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Maarten Coumans

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Everything posted by Maarten Coumans

  1. Hi Ryan, I find the same scene in Z259. But the forehead of Connelly seems out of place. Image of... is darker. Has pickles. Shows not the object. Shows only in JFK (that is why I wanted to wait) The things you said have puzzled me as well, for quite a while. Back to what you said. A bullet that size would exit on the other side, and smuther/hit Jackie: IF! My best guess is, it is a bullet from a silenced gun. Those things do not travel that fast. At a max of 18 m/frame as it leaves the barrel. Anything faster, you have a sonic boom from the bullet. Air-resistance etc. diminishing speed. If could ever capture a bullet on film, it would be one of those. Another one: by reducing the speed, for instance, in half, the energy is reduced to a quart!!!! Still going through the head? Headshot: YES. Through the head: NO. WHY: Leaves exit wound, additional evidence (need to look for matter, and the bullet. And more difficult to hide for autopsy's, and X-ray's), as well might hit unsuspecting bystanders, or Jackie. Now the evidence should travel with John to the hospital. They declare him dead (bring the bad news, and get stuffed with paperwork), and the body is captured before autopsy. Next the ear: Too wrinkled. IMO. And perhaps you know the Dutch band Golden Earring. They had an album ".....CUT.....", on the cover was a playing card, Jack of diamonds, as it was ...cut... by a bullet, (bullet) still visible in the frame/foto. This was done in a studio etc..... Still. As well, STILL: IF Ryan, U sniper? Maarten
  2. Well, This is a picture from Loose Change 2nd. Where I said it flowered in every direction To me more consistant with an explosion, than a collision at 500Mph, or 800 km/hr. The other part is just a couple of feet away. Collision at 800km/hour... A couple of feet away...... Actually the same collision should be with this one: <<no more web-space>> I'll describe. The taxi with broken windshield. Wheels to his left turned. A main piece of lamppowl in front of bumper. To the left. In front of the right bumper lies a half lamp. The other half + a length of the powl lies on the passenger-side. Now I find it suspicious to find that amound of glass in front of the car, next to the iron rail. That could not have happened at 800 km/hr impact with lamppowl glass against wing. If a cut, that would look differend. The alternativ thing I come up with is: they unbolted/exploded the base, let the powl fall. It breaks the glass of the lamp in a not to big area. Next is the lamppowl cut or exploded, and spread around. And I assume then was the car skid into place. I was not there. Furthermore compare to the lamppost the Bush Sr's flight had hit on approach. No sign of the lamp itself. That was slower than 800km/h. Next the tree: Loose Change again 2nd, 11 minutes+ I came across: It is the tree in front of the fire truck. In the moving images it is more clear. It can even be seen in Jack's picture, but takes real work. I would recomend the moving pictures. Better because of the smoke. With regards to smutty language, I would like to rephrase. There were a lot of camera's, not all in the property of the Pentagon. Nothing to do with Pentagon. Not even AIMED at the Pentagon. But would provide footage to substanciate their findings. I consider it injust to hang on to an official story, because they say it is the only story. That is upside down. For the flashes I saw from Camera 1 (file 1/2) at 1.28. Camera 2 (File2/2) at 0.34. The times are taken from the player. Cannot miss. Maarten
  3. Jack wrote: "Is my photo-analysis faulty?" YES. Please correct, edit your posts. Mark........ Maarten
  4. With regard to Badgeman in Moorman. I believe to be a problem with line of sight. And I have to agree so. From the picture, I cannot imagine a clear line of sight towards Kennedy, let allone for 313. A couple of feet further, may mean a big improvement. If only Kennedy would sit still ......mmm.. This one is for Ryan Crowe: "A bullet can be seen in the Z-Film? please show me this......." I am trying to be carefull. Please read my posts, not what you read via via. I wanted to save this for later. But here it goes. Of course highly speculative: This one comes from JFK. It is hard to tell, but at autopsy's I can see an outline of a hole through the top part of the right ear. IMO. I though I had a better one. But you get the idea. See below That is one, I think What do you think? Maarten
  5. Mr. Valenti, Why do you take this so personal. Did I step on your toes? Remarks like: "If that is a dent in the car, when did it get there? Is it a bullet strike? Or a pebble from the street? Did somebody throw a rock? Or if it is a dent, was it there earlier?" I heard earlier. From someone else...... " Or a pebble from the street?"........... Come on ........ You godda be kidding. For the rest, do your own homework. For everyone else. I was trying to find members who had any additional info on, wheather or not. Since a bunch of serious people struggling with a trunk, may be remembered. Maarten
