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Marco Koene

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Everything posted by Marco Koene

  1. Waar zou dit forum voor gebruikt dienen te worden?
  2. When I log in with Mr Koene I cannot log out!!?? Emptying my cache memory does not help. What i do is restart my browser and hope for the best Help, oscour!
  3. Last year, as part of a study visit to Helsinki , I met Ruth Vilmi (do not think she will remember it )! Small world. I must say i was greatly impressed by her work.
  4. The 'crime' and the 'punishment' must be balanced. Becoming as 'evil' as your attacker is never a good thing, i feel. Question remains if firestorms or a-bombs must been seen as punishment tools or 'just' tools of war. The idea perhaps being We have it, why not use it?
  5. Marco Koene


    I have a wireless network as well at our school. Only used for laptops by the teachers. These 5 laptops work reasonably well. Only problem is the structure of the building. The signal doesnt reach some places due to the material of the building.
  6. Marco Koene


    Thanks! I will keep a look out around our school.
  7. Marco Koene


    Aha! i never heard of that! Graham, thanks for explaining. Does anyone now a website with more information on this?
  8. No problem, i enjoy most of Leon uris his works. I have read Exodus and The Haj and must say that in the haj both sides of the conflict get a more balanced view. It tends to be less one sided, at least from my viewpoint.
  9. Marco Koene


    I do not understand this term. Could someone please explain it?
  10. I will, but how can they bring charges when the server eg is in another country?
  11. Well so far it is quiet on the mydoom front! At least where i am at. How is everybody else?
  12. Leidschendam ligt in het westen
  13. Please read The Haj (New York 1984) by Leon Uris.
  14. One mans freedomfighter is the other mans terrorist. However there is in my opinion a difference between tanks from an invading army and busses full of innocent passengers.
  15. The first victim of war is the truth. Dresden a war crime? Probably but isn't war a crime in itself?
  16. Martin Luther King jr was in my opinion very close to a saint. However his image today and his reality back then differ. This is only human. Politics is about interests. What can be good to one group of people is maybe not good for the other group. in politics good and bad is most definetly a matter of on which side you are on. People like Mahatma Ghandi, martin Luther King and nelson mandela are all had a common goal; to deliver a people from oppression. This is what i would call a single goal (not diminishing the enormous efforts necessary to reach that goal, or the sacrifices it took). Politics is about serving multiple goals all at the same time. It is not black or white but gray. MLK never 'ruled' in the political sense (holding public office) and therefore we can never determine how he would have ruled. We know how he served his people in life and in his untimely death. To be humane in politics is ,in my opinion, almost impossible. Being humane might look to be the best course but perhaps in the later run it only damages the people who elected or put their fate in that person. Being humane to one can mean being inhumane to the other.
  17. I agree, it is the way I have been working for some years now and students get better results. However they also tend to ask more obvious questions like Student: i cannot find the answer. Teacher: have you read your book? Student: book?
  18. I still cannot seem to register!!! And i am almost in favor of using MS product in the classroom. Well they are about the loose a customer.
  19. In the Netherlands we do have regular muslim schools and some people here are very concerned about what is being taught. However my point of view is that every type of education should be availbe for interested persons. Why allow christian schools and no muslems schools?
  20. Marco Koene


    At the moment wireless networks are getting good results. How many school are already having these? At my school we have it for laptops, for desktops there would be not much use i think. Has anybody any experiences with wireless networks and do you see them 'catching'on?
  21. I agree with the dialogue part. Talking to students about the possible hazards is very worthwhile. Most of them do not realize the dangers. The ones that do cannot be stoped by any filter anyway.
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