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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. The WC determined the time between the 1st and 3rd shots, document CE560 as 5.5 sec. If I had to keep a specific time frame in mind of 5.5sec, in terms of a larger picture(scenario with more frames@24 frames per sec), I might have to cut out the equivalent at some point. The WC starts the extant Zfilm frame count at 133. The first 132/24frames per sec = 5.5sec.
  2. 30.2ft in terms of 3.74mph is: 30.2ft/5.49ft per sec = 5.5seconds 5.5seconds = the WC determined time between shots 1and 3. As you can see, these numbers are all part of the equation. Everything in sync for a certain amount of time. chris
  3. This might help a little. Let me backfill some of the info for those interested. The distance between Z313 and Z351(last frame in my original comparison video)= 30.2ft chris
  4. Larry, Yes, a certain amount of frames were removed within the film. Remember, when a car slows down, regardless of the frame rate it is being filmed at, more frames are created. The difference is what we are after. Your geometry is good. Think about the different angles created by moving laterally west, up in the TSBD, in relation to the extant shot locations on Elm St. The WC had to keep things synced/timed using the snipers nest as the pivot point. What I move at street level, I will have to move up high, accordingly. This way, I can make you believe a shot which happened further west, say Z351(Altgens spot) occurred actually at Z313. That's not the only shot which would disappear, either. But gee, the extant film tells me otherwise. Guess what, films can be altered. Failure to understand this concept = a lifetime of research futility. Math is black/white. I am showing you the math that was used to create the WC masterpiece It appears you are finally grasping this. I can introduce more of the scenario, but the majority of people appear to get lost in the numbers. This is why I have purposely stayed away from the majority of testimony. The WC documentation tells you what happened, I'm just revealing their work. This is not a theory, this is their math, not mine. chris
  5. Did you ever wonder where the WC might have started their frame counting scheme? Well, we have final data CE884 May1964 plat with a starting point of Zframe168. So maybe somewhere around 168 frames earlier, they started their count. How about 169 frames over 50.7ft or the distance from Position A to Z168. That would make sense. 169frames/18.3fps = 9.23sec 50.7ft/9.23seconds = 3.74 mph Now once again folks, what is the speed of the limo at entry points Z168-171 on the CE884 1964 WC plat? For that matter, it's the same on the "preliminary" from Z161-Z166 =3.74mph Yes, 3.74mph. chris
  6. http://www8.zippyshare.com/v/41368353/file.html Let me tie this back up the street a little. The WC came up with a little measurement scheme to accommmodate their necessary changes. A position created as Position A was used as one of the measuring spots on Elm St. Using the distance differences between the included WC material, and referencing the CE884 comp. data charts supplied earlier, where the location change from Z161 to Z168 was implemented on the final May 1964 WC plat, one can come up with a distance between: Position A and Z168 of 50.7ft. That 50.7ft + approx the distance traveled in my "car deceleration" document 9.8ft = 60.5ft. The distance from the Z272lamp-post to Z351 Altgens position = 60.4ft The elevation of the 6th floor window ledge determined by the WC was 60.7ft. Does any one see the connection/commonality here? chris
  7. http://www10.zippyshare.com/v/76207570/file.html A car traveling at approx 15mph, hitting the brakes, appearing to stop with the transfer of momentum, frames being removed. Pay close attention to the distance traveled in this scenario. chris
  8. Red Shirt? Possibly the same person in Bell, through the trees. chris
  9. Hughes film. The limo is approaching the front of the TSBD. chris
  10. If I was working with a 24 frames per sec scenario and had to worry about the "Kodak film edge identification marks" repeating every 65 frames, I might at some point (a splice in film) make sure the "spliced in" frame included the initial Kodak film edge marking at the correct place. Something like this: Pre limo footage initial Kodak edge ID = Z92 Post limo footage initial Kodak edge ID =Z157 Limo in extant Zfilm starts at Z133. 24frames later, the splice to put the initial Kodak ID frame back into proper sequence. chris
  11. And, let me carry out 5.5 seconds in a little broader context. I showed you the plat in an earlier post with the distance marked between extant Z313-Z351(last frame in my comparative video) as 30.2ft That last frame indicating (JFK's position in the limo) in front of Altgens. 132frames/24frames per sec = 5.5sec. 30.2ft/5.5sec = 5.49ft per sec = 3.74 mph. chris P.S. The SS document CE875 provided tells us the last shot was approx 4ft short of Station#5+00. Which, in relevance with the previous equation, would be Station# 4+95.5 or 30.2ft from the extant 313 headshot.
