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Marco Koene

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Everything posted by Marco Koene

  1. Thank you! After the x-mas holidays i will certainly have a talk with my colleagues about this.
  2. The idea of circumventing the microsoft tax appeals to me. Together with some colleagues ( i always misspell this word, could somebody correct it for me please ) I have looked at alternatives for the common used software like Word etc. The alternative i was impressed by was staroffice. Sadly we had already payed for our licenses so this came to nothing. However we keep it in the back of our minds. I agree that we as 'technical persons' tend to keep the technologies to ourselves, but i also find that 'teaching' colleagues the use is a very long task. Worthwhile and very necessary, no mistake about that, but very time-consuming. This combined with the other tasks i have, eg teaching is many a time to much. Furthermore i feel that sometimes schools invest to much money in nice looking devices, such as interactive whiteboards, instead of what they really could use, like ,as Andrew wrote,a scanner or software to grab documents. This i feel is now slowly changing. The novelty is waring of. However with the rise of dvd, the demand for copiers has already started!!!
  3. Being the person in my school resposible for the integration of ict i agree with what you write. When we had computerrooms the use was very low. Some years ago we decided to equip every classroom with at least 4 pc's. The use has gone up! For 2004 the plans are to give every teacher the use of a laptop in his classroom. This combined with the use of two multimedia projectors I hope will increase the use even more.
  4. Here in my school in the Netherlands( Veurs College) some of my colleagues are thinking of going.
  5. Well according to this website J.D. stand indeed for Jefferson Davis. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._D._Tippit But if it is a reliable source... i do not know.
  6. I see nobody has volunteered yet for this part of the forum. If you are still looking, i'm volunteering!
  7. Hello Anders, best of luck with your part of the forum! Best wishes Marco
  8. Of course, go to community.eun.org Then look for: I on Europe This is a closed community and if interested I can provide temporary access.
  9. Misschien een idee om contact te zoeken met de managers van de vakcommunities op kennisnet? Maar ik neem aan dat je daar ook al aan gedacht had
  10. At the moment I am administrator for an EUN community for teachers from all over Europe. The membership of that community is more than 150. Even the structure is very similar (subjects etc). Perhaps there can be some co-operation between our two forums/communties? Please let me know what you think.
  11. At the moment I am administrator of an eun community with more than 150 members from all over europe. One of the topics we are discussing is the use (or not using) of ict in the classroom. I am curious at the experiences of the members here.
  12. Hallo Nico, veel succes met dit forum. Ik heb er in ieder geval hoge verwachtingen van. Mvg Marco
  13. A very interesting site regarding this subject I think. They have done many project regarding e-learning. www.ict-edu.nl
  14. Just a site I came across. Maybe useful for your aviation project? http://www.cals.lib.ar.us/miller/
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