  6. Mr Valenti, To go into your questions: "A: If there really is liquid on the ground - it might just be a shadow" Shadows do not reflect light. Absence of light. "B: If the liquid is water or radiator cooling fluid or rain from earlier in the day" Since the sun has been shining for at least 1.5 hrs (I said 2.5, sorry for that. Still, makes not much difference), so I can rule out "rain from earlier that day." C: Which liquid may have dried and which is still on the ground. ????? And: "And under NO circumstances can you see a bullet zipping past JFK in the Z-film. It's impossible. " That is fine by me. I think different. But that is a different threat, same person. Confused??? Finally: "Nor can you tell if the limousine has been hit by a bullet in any particular place." Seems clear to me. Maarten
  7. Being an ambulance area, or basically a human loading dock, it would be very unusual if there *wasn't* oil and fluids on the ground. Also, do you have any other sources that say the trunk of the follow up car couldn't be opened? It really doesn't look like a bullet hit to me, but rather a reflection. JWK Hi, The thing I see is that the trunk on the right side, where it meets the bumber, I see a bend. This leads me to believe that the trunk is damaged. If there are reports (which I do not have, but looking for) describing a comic scene (something people remember) at the security car, it could/would confirm damaged trunk-> another bullet. Same with the chrome grill on the front. The security car was tight behind Kennedy's limo, during Elm. The only space big enough for a bullet to hit that part, is on the corner, or some after 313. When the driver remembers where the gas pedal is. Parkland: Of course there are oil-stains etc. But both pools of liquid seem to me too fresh. The sun had been shining for at least 2.5 hrs. And I assume the ambulance I see is in front of the Emergency entrance. So where the secudity car is parked in the picture is not a parking spot at all (blocking ambulance!). So the most of the spilling in the past had to be where the ambulance is now, and in parking spots/lots. Still too fresh IMO. The other pool, you may wonder. At the corner there is a charming young (dark hair) lady looking down in a pool of liquid. The Pres limo has been washed (hood is on), and the water spilled already nearly dried up. May seem insignigicant. But from forensic point it is important. That shoots 2 more bullets through the WR. Well, 25 more volumes to go. That is what I think. Maarten
  8. Hi, All I can say is what I described earlier. Go check for yourself. Look at the 3m30sec take. See a police car. Driver +passenger pull up. There is not time added in the pictures, so a bit of guessing (they say 1 frame per .5 second I believe). But the position of the sun did not seem so differend to each other. Making it a short timespan (even when cut). They disappear out of the picture. Well this is extremely odd. The 2 camera's filmed nearly the same angle/scene. One has an orange/yellow explosion with a white flash incorperated (during initial explosion), the other does not show that flash, only later. Very VERY intense. This flash does not show up on the earlier recording I talked about. After that the police-car can be seen driving to, what I believe to be the heli-pad. (not entirely allong P, "..curves to the right out of the picture" If he had nothing to do with it, he has the best timing in the world. And can they testify. Any testifimoties from on-duty police-men at the Pentagon? I am having a real hard time with those lamppowls. One of them has a strange thing. Where the powl is seperated, I see the metal flower in all directions. More consistand with an explosion, than with a high speed impact. IMO. Furthermore I see a corbonised (tatally burned black) tree in front of the Pentagon. That has not even been trimmed by the wings. Next point: what wings, where? Brings me to another. There are xxxxLOADS of camera's over there. Not all of them are military secret, or -owned. Yet no images are released from them. I am not sure wheather the Police guards the Pentagon, since it is military. I would say MP. Just a guess. To me the Official Story ...... not proven. Maarten
  9. HS! If you have bought the Groden DVD. You can see the 2(!!!) splices, and the missing frames-> Altered With regards to "we", Speak for yourself! Which headshot sequence do "we" know. Spectre's conclusion..... 1001 others. You sound as if you were not only there, but as well organized the whole show. So sure..... "Exactly"...... HS! Your mis-phrases are not a coincidence. Maarten.
