible direction of the wind at that time. However, the East to West direction of the wind in that area that I spoke of would seem to be obstructed by that wall immediately behind and the wall to the east of "the shooter" and his friend "the wind". I'm not ready to buy the "it's just the wind" theory yet. Does the figure appear to be wearing a (motorcycle type)helmet Lee?
  2. As always on a blowup of this frame it appears to be a tangential shot to the head from the right/side front with an exploding bullet. Oy Never have so many been confused by so few..... Actually: Never have so many fallen for and believed so much BS without some form of factual evidence to support it. Especially when ALL of the factual evidence contradicts such an assinine claim. Yes, it woud be so much easier to believe you and Mike Williams self important bloviating, than my lieing eyes. Far better to "bloviate" than to assume that I was born with some mystical ability to look at even a good photograph and thereafter decipher anything factual from it. Us pore ole "bloviating" country boys are therefore destined to base our determinations on the forensic; ballistic; pathological; and actual physical evidence. My God!---------Is not that how the true criminal investigators actually do it also????????? Except of course those on the TV programs who utilize all of those who are born with great mystical abilities. Tom P.S. It is not your eyes that are lieing to you. It is merely a severely misguided portion of your cerebral capacity that has you convined that you have "crystal ball" abilities. And by the way, it's a bit strange to lecture on cerebral capacity, when a "pore" ol country boy can't spell poor.
  3. As always on a blowup of this frame it appears to be a tangential shot to the head from the right/side front with an exploding bullet. Oy Never have so many been confused by so few..... Actually: Never have so many fallen for and believed so much BS without some form of factual evidence to support it. Especially when ALL of the factual evidence contradicts such an assinine claim. Yes, it woud be so much easier to believe you and Mike Williams self important bloviating, than my lieing eyes. Far better to "bloviate" than to assume that I was born with some mystical ability to look at even a good photograph and thereafter decipher anything factual from it. Us pore ole "bloviating" country boys are therefore destined to base our determinations on the forensic; ballistic; pathological; and actual physical evidence. My God!---------Is not that how the true criminal investigators actually do it also????????? Except of course those on the TV programs who utilize all of those who are born with great mystical abilities. Tom P.S. It is not your eyes that are lieing to you. It is merely a severely misguided portion of your cerebral capacity that has you convined that you have "crystal ball" abilities. The list of things that have been determined by looking at good photographs is just about endless. No mystical ability required...just an open mind. No problem using forensics, ballistics etc., but when they are possibly tainted, or dozens of differing views on them are out there, from many differing sources, some good some dubious, I have my doubts yours have any more validity. Oh, I guess a whiz bang criminal investigator like yourself could show me his badge and impress me, but only if it didn't come out of a cereal box. And, unlike many others, I never said I was convinced about anything if you read my original statement.
  4. As always on a blowup of this frame it appears to be a tangential shot to the head from the right/side front with an exploding bullet. Oy Never have so many been confused by so few..... Actually: Never have so many fallen for and believed so much BS without some form of factual evidence to support it. Especially when ALL of the factual evidence contradicts such an assinine claim. Yes, it woud be so much easier to believe you and Mike Williams self important bloviating, than my lieing eyes.
  5. As always on a blowup of this frame it appears to be a tangential shot to the head from the right/side front with an exploding bullet.
  6. The statements of Gordon Arnold preceding the release of the images of Badgeman in Moorman.
  7. While far from being a firearms expert I do have enough experience firing weapons with friends to know that simultaneous shots, or nearly so, can be mistaken for one shot easily. When one takes into consideration the acoustics of Dealey Plaza, the various locations of witnesses, the real possibility of spotters and radio controlled volleys and sound suppressors the number of shots is very difficult to determine imo. Herb, With all due respect silencers are really a bunch of hooey. Even with today's technology suppressors on high powered rifles still emit sound over 100dB. In an area the size of DP there is hardly a need for radio volleys etc. A well laid plan is a single shooter, well trained and armed. We have no evidence of any of that. Mike Mike, I only mentioned silencers because they have been brought up in the past. I do not believe they would have been employed for various reasons, but wouldn't rule them out. Some have postulated pistols were involved, which considering the distances from certain points is a possibility I assume. And they can be more effectively silenced. The other points I raised are what makes the number of shots unanswerable in my opinion. There is some evidence that supports teamwork. If a well laid plan is a single shooter, well trained and armed then it makes sense to me thattwo or more of the same would incresae the odds of successs. If the planning is done professionally, then I wouldn't think the chances of being caught would increase significantly. The quote, and I may be paraprhasing "if you set out to kill the king, you better make damn sure you're successful" always rang true for me if it was a group of powerful conspirators, which I believe. Herb, The amount of skill to make a pistol shot like this is far above the skill one would need with a rifle. It is an error to believe that pistols are more effectively suppressed. This comes from all the silencers we see in movies and in military history, they are, almost exclusively .22 caliber. With an HPR the increase in caliber also makes an increase in noise with a silencer. If we are to consider that a .308 is a significant rifle, then we have to consider that a .380 pistol is not. Even though the pistol is larger caliber. Mike, Come on. You're swatting at flies and ignoring the elephants. I only said pistols were a possibility. but a 22 can be very lethal and accurate depending on the bullet and skill of the shooter. And I assume one would make certain of that if looking for marksmen. Without going into detail here one can google silenced weapons of the 1960's and find all the information one wishes by various experts. Bottomline....silencers can't be ruled out. My main points were the possiblity of volleys, the variable acoustics of DP and the location of the witnesses.
  8. While far from being a firearms expert I do have enough experience firing weapons with friends to know that simultaneous shots, or nearly so, can be mistaken for one shot easily. When one takes into consideration the acoustics of Dealey Plaza, the various locations of witnesses, the real possibility of spotters and radio controlled volleys and sound suppressors the number of shots is very difficult to determine imo. Herb, With all due respect silencers are really a bunch of hooey. Even with today's technology suppressors on high powered rifles still emit sound over 100dB. In an area the size of DP there is hardly a need for radio volleys etc. A well laid plan is a single shooter, well trained and armed. We have no evidence of any of that. Mike Mike, I only mentioned silencers because they have been brought up in the past. I do not believe they would have been employed for various reasons, but wouldn't rule them out. Some have postulated pistols were involved, which considering the distances from certain points is a possibility I assume. And they can be more effectively silenced. The other points I raised are what makes the number of shots unanswerable in my opinion. There is some evidence that supports teamwork. If a well laid plan is a single shooter, well trained and armed then it makes sense to me thattwo or more of the same would incresae the odds of successs. If the planning is done professionally, then I wouldn't think the chances of being caught would increase significantly. The quote, and I may be paraprhasing "if you set out to kill the king, you better make damn sure you're successful" always rang true for me if it was a group of powerful conspirators, which I believe.
  9. While far from being a firearms expert I do have enough experience firing weapons with friends to know that simultaneous shots, or nearly so, can be mistaken for one shot easily. When one takes into consideration the acoustics of Dealey Plaza, the various locations of witnesses, the real possibility of spotters and radio controlled volleys and sound suppressors the number of shots is very difficult to determine imo.
  10. Thanks for the headsup Bernice, sounds like an interesting read. Wonder why someone would write such a book though, when Mike Williams seems to have the ballistics completely figured out.
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