  12. Brad, Please feel free to keep your comments posted. You are not interrupting in the least. I'm glad some of the folks are now starting to tie it back to the part of the film we do not have. This is another part of the equation that must be addressed. The WC determined the time between the 1st and 3rd shots, document CE560 as 5.5 sec. If I had to keep a specific time ratio of 5.5sec in terms of a larger picture(scenario with more frames@24 frames per sec), I might have to cut out the equivalent at some point. The WC starts the extant Zfilm frame count at 133. The first 132/24frames per sec = 5.5sec. chris Coincidence. I think not!!!
  13. Distances traveled are very important. SS recreation film shows a car that traveled the same distance in the same amount of frames as the extant Z limo did, at 24frames per sec. 218frames@196.5ft = 14.72mph average over that entire distance. Break it down into smaller splits. Z133-Z166 = 33frames @30.2ft traveled@24frames per sec. This split = 14.94mph, very close to the overall average of the SS recreation film Z133-Z351@24 frames per sec. Now look at CE884 and the entry for Z168-Z186, the initial 18 frames of the WC measurements. 18frames@21.6ft traveled@18.3frames per sec = 21.96ft per sec = 14.94 mph, which matches the Z133-166 24frames per sec scenario. So, on the extant Zfilm, does the limo appear to travel the same speed from Z133-Z186? chris P.S. Once again, 14.94mph broken down into frame pulling = car slows down to 3.735mph, remove very other frame, car now traveling 7.47mph, remove every other frame, car traveling 14.94mph. Or this way: 14.96mph(split averages) - 11.22mph (SS recreation film overall average Z133-Z351 using 18.3frames per sec) = 3.74mph
  14. Z313(extant head shot on film)-Z351(JFK directly in front of Altgens) = 30.2ft. Use the yellow curb marker as your guide. Z133-Z166 = 30.2ft chris
  15. And, a final excerpt from the excellent work provided by PaulRigby: 7) UPI (Dallas), “Movie Film Shows Murder of President,” Philadelphia Daily News, Tuesday, 26 November 1963, p.3 (4 star edition): An amateur photographer shot an 8-MM movie film that clearly shows, step-by-step, the assassination of President Kennedy. The film was made by Abraham Zapruder, a Dallas dress manufacturer. He is selling rights to the film privately. It has been seen by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Secret Service and representatives of the news media. It is seven feet long, 35 seconds in colour, a bit jumpy but clear. 486 total Z frames @18.3 frames per sec = 26.55seconds 24frames per sec /18.3frames per sec = 1.31 ratio 26.55sec x 1.31=34.79sec Quite possibly a full length 16mm/24frames per sec movie viewed by ? 35sec x 24 frames per sec = 840 total frames 34.79sec x 24fps = 835 total frames chris
  16. Thanks Brad, Douglas Horne has done a fabulous job. I might be able to contribute a little with this: This is an excerpt from Douglas Horn's research: The Two NPIC Zapruder Film Events: It could have happened this way—consider this: the extant film (that is, the assassination movie, not the Zapruder family scenes present on the two Secret Service copies) in the National Archives (not counting leader) consists of a strip of film 8 feet, 10 inches long (of which only 6 feet, 3 inches contains the imagery of the assassination film, and 2 feet, 7 inches is black, unexposed film with no image showing); then there is a physical splice; then there is a segment of black film." I would look at 8ft 10 inches in terms of total frames pertaining to a 16mm/24 frames per sec film. There are 40 frames per physical foot of film using 16mm film. 8ft 10 inches = 8.83ft 8.83ft x 40 frames per foot =353.2 frames The first supposed 132 frames are missing from the Z film. 353.2 + 132 = 485.2 frames Rounded to the next frame = 486 frames = extant Zfilm total chris
  17. Once again, dealing with time references. I know many are not fond of Paul Mandel either, but!!! Another excerpt from Rathers first TV interview: The car never stopped. The secret service man in the front seat had a telephone in his hand. The car...its acceleration increased rapidly and it disappeared under an underpass. Three shots - the first one hitting President Kennedy, the second one hitting Governor Connally, the third one hitting the President – consume, possibly, five seconds. Not much more than that, if any. Attached is the article from Mandel published in the Dec 6th 1963 edition of Life Magazine Mandel is under the impression he is counting frames from an 18.3 fps version. Just convert his total frames between 3 shots based on 24 frames per sec. 122frames/24frames per sec = 5.08 seconds Compared to Dan Rather's description of timing between shots, I 'd say they probably saw the same version.