  10. Hi, Anyone knows what is in the cloth rapping around the steel collums, laying in front. Seems to be wet, the steel is darker right from the edge of the wrapping. Cannot imagine Isolation. And it is nowhere near Christmas. (for Silverstein, maybe. And who knows else...) Here it is: I have some ideas. But like to ask first. Since I am not new with construction, but do not recognize at all for a finished building. Only from docu's with explosives, and that is to take down. But even then I think it is too thin. So combined with steel I would go for thermite, and blanket contains heat, and sparks (from view). I have the idea that the steel got real hot. But no sign of that on the cloth. Some cloth. Are there people who have an explenation for this? Or an explonation, or implonation, or maybe a thermi(te)nation. Thanks in advance. Maarten
  11. Hi, I saw a police-car drive throught the gates prior to explosion. Stayed out of picture till after explosion, and flash. Then suddenly drives allong the Pentagon, to curves to the right out of the picture. To me it looks odd, police leaving a scene, as well as arriving prior to one. But I am not American. My guess is they wanted a car there to block traffic, to finish the make-up (lamppowls and stuff). They would be a witness, one way or the other........ . My guess the latter. At least there should be a record of this car's whereabouts. Maarten
  12. Hi Pat, That fluid may have to do with a damaged radiator, as shown in the 2nd McIntire foto. Where the security car has left the plaza. and has a hole in the chrome grill. I consider the trunk unopenable, after the deforming of a shot. Those guys walking up there with clothes, would have a real hard time with the trunk. Must have looked like "The three Stooges." Loadsa people watching, must have looked real funny. Wonder if there is any record on that? Or on the fluid on the ground. I have a clip where I can see someone carry clothes into the Pres.Limo. at the airport. Put between driver and passenger. Connelly stands in the car welcoming Jackie, as John is playing hide-and-seek with security. Or a nice editing. Maarten
  13. Lee Foreman wrote: "'Did you retrieve the 'pellet?'" No silly, too young . Did you? The reason I came up with that spot, was a frame in Zapruder. That shows up on all copies. Except on image of..... . (Strange, happens more.), where I take a position that some of the bullets can be spotted in the image. Note: not all. Not all scratches are bullets, or vice versa. A silenced bullet (sub-sonic) travels at approx 18 meter per frame (330/18.3) depending on air-pressure For this I compare for instance witness testimony "His ear, just blew off" with autopsy. His right ear is hanging, only attached to the face. And I see small hole(s) through the ear. That I find back in white blobs after Kennedy emerges behind roadsign. An X-ray if his upper-body and neck shows a dislocated disc at his neck. I think this has happened around emerging. He looks a bit toward Zapruder, and his head sinks between his shoulders. (IMO he was nearly dead) In the frames hereafter, I can only see movement caused by the limo, and possible bullets. Making his head tumble in all directions. Well to make a long story short. I think to see a bullet pass between John and Jackie at 323. Landing just in the edge of the grass, I think. (Everybody has JFK, so can look it up) I think to find confirmation in a man doing early foto analysis, a colour-technique to find fractures in steel. He made card-board cut out in layers to duplicate a 3D image of the remains of Kennedy's head. Ending up being all confused, and concluded to a shot from the sewer (??? not my cup a tea). His troubles had to do with timing. I mean, we all assume we see badgeman firing (could be the sunlight from under his elbow reflected from background), because Moorman reacted to a (his) shot. This is where I divert. IMO 313 was from fence (right-front), 323 was from behind Arnold (right, but miss). I think thàt to be consistand with the researcher's findings. "A couple of feet down the road. But then Moorman was in the wrong spot. I could not make everything fit." (Well that last bit.... get used to it.)A couple of feet down the road, comes to about 10 frames? Half a second? As well as Arnold still standing at the time of the Moorman-foto, to me his camera is still aimed. Perhaps wishfull thinking on my part. From foto's after, I know there was a lot of digging at least around the sewer lit. A police-man standing guard as evidence was "propperly processed", see below. Not the spot I referred to.... helas, or not. Maarten
  14. Hi all, To make clear, I know you can hear a silenced bullet. Trust me. (I got the hell out of dodge. I'd describe it as a bumble-bee) And from Arnold describtion I understand he was real close. And military trained, so familiar with gunshots (has to be). And I consider his reaction to be natural, if not trained to do so. But I have seen just one interview with him, and that did not become very clear to me. Some may have seen other interviews, where his words are slightly differend/ more specific. Just to be carefull, and trying not to kill the threat. This gun fits my findings very much. Maarten
  15. Sorry John, I have to agree with your conclusion, not being the same. For this I Looked at his ear. Since ears are as unique as fingerprints. I see too many differences, so must agree with earlier verdict. Au. Maarten
