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Marco Koene

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Everything posted by Marco Koene

  1. Mee eens daarom hebben wij de vakken als zodanig ook afgeschaft! Meer weten? Kijk in Debates in education, Natural Learning.
  2. Is it possible for me to get acces as well, just as an observer?
  3. I ,for one, only give homework when appropriate. I do not see the relevance of giving it every lesson. Only the students facing their exams get huge amounts of questions to answer at home. This is mainly to prepare them for their final exam in which they have to answer apprx 40 questions is a relative small amount of time.
  4. I have noticed some Dutch students are entering parts of the forum which are designated for teachers.( notably the Dutch language section) Why is that? Are they part of the debate group like Richards students?
  5. Doesnt this take a lot of space on your harddrive?
  6. It is indeed a beautiful website. I do not doubt the use of mac computyers in art but ask myself if it is cost effective. At this moment I am busy setting up a small video editing project and have decided to use the pc instead of the mac. Why? Because yes the mac is better but the pc can be easily used for other purposes as well in the school.
  7. In theory yes, but considering the sometimes dismal circumstances in art education I feel they can use there money for other more pressing matters. A mac is the standard in profesional printing etc but for a school....
  8. Dat ben ik met je eens. Ikzelf vraag mij nog steeds het nut af van alle leerlingen een laptop. Dat ding is natuurlijk niet zaligmakend! Ook dat ben ik met je eens, mijn eigen school is daar het levend bewijs van! Ik heb de vraag gesteld om in ieder geval een reactie los te krijgen. Dat is gelukt.
  9. My efforts also failed, try again tomorrow from a school pc. Maybe that will work?
  10. Would they need to specifically ask about this in order to 'study'it Yes Is the plan to keep the students in same age classes or to mix the ages groups? We want to mix the age groups, we are already doing it with small groups but as soon we get more different yeargroups we mix them. Now they are only one year apart, so not big a difference Thridly is the goal to help students become more able to cope with the work place or are you aiming to make your students generally more well rounded human beings. What is the ethos behind your college? We are aiming at both things you mentioned. Personally i feel that when they are more well rounded humans the work place also becomes easier to deal with. But the main object is making our students better prepared for a fast changing society
  11. Yes they will, at that is the right of every generation. But isn't it the historian who makes the history? I think a venture of compiling a textbook based on universal values is challenging. As Ulrike pointed out some basic values appear in almost every major religious/philosophical text. The trouble with Europe is perhaps that we are 'forced'into a common history that does not exist. But that does not necessary mean it cannot exist in the future. To much time people spent at pointing at differences between themselves, why not look at what they have in common.
  12. You are absolutely right! Some resistance fighters from WW2 still have a hard time talking about what they have expierenced.
  13. Why not use Illusion software? It restores the pc to its the programmed settings each time it starts up. At my school pupils can put software on it when they finish at the end of the day, no troublesome program stays behind, Illusion deletes it! Of course the software they need to complete assignements etc. we provide
  14. Well I would like to suggest you have a look at the thread on natural learning. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=156 More than willing to answer any questions that might surface
  15. Problem is that forums are also very open to 'attack'. As moderator you have hard work keeping everything in order.
  16. Actually I have. And this quote from Andy tells their answer. Especially the part dealing with tolerance might interest you? Tolerance for eachother and eachothers viewpoints.
  17. I just had my first attack (well one i was aware of) I use avast anti virus software and it works very well Avast
  18. Also a useful site: Symantec
  19. Ik heb IST te Toulouse bezocht en van wat ik daar zag was ik danig onder de indruk. (Niet alleen van de mooie omgeving )Wel moet er worden aangetekend dat het hier om een priveschool gaat met grote financiele middelen. Iedereen een laptop is leuk maar is het ook doeltreffend? Is het klassikale lesgeven zijn langste tijd eigenlijk niet voorbij?
  20. My students, in the natural learning concept , are already "blending" . It is the most logic way to go I think. For them it is not a matter different education, it is just everyday school. They choose themselves when they want to use a computer ,when to make a film etc etc etc
  21. Wat moet er allemaal veranderen in het onderwijs in Nederland?
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