  18. I know people are not too fond of Dan Rather, but if you can focus on what he says in terms of the film duration itself, you'll understand he described a version in transition most likely. The first part is an excerpt from Josiah Thompson: Meanwhile, back in New York, Life’s publisher viewed the copy obtained by Stolley and instructed Stolley to buy worldwide exclusive rights from Zapruder. On Monday morning, Stolley met with Zapruder and his lawyer and negotiated the sale to Life of worldwide rights for $150,000. As early as Tuesday or Wednesday, copies were ordered from the Life photolab by editors and began to circulate. In Chicago, a private lab made a 16 mm black and white copy for Life. In Washington, D.C., another private lab made a 16 mm black and white copy for the Secret Service. The Secret Service made additional copies of their copies and these were circulated to other law enforcement agencies. That Monday, Dallas secret service agents asked if they could use the 16 mm projector owned by the local CBS affiliate (KRLD) to view the film. They brought over the film in 16 mm format and Bob Huffaker projected it for them. Huffaker remembered that Dan Rather of CBS News was there to watch it with the agents. The second part is an excerpt from Dan Rather's first TV interview: That is the scene shown in about twenty seconds of film that the FBI has in its possession. The film was taken by an amateur photographer who was in a very advantageous position, and who had his camera trained on the President’s car from the time it made the turn in front of the assassin until it disappeared on its way to the hospital. This is Dan Rather in Dallas. Rather viewed a 16mm film approx 20seconds long. 24 frames per sec x 20.25seconds = 486 frames=total extant Z frames. chris
  19. Brad, The Impala is traveling at an average speed of 14.92 14.72 mph throughout the entire video. Not much variance, faster or slower (less than 3mph from the average) during the 133-351 frame span. I can list some time splits for you, but I don't think its really necessary. The film projector will play the frames at whatever the projector frame rate is set to. So if a projector is set to playback a film at 24frames per sec, then it would take a shorter amount of time to run it through, as opposed to playing the projector at 18frames per sec. Brad's question: To make the limo go faster to keep up with the '59 Impala means frames were removed from the Z-film to increase the limo's speed. Is this what you are demonstrating? Yes, if a car slows down while being filmed, there are more frames created that have to be dealt with. Knowing the formula used to determine the slowed down speed of the car is important and at what point they started pulling frames. Shaneyfelt never said anything about this reconstruction video. In fact, this 59 Impala part of the SS reconstruction is not on the SS version which includes movie credits. It is on a version which contains the same content without the credits, but with the Impala part added at the very end. It's as if this was not supposed to be released to the general public, and was created specifically for timing purposes. The snippet of the May 64 WC recreation is useless as a measuring tool. chris
  20. Brad, The recreation film was shot at 24 frames per second. The extant Zapruder film was supposedly shot at 18.3 frames per sec You can't have a car in 2 films travel the same distance, in the same amount of frames, unless the camera frame rate is the same in both. This is what i am showing. If you understand this concept, then you might understand the ratio 18.3frames per sec/24frames per second =.7625 To incorporate that ratio in this scenario would look like this: (Z133-Z351) 218 total frames/24frames per sec= 9.08 sec 196.5ft traveled/9.08 seconds = 21.64ft per sec = 14.72 mph Now, take the 18.3/24 ratio= .7625 and incorporate it into the 24 frames per second comparison SS video. Or, 14.72mph x .7625 = 11.22mph The WC average mph from Shaneyfelt's testimony for frames 168-313= 11.2mph chris
  21. This collage pertains to Jim Underwood. The bottom 2 film frames are from the SS recreation video . Jim Underwood (who worked for KRLD news) narrated and helped with the filming. The FBI file on the right side shows he usually shot 16mm films. Most likely used a Bell/Howell Filmo 16mm camera. chris
  22. btw, Here is a little snippet from the original. It will give you an idea where they cut/stopped the film, then started tracking the recreation car. It also shows the 3:2 pulldown speed (29.97fps) if your movie player lists this information after the conversion from film (24fps) to video format. If not, here is a picture of it from mine. chris
  23. Mark, I have attached them to the original post. chris
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