  16. Hi, Sorry Pat, for misreading your post. Thanks for starting the topic. This picture has my interest for a differend reason. Could that be cooling fluid laying on the ground, in front of the people carrying the clothes. As well I think I see a impact of a bullet. The trunk of the Security Car. To the right middle of the logo. Would be a huge miss. Wonder if there are more clues (misses) to be found on/in the security car. Maarten
  17. I agree with you, Jack. I consider a hit from that (badgeman-) position after 313, with the reduced headmass, result in a bullet-through. That would almost certainly have hit Jackie somewhere. The doubter is playing up again. If the rifle was silenced, how come Arnold reacted so to it. As I recall he reacted to the noise (shot), and dropped to the ground (described by senator Yarborough). Does not add up with a silencer. IMO. For your information, the rifle described, except from above, would fit REAAAAAL nice. Try to describe that to DP. They have a straight-jacket waiting. One less witness to worry about. Maarten
  18. Hi John, Could this be him? From "A revisionist History ." Maarten
  19. Especially to John Dolva, I found something interesting in an autopsy from the left side of the face of Kennedy. I suspect the top red circle to be a piece of skull, that is sticking through the scalp. The bottom red circle surrounds a suspicious piece. It seems to me longer than his hair, and more smooth. I consider it to be a piece to hold the head together for a better picture. It curls in a simular fashion as I pointed out in the autopsy X-rays (I described it as office-tape ). I think you can see it here in a normal foto. The ear is not where it should be(should be closer to front of the face). I think he is having a hair-piece on his hairline. Maarten
  20. Hi, I came across some captures I made earlier from Dealy plaza, because of things I find suspicious. And I think, they fit the topic nice. Here they are: This is what I see. The print is not very clear, but I think to see a bi-pod under the rifle-barrel the tall police-man is carrying. Hard to make out. I think it is a rifle because of the length of the barrel. ( I first thought it was a bajonet, or silencer extending the barrel ) At the right I see a police-car in front of TSBD, at the driver side I see a rifle leaning against the open door. It almost reaches the roof of the car. And has, what I think, a thickening on the barrel. This is in front of the TSBD, not Dal-Tex, sorry for that. But they are located close together. On the suspicious side. Are they shotguns? Are they standard police-equipment? My guess on both is: NO. My knowledge on fire-arms is very small. So I cannot provide info on their origin or make. I consider a bi-pod in the Dal-tex usefull, because it provides freedom to move, and stabillity, yet does not mean changing the room much. Less clean up-work. Just pick up the casings, and get the ______ out. Nobody knew you were there........ Maarten
  21. Hi Chuck, I disagree with your conclusion that there is not a rifle. In Z175 my interpretation is that I can see the shoulder bit of a rifle catch a bit of sunlight. In the frame, from the middle of the shadow, diagonally to left below. As well as there is a individual standing next to the shadow in the bushes. His head is not visible because of the leafs in front. Apart from the obvious questions asked as before, there may be additional stuff pointing that direction. For this I captured a frame showing the shirt of JFK. And ask you to check autopsy's for your own findings. My interpretation, as shown, that the lumps on Kennedy's shoulder are bullets. See image below. As bullets, I used WC-CE399 twice. You can blame me for that. But fits nice, I think. I consider the chance of two bullets fired, to end up neatly next to one another, expremely slim ("Slim is my middle name."). Yet that is what I believe to see. If I look at the foto regarding Kennedy's back, measuring the entrance hole, I can see two bullet-paths from the spine leading to that top shoulder, and even cross one another. ( I only describe, I was born in 1970 ) I think the direction clearly shows leading back to that corner. A couple of things I can clearly observe from the shirt image. The blood is dark red and lots on the shoulder. Meaning Kennedy was not fatally struck when the injury occured. Dead men do not bleed. Blood gathering in the wound, before heart stops beating. As Kennedy falls into Jackie's lap, and she lays her hand on his right shoulder, the wound must have burst on the shoulder-side. This soakes the shoulder path of the shirt horizontally (to the neck). Otherwise (Kennedy is still sitting up) , more of the blood would stream down. That part of the shirt is easier to colour since it consists of one layer of fabric. The shoulder has more layers. If the wounds happened after Z313 it would not bleed that much, in addition to the impossible angle of course. I can rule out blood from the head, because of the jacket covering, and the colour. Kennedy fell to the left after 313. He did not take his jacket off his shoulder from what I could see, before Z313. With regard to the bullet I used in the picture. I think it is not a coincidence they fit so nicely. Along the trajectory they do not meet dense objects, yet fired. A watertank-shot would result in less damage, anything else would result in more (cotton, sand etc.). Because of the short distance (cannot miss ..... ) I consider the use of bullets with less powder would be very much desired for that corner. Since they do not leave an exit hole, nice small entrance wound (for normal autopsy's) easier to remove (for X-ray), and the drop of the bullet is not much over 5-10 meter. In addition to that, the sound would be quite differend to a fully load bullet. I think they tried to shoot simultaneous (not Miss) on que. Everybody in the crowd pointing somewhere else. Security confused. Ferrie's plan initially. I am going far for this one. I think WC CE-399 and HSCA CE-399 had a collision inside Kennedy, where the upcoming bullet pushed (torqued) the led to one side, and chipping off a bit of the copper casing on the other side, what ended up in the tip of HSCA CE-399. Like I said far...... There are some huge problems with other theories on CE-399. The amound of deforming (or lack of). A bullet is always weigh-centred both horizontal and vertical for a stable trajectory. A bullet with that much more led to one side would wobble in flight. Not very useful. The loss of copper at the base, according to someone in the military, is usually only seen when hitting something like hard wood. But then the tip does not match, would be curled back. Turning it into a very magic bullet. Apart from the difference in shape and size between the WC's, and HSCA's CE-399. It is easy enough to remove these bullets like a splinter before x-rays. That the Parkland docters payed no attention to his right shoulder is very clear, because of no life threatning wound (comp. to the head). In a sence it is equally important, to figure out why they do not show on x-rays. If it is medical ( like a pace-maker would show up for example), why remove? If it is what I say, and the shirt confirms that to me, removal would be very important, to limit the amound of guns that day. Less to investigate. Less to ignore. But from forensic-point of view, a crucial thing. That the bullet was not fatal, doesn't make it less of a criminal act. To shoot the president. People are locked away for joking in that direction. And to me a clear proof of more bullets, rifles. Eventhough I think I refind both CE-399's, but not on Connelly. Turning the magic-bullet-theory into a multiplying magic-bullet-theorie. Fertile bullets Odd. Maarten
  22. These capture pictures come from Groden DVD Assassination films. Maarten
  23. Referring to possible bullets on the shoulder, and a possible shooter on location 1. I would like to add to the picture showing the 2 possible bullet trajectories leading to the right shoulder. These bullets must have been modified, less gunpowder. The reason is that the path is way too short to lose that much energy, to stop at the shoulder. From assassin's point of view: At that distance, it would not make much difference for aiming. Further, it is a waste of energy, an exiting bullet. Leaves an exit wound, -evidence. And might hit a bystander, blowing the whole cover. As James Tague's wound complicated the Warren Commission's Single Bullet Conclusion. I came across this X-ray, where I think I see a ghost image of the bullets on the shoulder, appearing as one. I see it a little to the left of the arrow. I would expect sollid objects as bullets to appear more clearly on X-ray.The bones come out fine. And they are less dense, but closer to the plate. But if they are bullets, they may well have been the source for WC-CE399 and HSCA CE-399. And a beautifull explanation why they were in such fine condition, yet fired. I have seen a shot in ballistics gel (same density as human) and the bullet curles the fron t back, and travelled at least twice the distance as the distance neck-shoulder, as described earlier. And that was completely in the gel. The x-ray (potential) bullets only go through the surface, and perhaps some muscle. My guess, less dense, so less resistance. So should exit. And hit a bystander, unless well prepared. Well, according to James Files. He was ordered, 2 weeks in advance, to have Wolfman manufacture special rounds for his Fireball. According to him they changed the route at the last moment. Johnny got info from Ruby in Fort Worth. Back in Dallas Chuck takes James to the Plaza, and is asked the question. They decide on what location best for James, and what weapon. Has the loads already prepared. Would be sloppy to walk into a gunstore on the 22nd etc. Look how much effort James did to get into position. And the others must have done. These guys are pro's, well prepared. So reducing powder in some cartridges, preparing fragible bullets, faking ID's . Is not hard at all, for these kind of guys. Maarten.
  24. About the digitized Z-film. I have read about it, that there had been a closed door talk. And as a result was a agreed to a version. Meaning in CIA language. Not very encriminating. A kind of compromise. Something to do with money. Which is bogus of course. The real one would be worth it's weight in .... And could be sold for any amound ...... But would probably blow the case wide open. So compromise. I can see no reason why it would be more expensive to digitize 1 film (real original), than digitize 3 and mix them up. Like I said Bogus. The dropping of frames every 3 frames happens in JFK the same as in "An image of". So I assume they agreed on that one, since that one is already out. But that would compromize the Z-film's digitized version. Keeping the guessing game alive. Bommer. Any ideas John or anybody? Maarten
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